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Home with the Cowboy

Page 12

by Mary Sue Jackson

  Willa followed them to the big tree, and the three ate their sandwiches in its shade. Soon, Bobby’s eyelids grew heavy, and he fell asleep on the picnic blanket.

  “This was a good idea,” said Willa quietly. “Even if Bobby is too young to really fish.”

  Daniel frowned slightly. “You know, I never thought I’d marry or have kids, but lately, I haven’t been able to stop imagining going fishing with my son.” He gazed down at Bobby with a loving smile. “Who would’ve thought I’d end up becoming another father to my nephew and showing him how to fish? I wish Robert were here instead, but I guess this is as good as Bobby is gonna get.”

  Willa touched Daniel’s knee. “Hey, you’re doing a great job. I wish Robert and Stacey were here, too, but sometimes life throws us curveballs. Big, giant, terrible, tragic curveballs. It’s how you respond to them that matters. You could’ve said that you didn’t want Bobby at all.”

  “I’m not sure I should be patted on the back for basic human decency,” said Daniel dryly, “but thank you, all the same. I just hope I can live up to your expectations.”

  Willa was about to say that he’d more than lived up to her expectations when her pole went taut. Running to it, she began to reel in her catch, struggling a bit as the fish fought capture. Daniel came to stand behind her and helped her reel in the fish. When she lifted her catch from the stream—at least a ten-pound trout—Willa laughed aloud.

  “Look at this guy! I can’t believe there are trout this big in this stream.” She made sure to lie the fish down far enough from the water to keep it from flopping to freedom. She beamed up at Daniel. “I win! I told you I’d win.”

  “You did.”

  The moment turned quiet, and when Daniel leaned in to kiss her, Willa couldn’t help but feel how right it was for him to kiss her. His lips took hers with tenderness, but it soon turned into a kiss that made Willa want to strip out of her clothes and make love under the sunshine.

  Then again, maybe it wasn’t so great an idea to have sex in the grass where any number of bugs lived. She laughed a little at the thought.

  “You laughing at me?” said Daniel with a raised eyebrow.

  “No, never.”

  Daniel didn’t believe her, so he tickled her until she told him why she’d been laughing.

  “Beds are better for sex, anyway.” Daniel’s eyes gleamed with desire. “So how about we pack up and go home?”

  Willa nodded her assent. After they’d packed up the fishing gear, Daniel lifted the still sleeping Bobby into his arms and carried him home.

  Seeing Daniel’s tender side always made Willa want to drag him into bed. By the time Daniel had put Bobby in his crib to finish his nap, Willa threw herself into Daniel’s arms and kissed him hard.

  She dug her nails into his shoulders, wordlessly telling him that she wanted him rougher, faster, harder. She didn’t want tenderness and soft caresses right then. She wanted Daniel to take control and make her his.

  Primal desire flamed inside her, matched only by Daniel’s own lust for her.

  As Daniel kissed down along her neck, Willa said, “I don’t want you to be gentle with me.”

  He looked up in surprise, but soon his pupils dilated as he took in her command. He bit her shoulder before rumbling, “Whatever the lady wants.”

  After that, he took complete control, and Willa loved it. She’d always had to worry about other people, had to be the one to keep things in order, and allowing herself to surrender control to someone else was a heady feeling.

  Daniel seemed to feel the same way as he practically ripped her clothes off, buttons from her blouse flying everywhere. “Get on the bed on your knees,” he said.

  Willa shivered, but not with fear. She sank down on the bed, rolled to her hands and knees, and waited, anticipation heightening the moment. She heard movement, a rustling noise, and then she gasped when Daniel kissed her heated center. His fingers dug into her hips to hold her steady as he licked and sucked, his mouth doing things that Willa could never have imagined.

  As she tried to arch against him, needing release, he laughed in a low voice. “You’ll come when I say you can.”

  Willa whined and then moaned as he continued to play with her. He was relentless. She collapsed onto her forearms, any self-consciousness having faded away in the onslaught of sheer pleasure. When Daniel pushed a finger inside her, she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.

  He began to rub her sensitive nub. “Come for me, Willa,” he commanded, and it only took a few more strokes of his clever fingers for her release to slam into her.

  Before she could even catch her breath, she felt Daniel press inside her until he was sheathed to the hilt.

  “God, Willa,” he groaned as he began to thrust. He pounded into her, filling her until she couldn’t breathe. She clutched the comforter and could only hold on.

  She’d never been taken like this in her life. It was overwhelming, amazing, terrifying. Bowing her head, Willa felt her second orgasm building deep in her belly.

  Daniel took her hard and fast, exactly as she had asked. His fingers would surely leave bruises on her hips, and she didn’t care. She moaned and whined and writhed, and then she was coming so hard that she blacked out. She could hear Daniel groan as he froze and quivered in his own release.

  They collapsed onto the bed together, a sweaty heap of limbs. Willa’s heart pounded as if she’d run a marathon; her body tingled from head to toe. She had a distinct feeling that she’d be sore from all this, but she didn’t give a damn.

  “That do it for you?” said Daniel.

  Willa laughed. “Oh, I don’t know. How about you try to give me orgasm number three?”

  He groaned. “You’re insatiable.” But then, a few minutes later, he took her up on her suggestion.


  That Saturday, Daniel and Willa attended the annual fundraiser for the town’s fire department. This year, it was a fancy dinner that would also include a silent auction. Daniel had forgotten all about it until Willa had mentioned it to him, having heard about it from her friend DeeDee.

  It had taken Daniel all of thirty seconds to decide to attend with Willa.

  Now, the two of them sat together at a table that included Uncle James, DeeDee and her husband Doug, and another couple whose names Daniel couldn’t remember. As a matter of fact, he didn’t particularly care all that much about learning their names because his attention was focused solely on Willa.

  Wearing a black dress that showed off her shoulders, her hair swept into a bun with tendrils escaping, Willa looked gorgeous. When she’d come out of her room, it had taken every scrap of Daniel’s self-control not to ravish her right then and there. It had helped that Sarah had been there to babysit Bobby, so Daniel had had to restrain himself until they’d gotten into the car.

  “I know I’m your date, but I want to keep everything quiet for now,” Willa had said on their way to the fundraiser. She’d turned apologetic eyes to Daniel. “Mostly because I don’t want questions. You know how people are in a small town.”

  He did know, but it stung all the same. After everything he’d done, Willa still had no intention of staying, did she? He’d agreed, albeit with reluctance, deciding that he’d need to persuade Willa in some other way to stay here in Texas with him.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you look?” he said now, leaning down to whisper in Willa’s ear.

  She blushed. “Only about five times.”

  Daniel saw Uncle James look over at them, a frown marring his face. He thought of his uncle’s warning when he’d gone to the old man’s office that day. It wouldn’t do for Uncle James to get even more suspicious about the nature of their relationship.

  But as servers began to bring around plates of appetizers and murmurs mingled with the music playing quietly overhead, Daniel felt a warm foot against his leg. He glanced over at Willa to see her eyes gleaming.

  So much for self-control! When she rubbed her foot up and down his
calf, Daniel bit back a groan. He was like a teenage boy, getting turned on from a silly game of footsie.

  Wanting to give as bad as he got, he rubbed his own foot against her bare calf, and soon they were practically battling under the tablecloth to one-up each other.

  Willa, though, had the advantage, as Daniel was too big to extend his leg as far as she could. And she was more flexible. When her foot brushed his right inner thigh, he almost shot out of his chair.

  She batted her eyelashes at him. “Something the matter?”

  He was halfway tempted to throw her over his shoulder and take her outside to spank her. The thought of spanking her luscious ass only made him harder.

  He mock-glared at her and ate his shrimp cocktail without tasting anything, even the spicy sauce. Soon the rest of their food was served, and conversation began to flow around the table. Occasionally Willa would rub Daniel’s leg when he least expected it, but with Uncle James staring at him, he had to keep his expression carefully blank.

  DeeDee turned to Willa. “When’s your next interview?” she asked. “Didn’t you say they wanted you in New York again?”

  “It’s scheduled three weeks from now. I asked if I could do it over the phone, but no go. The owner of the gallery is kind of a hard-ass,” said Willa.

  Daniel could feel Uncle James’s gaze on him, as if to say, I told you she ain’t stayin’ here. Daniel pointedly ignored him.

  “I know you want that job, but I’ll be so sad when you leave.” DeeDee shot a look at Daniel. “You should make her stay, you know. Show her how good it is here.”

  Uncle James coughed; Willa blushed.

  “And what about that little boy?” This was from the woman whose name Daniel couldn’t remember. Karen Something-or-other, he thought. She and her husband preferred to keep their own company and didn’t mix much with the rest of the folks in town.

  “What about Bobby? His uncle is taking care of him.” Willa smiled, but Daniel could tell it was a pained smile.

  Karen wasn’t going to let it go that easily. Seemed like she had some kind of ax to grind as she threw back her head and gave the rest of the table a haughty look. “What does a bachelor know about taking care of a baby? Nothing, that’s what. I wouldn’t leave my daughter alone with a man if you paid me.”

  “Baby . . .” Karen’s husband tried to soothe in a low voice.

  Daniel rather wished he could strangle Karen, but instead, he said jokingly, “Isn’t that kind of sexist? Or is it the reverse of sexist?”

  Willa’s lip twitched. “Something like that. Besides, Daniel has been doing an amazing job with Bobby. He doesn’t need me here anymore.”

  Daniel winced inwardly. He knew Willa hadn’t said that to hurt him, but it stung all the same.

  “The little lady is right,” drawled Uncle James, “my nephew didn’t know nothin’ about babies when Bobby first arrived, but like any other human being, he’s learned. And there ain’t no rule sayin’ a man can’t change diapers or put young’uns to bed like the ladies do.”

  Karen, miffed now, talked exclusively to her husband the rest of the evening. Come to think of it, it wasn’t all bad.

  DeeDee leaned over and said to Willa in a voice only Willa and Daniel could hear, “Karen’s always had a stick up her ass. Don’t mind her.”

  “Oh, I noticed,” said Willa wryly.

  As the evening continued, Daniel couldn’t help feeling morose after hearing Willa’s declaration that he didn’t need her. He realized for the first time that he’d risked his own heart in all of this. He’d thought he could keep things casual, and even when he’d given her those papers, he’d thought . . . Well, he didn’t rightly know what he’d thought, he was so mixed up inside now.

  The one thing he did know was that he didn’t want Willa to leave. No, it wasn’t only about wanting—he needed her to stay for him, and him alone. Somehow, all of this had become about the two of them and not about the little boy who had brought them together in the first place.

  Yet Daniel felt that if he pushed too hard, Willa would run. She’d already run from her own father, hadn’t she? And Daniel hadn’t exactly told her he loved her, something he knew women needed to hear before they committed. Willa would never admit as much, but Daniel wasn’t completely stupid.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming tonight!” said the fundraiser’s host, effectively interrupting Daniel’s thoughts. “Every single one of you is here to support our firefighters. Let’s give them a round of applause for serving the community.”

  As everyone clapped, Daniel got up to use the restroom. When he was done, he found Uncle James waiting for him outside in the hallway, arms crossed.

  “What the hell are you on about, son?” the older man said without preamble.

  Daniel scowled. “And what the hell are you talking about?”

  “Don’t act stupid with me. We already talked about this once, but I see what I said didn’t get into that thick skull of yours. I’m talking about you and that little lady.”

  Daniel was too irritated by his uncle’s judgmental tone to care that someone could easily hear them. “I hate to break it to you, Uncle,” he said, “but I’m not some ten-year-old you can bully into doing what you want anymore.”

  “I’ve never bullied you, but I have given you advice, like I am now. You already know how this is going to end: badly.”

  “So you can see the future?”

  “Ain’t nobody need a crystal ball to know that Miss Markson has said over and over again that she’s leaving.” Uncle James pointed a finger at Daniel. “If you think she ain’t speaking truth, you’re a fool.”

  “Don’t call me a fool, old man.” Daniel drew himself up: it helped that he was a number of inches taller than his uncle. “What I’m doing with Willa is none of your business, but I also know that she hasn’t left yet. She’s still here, isn’t she? She might be saying one thing, but her actions say something else.”

  Uncle James frowned. “She just said tonight she ain’t staying. How much clearer do you need it?”

  “Like I said: words are one thing. Actions are another.”

  Sighing, Uncle James uncrossed his arms, his granite expression turning sad. “I’m sorry, son. I don’t mean to make you angry. I just want what’s best for you. With your folks no longer around, I feel like it’s my duty to give you advice, even if you’re grown now.”

  Daniel couldn’t stay angry in the face of his uncle’s concern. He leaned against the wall, rubbing his temples.

  “I just don’t understand why you two are hiding what you have,” continued Uncle James. “Why not make it public? Because all you’re doing is creating more rumors and innuendo.” He sighed. “And you know how this town loves to gossip.”

  “Willa wanted to keep it on the down-low.”

  “And that isn’t a bad sign to you?”

  Daniel knew how it looked, so he didn’t say anything. All he could reply was, “I don’t want to spook her, is all.” He paused, eying his uncle, and went on, “She reminds me of that mare I got a few years back. The nervous one. You had to approach her carefully and quietly, otherwise she was liable to kick you in the balls. Remember how long it took me to get her to trust me?”

  “Not sure the little lady would ’ppreciate being compared to a horse.” Uncle James’s tone was wry.

  Daniel laughed, the mood lifting a little. “Don’t tell her I said that, then. I hear what you’re saying. I do. But let me handle this in my own time and terms. I know Willa better than you do.”

  “Just as long as you’re cautious.” His voice low, James added, “I remember how you were after Caroline.”

  Daniel grimaced. The last thing he wanted to do was think of his broken engagement to the one woman he’d thought he’d loved. He was tempted to tell his uncle to shut up, but he bit his tongue. “Give me time,” he said instead. “And don’t try to interfere; otherwise, you’re going to get kicked.”

  Uncle James guffawed.
“Son, you think I don’t know that about women? I might be old, but I ain’t stupid. No sirree. I’ve been kicked by women before, and I ain’t interested in doing it a second time. Them hooves are mighty sharp.” He winked.

  With that opening, Daniel said, “If you’re going to say something like that, you gotta explain what happened.”

  Uncle James’s expression turned mulish, but then he sighed. “I guess I owe you some explanation, don’t I?”

  Daniel just waited.

  “You know me and Sarah were an item once, right? That was thirty years ago. I thought we were meant to be, and all that horse hockey.”

  Daniel had been wondering about the origins of their apparent feud for years. “So what happened?”

  “Life. Circumstances. I wanted to go to law school and make something of myself before we married. Sarah said we should get married so she could go with me. She didn’t want to wait—so she didn’t.” Uncle James shrugged and added, rather lamely, “That was it.”

  Daniel was about to ask for further details when someone walked around the corner to use the restroom.

  “We better get back,” said Uncle James.

  “Where were you?” said Willa as Daniel sat back down next to her. “Did you get lost on the way to pee?”

  Daniel laughed softly. “Something like that. My uncle wanted to talk to me about some business matters,” he lied.

  “What, now? Well, I’m glad you didn’t get lost, otherwise I would’ve had to send a search party for you.”

  Taking Willa’s hand under the table, Daniel squeezed her fingers, telling himself that everything would work out in the end. This wasn’t another Caroline situation. He wouldn’t get his heart broken a second time.


  The days passed in a blur of activity. If Willa wasn’t watching Bobby, she was visiting friends or spending time with Daniel. Her days were filled with fun, while her nights were all heat and desire. She marveled that she wasn’t exhausted every day when she woke up.


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