Kevin: Always And Forever (The Guardian Shifters Book 3)

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Kevin: Always And Forever (The Guardian Shifters Book 3) Page 5

by KM Lowe

  “Darcy,” I cry. “Help me. I need to get out of here.” I finally have a little bit of hope that I can be free from this hell hole. “Please.”

  “I can’t. They have every exit guarded. We’re being watched now. Just hang in there. I promise, we’ll get out of here.”

  I want to believe we will get out of here, but with each passing minute, I just can’t see it. No one is going to be looking for me. I just hope some of these girls have loved ones who know they’re missing.

  “I can’t take any more of this. They’re killing me. I…I...” Sobs wrack through my body, making my ribs ache, my body convulse, and my lungs strain.

  “Don’t upset yourself. You’re going to hurt yourself more, honey. Relax. Let me do some healing. It’ll make you feel a little better.”

  “For them to do it all over again? Just let me go. End this, Darcy. I beg you. Please.”

  “Relax.” Darcy’s soft voice does something to me. I relax for the first time in what feels like years. My body feels light, like I’m floating. My head is in a good place. I feel myself drifting off into a dream-like state.




  Chapter 9


  For the last couple of hours, I’ve kept myself busy. Getting a shower, wearing clean clothes, and eating were the highlights of my day. Who would have thought having a hot meal and a hot coffee would be something we would look forward to? I’ve spent the last couple of hours getting a grip of the way I’m feeling, and preparing myself for flying out to Canada. Preparing to fly to Canada was easy, but getting a grip on the way I’m feeling? Not so much. My head is mixed up. I don’t understand what has happened over the last forty-eight hours. Why were we put in those damn cells to be let free so quickly? I just don’t get any of it. I doubt I ever will, because Jasper and Callum look like they’re just as confused.

  Anyway, I’m not going to complain too much. This trip gets us away from the paranormal headquarters, and it gets us out of the dreadful cells. Cells I hope to never come across again.

  I find myself leaning against the wall in the hangar, while Callum and Jasper stand a few feet away from me. We’re due to fly out in exactly eight minutes, so the pilot will let us board the jet at any moment. Hopefully. The quicker we get out of here, the better, if you ask me.

  “How long does it take to get there?” I ask, breaking the silence.

  “About seven hours. You can get some shut eye while we’re up in the air,” says Callum.

  The last word is leaving Callum’s mouth when a Jeep pulls up outside the hangar. I recognise it straight away. It’s Carlos’s Jeep. Why is he here?

  I watch Jasper’s retreating back until he stops dead. I look around his broad frame to see Stracey leaving Carlos’s vehicle. Seriously? This isn’t good.

  Jasper speeds past me and grabs Julian by the throat. His back bangs against the wall and I cringe. I have to agree with Jasper; this is a low blow. He specifically told the council to find another witch. He doesn’t care who he’s working with, as long as it isn’t Stracey or Lisa.

  “You bastard! I told you not to drag her into this mess. What will it take for you to fucking listen?”

  “Jasper!” Carlos yells and drags Jasper off Julian. “Do you want to sign your own death certificate? Calm the fuck down!”

  Jasper shrugs out of Carlos’s grip and paces back and forth with his hands on his head. He looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He looks like a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode, and God help the person that sends him over the edge.

  “If anything happens to her, you rest assured, I’m coming for you.” Jasper points at Julian as he straightens up his shirt and jacket.

  “Jasper.” Carlos jerks his thumb over his shoulder towards Stracey. Whatever look passes between Jasper and Carlos, it has Jasper returning to Stracey. He wraps his arm around her and I turn away to see Julian and Braxton exchange a few words. I can’t make them out, but I bet they’re something smarmy. This is the first experience I’ve ever had with the council, but I hate them with a passion. They’ve just got that feel about them that makes me nervous, and I’m usually a good judge of character.

  The pilot opens the door to the jet just as Jasper and Stracey join Callum and me. Perfect timing.

  “Let’s get going,” Jasper says, and starts climbing the steps to the entrance of the jet. “We have a long trip ahead of us.”

  I can feel the anger radiating from Jasper. His tone is sharp, and his body is tense. Not that I blame him one bit. It was one thing involving us in this mission, but involving the woman Jasper loves is out of line. That’s the kind of low blow my father would have taken. He didn’t care if it was women or children, as long as he got his kicks. Maybe there isn’t really much of a difference between the council and my father. Only the council rule everyone and no one answers back or contradicts their orders.

  This trip is going to be eventful. I’m sure I’m going to learn a lot, but I’m not sure I want to learn about our council if they’re as corrupt as I suspect.

  Chapter 10


  “You’ll meet the love of your life one day, sweetheart, and when you do, he’ll love you forever and always. He’ll care for you. Cherish you. Love you. You’ll be his queen, and nothing and no one will ever compare,” says my mom as she braids my hair.

  “Just like you and daddy?” I ask softly.

  “Just like Daddy and me.”

  Every Sunday, since I was a small child, my mom and I get baths and she sits and brushes my hair for an hour before braiding it. Even now, at fifteen years old, my mother and I still sit here every Sunday evening. We get to discuss anything that’s bothering us, because my mom has brought me up to the saying, a problem shared is a problem solved. I have a great relationship with my mother, a relationship I hope to have with my own kids one day.

  I open my eyes carefully, because I was hoping that my dream-like state was actually happening here and now. Yet, all I can see is dark, damp walls surrounding me. I must admit, whatever Darcy did to me with her healing powers, I can see better now. The black and white spots are gone, but now I can see the dire conditions I’m lying in. I’m cold. I’m hungry. I feel disgusting. I just want to get out of here. I want it all to end. What did I ever do that was so wrong? Why is this happening to me? I’ve always followed the rules, learnt my place within the pack I had, obeyed and respected my elders. It just seems so unfair. We have a council that’s supposed to protect our species, have eyes and ears everywhere, but where are they when we need them? Nowhere, that’s where.

  I know one thing for sure, if I get out of here, the council will never get my support.

  Chapter 11


  “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re about to prepare to land at our destination. Can you please ensure that all tables are returned to their upright positions, and all seatbelts are secure? If you have any problems, please don’t leave your seat, just press your call button. Thank you for your cooperation.”

  I can’t believe that I’ve slept all the way here. I remember sticking in my earphones when we got up in the air, and then nothing much after that. I certainly feel better for it, but my wolf is prowling again. What the hell is wrong with the damn thing? I know he needs a run, but anyone would think I’ve locked it up for weeks, and not two goddamn days. Sometimes having a wolf inside your head isn’t great. No; it’s a bloody nuisance.

  The moment the jet hits the runway, I unclip my belt and stand. I’ve never felt as relieved to be on my feet. I hate being stuck in one place for too long. Maybe it was a good thing that I slept all the way here. I probably would’ve walked the aisle of the jet that many times I’d have worn the carpet out.

  “What’s this vampire like?” I ask Jasper curiously.

  The simple fact that I’ve never met a vampire before is playing on my mind. My father had it imprinted into my head that vamps are evil. Yea
h, now I think about it, my father was the evil one. He didn’t know how to tell the truth.

  “He’s a good guy. Did you get some sleep?” Jasper looks over his shoulder to me and I nod.

  I smile, because even though I haven’t known Jasper long, he always looks out for me the way a guardian should. The way my own father should have. It restores my faith that not all men are bastards. Some men do deserve to have families, raise kids, and have a happy ever after.

  “I did. I stuck my earphones in and slept most of the way. My body is aching though. I hope we can go for a run somewhere.”

  “If Lelland still lives in the same house, there’s plenty of land to run in. I think you’ll like it out there. Lelland and Lavina are ancient vampires, but I’m glad you’re getting to meet them. I hope Lisa gets to meet them one day, because she’s read too many paranormal books, and vampires, in her mind, will sparkle or snap a wolf’s neck. It’s all fiction. But, I wouldn’t like to cross a vampire, especially a hungry one.” Jasper winks.

  For fuck’s sake! I’m trying to put my mind at ease and Jasper and Callum love pulling my leg. The only thing is, what they tell me is things my father told me did happen. “Vampires were created to kill, son. You kill any you come into contact with.” I hear my dad’s words repeat in my head. The evil laugh that accompanies it.

  Callum pats my back firmly, making me jump out of my own thoughts. “He’s kidding, bro. Vampires do bite, but we rarely come across a nasty vamp. We need to be more afraid of our own kind, especially wolves that go off on their own and let their beasts take over their body. That’s catastrophic for us and can be deadly for humans.”

  “Anything else I should know?” I snigger and push past Callum to get back to my seat.

  “You’re a bully, Callum Scott!” Stracey chastises, making me laugh. He stutters and stammers to get words out, but he gives up and shakes his head. “Leave the young boy alone, or I’ll turn you into something you don’t want to be.”

  I laugh, and so do Jasper and Stracey. Callum looks somewhat less amused. He sticks his backpack on his back and says, “Jasper, your lady has a set of balls. Remind me never to piss her off.”

  I laugh. I can’t help it, because here is this big, bad enforcer being shut up by a tiny healer.

  It amazes me how relationships are in this pack. No one is inferior to anyone. Everyone gets along, and if they have anything to say, they just say it. I think that’s why my father’s pack didn’t work, because he was the Alpha, he made the rules. No one else had an opinion, they just did whatever he told them. It wasn’t normal.

  My fifteenth birthday arrives. My first shift happened last week and my father promised I’d have my first kill for my birthday today. I had hoped that it would be some deer or rabbit, but deep down, I know how his twisted mind works and I’m terrified to see what he makes me do.

  I woke up this morning and stayed right out of my father’s way. I didn’t want to see or hear him. I didn’t want to smell the rancid smell that comes from him. I just wanted to celebrate my birthday the right way. I’m jealous of the stories I’ve heard from elders. I would never have known what a birthday was like if it wasn’t for them.

  “Kevin!” I look around to see Carlyle shouting for me. He’s one of the oldest members in the pack, and he kind of took me under his wing a long time ago. If I’m not doing things for my father, I’m with Carlyle.

  “Hey.” I turn back and enter his cabin.

  “Happy Birthday, young man.” He hands me a box, with a big smile on his face. “It isn’t much, but you can’t celebrate a birthday without cake.”

  “You baked this?” I take off the lid and smile down at the birthday cake in the box. It isn’t anything fancy, but I feel overwhelmed that this man would do this for me.

  “I did. I wasn’t always in this hell hole, son. I did have a life once. I loved to cook.”

  “Why do you stick around?”

  “Where else would I go? My family is all gone. I wouldn’t get very far before your father tracked me down and made me dinner.”

  I cringe, because I know Carlyle is right. No one can leave my father’s pack. Many have tried and failed. He makes it his mission to hunt them down.

  “Anyway, enough about me. Pull up a seat and I’ll get us a coffee.”

  I was about to obey his orders until the cabin door was kicked in. I jump and turn to face the door. Standing in front of me is my father and his Beta wolf. He looks angry. Worse than I’ve seen in such a long time. I feel my heart pound in my chest, and I want to end my life right here.

  “Well, well, well… look what we have here.” My father walks into the cabin and peers into the box. He laughs out loud and holds his large belly. I just want to hit him. I want to rearrange his smarmy face so bad.

  “I think I’ve found your first kill, son.”

  I screw my eyes up and look my father straight in the face. I don’t want to show him my fear, because that only makes him worse.

  He knocks the box out of my hands and drags me towards him. His fingers wrap around the back of my neck, making my wolf prowl. I feel it whining, needing to get out.

  I’m pulled outside roughly. I try to swallow down the bile rising in my throat, but the burn is too much.

  “Get that old bastard out here!” my father yells.

  “What? Why? Carlyle has nothing to do with this.” I try to protect my friend, but I know when my father gets something in his head, there isn’t any changing it.

  He can’t make me kill him.

  I’m turned roughly to see the Beta hauling Carlyle out of the cabin. This isn’t fair. Carlyle is an old man. He doesn’t deserve this treatment. No one does.

  “Shift, Kevin.”

  “No. I won’t hurt him.” I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks and I know I’ll pay for defying my father and showing emotion.

  “I thought you’d be a pussy. Kill him,” my father barks to his next in command.


  Carlyle’s heart is ripped from his chest. If it wasn’t for my father’s grip on me, my knees would have buckled long before now.

  “You bastard!” I try to fight, I throw every ounce of energy into my punches and kicks, but my father laughs and wraps his arms around my shoulders, constricting the air in my chest. When I stop fighting, I’m thrown to the floor. Blow after blow comes and I just know my father and his Beta are getting some kick out of this.

  When they leave me alone, I find my body is broken and bleeding. I can’t breathe. I can hardly see, but I do see Carlyle’s lifeless body in front of me. I want to scream, but no sound even comes out of my mouth. I close my eyes and hope my father did enough to end this existence.

  “Jasper, my man.” The voice booms around us, breaking me out of my head. I feel disorientated. My mind and body feel on edge, just exactly how it always does after memories or nightmares. “Welcome to Canada. How was the flight?”

  “It was good. I think we all slept the flight away. How’s things?”

  “Could be better, buddy. Who do we have with you?”

  “Sorry, excuse my manners.” Lelland raises his eyebrows and looks like he’s about to say something, Jasper continues. “Long story. Don’t ask. Anyway, you know Callum.”

  “Who doesn’t know Cal?” Cal steps forward and bumps his fist with Lelland’s. “Long time no see, buddy.”

  “It’s good to see you. Pity about the circumstances though.”

  Lelland turns his attention back to Jasper. “This is Stracey. Have you met?”

  I zoom out of this conversation, because I don’t want to show my uneasiness. I can come across as awkward on the best of days, never mind when I’ve just been stuck in a vivid memory of something I wished to forget.

  I finally take this moment to look around my surroundings. It’s beautiful. The fresh air, smells of nature, quietness… it all helps to settle my racing heart. It will take a while for me to forget all about Carlyle and my father, but I’m hoping I can come back
from it stronger.

  “And this is Kevin.” I snap my gaze back to the huddle of people and smile like I knew what was happening. “Kevin is the newest member of the pack. Can you remember Lisa, the young wolf shifter I was keeping my eye on in Scotland?”

  “Yes. Her mother died in childbirth, father was a bastard. Adoption, wasn’t it?”

  I cringe deep inside, not because Lelland knows so much about my father and Lisa, but because he’s hit the nail on the head with the description. My father was a bastard.

  “That’s the one. Well, to cut another long story short, Lisa came face to face with her father a few weeks ago. It wasn’t pretty, but we discovered that Lisa had a half-brother still under the father’s hands.” Jasper holds his hand out in my direction and I feel the nerves and anxiety creep up inside me. “He helped Lisa escape, and we brought him home with us.”

  “Wow! And I think we’ve had it tough lately. Kevin, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you.”

  I nod quickly at the vampire.

  Lelland turns back to Jasper, and I’m glad I had a brief introduction. I’m not great with strangers anymore, but I’m sure in a day or two I’ll be more settled. “How’s your son doing? I expected him to come with you.”

  “Another long story, but he’s fine. He’s actually Lisa’s soulmate, so he’s staying at home with her. In fact, they’re at the camp right now, because Lisa’s filling in for Stracey.”

  Lelland shifts on the spot and holds his hand to his temple, then scratches his ear. “Are you telling me that Lisa is part witch? I don’t get the connection. I don’t confuse easily.”

  Before Jasper can say another long story, Callum and I say it for him, making everyone laugh. “She holds a lot of power, but she needs to learn to control it. I’m not sure she’s ready to take on the pack, but Carlos has faith that she can do it.”

  I totally understand where Jasper’s coming from, because I worry about Lisa every single day. I know she’ll face a lot of fights throughout her life, because of the power and status she holds. She’s strong-willed. What I don’t like is how easily she would jump in to save someone. I know she would go to any lengths without any concern for her own wellbeing. I guess we can only be there to support her.


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