Kevin: Always And Forever (The Guardian Shifters Book 3)

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Kevin: Always And Forever (The Guardian Shifters Book 3) Page 6

by KM Lowe

  “I think we have a lot of catching up to do,” says Lelland. “Why don’t we get the car loaded and I’ll get you home. Lavina is looking forward to seeing you all. She’s spent the whole day cooking a huge feast.”

  “That’s very kind of her. She didn’t need to go to all that trouble.”

  We follow Lelland and make our way to his large vehicle. So far so good. I might have been nervous about meeting Lelland, but I needn’t have been by the looks of things. If Lavina’s anything like her mate then we have nothing to be concerned about.

  “Don’t tell her I said this, but she is too human now. She forgets what we are.” Lelland shakes his head and opens the doors.

  “I’m sure she can still keep you on your toes,” says Jasper.

  “Oh, that she does, buddy. That she does.”

  I can only imagine what Lavina is like, because all paranormal women seem to be strong-willed, confident, and full of sass. My sister is one of them, and I love and admire her bravery. I miss her already and I’ve only been away from her for two days. I can’t imagine being away from her for eternity. We have this connection that touches my heart and warms me from the inside. For the first time in my life, I have a loving family and friends that would do anything for me. Even though I’m here, and I’m nervous about being around vampires, I’m embracing the experience because it’s new and I want to know all about the paranormal beings that are out there. There’s so much more than wolf shifters and the paranormal council, and with our lifestyle, we all face our own set of demons.

  I buckle up in the back of the car and look out the window as scenery passes us by. It truly is beautiful, and I can’t wait to see what Canada has to offer.


  We pull up outside a house. It’s probably the biggest house I’ve ever seen. It’s even bigger than Jasper’s in the countryside, and I thought that was huge. This is something else. But what excites me the most is the acres of trees and woodland. Me and my wolf will love to run free here.

  “Welcome to our home,” says Lelland as he steps out of the car.

  “Just one time I’m going to come out here and nothing will have changed.” Jasper speaks first as we exit the car.

  “I doubt that will ever happen, Jasper,” says the elegant woman who exits the house, making Jasper jump out of his skin.

  “Jesus, woman. You know how to give me a heart attack.” Everyone laughs, but Jasper steps forward and wraps his arms around Lavina’s slender shoulders. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “Likewise. I see you have some new faces for me to meet.”

  “Well, you know this baboon.” Jasper slaps Callum’s back as he helps Lelland lift the bags from the boot of the car.

  “I do.” Lavina chuckles, but Cal stops what he’s doing to bend down and place a kiss on her cheek.

  “Nice to see you, doll.”

  “Urgh! You’ll get on well with our neighbour, Dale. He loves calling people doll.” She rolls her eyes and pushes Callum playfully.

  “Dale. Isn’t that the husband of the ill woman you turned?” asks Jasper.

  “It is. You remembered. Dale and Ashley Black. They live about ten minutes to the south of this house. I’m sure you’ll see them shortly, because they’ve been helping us with our little problem.”

  “Okay. Next, you may know Stracey, but she’s come along as our witch and healer to help out.”

  “Stracey. Unusual name, and I do believe I’ve heard it, but where?”

  Before Stracey can answer, Lelland swings his arm around Lavina’s waist. “Nelly Advark’s granddaughter. You remember Nelly, right?”

  “Of course. Everyone remembers Nelly. Welcome to our abode, Stracey. It’s a pleasure to have you here.” Lavina hugs Stracey.

  “Thank you, Lavina. It’s my pleasure to be here. I just hope we can save as many girls as possible.”

  “Me too, honey.” Lavina turns to me standing at Jasper’s other side. “And who is this hunk of a young man?”

  My cheeks heat at Lavina’s words. I want the ground to open up and eat me, because I’ve never been good with compliments.

  “Kevin, this is Lavina. Lavina, this is Kevin. He’s a new member of Carlos’s pack. I’ll fill you in on the rest of the messed-up world after we all settle in.”

  I smile at Jasper for giving me this reprieve. I’m happy to be here with him because he knows my strengths and weaknesses. He knows that it’ll take me time to settle in here. Christ, I’m just settling into Carlos’s pack and I’ve been there for a few weeks now.

  I follow Jasper and Stracey while they blether with Lavina about their relationship. I was quite happy to be behind them, absorbing everything.

  “Okay, let’s get inside and eat. I hope you’re all hungry.”

  “That’s like asking if babies like milk. Of course a bunch of wolf shifters are going to be hungry,” jokes Jasper.

  Wow! The entrance hall is something else. I turn around in a full circle as I take in everything. The marble sparkles. The walls have eye-catching pictures all over them. I bet they date back to the early 1600s, maybe even earlier. I’m interested in history; maybe this house will keep me occupied in between whatever we need to do for the council.

  “Yes, Jasper. Everything has changed. I was so fed up of cleaning carpets when we had a newbie here. Marble is easier to clean blood from.”

  What the fuck? The hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. Nerves I’m so used to feeling float around my stomach.

  “Do you have any new vampires here now?” I ask nervously, scratching the back of my head.

  “You can rest easy, sweetheart. No, we don’t have any here. Shame, really, because it would let you see the process our kind goes through to become what we are.”

  Jasper nudges me and I smirk at him. I really want to nudge him back and tell him to grow up, but I know that he’s thinking about our conversation on the jet.

  “I believe the youth of today read and watch too many paranormal series’,” Jasper cuts in.

  “What? You mean to say you believe that we sleep in coffins and only awaken at night time to prey on poor humans?” Lavina mocks me as we enter the large dining room. I’m getting it from all directions today. A small part of me is relieved that I’m able to fit in and banter with these guys, but the other part of me wants to stick up for myself and explain my reasons.

  “Eh… N-no, of course not. I haven’t really had any experience with vampires.” I shake my head and carry on taking in my surroundings. I don’t really want to hear what Jasper and the guys have to say about my lack of knowledge.

  I know it’s normal for us to socialise with different paranormal beings. I know all different kinds of shifters exist, but I was brought up to the belief that anything other than our own pack was dangerous.

  I drift back into the conversation at the table. I don’t know what has been said up to now, but I can see Jasper and Lavina getting on well over cooking. That makes sense, because Jasper’s a great cook. And going by the feast that Lavina has laid on for us, she can cook well too. Everything looks delicious as I fill up my plate.

  “We don’t need to eat, but we socialize with humans. We also have human connections through our vampires and I like to live a normal life, or as normal as can be considering what we are.” Lavina smiles.

  For the first time since I heard about this trip I actually see these vampires as the ‘people’ they are, and not the vampires they’ve become. They live a life here in Canada, and I can see why they would need to act human to fit in.

  My stomach growls with satisfaction. The meat is delicious, and my wolf howls with appreciation too. It feels nice to eat a meal in comfort, because for the last two days, Jasper and I lived in dire conditions. We didn’t eat much. It was cruel.

  I take a look around the table and everyone is eating quietly. I might not know the vampires, but they’ve made us feel welcome in their home. They’re the complete opposite to what I was brought up to believe, and I
feel foolish for believing it. I’d go as far as saying I’d rather have vampires fighting my corner compared to the paranormal council or my father.

  Loyalty means a lot to me and it’s hard to come by.

  Chapter 12


  The last couple of hours in Lavina and Lelland’s home has been educational. I’ve learnt about vampires, their lifestyle, and what it takes to change and remain living a human life. It has all fascinated me.

  Sitting here now, in front of the roaring fire, bottle of beer in my hand, I feel like I’ve known these people my whole life. I’ve got more of a connection here than I ever did with my father and his pack.

  “It’s so peaceful out here.” Stracey breaks the silence and I lift my eyes to look at Callum sprawled out opposite me. I might not have known Callum long, but I like him. He was a Godsend when I was stuck in those cells and I’d never have got through it without him.

  “Sometimes it’s too peaceful,” says Lelland. “I think we prefer it when we have work to do. The last few days, we were sitting in limbo, waiting for the council to get back to us about you guys. But tomorrow will see us planning, so rest up tonight. I need you all bright-eyed in the morning.”

  “On that note, I think I’m going to head to bed. Kevin and I have had a crazy few days and I’m getting too old for it.” Jasper laughs and stands up quickly.

  A crazy few days is an understatement.

  “I’ll walk you up, because I’m going to call it a night too,” says Stracey as she stands behind him.

  “Sleep tight ol’ man,” Callum mocks, and Jasper flicks his hand in Callum’s direction. I love the banter Cal and Jasper have going on. It makes a difficult situation so much easier.

  “You good, Kev?” Jasper turns back to me before leaving.

  “Yeah. I won’t be far behind you.” I nod.

  I watch Jasper and Stracey leave the living room and smile before I take a drink.

  “It’s good to see those two making a go of it,” says Lelland.

  “Yeah.” Callum raises his bottle. “If anyone deserves happiness, it’s Jasper. He’s one of the good guys. He’d be able to run that council with his eyes closed.”

  “He is a good guy. He’s helped so many shifters and other paranormal beings. There is no limit to who he helps, which is why I requested him for this job,” says Lelland

  I shake my head. “I didn’t ever expect to get a second chance at life, but it was like an angel sent Jasper to me and Lisa on that fateful day. I’ll never be able to repay him for his kindness.”

  It surprises me how openly I just spoke to Lelland and Callum. Callum I can speak to, and have done so before, but Lelland is a stranger to me and that usually has me clamming up.

  “I’m glad he did find you, Kev. You’ll learn so much from him. Don’t ever be afraid to ask him questions. Or any of us, for that matter. You just know when you come across a decent shifter, because they won’t be shy at sharing experiences with you. Jasper is that shifter,” says Lelland.

  I nod in Lelland’s direction. I know Jasper was my saviour. I know that he’ll be there when no one else would be. We just have to get through this trip, go home, and move past it all. That’s the bit I’m looking forward to–moving on.

  “Is it safe to go out for a run around here?” I ask. “My wolf has been playing up all evening. Maybe a run will settle him down.”

  “Of course. Just stay within our perimeters. Don’t cross over the highway.”

  I stand up and Lelland holds his hand out for my empty bottle. “Thanks.”

  “I’ll come with you,” says Callum.

  “You don’t have to.” I turn back to Cal. I don’t want him to think he has to babysit me.

  “I know. I want to. I always exercise or run before bed anyway.”

  I nod my approval and shrug.

  “Okay. Let’s go.”

  I walk out of the door and leave the house behind. The moment I stand out on the porch, the cold, fresh air hits my skin and makes me shudder.

  “You okay?” asks Callum as he kicks his shoes off and leaves them at the side of the door.

  “Yeah, surprisingly, I am. My wolf is being a diva though. I’m hoping it will shut up and let me sleep tonight.” I kick my own shoes off and slide off my clothes. Jesus Christ, it’s cold.

  “The joys of having a wolf inside your head. See if you can keep up.”

  If I blinked too long, I’d have missed Cal’s shift. I shake my head and follow. My bones break and align. My hands turn to paws. Fur lines my cheeks. I shake my body out and I’m a fully formed wolf standing on four paws. I howl and dart off in the direction Callum did. His scent is stuck in my nose, so I won’t lose him even if I want to slow down, but I need to keep up. My competitive side tells me I need to beat him to wherever we’re heading, but the rational side of me says it doesn’t need to be a race.

  “You’d better win, mutt!” I hear my father’s words ringing in my head. It doesn’t matter what I do, where I am, or who I’m with, my father still manages to break into my head. He still manages to plague my life when he isn’t even here anymore. He still manages to torture and torment me. I don’t think that will ever go away.

  My wolf howls and breaks my train of thought. Thankfully, one of us knows not to dwell on the past. Life’s too short. That’s my new way of looking at life, and when I get home, every day is going to be filled with new adventures.

  Chapter 13


  I woke up this morning feeling just as tired as I did before I went to sleep. My wolf is still prowling around in my head, but I’m managing to keep my cool at the moment. I’m not sure how long that will last if I don’t get some breathing space or sleep.

  Sitting around Lelland and Lavina’s dining table, Callum and I are just finishing off breakfast. Lavina is cooking in the kitchen. Me and my wolf appreciate all her efforts to help us fit in. She didn’t need to go to all this trouble for us, but she has. She’s amazing.


  A loud yell comes from out in the hall. Lelland dashes through from the kitchen. He stops at the table when a young woman sprints into the dining area. Callum and I straighten up and put down our cups.

  “Ashley, what’s wrong?” asks Lelland.

  I remember the mention of an Ashley last night, so I relax slightly. Knowing that she’s a vampire makes me uneasy, and I think what we’re about to hear is going to make that uneasiness worse.

  “I got a call from the sheriff. Three young girls have been taken from the trail in the last twenty-four hours.”

  “Do they have proof that they went missing from the trail?” asks Lelland.

  “Not exactly, but they do have witnesses to put the girls on the trail. There’s no trace of them and they’ve all lost contact with their family.”

  “This is some fucked up shit you’ve got going on, Lelland,” says Callum, shaking his head.

  Ashley hits him with a glare, but the interruption of Jasper and Stracey joining the room has her looking over her shoulder. It doesn’t escape my notice that Jasper and Stracey are both in yesterday’s clothes. Thank God I went for a run when I did, because Jasper’s room is next to mine.

  “What’s going on?” asks Jasper.

  Lelland responds first. “Come in. Jasper, this is Ashley. Ashley, this is Jasper. He’s here to help us sort out this little problem.”

  Ashley holds her hand out to Jasper. “Nice to meet you. Lelland speaks very highly of you.”

  “Likewise. I’m surmising you’ve met Callum and Kevin. This is Stracey. She’s our pack healer back home, but she’s been pulled, or rather dragged, in to help us.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Ashley holds her hand out to me and I accept it. “I’ve just been filling in Lelland. I got a call from the sheriff. It looks like these bastards are targeting innocent young people from the nature trail. Over the last twenty-four hours, four civilians have gone missing. It’s one thing our own kind vanishing; we can hid
e that under the radar. We can’t hide human disappearances as easily. All of us could become targets if this gets out.”

  Ashley comes across as being very protective of her kind. Right now, I can see why she’s uptight. We have to keep our wolves’ presence away from humans, so I can assume they’re the same here with their vampirism. The last thing we need is some kind of hunt on our hands if this gets out.

  “It sounds like they’re taking people for their food source. It can only be for that fact.” Callum steps forward and leans his hands on the table.

  “Jazz, what are you thinking?” asks Stracey as she squeezes his arm.

  “It’s been a long time since we came across something like this, but it didn’t end too well. It isn’t often that wolves and vampires come together, but when they do, it’s usually to create an army. But what we need to find out is why. You need to tell us everything, Lelland. How long has this been going on? How many people have vanished?”

  “We knew about the rogue wolves about six months ago. They lay dormant and didn’t cause any issues. It’s only the last three months we’ve noticed wolves and vampires going missing. It could’ve been going on right under our noses, but we had a lot going on at home.” Lelland sinks into his chair at the head of the table. He looks stressed. The complete opposite of the man and vampire I’ve been in contact with since yesterday. Lavina makes her way to his side and takes his hand. Just like that, his body seems to uncoil slightly.

  “Do you know of any reasons why they’d be doing this?” asks Jasper.

  “None.” Ashley speaks up first. “The last two weeks, my husband and I, even Lavina, were followed. They don’t care who sees them. They have no fear, Jasper.”

  “You said they have a witch,” Stracey speaks up.


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