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Kevin: Always And Forever (The Guardian Shifters Book 3)

Page 9

by KM Lowe

  I stand up quickly and bang on the barrier. “Let me through, Strace. Jasper’s hurt. I need to go back for him.”

  “What? Why? How?” She joins me at the barrier.

  Luckily, her chant took her mind off what I just said. I don’t wait to talk any more, I just run back the way I came. I spot Jasper leaning against a tree. He looks in a bad way, and again, my wolf growls at the thought of losing him.

  “Jasper. Come on. Let’s get you up.”

  “Get yourself and the girl out,” Jasper mumbles incoherently.

  “Stracey has her. I’m not leaving you. Come on.”

  I lift Jasper’s body off the ground. My arm wraps around his shoulder, but I can see that this isn’t working. I scoop him into my arms and we take off in the direction of Stracey and Jake. I run as fast as I can, but Jasper’s a lot heavier than the girl so I’m not as fast and sturdy.

  “Talk to me, Jasper. Come on. You can’t fail on me now.” I look down and see his eyes rolling in his head. He’s losing consciousness and he needs help.

  “Stracey, let us out!” I yell, several feet from the barrier.

  “Oh my God, Jasper!” Stracey cries as I lay him on the ground. I look over at the girl and she’s still in the same position I left her in. I notice her chest rising and falling, and I breathe a sigh of relief that she’s still fighting.

  “Fix… the… girl,” Jasper mumbles.

  “I’ve done all I can for her. What happened to you? Jasper! I need to know what happened to you.”

  “Wolf bite.” He gasps for breath.

  “No ordinary wolf bite would poison you like this. I need to stop the poison reaching his heart. Kevin, I need something tight. Anything that will stop the circulation from his leg. Quickly.”

  I stand up and look around the area. I see nothing that will work.

  “Here. My belt,” says Jake.

  Jake pulls it off and I make my way back over to Stracey. “Jake’s belt. Will that do?” I ask as I kneel back down at the opposite side of Stracey.

  We can’t lose Jasper.

  “Keep talking to him, Kev.”

  What? How? I’m no good in situations like this. I look at Jasper’s clenched teeth and I take his hand in mine. “Come on, buddy. You need to pull through this. I can’t go home without you. Lisa and Markus, fight for them. Joel will kick my arse if anything happens to you.”

  I can only say what pops into my head, and I know I won’t win any awards for being the best helper, but I speak to him and try to make him smile and concentrate on the here and now.

  “Look after…”

  “Stracey, we’re losing him!” I yell.

  “Come on, Jasper.” Stracey places her hands over his ankle and tries to work her magic, but nothing happens. The wound is getting worse. His leg is getting blacker by the second.

  Jake crouches down beside Stracey. “Do you need my energy?”

  “I’m losing him, Jake. Nothing is working. I don’t know how to counteract the poison. I’ve never seen this before.”

  “Stracey, it’s a spell only black magic will cure.” Lelland kneels beside me.

  “How did you get out?” I ask.

  “The witch… she’s here. She can help.”

  I was so preoccupied with what was happening, I didn’t notice a young girl kneeling at Jasper’s leg. She looks terrible, but she’s willing to help him. I have plenty of questions for her later, but right now, I need Jasper and the girl healed and on the road to recovery.

  “How can I trust her? She did this.” Stracey sobs uncontrollably.

  “She won’t take another breath if Jasper doesn’t pull through. I trust her, Stracey. She was forced into this to survive,” says Lelland.

  “Strace, we need to save him.” I place my hand over hers and squeeze it firmly.

  I feel Stracey’s body relax slightly and she moves her hand away from Jasper. The young witch instantly gets to work on healing him. Black balls of energy pour into his leg. I’ve never understood black magic and I doubt I ever will. It’s banned for a reason, because it has grave consequences when used.

  “His heart rate is slowing down.” I sigh with relief. Tears spring to my eyes as his body responds to whatever the witch has just done.

  “The wound should be fully healed within a few hours. He will need lots of rest and nourishment,” says the young witch as she sits back on her heels. “Karina just needs a lot of TLC. Her shifting ability will help her heal since you healed her internal injuries.”


  “Karina.” I test her name rolling off my tongue. I like it. It’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. It suits her.

  “How do you know the girl?” asks Lelland.

  “I was close to her in the cave. She doesn’t have any family. She left her pack a year ago after her parents were killed. I did everything I could to protect her, but they had me performing too many spells and I couldn’t keep up.”

  I finally look back at the young witch and she looks genuine. She’s only a kid herself. I feel a strange connection to her, because I know what it’s like to be used and abused by rogues.

  “I don’t deserve your kindness. I should have let them kill me. I-” She bows her head.

  “No. You did what you had to in order to survive. Don’t ever apologise for that. Will you come back with us in case we need any more assistance?” asks Stracey.

  “Of course. I don’t have anywhere else to be.”

  “You don’t have any family?” I ask.

  She shakes her head softly and a tear falls down her face. She looks so vulnerable. “My family were hunted down many years ago. My grandmother was killed a year ago. I was staying under the radar. Well, I was, until these wolves showed up at my cabin.”

  I honestly can’t think of anything to say right now. I’m disgusted in our species. Those bastards were preying on vulnerable young women and kids. They don’t deserve to have a shifter status.

  “What’s your name, sweetie?” Stracey asks softly, but her voice hiccups slightly from all her crying.

  “Darcy. My name is Darcy.”

  “Well, Darcy, it’s your lucky day, because our pack in Scotland would love to have you join us. We take in lots of strays, or people who have been affected by rogues like this. Jasper here,” Stracey places her hand over Jasper’s cheek and I watch their interaction carefully, “Jasper works for the council, and he looks after people in your position. He’ll be appalled if he wakes up knowing we let you go off alone.”

  “I don’t want to impose.”

  “You wouldn’t be,” says Lelland. “Stracey is right. But we need to get you out of here. Lavina, Ashley, and Callum are rounding the girls up in the cave. We’ll get Jasper and Karina back to my house and I’ll come back up here with Jake. I have a mini bus in the garage that will be enough to get the girls out of here. I’ll lift Jasper. Kevin, you can lift Karina. Jake, will you go on ahead and bring the vehicle to the foot of the mountain?”

  “Of course.”

  I reluctantly leave Jasper’s side and gently lift Karina’s limp body. I don’t see any difference in her since the last time I held her. Even if she pulls through from this, her mental health may never be the same again. I may never get to know the real person. She may be lost to me forever and that pains me. It tears at my heart and breaks me apart, piece by tiny piece. I never wanted a mate, but now I have her with me, I can’t imagine never seeing her face.

  I need to step up and follow my heart.

  Chapter 16


  I think I’ve been sitting on this same seat for three days. I’m not quite sure, because time has passed by slowly. I’ve watched people come and go, but my mate still lies motionless. Her skin is still bruised in places. Every time my eyes wander over her body, my heart breaks. I wasn’t there to protect her. It’s like my sister all over again. It doesn’t matter what I do, someone always gets hurt. I can only imagine what Karina’s been through, and every time I do, my
wolf goes ballistic. I feel anger like no other. No one should ever force themselves on someone. No one.

  “Kevin.” I turn to see Lisa rushing through the door. At first, I think I’m dreaming, but when I stand, she throws herself into my arms. I catch her and bury my head in her neck. I think I’m imagining this until I smell her favourite perfume.

  “It’s so good to see you,” I mumble.

  “Ssh! I’m here now.” She cries and holds me tight.

  I need this more than I realised. Stracey and Darcy have been great with me, but they aren’t Lisa or Jasper. Even Callum would have been better, but he’s got a lot on his mind at the moment, so I’m told. I haven’t seen him since we got out of the mountains.

  “How is she doing, Darcy?” asks Stracey.

  I look up to see Joel and Stracey in the room. I’m shocked he’s here too, but the familiarity is exactly what we all need.

  “Just the same,” she says in barely a whisper.

  “Darcy, this is Lisa, Kevin’s sister, and Joel, a member of our pack. Remember I told you that Jasper helps people in your situation? Well, Kevin, Lisa, Joel, and Markus, who you’ll meet later when you come next door, they were all in your position.”

  “Hi.” Lisa holds her hand out to Darcy, and she accepts it.

  “Nice to meet you. You’re Jasper’s son?” She looks past Lisa to Joel, but he hasn’t moved since he burst in here.

  “Aye. No. Well, not biologically. He saved me when I was a bairn. He’s as good as a dad.” Darcy nods and Joel remains still. “Kev, it’s good to see you, brother. I… I… I’m glad you found your mate, but I need to be next door with Markus. I’ll come back later.”

  What was that about?

  “Joel’s just preoccupied. I’m sure he’ll speak more with you later. Jasper means a great deal to him and Markus. I better go to them,” says Stracey.

  She leaves the room too, and I sit back down.

  Lisa sits down on the bed beside Karina. She lifts her small hand carefully and runs her hand over the back.

  “She’ll be fine, Kev. She just needs time to get over this ordeal.”

  I look up from Karina’s hand and study my sister staring at my mate. “What? How do you know?”

  “I just do. I feel it. She’s a fighter. Her aura is bright.”

  “You just gave her some of your healing power, didn’t you?”

  Lisa nods and takes my hand in her spare hand. “Close your eyes.”


  “Trust me. Close your eyes.”

  I grip my sister’s hand and close my eyes. I trust my sister. I know she would only do good. Luckily, she has more of her mother in her genes and none of our father.

  From the tips of my fingers, I feel warmth spreading through my arm. When it reaches my chest, I feel like I’m wrapped in a security blanket. I’ve never felt love or peace like it. My wolf is silent. My mind is peaceful.

  “What is this?” I say on a whisper. I barely hear myself.

  “That is the love Karina holds within her soul. Even after everything she’s endured, she still holds that love and peace, Kev.”

  “How did you do that?” asks Darcy quietly.

  Lisa shrugs. “I honestly have no idea. I just get the notion to do something, and when I sat on the edge of the bed, I felt this connection. I can’t explain it. Maybe Stracey will be able to answer your question.”

  Tears roll down my cheeks and I instantly wipe them away. If that’s what I feel from connecting with her now, I can only imagine what I’ll feel when we’re fully mated.

  “I…I…” I stumble over my words and smile. “I don’t know what to say. I’ve sat here for days worrying myself sick that she will be lost forever. You’ve given me hope that she’ll come back to me.” I squeeze Lisa’s hand softly.

  “I’ve learnt over the last few weeks that with the love and support of a soulmate, you’ll overcome anything. I don’t know everything Karina’s been through, but I’ve picked up enough titbits of information over the last couple of days to get the idea. She has the perfect mate to get her through it. A fantastic family and pack to be there, when she needs it. It isn’t going to be easy, but we’ll get there. Love conquers all.”

  “What if I’m not strong enough, Lisa? I feel like a failure.”

  “Don’t you dare say that. You’re not a failure. From what I hear, it was you that got Jasper and Karina out of that damn cave. That is not failure. You. Are. Not. A. Failure. I’m proud to call you my brother.”

  “I wish I had your confidence, sis.”

  “You will. Your soulmate does wonders for confidence. If it wasn’t for Markus, I wouldn’t be like this. I know a brother doesn’t want to hear that his sister mating with her soulmate was the making of her. But it’s true.”

  “Good job I love Markus, huh?”

  We both look over at Karina, and even though there’s no change, just having my sister here is the boost I need to get through a little bit of today.

  By the looks of things, I’m going to be used to these four walls by the time Karina comes back to me.

  Chapter 17


  I’m frustrated with myself. I don’t know how long I’ve been stuck in this dream-like state, but it’s getting lonely. My wolf isn’t happy and she can’t get out. I hear voices all around me. The man that saved me is one that soothes my soul. His words as he talks to me are calming. My heart pounds in my chest at the thought of seeing him again, but until I know how I get out of this prison world I’m in, I’ll never know.

  “Can we try something today?” asks a woman’s voice.

  It’s the same woman’s voice I’ve come to like. She seems kind and caring. Every time she touches my hand or cheek, I feel lighter. My wolf likes it. I kind of like it.

  “What do you want to try, Lisa?” asks the man.

  “When I was ill, Markus was able to connect with me through a bond we shared. We weren’t mated at that point, well not fully. Not intimately. Anyway, I want to try this with you and Karina. Maybe if you can communicate with her, even just her wolf, maybe it will speed up her recovery. It’s a long shot, but I figured you’d give anything a shot.”

  “As long as it won’t hurt her, I’ll try anything.”

  “It won’t hurt her, Kev. She won’t even know we’ve tried anything if she doesn’t see you.”


  Okay. What the hell is going to happen here? I’m unable to communicate with anyone the way I am, but I’m not entirely sure I’m happy about getting my space invaded. I know I just said I was frustrated being stuck here. I can’t win. I’m just so mixed up. Terrified of the unknown.

  “I want you to take Karina’s hands in yours. Close your eyes and open your mind. Don’t fight anything. When you’re comfortable, envision yourself reaching out to Karina. When you’ve done that, let your body take care of the rest.”

  I hear everything Lisa said, and I do exactly as she told Kevin to do. I envision myself opening my arms to this man. I need to speak with someone. I’m losing the will to live stuck here.

  Standing in front of me is a tall, handsome man. His eyes open and immediately land on mine. My heart pounds. My body is tingling. I don’t know what to do now. I feel like I have no tongue…or brain.

  “Karina…” he says softly, holding his hand out for me to take it.

  I look down at his hand and back up at his face. I feel secure with him, and I slowly reach out to take his hand. I creep forward until my palm rests in his. My wolf whines at the connection and I feel calm at the touch.

  “Hi,” I say, unsure of myself.

  “You have no idea how amazing it is to see you like this. Rosy cheeks. Beautiful skin. Glowing.”

  I blush at his compliments. I’ve never been one for accepting any kind of praise, but coming from a man that makes my legs weak, well, it goes without saying that I’m going to struggle to accept any form of flattery from him.

  “I don’t think I want to know what
I look like in the real world.” I shake my head at the thought of what those bastards did to me. In the end, I didn’t feel the pain anymore.

  “You look beautiful, here and there. I just wish I knew how to bring you back with me.” He starts to lift his hand to my cheek, but hesitates.

  “I can hear you. I just don’t think I’m ready to wake up. I’m ready to face this journey, but my body isn’t.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you, baby. No matter how long it takes. Just rest. Take it easy. Let your body tell you when.”

  “I…I…” I shake my head and take my hand out of his. I turn away from him quickly, because I don’t want him to see the hurt and pain in my eyes. I don’t want him to see how damaged I am.

  “Karina, what’s wrong? You can tell me anything.”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t even know you, not really, but I feel like I should trust you.”

  His hand rests on my shoulder and I relax into his touch. “You can trust me. I promise you, no matter what you tell me, I’ll always be here.”

  “I’m not sure what frame of mind I’ll be in, Kevin. You don’t know what they did to me. I can’t forget it. Just feeling your hand on me makes me remember everything.” He quickly removes his hand from me and I turn around. “I feel calm around you. You don’t scare me, it just makes me remember things I locked away.”

  “When you wake up, I’ll be here to help you. Just know that no one will ever touch you again. From this day forward, that’s a promise I can make you. You’re my soulmate, Karina. Whether it takes five minutes or five years, I’ll be right by your side. Please don’t worry about things like that. We’ll deal with it together.”

  I want to believe him. I really do. It’s hard when I know what men want from women. It isn’t fair to make him put his life on hold for me. I might never be ready to face that side of a relationship again.

  “Stop overthinking things. I’m nothing like those bastards that hurt you. All I ask is that you give me a chance to prove that to you.”

  Our eyes lock. I see his unshed tears glistening and I lift my hand and place it over his heart. I feel it beating so hard. Is he just as nervous as I am? Could that be possible?


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