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The Cowgirl’s Forever Love: The Coleman’s of Heart Falls, Book 1

Page 6

by Vivian Arend

  “Plenty of time for a private tour,” she said as deadpan as possible.

  The heat in his eyes was not just her imagination. It was there, it really was. The same bubbling curiosity that lived inside her. Simmering, yet ready at a moment’s notice to slide into something far more delicious.

  Josiah stared at her lips. “Next two doors are the rooms I gave the guys. Door after that on the right is a guest bathroom. Door at the end of the hallway leads to the master bedroom.”

  “I bet you’ve got some amazing views from that vantage point.” How she kept from leaning into him, she had no idea. The attraction between them was rock solid and growing.

  If he walked them into his bedroom, she would be more than happy to take a thorough tour, wherever that led.

  Only he surprised her again, tipping his head toward the only door he hadn’t labelled. “Talking about amazing views, I’ve got just the thing.”

  The door opened onto a spiral staircase rising upward in a tall, round building. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “If you think it’s an old grain silo, yes. The homestead was originally a barn. They renovated and added on the kitchen and living room section. I call this part the castle.”

  “Prince Josiah. There’s a bit of gossip I didn’t expect.”

  He laughed, gesturing her up the steep staircase. “I thought dukes were all the rage. Hurry, before we lose the light.”

  A moment later, she understood why he’d rushed her. The staircase opened into a large, open space, and the entire wall dormer facing the mountains was made up of windows.

  The room was lit with a thousand red, yellow and gold lights shining off reflective surfaces and turning the space into a true fairytale setting.

  “Wow.” Lisa turned in a slow circle, taking in the room and all the gleaming bits and pieces around the walls before stopping at the feature event—the view to the west.

  They were much higher now, and the fences and fields that had looked like a rolling carpet from the living room stretched out for miles. The nearby foothills rose and fell in a series of asymmetrical bumps and hollows. Snow that appeared cream white in the daylight was lit with the setting sun as everything turned to rose and blush.

  Lisa stared in fascination. Again, that sense of being in an unfamiliar place sent a thrill through her. She’d seen beautiful sunsets before. She’d made a point of enjoying them, but this one seemed more miraculous.

  More impactful, especially as Josiah stepped to her side and slipped his arm around her waist.

  The goose bumps she’d felt when she’d spotted the view spread rapidly as his strong fingers pressed against her lower back.

  “Wait until the sun reaches the notch.” Josiah’s voice was a deep, sexy rumble. He spoke softly, and the words caressed her skin.

  Lisa shivered.

  His response was to step behind her, wrapping his arms around her body and gently tugging them together. Warming her with his embrace.

  No way was she going to tell him she wasn’t cold. In fact, she was hot. Scalding hot and heading toward a meltdown, as if all the heat of the sun was being stored up in her. Pressure building as the colours turned a shade darker.

  He leaned forward, and his cheek brushed hers. He lifted a hand to point into the distance.

  Temptation stroked her. She twisted her head enough to feel the light tug of the scruff on his cheek against her skin. “What are we looking for?” she whispered.

  “You know how they say there’s a green flash at sunset when you watch the sun go down over the ocean? If you see it, you’re supposed to make a wish.”

  “I’ve heard the story.” Her lips were inches from his. His arms were around her again, his hand caressing softly up and down her biceps.

  “The couple I bought the place from insisted they’d seen the green flash, and that every time they did, something wonderful happened.”

  “I like stories like this.” Lisa leaned against him and away from temptation to follow the line of his pointing finger to where two mountain passes met and formed a sharp vee. From their location up on the second story, it looked as if a giant hand had chiseled out a perfect square. A glint of light shone at the bottom, a golden pool. “Did they say what wonderful things? How many times did they see it?”

  “They told me many times, but no other details.”

  The sun was nearly behind the mountains, the glittering red ball nowhere near the notch. “We’re not in the right month for it to line up properly,” Lisa said sadly.

  “Spring solstice,” Josiah told her. “But that’s just to see the standing stone effect with the sun slipping perfectly into the notch. The green flash can happen at any time. Or so they said.”

  Half of the sun had disappeared. Josiah stepped to one side and turned her toward him. Their bodies rubbed as he moved, and Lisa’s heart rate kicked up a notch.

  There was no time to wait in anticipation. Josiah tucked his fingers under her chin, tilted her head up and brought their lips together.

  She closed her eyes, but the light in the room was bright enough to make her world glow as his mouth enticed her. Soft at first. A brief contact before he pulled away. He came back in a second time, and a third, pressure increasing as urgency rose.

  Sunset heat lit a fire between them.

  His tongue slid against her lips and Lisa opened to him. As their tongues explored each other for the first time, she threaded her fingers into his hair. Stroking, sliding as close as possible. Josiah’s hands skimmed down her back, pushing their torsos tighter, reaching farther until his hands cupped her butt and a tortured groan escaped his lips.

  Sometime soon she was going to need air, which was too bad. Breathing was overrated compared to his kisses.

  Josiah scooped her off the floor. Her legs wrapped around him instinctively, the thick length of his hardness pressing against her.

  Lisa broke the contact between their mouths and slid back just far enough to stare into his face. “We missed the green flash.”

  His lips curled. “We’ll have to watch for it next time.”

  There would definitely be a next time. But she was more concerned about this moment. “Kiss me again,” she demanded.

  He laughed, twirled suddenly, and the next moment she was flying helplessly through the air.


  Letting go of Lisa was worth it just to see the expression on her face. Not panic, but definitely surprise. She bounced off the mattress he’d aimed her at, rolling to a stop against a pile of pillows. He paced closer, waiting for her reaction.

  She didn’t disappoint. A peal of laughter rang out followed immediately by one of the pillows.

  The projectile caught him full-on in the face before falling into his arms.

  “You’re a dangerous man, Josiah Ryder,” she said as she scrambled to her knees.

  He dropped beside her at the very edge of the mattress, pleased to see her looking so relaxed in spite of him changing the rules. “You scored the first point,” he protested.

  Lisa snagged a second pillow from the pile, holding it at the ready. “Are we waging war?”

  “That all depends. If tonight is all about comfort and what makes us happy, what’s your favourite game?”

  The room was still bathed in sunset colours, and as she settled back on her heels and pressed the pillow against her belly, everything about her softened, head tilting down and eyes heating up. “Well, I kind of thought we were getting started on it a few moments ago.”

  Josiah chuckled. “Your favourite childhood game,” he clarified.

  She adjusted position, looking thoughtful as she glanced around the room. “We weren’t much for board games. Cards or maybe Yahtzee.”

  “Younger,” Josiah encouraged. “What games did you want to play over and over again that drove your older sisters mad?”

  He had her attention. “Hungry Hungry Hippos. Kerplunk. Twister. You got any of those lying around?”

  “Do I have any of those? What
kind of a comfort date would this be without a rousing game of Hungry Hippos?” He stood and went to the cupboard built into the side wall. He opened both doors wide then turned to watch as Lisa pressed both hands to her face, mouth falling open.

  “Oh my God. You’re not serious.” She scrambled across the mattress on her hands and knees, swinging her legs around and all but throwing herself to the floor so she could pop up and examine his treasure trove of classic children’s games more thoroughly. “This is incredible. Where did you get them all?”

  “Some are from when I was growing up. Some from garage sales or thrift shops. Every time I spot a game, I grab it.”

  Lisa ran a hand along the shelves, glancing back at him with delight dancing in her eyes.

  Her reaction was a total kick. The tension in his shoulders eased away.

  Diving into sex was a temptation, especially after how hot a simple kiss had been. Going the right speed was going to be brutal. He liked his pleasures, and he liked making a woman feel good. Lisa seemed to run her life at that happy to give, happy to receive pace as well.

  But he hadn’t lied when he’d talked about how them being a couple was complicated. Falling into bed tonight would be the simplest thing in the world.

  He was also convinced it would be the biggest mistake ever.

  “This one. I haven’t played Operation in ages.” Lisa twisted toward him with a box in her hands. “Tamara always thought she was the best, but I am unbeatable.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Josiah returned.

  She crawled back onto the mattress, opened the box and set the game squarely in the middle of the space. “Interesting place for a bed, Joe.”

  He settled at an angle beside her, slapping down the shot of annoyance that rushed out of nowhere. “This big space is a nice place to just hang out and read, or for extra overnight guests. And I’m not particularly fond of Joe as a name.”

  He said it casually, but Lisa’s head snapped up. She examined him thoroughly before nodding. “No problem. So, you want to go first?”

  “Rules say the youngest goes first.” Josiah glanced at her. “Which means for the first time in my life, I don’t think I start.”

  “We’re going to play by the rules? Shocking.” Lisa relaxed on her elbow, smiling up at him. “My birthday is June twenty-third, and I’ll be turning twenty-seven.”

  “September thirteenth, and I blew by thirty over five years ago.” He couldn’t resist. He leaned in close enough to brush his lips against hers. A brief, almost chaste, touch. “Looks as if you start.”

  She let out a slow, uneven breath. “You sure this is the game you want to play?”

  No, but the game they both wanted was off the table for the night. “I think it’s safer if we keep something between us,” he said softly. “Let’s not rush, although I’ll admit I’m looking forward to our next date very much.”

  Her gaze drifted down his body before returning to his eyes. She nodded firmly. “You’re right, on both counts.” Lisa pulled a card. “Let me deal with your funny bone.”

  She leaned over the board, her hair falling in a curtain over her cheek. As she reached the tweezers toward the narrow opening, he stroked his fingers through the long, satiny length.

  The buzzer went off the instant he touched her, and Lisa swore softly before lifting her face to him. A mock scowl scalded him. “You’re playing dirty.”

  “This surprises you?”

  That got him a snicker. “Not at all. Just wanted to point it out so that you know everything I do going forward is in simple retaliation.”

  “Bring it,” he encouraged.

  She handed over the tweezers. “And your card says…broken heart.”

  Figures. He pasted on a grin. “Not my favourite piece.”

  “Then let’s get rid of it,” she encouraged, complete innocence in her tone as she waited for him to take his turn.

  He had the tweezers on the edge of the plastic, concentrating hard to keep his hand from twitching because—

  Sure enough, she’d leaned in, adjusting carefully so the mattress didn’t wiggle too much. The new position let her press against him. Her long hair brushed his forearm, then up over his biceps. Her cheek slid past his, a slow exhale hot against his skin.

  He lifted the piece past the edge of the buzzer, but didn’t say anything as he waited for her next move. From her position, she couldn’t see the board. Had to be waiting for a clue from the buzzer or him to announce his success.

  Her tongue flicked against his earlobe briefly, a low murmur of approval as her lips ghosted over his ear. “Good job.”

  “I have good hands,” he assured her.

  “Tease.” Lisa swung back to a sitting position, cheeks bright with colour. She grabbed the next card, and for the next fifteen minutes they took turns playing a child’s game with a very adult twist.

  Gentle touches, barely there caresses. Butterfly kisses and slow, sultry glances.

  He set off the buzzer trying to remove the charley horse piece. He’d lost control because she’d angled up on her knees to reach him, her hand drifting along his thigh.

  Lisa pulled the card for the wishbone and, in spite of him leaning over and undoing two of her shirt buttons, his fingers caressing the skin he bared, she got the piece out without a problem.

  She lifted it in the air, her lips wet from where she’d just licked them. “I think this means I get a wish granted.”

  He was asking for so much trouble. “I guess you do.”

  She pushed the box aside. “You were right to slow us down. But as much fun as it is to play childish games, the other comfort thing I want tonight is totally grown up.”

  She laid a hand on his chest and pushed him to the mattress.

  All his willpower seemed to have pooled around his toes and at that moment, he couldn’t have denied her anything.

  “Lisa?” He didn’t know if he wanted her to break another set of rules or if he was begging her to show restraint.

  She stretched out beside him, their bodies touching. Heat flashed through him, setting off all sorts of warning signals.

  “I want to cuddle. We’ll keep all our clothes on, but I want to fool around and kiss you and just know that…” Her words trailed off. “Maybe that’s silly.”

  “Not silly at all.” Hell yes, he could do this.

  Wanted to do this.

  He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to reach her lips. Teasing against her, tongues tangling briefly. Hot and needy, yet controlled. As if they knew they didn’t need to push too hard. Knew at some point they’d move beyond this, and it would be very good.

  His fingers were back in her hair, stroking. Silky smoothness drifted over his wrist. His body was achingly hard, and his heart pounded, but a sense of peace blanketed it all.

  Lisa ran her hands over his shoulders, down his arms. Linking fingers briefly. He liked that.

  So much so that he caught her hand again then pressed their joint fingers against the mattress, rolling partly over her. Keeping the pressure light but enough that she had to be utterly aware of his interest. Of what kissing her did to his body.

  He lifted off and she took an unsteady breath. Her gaze drifted to his face, lips curling into a smile as she slipped one hand free to stroke his cheek then back over his chin and lips. A single finger traced the shape of his mouth.

  She curled toward him and he let her guide him to the mattress again, and when she laid her head on his chest, it was utterly natural to wrap his arms around her and hold her close.

  They lay in the quiet stillness as the colours of sunset faded to darkness. The small overhead lights he’d turned on barely broke through the gathering night.

  Their breathing synchronized, and though he ached, there was something spectacularly perfect about the nonsexual moment.

  Comfort dates. Who knew?

  The morning chaos in the Stone family ranch house made it easy to not go into details about how she’d spe
nt her evening. But once the girls were off to school and breakfast dishes had been dealt with, Lisa knew she had to say something.

  Although she wasn’t sure exactly how she was going to explain what she and Josiah were doing.

  Tamara sat upright at the table, a cup of tea beside her and a stack of bills and paperwork in front of her.

  “I thought you had an accountant taking care of that for you,” Lisa said.

  “We do. She needs me to double check a couple of the files that are mixed up from Caleb’s creative accounting days.” Tamara tilted her head. “Did you have a nice day off?”

  Oh boy. Here it came. “It was a very relaxing day, and interesting.” Tamara’s eyes widened, and Lisa laughed. “Oh my God, all of us have such similar expressions. I swear that’s exactly what Karen looked like the last time she wanted to kill me.”

  “This is not my ‘I’m about to kill you’ expression, though. It’s a ‘satisfy my curiosity quickly’ expression. What on earth was so interesting?”

  Lisa opened her mouth then closed it.

  Tamara no longer looked amused. Concern slid in far too quickly. “Honey, what’s wrong? Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a loss for words.”

  “It’s nothing wrong. Not really. It’s just difficult to explain.” It had seemed simple enough last night, curled up against Josiah’s chest. Listening to his heartbeat as warmth tangled around them.

  A session of screaming hot sex would’ve provided a certain kind of pleasure. A satisfaction that would’ve left her sleeping easy…yet unsettled at the same time.

  What they’d shared had been so far out of her ballpark she wasn’t sure how to categorize it. Maybe as “cuddling,” and “comfort,” and “pretty amazing.”

  She got the easy part out of the way first. “I went for a ride. Met Sonora Fallen and got the most amazing chocolate brownies. I think Ashton might have a crush on her.”


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