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A Nurse for Wyatt

Page 8

by Marie Higgins

  “Jessica, we’ll find Wyatt. I promise.”

  Her throat burned as anger built inside her. She wanted to scream at Hugh to stop making promises he didn’t intend to keep. He’d promised her so many things, and he hadn’t planned on following through.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled brokenly, not wanting to cause a scene.

  He caressed her cheek. It took all of her willpower not to lean into his touch and beg for more. The unshed tears burned in her eyes.

  “I’d better get back to my duties,” she told him as she tried to move past him, but he snatched her arm gently, keeping her from going far.

  “Jessica,” he said huskily, “can I come to see you tonight?”

  Panic tightened in her chest. “Uh, no. Not tonight.”

  His gaze narrowed. “What’s wrong?”

  She breathed slower, hoping to calm down her nervousness. “I’ve just been tired, and because of what has happened to Wyatt... I fear I just won’t be good company.”

  He nodded. “Then relax tonight, but I want you to know, I think of you all the time. In my mind, I plan the next time we can be together.”

  Jessica wished he would stop charming her, but part of her still enjoyed hearing him say things like this. If only she could trust him. If only he wasn’t mixed up with the wrong people.

  “I... I don’t know what to say, Hugh.”

  He cupped her face. “Tell me I’m not the only one with these feelings.”

  If he had asked her this the other day, she would have fallen against him and confessed everything in her heart, regardless of it being forbidden since he was a doctor, and she was his nurse. Thankfully, she discovered who he really was in time. Then again, if she hadn’t allowed him into her heart, why was that particular organ still breaking?

  “Hugh, really. The hospital isn’t the place for this kind of talk.”

  He chuckled. “Which is the reason I want to see you tonight.”

  “Not tonight. Please, understand what I’m going through. I just can’t tonight.” She finally made it past him and up that hall. When he didn’t follow, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Jessica turned down another hallway. As she passed the medicine supply room, she heard a familiar voice. That man is here!

  She halted and pressed herself against the wall, leaning her ear toward the door. The unknown man must be a doctor. Why else would he be in the supply room? The woman’s voice inside the closed room, let Jessica know that Mrs. Twitchell was with the man.

  Her heartbeat hammered out of control. She was going to discover who Hugh and Lana were working with. And if it took following the other man until she found answers, she’d do it... no matter what.


  Jessica’s body trembled with both excitement and fear as she hid behind the door of the room across from the supply closet, peeking around it the best she could without giving herself away. The patient who had occupied this room had been released just this morning. She felt that her prayers were being answered now since this was the only way to see the people coming out of the room.

  After about ten grueling minutes, the door to the supply room opened. Jessica held her breath and tried to keep her body still. Making a noise now would not be good at all.

  Lana Twitchell exited, carrying some bandages and a few bottles of morphine. The older woman bustled down the hall, not even looking to see if anyone watched. But Jessica didn’t mind. Nurse Twitchell wasn’t the person Jessica was after.

  She waited and waited, but nobody else was leaving the room. She concentrated on trying to hear anything coming from the room, but it was silent. With her pulse out of control, she decided to go inside the room. After all, she was a nurse who could obtain supplies for their patients.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, she slowly moved out behind the door and walked across the hall. Her hand shook as she placed it on the doorknob and opened. Just like the closet she and Hugh had to hide in yesterday, there was very little room, and it was filled with shelves. So, then where was the man Lana was conversing with? There had been a man. Both Jessica and Hugh heard him.

  She groaned and rubbed her forehead, where her pulse was beating the hardest. She was not insane. There had to be an explanation for all of this. Or perhaps... Maybe Nurse Twitchell was the one insane. In Jessica’s nursing school, she’d briefly learned about people with two personalities. Could this be Lana’s problem?

  Jessica shook her head. She had heard that man’s voice before, so there must be a man’s body behind it somewhere. If only she could find him.

  Sighing, she dropped her gaze to the floor, trying to think of what to do next. Then she saw it – small scrape marks on the floor near the shelving unit on the outside wall. Curiously, she stepped to the shelves attached to the wall. She touched in different spots, seeing if the wall moved. When nothing happened, she gently pulled on a few shelves. That didn’t seem to work, either. Unless...

  She lifted her gaze up the sides of the wall near the shelves. On the white paint, she noticed smudge marks from someone’s fingers, as if the area had been used quite a few times.

  Lifting on her tip-toes, she reached for the spot on the wall. Suddenly, someone’s arms wrapped around her, and she heard the door closing. She gasped and fell back into Hugh’s arms. His masculine scent of spice and musk surrounded her, causing those annoying butterflies to come alive and dance inside her stomach.

  “Forgive me,” he whispered, kissing her neck, “but I’m weak, and when I saw you in here, I couldn’t resist.”

  She hated feeling this way about him, but she must stay strong. He couldn’t be trusted.

  “Hugh?” She turned in his arms. “What are you doing here?”

  He grinned out of one side of his mouth, more so than the other. “Kissing you. After all, we have a habit of finding places like this to sneak a few kisses.”

  “Yes, well... I was just trying to get something. I don’t have time for kissing.”

  His gaze narrowed on her, and her heartbeat quickened. She wasn’t playing her role correctly. He would suspect her of something, she just knew it.

  * * * *

  Irritation filled Hugh to the brink of madness. Why couldn’t she admit her feelings for him and agree that they had something special? Yet, she was fighting her feelings for Wyatt. That could be the only explanation.

  Hugh usually didn’t struggle with getting women to like him, but then lately, he’d been more involved in his career than in trying to find the perfect woman. However, now that he’d met Jessica, his heart told him that he’d found her.

  If only he knew what was going through her thoughts. He’d do anything to prove to her that he was falling in love. Yet, she’d changed somehow. His gut told him that her friend, Wyatt, was behind this. There was something about Wyatt that didn’t settle well with Hugh. He couldn’t pinpoint the problem, but he just couldn't trust him, especially if it involved Jessica’s heart.

  “My darling,” he stroked his fingers along her cheek, “will you tell me what’s wrong? Why are you withdrawing from me?”

  Her chest rose and fell quickly, and her gaze turned into a scowl.

  “Why, Hugh? Why did you have to do this?”

  Confusion filled him. “Jessica, I don’t understand. Don’t you want me to fall in love with you?”

  Slowly, she shook her head as tears filled her eyes. “You love me?” Her voice lifted. “You proclaim to love me, and yet you lie to me and make promises you can’t keep.” She inhaled a shaky breath. “Why did you trap me with your charm, and then side with the enemies?”

  Hugh scratched his head. She must have been in this room too long and inhaled the fumes. She was talking nonsense. “Jessica, my darling, I haven’t sided with the enemy. The last we talked, we were going to find out what was going on with Nurse Twitchell and Deputy Workman.”

  She gasped loudly, and her eyes widened. “Deputy Workman was the man with Lana yesterday?”

  The medical supply room w
asn’t the place to tell Jessica what he’d discovered by accident last night. They could get caught at any time. “Yes, Jessica,” he said in a softer voice. “I found out last night it was the deputy. I wanted to tell you today, but things have gotten out of control with Wyatt’s escape, and I haven’t found the time.”

  A tear slid down her cheek, and he wiped it away. She clutched his hand, peering into his eyes as if she was desperate.

  “Hugh, tell me truthfully, or I swear, I’ll turn you into the sheriff right now.”

  “Oh, my darling, Jessica.” His heart broke, seeing her so distraught. “I have been honest with you.”

  “You’re... not part of Lana’s plot of stopping Wyatt’s memories and getting me dismissed from my nursing duties?”

  His chest clenched tighter. Jessica was completely serious. Why would she think such a thing? “No, my sweet darling. I want only to protect you and to win your love.”

  She gulped before licking her lips. “Then tell me what Deputy Workman told you last night. I overheard you talking to him when you both thought the patients were asleep. I heard you tell him that you were going to move John Doe to a separate room. You called Wyatt a prisoner.” More tears fell down her cheeks. “And you told the deputy that you didn’t want me asking questions.”

  Hugh groaned. Now her mood change made sense. He took her back in his arms and pressed her head against his chest. Closing his eyes, he fought back the grief filling him. “I told the deputy what he wanted to hear. That was the only way to gain his trust. Once I realized he was the voice we’d heard with Nurse Twitchell, I knew I had to make him trust me.” He kissed the top of her head. “But, my love, I would never do anything to lose you. Please, believe me.”

  She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. Jessica’s eyes and cheeks were wet from her tears. “If you’re lying—”

  “My love, do you think this is lying?” He bent his head and captured her mouth. Through the kiss, he wanted to show her the emotions he’d been having for her these past few days, and he prayed that she would realize he was honest.

  Soon, her body relaxed against him, and she participated in the kiss. His heart soared when her arms moved around him, holding onto him as if she didn’t ever want to let him go. The way her gentle lips slid across his so seductively made him eager to continue their relationship. He wanted her heart and soul, and he prayed she could love him the same way.

  As much as he wanted the passionate kiss to continue, he still worried that they would get caught. He didn’t want Jessica’s reputation as a nurse tarnished in any way.

  Slowly, he broke the kiss, but he trailed his mouth over her cheek and down her neck. She tilted her head back to give him better access.

  “Oh, my lovely Jessica. Please tell me the words I long to hear. Tell me you felt what my heart wants you to know.”

  He lifted his head and stared into her dreamy eyes. She nodded once and sighed.

  “Forgive me for doubting you. I was crushed when I thought you betrayed me.”

  “Never, my love. Never.” He swept his mouth across hers again, but he couldn’t continue this, so he pulled away. He kept her in a loose hold.

  “I believe you,” she said. “Will you now tell me what the deputy said to you?”

  He shook his head. “I’ll tell you, but not here. I don’t want people walking in on us.”

  She pulled out of his arms and wiped away her tears. Then, she pointed up to the wall.

  “Do you see those smudges?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Because the deputy was just here with Lana.” Jessica peeked at Hugh over her shoulder. “Lana walked out, but the deputy didn’t.” She faced the shelves again. “He got out of here somehow, and I think by pressing those smudges, it will show us the way.”

  Hugh studied the shelves, and then looked at the floor. The scrapes on the floor were evidence that Jessica was indeed, correct.

  “Stand over here.” He gently pulled on her arm, helping her to move closer to the door. He reached up to the smudges and pressed hard. Suddenly, the wall opened, showing them the hidden door that led underground.

  “Hugh,” she gasped. “What is going on?”

  “That, my darling Jessica, is something we will find out today.”


  The truth was finally out... well, some of it. But, Jessica’s heart still wrenched with sadness and confusion. She was sickened to think she’d jumped to conclusions with Hugh, but vastly relieved that she’d been wrong. Unfortunately, that still presented a more significant issue. She was supposed to be in love with Wyatt, not Hugh. Until she could sort out her feelings between the two men, she wouldn’t tell either of them I love you. It was wrong to love two men at the same time, and yet, she loved each one for different reasons.

  Before she and Hugh had followed the stairs leading to the underground hideout, Hugh had hurried to his office to retrieve his pistol and knife. He gave the knife to her, and he carried the gun. She did feel safer with a weapon, but it frightened her to think she might actually have to use it. He made sure the secret door was closed so that nobody else could follow.

  Hugh led the way, and she held onto his arm. The warmth from his body brought her a small amount of comfort – not as much as when she was in his arms, but it would still help.

  Taking the lamp that sat in the supply room, it lit the way in the darkened tunnel that seemed to go on and on. They didn’t speak to each other, which was fine. She’d rather not have anyone sneak up on them if she could help it.

  Voices echoed from inside the tunnel. Both she and Hugh stopped. She moved closer to him, tightening her hold on his arm. After a few moments, Hugh continued their journey. Slowly, the tunnel became lighter, so Hugh quickly put out the lamp. From the upward slope they were walking, Jessica wondered if they were coming closer to outside. Wherever they were heading, had many windows.

  Hugh stopped again and leaned down to her ear. “I know where we are.”

  His warm, whispered breath, teased her skin, and made her shiver. “Where?”

  “The old barn that’s about a fourth mile behind the hospital.”

  She tried to remember the land around the hospital. “Do you mean Mr. Clarkson’s stable and livery?”

  He nodded, motioning in front of him up the tunnel. She peeked around him and was finally able to see something besides dirt walls. Stacks of hay and wooden gates were not far ahead. She also noticed a few horses in locked stalls. Beyond that, were men sitting on crates that surrounded a rickety table. She recognized Deputy Workman immediately, but the other four men, she didn’t know.

  Taking her by the hand, they crouched and hurried to the closest stack of hay to hide behind. Hugh placed her in front of him as they huddled, his arms wrapped around her, keeping her safe.

  He moved his mouth near her ear again, and she wanted to sigh dreamily. How could he make her feel this giddy when Wyatt couldn’t?

  “Two of the men at the table,” Hugh whispered, “are men I recognize in town. Mr. Clarkson owns the livery, of course, but one is the blacksmith and the other works at the Mercantile.”

  She turned her head slightly to look into his eyes, and yet, her gaze dropped to his tempting mouth. “What do we do now?”

  “We listen, and hopefully, we can figure out what they are doing and how it fits in with Lana... and Wyatt.”

  She touched his arm, loving the muscles beneath her palm. “I need to tell you something about Wyatt.”

  “I know,” he whispered.”

  She inhaled a nervous breath. “What do you know?”

  “That you still love him.”

  Her heart wrenched, wishing she didn’t have to see his dejected expression. “It’s hard to stop. We’ve known each other for so long.”

  He nodded. “Which is why I’m trying to win your love.” He winked. “I’m not giving up yet.”

  She wanted to laugh and hug him, but she wouldn’t, only because it might draw attention to them.
“That’s not what I need to tell you.”

  He leaned forward and softly kissed her mouth. “Whatever it is, I’ll understand.”

  How could she have doubted him before? Hugh Lyman was truly a wonderful man. “Well, last night—”

  “Why, you cheatin’ yeller-belly!”

  The angry shout from one of the men at the table, had Jessica snapping her gaze back to the men. Hugh’s arms tightened slightly around her. She held her breath, wondering what was going on.

  The plump man with white hair jumped to his feet. His glare was aimed at the deputy. “I was told a different price. Yer cheatin’ me.”

  Deputy Workman raised his hands in surrender. “Sit down, Fred. I’m not here to cheat you. I’m only selling you what you want.”

  “I can get Opium cheaper in Rockin’ham.”

  The deputy shrugged. “Then, may I suggest you do business there? At least you know that if you buy it through me, this is the best. This Opium is what the hospital uses, and there’s nothing better than that.”

  Hugh hitched a breath. “They are stealing from the hospital. That’s why the purchasing invoice had so many orders of Morphine and Opium, and that’s why only Nurse Twitchell is in charge of ordering our supplies.”

  Jessica’s mind finally started piecing together the mystery surrounding Wyatt and Nurse Twitchell. Everything made sense now. “Hugh,” she kept her voice low, turning back to look at him, “somehow, Wyatt must have seen the deputy or Lana stealing the Opium. That could be the only reason why they put him in the deserter’s ward, and why they don’t want him to remember.”

  Hugh nodded. “Last night, when I was talking to Workman, he mentioned that he was instructed to move John Doe to a safer room because the prisoner needed more protection. Nurse Twitchell hated that I had allowed you to work with Wyatt. I’m sure she said something to Workman, which is why they wanted me to put Wyatt in another room. I have no doubt they were also trying to kill him, and when he didn’t die, they brought him to the hospital to keep an eye on him.”

  Happiness grew in her heart. Finally, Hugh believed her that Wyatt could never have deserted the war and his regiment. “Yes, I think that’s what happened.”


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