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Page 12

by Devlin, Angel

  Miley Moo is suddenly the funniest thing I ever heard. “Miley Moo. Classic.” I shouted at the phone, “Miley Moo, goodnight to you.” Then I doubled over laughing.

  Juliet put the phone down.

  “So Miley’s back from painting the town red?” I asked her.

  She smirked. “Actually it appears he’s been painting it blue.”

  I was too drunk to ask her what she was talking about. Instead, I stuffed my face with Quavers to soak up some of the booze and admired Matthew McConaughey some more.

  We never actually made it up to my bed. We woke on the sofa where we’d thrown old curtains over ourselves that had been used for protecting the floor and furniture while painting. It was just gone six thirty when I woke and Juliet wasn’t far behind me in waking due to the fact that as I got up from the sofa, I overbalanced and fell on her.

  “What the fuck?” she shrieked.

  “Sorry. Think I’m still intoxicated.” I struggled to move. “Can you push me up and I’ll go make some coffee?”

  After boiling the kettle, I placed a mug in Juliet’s hand, and we sat on the sofa in deathly silence.

  “That was a fucking good night. Just to have a laugh with other women and be able to relax. I don’t really have friends. Thanks for inviting me.” She grinned and then moaned clutching her temple.

  “I don’t really have friends either, so let’s see if we can continue what should have been allowed to develop at age seven if it weren’t for our relatives.”

  Juliet’s face clouded over. “Yeah.”

  There was more silence for a moment and I wondered if Juliet was thinking about her mum.

  “I know how Milo feels about his mother leaving. How about you?” I asked gently.

  She shrugged. “I’m sure a therapist would explain my one-night-stands away as an inability to want to develop longer-term relationships, but who knows? Maybe I’d be like that anyway. I’m just glad she went and never came back. Never contacted us. I wouldn’t be happy with someone who walked out sending me a birthday card with some fucked-up sentiment inside it.”

  “I get that.”

  “What about you? Do you hear from your uncle?”

  “No. I’ve not seen him since I was small.”

  “Well, it’s all in the past anyway. To new friendships.” She held up her mug and we chinked them together.

  “Was it me or did that seem especially loud?” I groaned.

  After chattering for a while longer, we took it in turns to grab a shower, got re-dressed and then headed over to the Waite house where I’d been invited for a cooked breakfast. By now I was ravenous.

  The smell of bacon cooking wafted over to me as Juliet opened the kitchen door.

  “Morning.” All five males bellowed extra-loudly before laughing like schoolchildren who’d found a dirty magazine.

  “Bastards.” Juliet grumbled.

  “Language.” Her dad reprimanded her.

  “We need lots of coffee.” She pulled a chair out for me and then plonked down in the one next to it. “Lots and lots of coffee.”

  Milo had been standing at the counter. He put a coffee down in front of me and then one in front of his sister. “Anyone fancy listening to Metallica?”

  “Funny.” Juliet took a sip of her coffee. “Mmmm. Heaven.”

  Milo leaned down and whispered in my ear. “You’ll be saying that later but not about coffee.”

  How I didn’t go bright red I had no idea, but it seemed the heat preferred to travel to between my thighs rather than my cheeks.

  “So, Vi.” Josh Waite spoke and his shortening of my name surprised me. “Milo said the house is more or less sorted now and that you might be on the lookout for employment?”

  I nodded. “I’ll be needing to look around shortly. Probably something part-time because I’m going to adopt a dog.”

  “You are?” Juliet said. “What sort? I always wanted a dog.”

  “It’s a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. A rescue dog. He’s called Rocky.”

  “Awww. When are you getting him?”

  “I’m not sure, but they’re coming tomorrow evening to do a dog-check. They look around your home and make sure the garden’s secure.”

  “That reminds me. I’ll come fix the gate after breakfast.” Milo added. “Anyway, Dad, you were saying…?”

  “Yes, well I think Milo explained how I’ve been trying to keep on top of the paperwork and scheduling since our last office lady left, but to be honest, we could use a full-time person. I know you said you’re getting the dog, but there’s no reason you can’t keep stuff for a dog in the office at the yard. We could adopt him as the Waites’ mascot during the daytime.”

  “Really?” I smiled. “That would be great. Didn’t you want to know if I had any relevant skills though?”

  “Milo said you worked in an office before, but to be honest if you can answer a phone and mash tea that’s an amazing start.” Josh said. “After that if you can file and type letters, well we’ll not know what to do with ourselves.” They all laughed. “In all seriousness.” Josh added. “Things are getting busier, and I’d like to employ a few extra people and I can’t sort all that out while I’m juggling being office manager and accountant. I need to be out there assisting my sons, while getting ready for retirement.”

  “If you retire, which of us is going to be the boss?” Milo asked. “Silas can’t be it, cos he’s turned traitorous. Bloody fitness instructor. Ezra’s in America and the only tools he knows are the pillocks he works with. So next in line is Finn, right?”

  “That’s something for the future, not now. I have an idea, but I’m not saying anything until I’ve thought it all through.”

  “Come on, Violet.” Finn asked. “We need someone to sort us all out.”

  “Let’s not pressurise, Vi. Take some time to think it over and if you like, come down this week and check out the yard and office.” Josh offered.

  I smiled. “Actually, that sounds like a great idea. I’ll do that if it’s okay. Take a look at what I might be getting myself into.”

  “Milo’s pants.” Juliet whispered at the side of me. I elbowed her under the table.

  “Is there anymore coffee, Milo?” I asked him. “I really enjoyed that last one.”

  “Oh to be a fly on the wall last night.” Cal looked at his brothers. “I bet they sounded like two witches cackling over their cauldrons.”

  Juliet threw a toast crust at him.

  “We had a great time thank you. It was nice not having to listen to you lot roll in at all hours of the night and morning. Chick flicks, wine, and good ol’ girly gossip. It was fantastic.”

  “Ooh do you want a roommate, Violet? I think our Jules is all set to move in.” Finn laughed.

  “Like hell she is.” Milo growled.

  “Now don’t poke the beast, Finn. Behave yourself.” Josh gave Milo a warning look before turning to me.

  “Violet, if at any point you become completely sick of the Waite family and the fact that there’s almost always one or a bunch of them in your home—especially given you might shortly be spending your days with us as well—just give me a heads up and I’ll keep them all chained up, so you can have some peace and quiet.”

  That made me giggle. “Is that how you parented six kids?”

  “Hey, at times I was tempted.” Josh laughed back.

  I wondered just how he had coped, stuck in at the deep end, single father to six children. Wondering why the wife you’d said your vows to had left you for another man and didn’t want any part of the life she’d left behind. Did she fall so madly in love with my uncle that all her past no longer mattered at all? As much as I didn’t want to be, I was intrigued.

  “So, it’s a rare day off for most of us today.” Josh said. “What are you doing today, Vi?”

  “I’m going to do the same. Everything can wait. I’m going to tidy up a little and then I’m going to go back to bed.”

  “You’ll be staying up until that gate�
��s up. I’ll need cups of hot tea to keep me going.”

  “Milo, leave her alone. You’re perfectly capable of making yourself a drink.”

  He stuck his tongue out at his sister.

  “So any preference on this gate renovation? I’ll sand it down, then varnish, paint?”

  “Paint if it’s not too much bother. Have you got any blue?”

  “Think we ran out of that last night, didn’t we, Miley?” Cal winked.

  “Indoor paint yes, outdoor paint no.”

  “Oh yeah, you were working last night, weren’t you?” I remembered. “How come you had to work on a Saturday night?”

  “Special customer. Needed a one-off job.” Milo said before heading to the door. “Right, I’m off to look at what needs doing with this gate. See you later.”

  He walked out leaving me in the kitchen with the others.

  “Is he expecting me to follow him, do you think?” I asked Josh.

  Josh filled my mug with some more coffee. “Please excuse my son. Once he makes his mind up about things he’s very… obstinate. But I can see you can hold your own with him. So, what do you feel like doing?”

  “I feel like enjoying this coffee and making him wait.” I winked.

  After spending another fifteen minutes chatting with the Waites, I made my way back to my own garden.

  “Finally. Can you please make me a cup of tea?” Milo demanded.

  “No, I don’t think I will.” I flicked my hair and walked into the house.

  Milo stomped in after me and closed the door, locking it behind him.

  “And what do you think you’re doing?” I raised a brow.

  “I didn’t really want a drink. I was just wanting you to get back in your goddamn house. Don’t have any more girly nights; my cock can’t stand it.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do, Milo Waite.”



  “Well, maybe I won’t ask.” With that he barrelled into me, picking me up and hoisting me over his shoulder and he carried me the whole way upstairs while I squealed, though I didn’t ask that he put me down. After throwing me on the bed, he stood grinning at me.

  “Guess who has condoms?” He said, wearing the cheekiest grin on his face.

  I shrugged, “Doesn’t mean I want to do anything. I’m hungover. I think I’ll just sleep.”

  “Fine.” He said smugly. “I’ll just get in there at the side of you for in case you change your mind.”

  I sat up on the bed and folded my arms across my chest. “Hmm, sounds like a challenge.” I got under my duvet and slowly, piece by piece started throwing my clothing out of bed as I removed it. “It’s a hot day. I think I’ll sleep with nothing on.”

  “Good idea.” Milo nodded and began stripping off. He climbed in at the side of me. “Right, get your head down, and this time I mean on your pillow. Sweet dreams, beautiful.” He smiled at me.

  I didn’t know what he was up to, but I knew he’d be up to something. All I could do now was to try to have a sleep after all, although now I was lying in bed naked with an also naked Milo at the side of me, I was regretting my stubbornness.

  Milo threw the covers back, once more revealing his toned body and his very erect cock. “It’s too hot for a duvet.” He declared, while placing a hand around the base of his cock. He started moving his hand up and down.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just stroking myself. Only it’ll help me relax and fall asleep. Not putting you off, is it?”

  “No, not at all. You carry on stroking yourself there. Actually,” I turned onto my back. “That’s not a bad idea. I think I’ll try it, if you recommend it. I can take a while to drop off too.” His jaw dropped lower as my hand did. I stroked my own breasts and then dipped down between my thighs, flicking my fingertip across my clit and moaning.

  Milo began fisting his cock harder, pumping up and down. It was a violent purple and pre-cum glistened at the tip. It was making me horny; that and the fact my fingers were strumming my own clit. I dipped a finger inside myself.


  Milo dropped his hand from his cock and turned over in the bed so his back was to me. “Well, I’m feeling sleepy now. Feel free to get on my back.”

  I stared at his back stunned. He’d just… stopped. I was on the brink of coming. I was now delirious with desire.

  He turned back to me and grinned.

  “You fell for it, you stubborn woman. Now you’re lying there all desperate for my D. So are you going to continue to be awkward, or are you going to let me fuck you?”

  “Milo, fuck…” I was so tempted to say ‘off’. “me. Please get over here and fuck me.”

  He’d won this one, but as long as I got several orgasms out of it, I doubted I’d be a sore loser. Hopefully sore, but not a loser.

  Milo ripped open the foil packet he’d taken from his pocket and rolled the condom onto his cock. Then he rolled over closer to me, pulling me underneath him. Resting between my legs he smiled down at me.

  “God, I’ve been wanting to do this since the day you opened your front door and stood there looking like my every fantasy.”

  It was so corny, but so Milo.

  “Okay, now you can say something similar about me.” He winked.

  “You’re like a virulent virus that’s been trying to get in my system, and I think you’ve finally succeeded.”

  “So romantic.” He said and then he pushed inside me and I forgot entirely how to speak.

  It had been a long time since I’d been with a man. Jay had been good in bed when we’d first got together, but things had soon slowed to almost non-existent. A fact I now knew was because he was getting his rocks off somewhere else.

  Milo was bigger than Jay by a good inch or two and as he filled me to the hilt, inside my mind I enjoyed a ridiculously smug feeling.

  Then Milo lowered his head, and lightly grazed a nipple with his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. When he let it go with a pop, he whispered to me, “thanks for warming yourself up for me. Fucking amazing watching you play with yourself.”

  I lifted my hips up and squeezed my pussy around him in response.

  “Christ, you keep doing that and I’ll not last two minutes.”

  He withdrew from me and teased around my wetness. “Miloooo.” I begged.

  “Want more?”


  He pushed inside me again and started a steady rhythm. Our breathing increased as our pace did, and words were forgotten as sensation took over.

  It was like we were trying to get even closer to each other as we headed towards our climaxes. I thrust my hips up for all I was worth and Milo drove balls deep inside me. Then as I began to feel the tightening that started my climax, Milo put his fingers between us and flicked my clit, launching my orgasm into what felt like outer space. He pumped inside me, once, twice, and I felt him shudder himself as he came. His face falling to mine as he kissed me deeply.

  “Now you can sleep.” He said. “I’ll just go to the bathroom and then let’s snuggle.”

  This time I decided not to be stubborn. Instead, I let those big alpha arms fold around me and I was asleep in mere minutes.

  When we finally woke up it was the middle of the afternoon. I felt a lot better, my hangover having dissipated after enjoying a full English and Milo.

  Snuggling me even closer to him, he kissed the top of my head. “So I’m going to get showered and I’ve a few things to do this afternoon, but I’ll be back at seven to take you out for dinner.”

  “Who says I want to go out with you later? Maybe I just used you for sex.”

  He nudged his length between my legs. “My cock has no problem with that at all, but unfortunately my mind does. I was brought up better than that. So tonight at seven expect a knock on your front door, and a date standing on the doorstep. Wear something nice. We’re going out for food.”

  “Okay, Milo Waite. Go do whatever these ‘few things’ are,
and I’ll see you later. I’m going to laze about a bit longer and enjoy my new house.”

  Milo stood up and my bed immediately felt lonely without him in it. I heard his footsteps pad across the landing to the bathroom and then the shower turn on.

  I really should get out of bed and clear the house up. Make a list of what I could get done this week. What I wanted to save up for next.

  Although, right now I could use a shower myself…

  It took quite a while before Milo was fully washed and ready to leave my house.

  I found the next few hours strange but nice. I was in the house by myself. Something rare of late. I wandered from room to room taking it all in. My living room was done. Smiling, I recollected on how great it was being able to entertain there last night.

  The kitchen contained a few dishes and glasses from the night before, so I washed those up and stood them on the drainer. Again, this room was done. One day I’d like a new kitchen but for now the cupboards looked amazing thanks to Silas, and thanks to that piece of lino left behind, I didn’t have to live with ugly burn marks on a ratty carpet. While I washed up, I peeked out at the garden. With the newly laid turf, it looked neat and tidy. The garden gate was painted and propped up against the privet ready to be fixed back on when dry. I hoped no flies had got stuck on it.

  The offshot loo had a new toilet and small sink, and a new door. All I’d done in here other than that was to give the place a fresh coat of paint and I’d bought the tiniest roll end of a black and white tiled looking lino. It had only cost me a fiver.

  In just a couple of weeks the house I’d bought and then wondered if I’d made a huge mistake on had truly become my home. And most of it was thanks to the Waites. Although I’d paid them for their labour, they’d gone above and beyond what they’d needed to do, and I knew that they’d have some customers to apologise to for their projects having been left or delayed in order to work on mine. I would take the job at the yard and in whatever ways I could I’d try to give back to the people who had looked after me so well, even though they could have chosen to completely blank me given my family history.

  A thought came into my mind that I tried to tamper down. That I should look up my uncle on the internet and see if I could find out anything. I attempted to distract myself, by going upstairs and going room by room like I did downstairs. Bedroom was all done, apart from where I currently had a rug down I’d like to buy a carpet. That could be one of the first things I did with new wages, purchase a lovely thick plush carpet. The spare room was freshly plastered and now had no damp. I’d hung the curtains Juliet brought around, but there was nothing in here except things I didn’t have a place for yet. But then that was a spare room wasn’t it? A place to put junk. My bathroom had a new white suite and for now I’d used tile paint to freshen the old tiles up. Again, I’d bought a cheap piece of lino. It was the good thing about small floor spaces. I blushed as I thought about the action this small bathroom saw not so long ago.


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