Book Read Free


Page 15

by Devlin, Angel


  The evening had made things even more perfect. I made pasta and Milo and I snuggled and made out on the sofa for hours until finally making our way up to the bedroom. He’d set off for work the next morning and I’d got in my car and gone straight to Pets at Home where I may have overindulged in anticipation of wages I had yet to earn and bought Rocky every single thing I felt he could possibly need including an extra set of some things to keep at the office.

  Once back at the house, I removed tags and put everything out ready. I had a new collar for him and a seatbelt extension so he could travel back safely and legally in the back of the car. Once I’d done all that I started to feel nervous about my forthcoming visit to see Eli.

  My phone buzzed and I looked at the text.

  Milo:You bored of me yet, or shall I come around later?

  Violet:I don’t know yet. I’m feeling a bit headachy. Going to go into town to get some stuff for Rocky and then depending how it goes I might just have an early night. So can I text you when I’m back?

  Milo:Course you can.

  I immediately felt guilty for lying and felt genuine tension cramping at my shoulders and the base of my neck. I now had a couple of hours to kill before setting off to see Eli. I decided I would go into town early and wander around the shops. Maybe Rocky needed some more toys?

  My heart was thumping and I could feel it in my neck by the time I reached McDonalds. I was ten minutes early, but he was already there, fidgeting from foot to foot and looking every bit as nervous as I felt. His hair had grown out a little since his last photo on Facebook and he seemed more grown up. Like at any moment the man was going to emerge from the frame of the boy. I remembered the lads I’d been to school with doing that. One minute they were short teenagers playing football, the next they were a manchild and paying a lot more attention to the girls.


  He’d been too busy looking at his trainers and jumped slightly as I approached. I watched his gaze flicker over my face, looking for signs of familiarity.

  “I look more like my dad.” I told him.

  “Call me Eli.” He said, and to my surprise he held out his hand. I shook his, and then to my own surprise I said. “Can I give you a hug? You’re my family.”

  He stepped forward. Our embrace was short and a little awkward, but also good. He was only about an inch shorter than my five-foot-seven frame.

  “Come on. I’ll treat you to a Maccy’s and we can get to know each other better.”

  He nodded and followed me inside.

  “What do you want?” I asked him. “And don’t be shy because I’ve not eaten much today because I felt nervous meeting you, so I’m so going to have a meal and go extra-large.”

  That made him laugh. It suited him. I gave them my order and he followed with one equally as large then we waited, not saying anything until the food came and we found our seat.

  “So, I don’t know how to do this, but just to say, I’m Violet, my mum was your dad’s older sister. I’m an only child, and like I said, sorry but I didn’t really know your dad. I think I met him when I was smaller, but my mum didn’t speak of him very often.”

  Eli took a pull on his Coke. “My dad was complex. He was a drug user. Spent years in and out of rehab and mental health institutions.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Eli shrugged. “I had Angela.”

  “Is that your stepmum?”

  “She and my dad never married, but she’s been there since I can remember. She says she took one look at my dad struggling to get me to stop crying when I was a baby and that was it. She fell in love with both of us.”

  “It can’t have been easy for her, your dad being a user, I mean.”

  “She told me straight, she was staying for me. I can’t thank her enough. If it wasn’t for her I’d have been in care, and she put up with a hell of a load of shit from my father. It was grim at times.”

  “You sound so much older than you are, Eli. Not that I have much experience of teenagers, but still, I guess you didn’t have the best childhood.”

  “Angela did the best she could, and I’ve tried to be the best son I can be, but my father was an addict and my mother abandoned me at birth, so I’ve not always been an angel.”

  “Shit, I’m so sorry.” I told him.

  “Hey, let’s enjoy our burgers before they get cold, shall we? Tell me how you found me after all this time.”

  So while we ate I explained about my new house and how I’d found myself with time to think about family. I didn’t mention Milo or any of the Waites and the fact he had half-brothers. I intended to take things a step at a time and I needed time to think of whether I told the Waites about Eli or Eli about the Waites.

  “So I just randomly put Dan’s name into Facebook and after a couple of misses, I got a hit and found him, and then you.”

  We’d now finished our burgers and so I grabbed us another drink each; a tea for me and another Coke for Eli.

  “You’re lucky I still go on Facebook. I’m only on it for anyone who knew my dad. It’s all SnapChat now you know? I’ll have to show you.”

  “Way to make me feel old.” I laughed. “You’re fourteen, right? So at school?”

  “Yeah, I’m doing well. I want to pass as many examinations as I can because I want to be a doctor.”

  “A doctor? Wow.” I’m seriously impressed. At fourteen I just wanted a boyfriend and a blue WKD.

  “I want to work with people with addictions. I’ve seen first-hand how it can affect family life, and if I can help another family, well, that seems worthwhile.”

  Ah, it all went back to his upbringing. “That’s amazing, Eli, but remember that for every person you help, there’ll be people you can’t. Just like your dad. So, it’s something to really think about.”

  “Yeah, Angela’s said pretty much the same thing, but she said with qualifications I can do anything, so I’m just making sure I’m ahead on all my schoolwork. I have time yet to change my mind.”

  “Are you practical at all?” I pushed. “Like have any interest in painting or plumbing, anything like that?”

  “I couldn’t even put Lego together.” He laughed. “So if you’re looking for help in your house I’m completely the wrong person.”

  “No you’re good. My house is done. I was just wondering.”

  “I’ll have to come see it sometime. Your new house.”

  “Yeah, definitely.” I swiftly changed the subject, going in my bag and taking out some photographs. “So this is our nannan. She was called Marj. Marj Dawson and she lived in the house that I have bought.”

  “Could I?” He gestured to the photo.


  He picked it up and looked at it. At my nan’s dark hair. “I take after her, I think. Same dark hair.”

  “I think you do a bit.” I passed him some more photos, not saying that he looked a lot like his brother.

  “So these are taken at the house where you live now?” I nodded. “I’d definitely like to visit sometime then.”

  “We’ll arrange it. Now let me tell you about my side of the family because it’s not been a walk in the park there either.”

  I explained as best I could about my own mum and about her being in prison.

  “So you don’t have many people either.” He said it as a statement, not a question.

  “Just my dad really and he doesn’t live nearby anymore. He moved to Norfolk. Too many memories here.”

  “And you’re not married?”

  “I’m divorced but I just recently started dating again. I like him a lot though. He seems a good man.” I smiled to myself thinking of Milo.

  “Good. You need someone. I’m so glad I have Angela.”

  “I’m glad you do too.”

  “So can I visit your house?”

  “Is it okay if we do this again first?” Eli’s face clouded with disappointment.

  “Oh no, it’s not that I don’t want y
ou there. It’s just I’ve adopted a dog. A Staffy called Rocky and I’m bringing him home tomorrow morning. Then on Monday I’m starting a new job. It means the next two weeks are going to be a bit unpredictable for me, and I’d rather get Rocky a bit settled before I introduce him to someone else, so could we just meet on an evening, when I’ve finished work?”

  “Okay.” Eli’s face was back wearing a smile. “I can’t wait to meet Rocky. I’d love a dog but Angela works and I’m at school, so it doesn’t fit in with our lives.”

  “Well I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic to meet you in a couple of weeks.”

  We arranged to meet again the following Tuesday, but a little later so it was after I finished work. I hoped Rocky would be okay being on his own for a short time. If not, then maybe I’d take him out after all and change our meet up to a walk in the park.

  For now, it had gone as well as I could have expected, and as I got home, I’d made another decision. Had changed my mind again. I would go and see my mum. Because I wanted to see if I could get any answers for Elias about our family, even if it meant making my own life difficult in the process.

  I texted Milo that my headache had gotten worse and so I was taking some painkillers and having a bath and an early night in order to be okay for the morning. Lying to him again made me feel so guilty, but I wasn’t ready to open up about what I’d found out. He texted back.

  Milo: It’ll be excitement about getting Rocky. You’ll just be a bit wound up. I’ll miss you, but I’ll drag Cal down the pub now. He needs major advice on how to chat up women.

  Violet:Oh yeah, and you’re an expert, are you?

  Milo:Got you, didn’t I?

  Violet:I have no words…

  Milo:Cos I’m right and you know it. See you tomorrow morning.

  We’d not spoken about the night I’d said I was falling for him and he’d said he was in love with me. He probably thought I didn’t remember given the copious amounts of wine I’d drunk, but I did remember. I just didn’t know how to bring it up. Did he really think he loved me? I was definitely falling for him, but was it just lust? An extension of my happiness of being in my new place. My fresh start?

  For now, I was just happy to see where things went, to keep dating, and to put no pressure on either of us.

  After a busy day, I think the relief of my meeting with Eli having gone okay hit me, because I went to bed early and fell more or less straight to sleep. But I missed Milo not being in my bed more than I wanted to admit to myself.

  When I woke the next morning, my belly churned with excitement. I was going to get my dog! I couldn’t even eat breakfast I was so excited. It was like when you were going on holiday and the flight made you a bit apprehensive, but the thought of the sunshine had you giddy. I put some old jeans and a t-shirt on, packed what I needed for the journey and waited for Milo.

  At half-past ten a horn sounded outside, and I went out, locking the door behind me and smiling as I walked down my path in the direction of the car.

  Becca was just coming out of her own house with Laurel in her pushchair. “Where are you off to with a certain sexy gent?”

  “The dog sanctuary. I’m seeing if they’ll take him.” I quipped. “Nah, I’m off to adopt a dog.”

  “Doggy.” Laurel copied.

  “You have a little doggy, don’t you?” Becca said to her daughter and then she turned to me. “One of her favourite toys is a little sausage dog toy Rob bought her. She alternates between that and Luna, her fairy doll.”

  I looked at Luna. “Wow, your fairy is very pretty.”

  Laurel smiled at me.

  “Well, good luck, and I look forward to seeing him running around the garden.”

  “I apologise if he barks a lot at first. I’ve no idea how he’ll settle.”

  Becca pointed at the pram. “Again, I’ll say the terrible two’s are here. I take your dog barking and raise you toddler tantrums. I won’t complain if you won’t.”

  We both chuckled.

  “Well, I’ll let you go before Milo gets out and puts you over his shoulder.” Becca nods towards where Milo is impatiently tapping the steering wheel. She didn’t know he’d already been there, done that.

  “See you later. Bye, Laurel.” I wave to the little one, then I run up to the car Milo’s driving. I’ve only been used to seeing him in the work’s van.

  “Is this yours?” I say as I climb into the passenger seat.

  “Sure is. Vauxhall Corsa Sport. 1.4; so not too much of a gas guzzler.”

  I smiled inwardly at his pride in what to me was a shiny black car that looked nice. It was making my Ford Focus that he’d parked in front of look even more dilapidated.

  “I put a clean painting sheet on the back seat, just in case of accidents.”

  I turned and looked behind me. “That’s great. Thanks so much. I brought a blanket but yes, the more protection the better, just in case.”

  He set off. “You excited?”

  I exhaled. “And nervous. I can’t wait, Milo. I really can’t fucking wait.”

  After arriving at the animal rescue, Milo went into the boot of his car and took out a massive supply of dog food.

  “What’s that for?”

  “Charming the ladies.” He said.

  As we walked into the reception and I gave my name and why I was there, he held up the cans. “I brought a donation to help you with the dogs.”

  A woman came out of the side door. “Oh thank you so very much. Donations are gratefully received.”

  “Well, we both bought them.” He nodded towards me. “We like to help where we can.”

  Yep he was certainly charming this woman, and the worker seemed impressed too.

  “Right, take a seat there and I’ll bring Rocky through.” She took the collar and lead from me and then a minute or so later the door opened and she came back through with my new dog. I cooed at the little white patches on his face. He was so excited. I went over to him and got on my knees and he jumped up and licked me and wagged his stubby little tail and I fell even more in love with him than I had before. The woman, whose name I noted from her badge was called Connie, passed me the lead.

  “We like to take a photo to put on our website of another successful adoption. Would that be okay?”


  “We take them just outside.” She beckoned to the door. “Then I’ll go through a few final things with you and you can take him home.”

  I looked at Milo and beamed. Milo went into his pocket and brought out a toy that looked like a bone. Rocky leaped for him, almost pulling his lead out of my hand.

  “Hello, little man. This is for you.” Rocky took the toy in his mouth and proudly walked out of the door with it while Milo stroked and fussed him.

  “Funny to see men go all soft and gaga after the pets. They end up worse than the women most of the time.”

  I didn’t correct her by saying Rocky was mine, because Rocky had moved to Milo’s side. “Oh, Rocky’s really taken to your partner.”

  Connie got the camera ready and I found I was sharing my adoption photo with Milo, and Rocky was sitting on his knee and licking his face.

  Finally, we got out of there and into the car. After a minute of Rocky trying to get to Milo in the driver’s seat, I finally discovered the reason for his exuberance when Milo went in his pocket and extracted a packet of dog treats, handing them to me. “He might like one on the journey home.”

  “Milo. I’d begun to think my dog was going to end up going home with you. Now I find Rocky was just sniffing out the treats you had hidden in your pocket.”

  “Like his owner does.” Milo sniggered. “Right. Is everyone buckled up? Then we can show Rockstar his new pad.”

  “Do not call my dog that.” I stared at Milo through his rear-view mirror.

  “Okay, Mummy doesn’t like that, Rocky Balboa. If you settle in well, we might just get you a little brother, hey, called Creed?”

  “I’m having one dog. You hear me? One dog
will be quite enough, thank you.”

  “Who said I was talking about a dog?” Milo’s gaze fixed on mine, and my heart catapulted.

  What was he saying?

  “I could mean a goldfish.” He reversed out of the driveway and I gave him a narrow-eyed glare as he returned a cocky stare, and then the rest of the ride home was spent reassuring Rocky who cuddled in close to me and trembled slightly, unused to his new surroundings.

  Getting a new dog could in hindsight have been the biggest mistake ever in a new home, but Rocky immediately sniffed everywhere, played with a couple of toys and then curled up in his dog bed exhausted.

  Over the next few days we got used to each other’s company and he settled in fantastically. Milo came over most evenings and Juliet and Becca called around too to see the new arrival. At night Rocky was happy to curl up downstairs and sleep, which was a good job because Milo seemed to have other plans for my bed.

  Monday rolled around and I put Rocky’s lead on and walked around to the yard. I’d been calling in daily since last Thursday and had spent a bit of time there with Rocky. He seemed happy enough as long as he had food, toys, cuddles, and somewhere to sleep. Today was our first official day at work and as I sat myself down and fired up the computer, I thought about how amazing my life was at that very moment.

  I saw a van pull up at the yard and out got Milo. The day was getting better by the second. He was holding a large bouquet of flowers.

  He came walking into reception and handed me the bunch although his attention was on the overexuberant dog jumping up his body rather than me. Rocky was going to have to go in the back if we had customers come in.

  “Hey, boy. You excited to see your daddy then? Yes, yes, you are. Let me say hello to Mummy and then I’ll tickle your tummy, okay?”

  “Thank you, these are beautiful. I’ll just go find something in the kitchen to put them in while you fuss Rocky some more.”

  I wandered into the kitchen. Milo was calling himself Rocky’s Daddy again. I needed to ask him something. Feeling brave I walked back out and up to him.



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