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Unplanned Love

Page 8

by Sharon C. Cooper

  He sat on the edge of the sofa and dried her face before running the towel over her bare arms. Once he finished, he covered her with the lightweight blanket.

  Questions bombarded his mind as he studied this adorable, unpredictable woman. She was the queen of throwing him off balance. She was also the one person who could pull him out of a funk and then piss him off in the next minute. And though Liam wasn’t the type of man who laughed a lot, he had never smiled and laughed as much as he did when she was around.

  God, he missed her.

  Breaking off their engagement and walking away from what they once shared had been the hardest thing he’d ever done. There had been days when he called himself all types of a fool for letting her go. Then other days he knew it had been for the best.

  But had it been? Had giving up on her…on them, been for the best?

  He ran his hand over his mustache and down his beard not knowing how to answer either of those questions. At least he could finally admit that he still had feelings for her and they were stronger than ever. However, right now, that was the last thing he should be thinking about.

  Why was she there? Had something happened to her? She seemed fine, except for the fact that she couldn’t keep her eyes open.

  Liam reached over and pulled out the hairpins and a hair-thingy that had been holding the long tresses on top of her head. The thick strands fell like waves around her shoulder, a few landing over her face. Unable to resist, he weaved his fingers through the satiny curls before pushing some of the strands behind her ear.

  She’s mine. She will always be mine.

  The thought shocked him, even though it shouldn’t. He had known a couple of years ago, shortly after meeting Charlee, that she was the one. It didn’t matter how he tried fighting his feelings, or how he hadn’t planned on falling in love, it had happened within days of meeting this wild woman. Maybe Jerry was right. Maybe it was time to stop fighting his feelings.

  Still studying Charlee, Liam glided the back of his knuckles down her soft cheek, something he used to do often. Why had she come to him? Had she been experiencing the same type of confusion about them that had been torturing him? Or had she come by to chew him out for acting like a barbarian earlier?

  Either way, he was glad she was there. At least he knew she was safe. Considering how exhausted she was, she could’ve been in a car accident, hurting herself or someone else.

  But she’s safe.

  And she’s here.

  At the moment, that’s all that mattered.

  Chapter Ten

  Charlee heard talking in the distance and then cheering, but couldn’t seem to lift her heavy eyelids. Instead, she snuggled deeper into the pillow and under the covers, willing herself to fall back to sleep.

  But then there was more cheering.

  She eased her eyes open and lowered the covers to below her chin, slowly turning onto her back. Above her was a tall coffered ceiling with dark gray squares and white beams. Confused, her gaze darted around the space. A ray of sunshine peeked through the slats of the partially opened window blinds. White walls were graced with colorful abstract art, and the source of the noise—a women’s basketball game playing on the largest television she’d ever seen.

  Memories of the night before came rushing to the forefront of Charlee’s mind.

  A dinner party hosted by her father.

  Her administrative assistant’s wild birthday party at a local bar.

  Liam’s house.


  From the moment she’d left the coffee shop, her mind had been on him. It hadn’t mattered that the day had been a flurry of activity surrounded by people. He’d been the person she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about. Which was how she ended up at his house. Granted, it hadn’t been the best idea to just show up. Yet, it was as if an invisible force drew her to his place.

  Now, here she was, laying on his sofa with him sitting near her feet. His head was back against the leather sofa, and his eyes were closed. Some parts of the night before, where he had found her in her car, were a little spotty. She remembered how patient he’d been in getting her into the house. Unfortunately, anything after that was a blur. Considering they weren’t on the best of terms, it was kind of him to bring her into his home and let her sleep.

  The attractive, complex man, always managed to surprise her, but how would he react once he woke up? Maybe leaving while he was asleep would be the smartest thing to do. Otherwise, she might do something stupid, like climb onto his lap, and kiss him senseless.

  That could be fun.

  Nah, that would be too much even for her. Besides, she wanted them to call a truce. She was tired of tiptoeing around him whenever they were in the same space, or being on the receiving end of one of his evil glares.

  Then again, instead of sneaking out, maybe she’d just lay there and get her fill of his handsome face. Considering how intense he could be, he looked so relaxed and calm when he slept.

  A smile touched her lips, and a sweet thrill filled her at his closeness. He could’ve easily left her in the living room and retired to his bedroom, but he hadn’t. He had stayed there…with her. That meant more to Charlee than he’d ever know. He cared. He still cared about her, and it made her want to leap off the sofa and do a few cartwheels.

  It blew her mind the type of effect that one man could have on her. She’d dated some nice guys from all walks of life over the years. Wealthy, good-looking, entrepreneurs, and even a president of a bank, but not one of them made her feel complete. Not the way she felt whenever she was with Liam.

  But what would happen when he awakened? She hadn’t had a solid plan when parking in front of his house. She would’ve rang the doorbell had there not been a huge truck in his driveway. Assuming that he had company, she had decided to sit in her car a few minutes until they were gone, then ring his doorbell.

  Well, that didn’t work out.

  “Knowing you, I’m sure you’re probably hungry.”

  Charlee startled at Liam’s sleep-filled baritone and gripped the blanket tighter.

  “French toast all right with you?” he asked.

  How long had he been awake? He hadn’t moved and even now, his eyes were closed. And how had he known she was awake? She hadn’t really moved.

  Then another thought pierced her mind and a spark of hope shot through her like fireworks shooting through the sky on the Fourth of July. If he still hated her, no way would he offer to feed her, and now that he mentioned it, she was starving.

  “If I get a choice, I’d prefer lasagna.”

  His eyes popped open, and he looked at her, a slight frown creasing his forehead. “How’d you know I made lasagna yesterday?”

  Her brows shot up. “I—I didn’t know,” she sputtered, surprised and happy to hear that. “But now that I know, can I have some?”

  His lasagna was the best that Charlee had ever eaten, and from the first time he’d cooked for her, she’d been a goner. She had always had a healthy appetite, which was perfect in their case. Liam loved to cook. With his culinary skills, he could easily succeed at owning a restaurant. He had once told her that all the men in his family were good cooks, which blew Charlee’s mind. Just another reason why the Jenkins men were the most eligible bachelors in the city. At least they used to be. So many of them, the ones she knew of thanks to Rayne, had been snatched up already.

  A sudden hollowness settled in her chest. Liam’s family and the fact that he had never formally introduced her to any of them used to be a source of contention between them. Though she knew he was a private man, she never understood why he always found an excuse to not take her around them. Granted, she traveled more than she was at home, but he’d had a few opportunities. According to him, it was because he didn’t want them in his business, but Charlee always wondered if it was for other reasons.

  “You coming?” Liam asked, standing next to the sofa. So caught up in her thoughts, she hadn’t realized he moved.

  She quickl
y placed her feet on the floor, the hardwood cool against her soles. “Uh, yeah.”

  “There’s a toothbrush in the guest bathroom, top drawer on the right-hand side, and your gym bag is over there,” he pointed to a nearby chair. “Anything else you need, check the linen closet. Make yourself at home. I’m gonna go shower. Then I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” He headed down the hallway toward the master bedroom without a backward glance.

  Charlee sat there dumbfounded. What happened to the fickle, ornery man she had grown accustomed to over the past year? She glanced at the gym bag, glad she made a habit of keeping a change of clothes in her trunk, but for him to get it for her sometime during the night, meant everything.

  Her heart fluttered inside of her chest. This was the man she had fallen in love with years ago. Liam was the most giving man she knew, and when they were together, he took care of her. Whether it was making sure she ate, ensuring that she arrived at a destination safely, or just reading her mood and acting accordingly.

  No one had ever taken care of her the way he had, except for maybe her father and Rayne. But with Liam, it was different. He used to make her feel as if she was the most important person in the world. Even now, though they weren’t together and he could have easily escorted her out of his house, he hadn’t. Instead, he made her feel comfortable.

  With her heart and mind doing funny things, Charlee grabbed her bag bewildered by Liam’s actions. Maybe there was a chance that they could at least be friends again. As she strolled across the living room toward the hallway that led to the guest bathroom, she took note of the changes Liam had made to the house.

  He had purchased the three-bedroom, two-bathroom ranch home shortly before they’d started dating. It hadn’t needed much work, but it looked as if he had made substantial changes. There had been a wall that separated the living room, dining room, and kitchen. It was gone. Dark hardwoods had replaced the old shag carpet, and the dated light fixtures had been swapped out by more modern ones.

  Charlee walked into the guest bathroom that had also received a face lift. The black and white decor was replaced with a brown and beige color pallet and a new vanity.

  “Wow. Fancy, fancy,” she said, as she admired the dual shower heads in the glass enclosed shower. She couldn’t wait to test out some of the settings.

  Twenty minutes later, Charlee was refreshed and had changed into a pair of yoga pants and a fitted T-shirt. Once she had wrangled her curls into a ponytail, she left the bathroom and dropped her bag off in the front foyer.

  The smell of coffee greeted her, immediately bringing back more memories of the past. She wasn’t a big coffee drinker, but Liam never started the day without at least one, obscenely strong cup of the dark liquid. She wondered what else had stayed the same about him.

  “What would you like to drink?” he said from the stove where he had bacon as well as French toast going. Charlee spied the pan holding lasagna on the counter near the refrigerator.

  “Do you have any tea?” she asked, doubting he’d have any, but preferring that over coffee.

  “Green or herbal?”

  Her brows shot up. “You have tea? A man who practically inhales coffee actually has tea?”

  He gave a slight shrug and pulled a variety pack box of tea from the well-stocked pantry. “I fixed breakfast for Jada and my mother for Valentine’s Day. My mom likes tea. So, what’s your pleasure?”

  What’s my pleasure? Now that’s a dangerous question, Charlee thought as her gaze raked over the blue T-shirt that hugged his broad chest and muscular biceps. Dark jeans covered his legs and hung low on his hips. He looked comfortable and sexy all rolled into one. If she had to choose which part of him she wanted, she’d prefer to have the whole package.

  Liam gave the tea box a little shake, forcing her eyes back up to his face. His tempting lips quirked. “When I asked the question, I was referring to the tea. What type do you want?”

  Charlee’s attention bounced between him and the box. “Oh. Green tea is good.” And a big dose of you to take home with me would be great. But she kept that thought to herself as she sat at the small kitchen table.

  He wasn’t only a wonderful man. He was also a good brother and son. Charlee didn’t know any men who prepared breakfast for their mother and sister…and her.

  How could she have chosen so wrong? She should’ve been married with kids and a successful career. But back then, she didn’t know how to have it all. Juggling work and Liam had proved to be harder than she thought. She hadn’t had sense enough to cut back on some of her hours in order to save her relationship.

  Liam placed a steaming cup of tea in front of her and then a plate of lasagna and a piece of garlic bread. Charlee inhaled the enticing aroma and quickly dug in. It was so good, her eyes drifted closed as she chewed and a moan slipped through.

  “As good as I remember.”

  Liam set his breakfast and coffee on the table before sitting across from her. “Glad you think so. There’s more if you’re still hungry.”

  They ate in silence, and surprisingly it wasn’t uncomfortable, but Charlee knew he was probably curious about why she was there.

  “About last night…” she started, but stopped to find the words that would best explain why she showed up on his doorstep out of the blue.

  “Yeah, let’s talk about that. What were you thinking, falling asleep in your car with the key in the ignition? Not only that, the window was down and the driver’s door was unlocked? Do you know how dangerous that was? Do you have any idea how much you scared the crap out of me?”

  Okay, so the conversation wasn’t going the way she envisioned it in her head, but she didn’t miss the anguish and concern in his voice.

  “It wasn’t my intention to fall asleep. I wanted to talk to you, but when I saw the truck in your driveway and all the lights on, I figured you had company. I had planned to wait for a few minutes to see if they left, but…I guess I was more tired than I thought.”

  Actually, she knew she was tired after leaving the bar, but her need to see Liam had outweighed the desire to go home and climb into bed.

  “Had you been drinking?”

  “I had a glass of wine at my father’s house during a dinner party and a glass of wine at a birthday party that I attended last night. I wasn’t drunk and felt fine to drive.”

  “Yet, you fell asleep in your car. What was so important that you had to see me? And why not just call if you wanted to talk?”

  “I didn’t want you to hang up on me,” she said quietly, sounding pitiful to her own ears. She handled million-dollar deals, managed hundreds of staff, and was a grown-ass woman. Yet she was afraid that the man sitting across from her would hang up on her if she called.

  “I wouldn’t have hung up on you,” Liam said after a long silence.

  Charlee eyed him as he continued eating, waiting for him to say more, but he didn’t. How was she supposed to know that he wouldn’t have hung up? He’d been such a contradiction the last few times they’d run into each other. She hadn’t been sure what to expect.

  “So what do you want?” he asked pointedly, staring at her over the rim of his mug.

  You. All I want is you.

  Instead of saying that, she said, “You know what I want.”

  His left brow rose toward the ceiling, but he didn’t respond as he continued studying her.

  Ugh. She hated when he looked at her like that. Like he was picking through her mind, searching for the meaning of her existence.

  She snatched a napkin from the silver holder on the table and wiped her mouth. “I want a truce, all right? I’m tired of the tension between us every time we run into each other, and I hate it when you look at me as if I’m some…some alien who’s trying to steal your kidney.”

  He lowered the mug to the table and shook his head. His lips twitched before giving way to a slight smile and a chuckle. “You’re something else.”

  “I’m not done. I also want us to be friends again. I miss you, Li
am. Even if we never get back what we once had, you have to admit that we were once good friends.”

  His smile disappeared, and he sat back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest. “I agree.”

  Whoa. She hadn’t expected that and stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Secretly, she yearned for him to tell her that he was madly in love with her. How he couldn’t go another day without her in his life. And once that was said, Charlee wanted him to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she couldn’t think straight.

  When none of that happened, she asked, “You agree? To which part?”

  After a long hesitation, he said, “All of it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Okaaay. What does that mean?

  There were so many things Charlee loved about this man, but those same things irritated the hell out of her. Like for instance, he wasn’t a big talker, often letting his actions speak louder than words. However, when she needed him to say something, anything, he took his time and often didn’t share his thoughts without her prying them out of him.

  “All of what?” she asked as he stood and started clearing the table. “Are you saying that you agree that you’ve been treating me like an alien?”


  Frustration drummed through her. “And you want to call a truce?”

  Instead of loading the dishwasher, he started washing the dishes. “Yes.”

  “And you want us to be friends? Like hanging out sometimes like we used to?” she continued carefully, mentally, and emotionally preparing herself for however he answered. He continued washing and drying dishes, seeming to marinate on each question.

  “Yes,” he finally said.

  “And you miss me?”


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