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Unplanned Love

Page 21

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “Oh, Rayne.” Charlee squeezed her friend’s hand. She had no idea she felt that way.

  “There were days your gift was the only hope I had to hang on to. So today, I’m loaning it to you. Not as just something borrowed, but also to symbolize the happiness that you’ve brought me over the years.”

  “Is that what something borrowed represents?”

  Rayne’s brows furrowed. “Um, I think. Girl, I don’t know for sure. Just go with it.”

  They both laughed, and the heaviness Charlee had felt moments ago lifted. Her mother might not be there physically, but she would live in Charlee’s heart forever.

  “It’s a good thing we got here early, and Jada hasn’t done my makeup,” she said, drying her eyes.

  “I know, right? She would kill us both. Me for making you cry and you for messing up your makeup.”

  “But seriously,” Charlee started. “Thank you for the something borrowed, and for being here for me.”

  “Of course, I’d be here. You saved my life. I don’t know what I would’ve done had you not convinced me to move to Cincinnati.”

  “You’re a survivor, Rayne. I just helped a little. You’re the one who didn’t give up.”

  “Actually, I gave up more times than not, but that’s another story. Look at us. We’re married to amazing men, have great lives, and we’re a part of a big, crazy family.”

  They laughed again, and even harder when they started talking about Martina’s shenanigans at the rehearsal dinner the night before. She was good at getting everyone riled up, causing arguments that lasted longer than necessary. All in all, the night had turned into a fun celebration. The Jenkins family was like no other, and Charlee was so grateful to be one of them now.

  She hugged Rayne. “I love you, girl. Thank you for being my friend.”

  Her heart overflowed with love for the people in her life. Yes, she missed her mother, and no one could ever replace her, but Liam and his family had given her more than she could’ve ever hope for.

  Forty-five minutes later, Charlee stood in front of the full-length mirror, admiring Jada’s handy work. The form-fitting, strapless gown that she had designed with a lace overlay, beading and sequins was absolutely exquisite.

  “Wow, you’re beautiful, sweetheart,” her father said from the doorway.

  Charlee turned to him smiling. Her heart was so full she felt as if she would burst.

  “You’re looking pretty handsome yourself. I guess it’s time, huh?”

  “It is, but I wanted to talk to you for a minute.”

  “Dad, please don’t make me cry again.”

  “I won’t. I promise.” He moved further into the room and kissed her cheek.

  Over breakfast that morning, they’d had a heart to heart. By the time he finished telling her how much he loved her and how proud he was of her, Charlee had been an emotional wreck. It was just the two of them for so long. She hadn’t realized how much her marriage had affected him. He was crazy about Liam and thought he was perfect for her, but now he had to share her. For him, that was taking some getting used to.

  “How do you think your husband will feel being married to a CEO?”

  Charlee’s eyes rounded and she brought her hands to her mouth, but stop short of messing up her lipstick. A giggle bubbled inside of her. “Oh, my goodness. Does that mean what I think it means?”

  “It means that I will officially retire at the end of the year. The job is yours if you want it.”

  “Yes!” She did a fist pump, making her father laugh. “Of course, I want it! Liam is going to flip.”

  Since finding out she was up for the position, he’d been bringing the possibility up in conversation at every turn. Even when they found the perfect house in Indian Hill, a suburb of Cincinnati, he ruled it out because it was too far from her office. Claiming that as the CEO, her hours might be longer. He didn’t want her driving that far alone at night.

  She loved him for thinking of her, but had explained that the hours she currently worked, were probably longer than she’d work as CEO. In the end, they put in an offer on the house she wanted and got it. They agreed to figure out the commute if she got the job.

  “I can’t believe it. I’m going to be the CEO.” She said it over and over again. Her excitement growing as it sunk in. “Thank you. It means everything that you trust me enough to run the company that you built.”

  “The company we built. I couldn’t have done it without you. You’re going to be an awesome CEO.”

  Charlee put her hand on her chest. “Aw, Dad. Thank you. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. I love you so much.”

  “I love you more, baby girl.”

  “All right, you guys. It’s time,” Rayne said as she and Jada strolled into the room, looking gorgeous in their sky-blue gowns.

  “Well, do you approve?” Charlee asked as Jada walked around her, giving her another once over.

  “Yep, I approve. You look amazing.”

  Kingslee offered Charlee his arm. “Now, let’s get you married.”


  Liam stepped into the sanctuary with Jerry, his best man, and some of their cousins who were groomsmen. As they got into position a wave of excitement course through his body. He couldn’t wait to see his wife. The night before had been hell. It was the first time that he and his wife had been apart since before running into each other in New York.

  All because of his mother. She insisted on Charlee staying at their house. Claiming it was bad luck for him to see the bride before the wedding. She didn’t seem to care that they’d been married for four months.

  Liam glanced out at the audience, not surprised that the sanctuary was full with mostly family and just a few friends.

  “You ready for this?” Jerry asked, gripping Liam’s shoulder.

  “You do realize that I’m already married to her, right?” Liam asked, finding it a little amusing that all morning, people had been asking him if he was ready.

  “Yeah, you’re talking all tough now. Wait until you see her walking down the aisle. It will feel as if you’re seeing her for the first time.”

  “If you say so.”

  A few minutes later, music started playing and the vocalist started singing Anthony Hamilton’s, The Point Of It All. Liam waited anxiously as the bridesmaids walked down the aisle and took their places, but it was Stormy and her vibrant personality that stole the show. He had never met a kid who could light up a room the way she could, and when she blew Jerry a kiss, she captured the hearts of everyone in the audience.

  Now Liam just wanted to see his wife. After their last month, he and Charlee had done more than kiss and made up. Their relationship was thriving. They were both giving a hundred percent, and he couldn’t be happier. He fell in love with his amazing woman more and more every day.

  When the music switched over to Ruelle’s, I Get To Love You, Liam released a slow calming breath, willing himself to calm down. Instead of the traditional wedding march, Charlee had chosen this song to walk in on.

  Where is she? It seemed to take forever for her and her father to make an appearance. A sudden bout of anxiety pumped through Liam’s veins, and he rubbed his hands together.

  Why was he nervous? They were already married.

  “And it begins,” Jerry cracked, humor lacing his words.

  Seconds later, Charlee appeared in the wide doorway with her father. Liam’s knees went weak. His heart galloped, and his breath caught at the sight of his wife.

  Good Lord.

  Jerry chuckled next to him as if knowing what he was thinking.

  Wait. Did I say that out loud?

  “I told you it would feel like the first time. So let me know if you’re going to pass out. I’ll try to catch you before you hit the floor.”

  “Man, shut up,” Liam mumbled, unable to pull his gaze from Charlee. She was without a doubt, the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. More importantly, she was his.

  Once she and her father were nex
t to him, Kingslee shook Liam’s hand. “Take care of my baby,” he said, his voice gruff with emotion.

  “I will. Always.”

  Liam reached for Charlee and the moment they touched, an electric current shot up his arm. It reminded him of the first time they’d met years ago in her father’s office. The same thing had happened when she shook his hand. Now here they were about to become husband and wife…again.

  He searched her eyes, looking for any sign that she wasn’t all right. Then his gaze traveled the length of her shapely body, looking mouth-watering tempting in her dress.

  “Wow.” The word slipped out before he could rein it in.

  She grinned and leaned in a little closer, her signature scent settling around him. “So, we’re back to one-word responses from you, huh?”

  Liam laughed, unable to help himself. This woman had crashed into his life, twisted it upside down, and made him the happiest man on this side of heaven. He didn’t know what their future held, but he knew that it would be full of laughter, love, and adventure.

  For the next few minutes, he struggled to listen as the officiant performed a traditional ceremony. He perked up when they finally got to the part he’d been looking forward to.

  “You may now kiss your bride.”

  “Gladly.” Liam wrapped Charlee in his arms and kissed her as if he hadn’t seen her in years instead of hours. There were days he still couldn’t believe that she was his. That he was hers. That they had found their way back to each other. Maybe she’d been right. Maybe fate had played a hand in bringing them together. Whatever the case, he was grateful for their second chance.

  When they finally came up for air, the minister said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Liam Jenkins.”

  As the room roared with cheers and clapping, Liam kissed his wife again. He couldn’t get enough of her. The first time they were married had been one of the best days of his life. But today, today felt like a dream come true.

  “Thank you for loving me,” Charlee said when the kiss ended, her eyes glittering with unshed tears.

  “I can’t help but love you.”


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  About the Author

  Award-winning and bestselling author, Sharon C. Cooper, is a romance-a-holic - loving anything that involves romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies, or real life. Sharon writes contemporary romance, as well as romantic suspense and enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She’s been nominated for numerous awards and is the recipient of an Emma Award for Romantic Suspense of the Year 2015 (Truth or Consequences), Emma Award - Interracial Romance of the Year 2015 (All You’ll Ever Need), and BRAB (book club) Award -Breakout Author of the Year 2014. When Sharon is not writing or working, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, visit

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  Other Titles

  Atlanta’s Finest Series

  Vindicated (book 1)

  Indebted (book 2)

  Accused (book 3)

  Jenkins & Sons Construction Series (Contemporary Romance)

  Love Under Contract

  Proposal for Love

  A Lesson on Love

  Unplanned Love

  Jenkins Family Series (Contemporary Romance)

  Best Woman for the Job (Short Story Prequel)

  Still the Best Woman for the Job (book 1)

  All You’ll Ever Need (book 2)

  Tempting the Artist (book 3)

  Negotiating for Love (book 4)

  Seducing the Boss Lady (book 5)

  Love at Last (Holiday Novella)

  When Love Calls (Novella)

  Reunited Series (Romantic Suspense)

  Blue Roses (book 1)

  Secret Rendezvous (Prequel to Rendezvous with Danger)

  Rendezvous with Danger (book 2)

  Truth or Consequences (book 3)

  Operation Midnight (book 4)

  Stand Alones

  Something New (“Edgy” Sweet Romance)

  Legal Seduction (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  Sin City Temptation (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  A Dose of Passion (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  Model Attraction (Harlequin Kimani – Contemporary Romance)

  A Passionate Kiss (Bennett Triplets Series)




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