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Undercover Witch Academy Box Set

Page 37

by Rachel Medhurst

  “We need to leave,” Devon said, running across the room with super speed.

  When she reached us, she clasped both Nicholas and Dracian by the arm, popping out of existence with them. A hand landed on my shoulder before the plush office around me faded, and we landed in the ballroom at the academy.

  Several students had stopped their game of billiards, their stares widening as each one of us appeared from nowhere.

  “As you were,” Seaton said, gesturing for us to follow him.

  My hands shook as Devon clamped a hand on Nicholas’ wrist, her power the only thing from preventing him from zapping away.

  “You’re under arrest, obviously,” she said, getting out her phone and typing something.

  Shouting to get the professor’s attention, she gestured to her prisoner before raising her eyebrows.

  He paused, glancing at Dracian, who stood beside me, his head hanging. “Do you have anything to say to your father before he’s taken away?”

  Licking his lips, Dracian strode over to the man who had deceived him. Life had been hard for me losing my parents, but at least they had loved me enough to protect me. I wouldn’t blame my boyfriend if he told the man to go to hell. I was ready to tell him the exact same thing. Too many people had been hurt or killed because of his notion of grandeur. We abided by the governments rules for a reason. To live in harmony with the humans, never harming others.

  “I hope that wherever you end up, you’ll find happiness.”

  My gasp made Dracian look at me, a sad smile on his face. He didn’t say anything, but the slight inclination of his head told me that he had decided to let his father go in a healthy way. Screw that, he was a bastard. Although, if it helped Dracian become the witch he wanted to be, then I wasn’t going to judge him.

  “I’m sorry, son,” Nicholas said. “But the humans will take us down. Mark my words.”

  Indicating that Devon could go, Dracian turned his back on his father. He came to me, enveloped me in his arms and stroked my hair. “You’re safe,” he whispered. “I promised that I would never hurt you.”

  Holding him tightly, I released my breath and buried my head in his chest. For the first time in years, I felt completely and utterly safe in the arms of the man who had gone against his corrupt father for me. I couldn’t help the tears that sprung to my eyes as he shushed me, his lips brushing my cheek.

  “Is everything okay?” Looking up, we both smiled at Izzy, who stood with her hands clasped in front of her. “What happened?”

  As we followed the gang out of the ballroom, heading to the professor’s office, we held hands and glanced at one another. Devon would take down the institute with the human government, the police and the Hunted Witch Agency. Even as we walked, chatting amongst ourselves, I knew that the officials would be storming the building we had just left, taking everyone into custody.

  Hopefully, those who had been kidnapped would be able to get back to their lives. And those whose parents or family members hadn’t made it… they would find some peace.

  As for me, I was only just getting started. Now that my – current – enemy had been defeated, I could knuckle down and earn my career as an agent. Alongside Dracian, I was determined to pass all my classes at the academy.

  And, who knows, maybe I would become the first famous Illusionist witch who helped others like her to use their weakness as a strength. Just like my father taught me I could.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Alishia,” Helissa called, nudging my leg. “Get up!”

  My cover flew off me, the cold air whooshing over my warm skin. Cringing, I tried to curl up into a ball. It had been three days since we had uncovered Dracian’s father as the head of the institute. I was about ready to hibernate. So, why did my supposed friend feel that it was okay to drag me out of bed?

  “Isabel is almost ready. We need to get going.”

  Oh yeah, that’s why. Isabel’s leaving sent a sharp pang through my chest. My best friend had decided that she didn’t want to be an agent. I didn’t blame her, she was much better suited to help others in a kinder way.

  “Okay,” I moaned when Helissa crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows at me. “I’m coming.”

  Forcing myself out of bed, I stretched my arms high and yawned. The relief of not being chased had made me super tired. Being on alert did a lot to the nervous system. Well, that’s what Helissa had told me, anyway.

  “I can’t believe she’s going.”

  My friend glanced at her bed, her eyes landing on the empty tank that sat near the end of it. “Just to think, it all started with the kidnapping of Toby. You both helped me get through that.”

  Going to her, I put my arm around her shoulders. She leant against me, a sad smile lighting her lips. I had never imaged that I could touch people, let alone comfort them. And yet, my natural tendency to pull magic didn’t engage. I had trained myself not to automatically drain people. Maybe I would be able to have a familiar after all. Or maybe not, the poor thing would probably starve because I was forgetful.

  “It’s been a crazy ride since we got here. We’ve got a little way to go, though.”

  Sighing as I left her to get dressed, Helissa bent to retrieve her grimoire. “We have indeed. It won’t be the same without her.”

  “No, it won’t.”

  My heart squeezed as I brushed my teeth, remembering the times that Izzy had lent me her magic when we were children. A selfless person, she had always been soft around the edges. It wouldn’t be the same without her at the academy.

  The knock made me rush, running my hands through my hair instead of a comb. Who cared if I look presentable? Today would be the worst day of life. Well, not quite, but still.

  “I’m ready!” Isabel called, rather cheerfully, from the hallway.

  Dashing to the door, we opened it, both piling out to throw our arms around her. Dracian and James waited down the corridor, tapping their feet impatiently.

  “I’m going to miss you guys,” Isabel said, sobbing into my shoulder. “But, I’m excited about leaving!”

  “You are?” I pulled back, frowning at her.

  Patting my arm, she stepped away and took out her phone, showing it to us. “I’ve been accepted into the academy of foster care. Once qualified, I can look after paranormal children who have no coven or family.”

  “Wow,” I said, hugging her tightly again. “That’s an incredible career!”

  Several coughs echoed down the hall. The boys waved at us, tapping their watches. Yes, we had to hurry. Not only was Izzy’s transport arriving, but our meeting with the Hunted Witch Agency was starting soon.

  Walking arm in arm, all three of us, we followed the boys out of the dorm wing and into the main entrance hall. Professor Seaton and Mrs Hinley waited there, whispering amongst themselves.

  “Ah, I trust you are ready, Isabel?” Seaton asked as we joined them.

  Nodding enthusiastically, Izzy almost hopped up and down on her dainty shoes. Her long smooth dark hair was tied in a ponytail, trailing down her back.

  “I’m so ready. Thank you for giving me a chance.” Her small smile was met with a big one as Seaton held out his hand.

  Taking it, she shook it formally, her gaze dropping when Mrs Hinley knocked her husband out of the way and hugged her. “Good luck, child,” she said tightly. “I know you’ll do great.”

  Thanking them, Izzy turned back to us and gathered us in a group. Her expression turned serious as she eyed James’ stump. “I want you to take care of each other. You’ll be amazing agents, I know it.”

  “You sound like we’re never going to see you again,” I muttered, swallowing hard in an effort not to cry. “We’ve agreed to get shared lodgings with you next year, woman.”

  Waving away my words, she sucked in a breath, releasing it in a sob. “I know, but you’re training in a dangerous field. Just, be careful.”

  Squeezing in, we grabbed each other in a group hug. All three girls were crying, te
ars rolling down our cheeks. As always, the boys were cool as a cucumber as we broke apart, although Dracian did pat Izzy’s shoulder before hugging her on her own.

  “See you soon!” Izzy waved as she marched with her suitcase, straight out of the front door.

  She didn’t look back as she trod down the steps and climbed into her waiting car. I couldn’t bear the thought of watching her go, so I turned and started towards the classroom. It was a Saturday, so no formal classes were to be held. However, our special meeting had been arranged nice and early, when most students were still in bed.

  “Are you okay?” Dracian asked, taking my hand in his.

  Nodding, I blinked several times, wiping the tears from my face. “I’ll be fine.”

  The others followed, quiet as we entered Mrs Hinley’s classroom. In the three days since Nicholas Dread had been discovered, Dracian had been particularly calm. I had tried to probe him, but he had just held me tight and told me that he was relieved.

  “Hello, hello,” Devon greeted as we settled at the tables.

  She sat on Mrs Hinley’s desk, her small legs hanging over the end, not touching the ground. Her eyes were bright as we settled, a slight melancholy making us weary.

  Professor Seaton and Mrs Hinley sat on the table next to us, their expressions sombre as they waited for Devon’s verdict. She had promised us an update on the institute.

  “I’ll get right to it,” she said, obviously sensing the tension in the air. “The human government gave us permission to rip apart the institute. Every person in the building was arrested.”

  “Every person?” I exclaimed. “But there were many there against their will.”

  Inclining her head, Devon swung her legs. “Indeed, there was. They’re currently being interviewed. Those who are innocent are being freed. Those involved, which are a high amount of top officials from several groups and covens, are being detained.”

  “Will they be executed?” Dracian asked, a shake accompanying his words.

  Devon’s friendly nature vanished, her gaze darting between us. My heart sunk into my stomach, making my hands shake as I tried to hold onto Dracian. He released me, feeling my tension go through him, no doubt.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, biting her lip. “It doesn’t look good for your father. He… he ordered many killings, including Alishia’s parents.”

  Air left my lungs as Dracian nodded stiffly. He clenched his hands together, his elbows resting on the table we shared. I wanted to reach out and hold him, but the roll of grief that left him made me keep my hands to myself.

  “I expected as much.”

  “And you’re sure the institute is safely shut down?” Mrs Hinley asked.

  Getting off the desk, Devon got her phone out of her jacket pocket and came over. “Yes. We recorded footage for the human government. Here, I’ll show you some of it so you can be assured that your students and the academy are safe.”

  As the video played in front of us, Dracian stared off into the distance. I stayed quiet, swallowing hard when several people, handcuffed with magic vines, were marched out of the building we had managed to infiltrate.

  “That’s all I needed to see,” Professor Seaton said, getting up from his seat. “Is there anything else we need to know?”

  Shaking her head, Devon tucked away her phone. “No. The case has officially passed to us. We’re working with Detective Rollings and Frankie to clear up the loose ends.” Looking at me, she smiled kindly. “You’re free to get back to your life.”

  A pang of guilt zipped through me at the same time as relief. My breath rushed out of me, the noise loud in the room. Dracian took my hand, relief washing over his own features, softening them. It would take a lot for him to deal with what had happened with his father, but at least he finally knew what had become of him.

  “Thank you,” I said to Devon, tapping my jacket pocket. “You’ve helped me to see what I can become.”

  Her lip quirked into her cheek as she saluted me. “Call me when you graduate, I could use someone like you.”

  She said goodbye to the others and disappeared, leaving us in silence. Helissa squeezed my arm before awkwardly patting Dracian on the back.

  “It’s good to know that we can get back to normal,” Dracian said, getting up from his seat.

  Professor Seaton and Mrs Hinley stopped him from moving away from the table. They stood before us, their hands clasped in front of them. James stood next to Helissa, holding her hand.

  “You’ve been through an ordeal together,” the professor started. “All four of you will be required to visit the academy counsellor to deal with it.”

  I was about to roll my eyes but stopped myself. When my parents had died, the therapist had helped me through. It was sometimes nice to talk to someone who would listen without judgement. I just hoped Dracian would go. He had suffered as much trauma as me.

  “Not only that,” Mrs Hinley interrupted. “You’ll get extra credit for helping with the case.”

  “Nice.” My heart leapt into my throat. I never imagined that I, Alishia Jones, Illusionist witch, would get extra credit. “Does that mean we can skip forensics on Monday?”

  Raising her eyebrows, Mrs Hinley clucked her tongue. “I may be kind, but I’m not stupid. You’ve got a long way to go until you qualify as an agent, missy.”

  Laughing, we started to walk out of the classroom. Our timetable was full of classes that taught different methods of both investigation and witchcraft.

  Excitement bubbled inside me as Dracian made a joke about him being the best agent in the whole academy. Of course, I would let him believe that about himself. For now. When he got too egotistical, I would remind him that I was the one who had no magic, which meant I was the better agent, able to use my brain more than magic.

  “What’s the plan?” Helissa asked when the teachers left us to get ready to address the students of the academy.

  They’d called a special assembly to let the students know that they were safe. Some of their parents would now be free, while others, like Dracian’s, Damian’s and mine, would never be free again. At least Damian had been given leniency with his life. He might be locked up for a long time, but he didn’t deserve to die.

  “The plan,” Dracian said, twirling me under his arm. “Is to go to Frankie’s bar tonight and get drunk. After that, we conquer the paranormal world.”

  Want to know Devon Jinx’s story?

  The complete collection is out now! Grab it HERE or click on the cover below.

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  Copyright © 2019 by Rachel Medhurst

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Published in 2019


  Rachel Medhurst grew up in Surrey, England. She writes to prove that no matter where you come from, you can be anything you want to be. Your past may shape you but it doesn't define you. When Rachel isn't writing, she can be found reading and walking in nature.




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