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Next to Forever: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Three

Page 11

by Long, A. L.

  As they began to lift Garrett from the couch, Dylan appeared from the bedroom with only a sheet wrapped around her. Running her hand through her hair, she asked, still half asleep, “What’s all the noise about? Do you real….. Oh my God…. What happened, Rade?” Dylan couldn’t believe her eyes.

  “I was just about to find out myself when he collapsed to the floor. He’s been stabbed,” Rade replied, still holding on to his father’s limp body.

  Dylan immediately moved out of the way so Rade and Richard could take him to the guest bedroom. When they were clear, Dylan followed behind them until they were in the bedroom. Rushing to the bed, Dylan pulled back the covers before they put Garrett on the bed. Richard worked to get Garrett’s shirt off while Rade held on to his father’s limp body. Once Garrett was settled, Richard went back to the living area to get the items that he brought.

  Dylan had never seen so much blood. She was thankful that she didn’t lose her lunch at the sight. Richard came back to the room carrying some bandages, antiseptic, and a small bag that appeared to be full of medical tools. Pulling a chair beside the bed, Richard began working on Garrett, but before he did, he twisted the top of the whiskey bottle and took a large swig. He handed the bottle over to Rade, who also took a large drink. Whiskey wasn’t his liquor of choice, but considering the circumstances, it didn’t matter.

  Richard did the best he could with what he had to patch up Garrett. He was thankful that his military training didn’t escape him once he left the Seals. Even though it wasn’t his best handiwork, at least he got the cut stitched and the bleeding to stop. Based on the amount of blood on Garrett’s shirt, Richard knew he lost quite a bit. What Garrett needed now was rest. Richard would know more in the morning if what he did worked.

  Dylan gathered all of the bloody items and took them to the kitchen, where she dumped them into a garbage bag. The smell of the blood just about made her sick, but she struggled through it. She knew none of them would be going back to sleep, so she decided to make coffee. As she was filling the coffee maker with water, she kept wondering what could have happened to Rade’s father. She was pretty certain it had something to do with the shooting at BlackStone Industries yesterday morning.

  Rade and Richard were talking in the study when Dylan appeared with a tray holding three cups of coffee. Placing the tray down on the small table at the end of the couch, Dylan bent over and grabbed two of the cups, handing one to Rade and the other to Richard. She wasn’t sure what she missed, but she was done being left in the dark.

  “So what do you think happened to him?” Dylan blurted out.

  Rade looked over at Dylan, unsure what she expected to hear. “We really don’t know. We’re trying to figure that out. We’re pretty sure it has something to do with what happened at BlackStone.”

  “Do you have any idea who might have shot Keeve and Mason and why the shooter would have blown the face off of the other guy?” Dylan asked.

  “Richard is going to see what he can find out. He has an old Navy buddy that works for the NYPD. Maybe he’ll be able to give us some answers. In the meantime, I need you to stay clear of this, Dylan,” Rade ordered. “The last thing I need is for something to happen to you.”

  Dylan stood from her seat rolling her eyes, “I’m going to check on Garrett.” Just as she turned she heard Rade.

  “This isn’t a game, Dylan. I need you to let us handle this,” Rade demanded.

  Rade hoped Dylan’s stubbornness wasn’t going to get the best of her. The only thing he could think about was keeping her safe. Just the thought of something happening to her made his heart ache. It could have been her that got shot. If they had arrived at the BlackStone building an hour earlier, who knows what the outcome would have been.

  “Damn, that woman is going to get the best of me,” Rade said between gritted teeth.

  “I think we have bigger problems than Ms. Adams,” Richard confessed, handing Rade his cell.

  Rade took Richard’s cell from his hand and looked down at the screen. This was almost the breaking point for him. “Fuck,” came from Rade’s throat. Before he lifted his arm to throw Richard’s cell across the room, Richard pulled back on his arm, stopping him in time. The last thing Richard needed was to replace his phone.

  “Sir, you need to calm down. We need to find out all the facts before we believe the press. I’ll get in touch with my friend at the NYPD and find out what is really going on,” Richard suggested. The last thing he wanted was for Rade to worry for no reason. Especially since he knew it wasn’t his dad lying in the morgue. Maybe the cops were keeping it out of the press. Maybe they had an angle. Either way, Richard’s buddy would be able to shed some light on the matter. Rade needed to revert his focus on getting his father better so he could get some answers.

  “Sir, can I suggest you check in on your father while I make some calls? I’ll let you know if I find out anything from my friend.”

  Rade took Richard’s advice. His father was the only person who could answer his questions. He needed to make sure that he was well taken care of. As much as it pained him to see his father in such a helpless state, he still couldn’t get past his feelings towards him. Rade wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to let go of what his father had taken from him. Maybe his father had lived with the guilt long enough. It was evident that it stared at him every day by the tattoo he had branded on his chest. Maybe forgiveness was the key to his happiness.


  It was a little past six in the morning, and Rade needed to get ready for his appointment with Dr. Kincaid. Rade checked in on his father. He seemed to be resting comfortably. Hopefully by the time he returned, Rade would be able to get the answers he needed from him.

  A little after seven, Rade needed to leave if he was going to make his eight o’clock appointment. Kissing Dylan on the lips, he gave her Dr. Foster’s contact information in case his father’s condition got worse. Dylan was reluctant to stay. She wanted to be with Rade when he took the paternity test. But she knew Rade needed her to stay with Garrett.

  When Rade arrived at the clinic, Chloe was already there waiting. “Hello, Loverboy,” she said with a smile.

  “Let’s just get this over with, Chloe. No need for the pleasantries,” Rade hissed.

  “The only reason I’m here is because of you,” Chloe asserted.

  “Come on, Chloe. You’re only here because I agreed to meet your parents.”

  There was no love lost between the two of them, at least for Rade. He knew agreeing to go to London with her was the only way he would get her to agree to another test. Little did she know that Dylan would be part of his planned trip to London.

  Pulling Rade from his thoughts, a young nurse appeared, breaking their tense conversation. If it had been a minute longer, Rade would have called the whole thing off.

  “Ms. Dupree,” the young nurse inquired.

  Chloe stood from her seat. The dress she was wearing was just tight enough that Rade could see the small bump at her waistline affirming that it was going to be the longest nine months of his life.

  Rade had been waiting in the waiting area for about an hour when the same nurse appeared. She called his name just as she had with Chloe. Rade rose to his feet and followed the young nurse through the door back to the examining area. All Rade knew was that he wanted to get this over with. His only hope was that this test would show that he wasn’t the father of Chloe’s child.

  The young nurse escorted Rade to a small room with a chair, a computer, and a counter displaying various vials. Rade was directed to take a seat while he waited for the phlebotomist to show. He couldn’t believe that his life came to this. While he was lost in his thoughts, an older woman about fifty appeared. She seemed to be having a bad day.

  “Mr. Matheson,” she said sternly.

  “Yes,” Rade replied.

  “Good, I need you to remove your jacket and roll up the sleeve of your left arm,” she ordered.

  Rade did what she said, an
d placed his suit jacket on the back of his chair. Removing his cufflink from his sleeve, he put it in his shirt pocket and proceeded to neatly roll up his sleeve.

  “Quickly, Mr. Matheson. I don’t have all day,” she barked.

  The way the phlebotomist was talking to him, Rade hope this wasn’t going to be a sign as to how she was going to insert the needle into his arm.

  The grouchy phlebotomist placed a rubber tourniquet around his upper arm and began thumping on his forearm. By no means was she gentle. When the desired vein appeared, Nurse Ratchet pushed the needle through the skin. Rade was surprised at how gently she eased the needle in. The only pressure he felt was a small prick. Rade watched as his blood filled the vial. When it was about half filled, the cranky phlebotomist released the tourniquet. It was only when she was finished that she made eye contact with him. Rade could see something in them. She wasn’t as cold as he thought. There was compassion behind them.

  Rade left the clinic before Chloe. At least, that’s what he thought until he saw her approaching him. He tried to avoid her, but when he heard his name roll off her lips, he knew she spotted him. Turning his body, he waited for her.

  When she was within talking distance, Rade cursed, “Whatever you have to say, Chloe, save it.”

  “Do you hate me that much? Because you certainly didn’t when you fucked me,” Chloe hissed.

  “I don’t know what your game is, Chloe, but you’re going to end up losing,” Rade snapped back.

  “Is that what you think? That this is a game? We’re going to have a child together, for God’s sake!” Chloe cried.

  “If I’m the father of the child you’re carrying, I’ll do my part to support he or she any way I can. As for you, you will never have me.”

  “I still have the pictures,” Chloe hissed.

  “Don’t threaten me, Chloe. You and I both know those pictures were staged.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see what happens when the authorities get a hold of them.”

  Rade took Chloe by the arm. He had enough of her threats. “Go ahead and show them, see what happens. My guess is that you’ll be giving birth to that child in jail for falsifying evidence.”

  Chloe pulled her arm from Rade’s grasp. The last thing she needed was to cause a scene with him. Although if she did, she might be able to get him to bend to her will. Unfortunately, she had other plans for him. Turning around, Chloe headed down the sidewalk in the other direction. Rade watched as she slipped into a black sedan. The driver looked to be about Rade’s age and build. It was then that he recognized him. As the driver got closer, Rade snapped a picture of the guy with his cell and sent the picture to Peter. Rade had a sneaky suspicion that the driver had something to do with the charade Chloe was playing.

  It was late morning when Richard pulled up to Crystal Hill Tower. He had left Dylan by his father, and his decision to do so was justified by the uncomfortable interaction he had with Chloe at the clinic. The last thing he needed was for Dylan to get upset.

  Entering the penthouse, Rade could smell something wonderful in the air. As he rounded the corner, he saw his woman standing by the stove, stirring the contents inside a big pot. Walking over to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist to see what she was up to.

  “Mmm, that smells heavenly,” Rade whispered as he nibbled at her earlobe.

  “Mmm, you feel heavenly. I missed you,” Dylan replied. “I thought I would make something light for your dad when he woke up.”

  “Chicken noodle soup?” Rade questioned Dylan’s remedy choice.

  “Yeah. A good hot bowl of CNS cures all. Didn’t your mother…” Dylan stopped mid-sentence realizing what she was about to spill before it was too late. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean…”

  Before Dylan could finish, Rade had her body turned to him and his lips on her gorgeous mouth. The stirring spoon fell to the floor with a loud clank as Dylan wrapped her arms around Rade’s neck. Her hands automatically ran through his thick hair as their kiss became more than just a friendly peck. Moving Dylan away from the stove, Rade lifted her by her ass and carried her bear style to the adjacent counter where he set her down.

  It didn’t matter where they were, their bodies were like magnets. Rade lifted the thin t-shirt from her body. Cupping her breast, he could feel the tender peaks of her nipples already giving way to his touch. Pulling the cups of her bra down so they were resting under her breasts, Rade lowered his head, attaching his mouth over her nipple. Just the scent of her had him coming undone. It was hard for Dylan to focus on the pot of soup, which was now boiling, just like the heat between her legs. The hot liquid was sizzling on the burner as it boiled over the top of the pot.

  “Rade, I need to turn the temperature down,” Dylan said, breathing heavily.

  “Just feel, Dylan, Give yourself to me,” Rade commanded.

  “Rade, the soup on the stove, it’s boiling over,” Dylan advised.

  With his free hand, Rade reached behind him and turned the knob on the burner without interrupting the enjoyment he was having consuming Dylan’s breasts. Gathering her in his arms, he lifted her body from the granite countertop. With everything that was going on, only Dylan could make him forget about his problems. She was like the sunlight after the storm. Setting her down, Rade groaned with pleasure, dipping his hand lower to her tight stomach and then to the zipper of her jeans. Dylan leaned back on the counter, adjusting her body so that Rade could easily remove her jeans. As he pulled her jeans down, she watched him struggle to get her jeans off her body. With a frustrated look he whispered, “No more jeans. As a matter of fact, no more clothing, period, while you’re here with me.”

  Dylan had to giggle at his request. She knew he was being ridiculous thinking that she would walk around the penthouse naked all day to appease his sexual demands.

  When Rade finally had her naked aside from her bra, which was still bunched under her beautiful breasts, he needed to free the heat billowing beneath his pants. As he lowered his pants, it was visible that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. The hardening of his shaft was fully displayed at the waistband of his boxers. Dylan bit her bottom lip, wanting nothing more than to take him inside her mouth. Her wish wasn’t granted; Rade lifted her onto the cold counter and sunk his finger inside her tight cunt, causing her body to unravel with pure bliss.

  Nothing could pull them apart. Knowing that Garrett Matheson was only a few feet away and could walk in on them at any moment didn’t stop them. The only focus they had was on each other. Rade lifted Dylan by the ass, feeling the coldness the counter had left on her cheeks. He knew the minute he plunged deep inside her, those cheeks would be warmed instantly. Bracing her body to his while using his other hand to guide his length inside her wet cunt, Rade felt Dylan submit to him, pulling her body even closer.

  This was the perfect position for Rade. Even though she was so tight, she took every inch of him as he drove his cock deeper inside her. Her soft, slick walls possessed him, harnessing his mass tighter and tighter with each push.

  Positioning his hands on her back, Rade slowly leaned forward, causing Dylan’s back to hit the cold stone. Her back arched from the sharp temperature, but his assault on her cunt launched her body into a blaze like a towering inferno. She could no longer hold back her desire as her body shuddered with her release. Even though she was spent, Rade didn’t cease his assault on her body. His movements increased, causing her yet another orgasm.

  Rade was nowhere near done with her. Turning the kitchen faucet on, Rade grabbed the sprayer and lightly began spraying Dylan’s sated body with the water. Rade watched as her body arched to connect with the warm water streaming down her chest to her stomach and then between her legs where their bodies were attached. This was like no other sensation she had ever felt. It was a mixture of hot and cold, pleasure and pain. Dylan wasn’t sure how much more her body could take even though her mind was saying. “More.” With the heat of the pussy wrapped around his cock, Rade could feel his own release tak
e flight. Just a few more thrusts and he would be hers. Lowering his hand between their connected bodies, Rade pinched Dylan’s clit as he continued driving inside her. Her body shook as Rade took another orgasm from her. His desire for release came as she too took another for herself.

  By the time they finished their little interlude in the kitchen, Dylan had to reheat the soup on the stove. Leaving her side, Rade went to check on his father. When he got to his room, he could see that he was no longer in bed. Rade walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door lightly. When there was no answer, Rade pushed the door open to find that Garrett was hunched over the sink. This should have concerned Rade, but the only thing it did was infuriate him. Not because his father was standing there, but because he needed his father to rest so he could find out what happened to him.

  “What are you doing? You should have called someone to help you,” Rade exploded with anger.

  Garrett barely had enough strength to lift his head to address his son. “I don’t want to be a burden to you. I know how much you love having me here,” Garrett said sarcastically.

  “The sooner you get back on your feet, the sooner you can leave,” Rade advised. “You need to get back into bed. Dylan made you some soup. It will help you get your strength back.”

  Rade helped his father back to bed. Once he was settled, Rade could see blood had seeped through the bandage Richard had done for him. The walk to the bathroom must have irritated the wound, causing it to bleed. Taking a closer look, Rade thought it best to redress his father’s wound.

  Dylan walked into the bedroom with a tray holding a bowl of her chicken noodle soup and crackers. Rade shifted his body so that Dylan could place the tray on the table next to the bed. Dylan could feel the tension in the room. Pulling up a chair, Dylan positioned herself so that she could better assist Garrett with his meal. Rade wasn’t very happy that Dylan was giving so much attention to his father. If it had been him, he would have left his father to fend for himself or starve.


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