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Next to Forever: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Three

Page 17

by Long, A. L.

  Still fully lodged inside, Rade began working on his own release. The release he had been deprived of. The release his body now craved. Increasing his thrusts, he was delighted by another explosion of ecstasy from Dylan as she tightened around his throbbing cock. With the window as his brace, he pushed her harder against the glass and moved his hands up her slick body. Meeting her taut nipples, Rade took one in each hand, adding a hint of pressure to the hard buds. Helpless, he lowered his mouth and took her nipple in his mouth, drinking in her essence. Rade increased his movements, bringing him closer to his own release. With an earth shattering scream, Dylan once again greeted his release with one of her own. Lowering Dylan to her feet, Rade felt her knees weaken, so he lifted her into his arms and carried her to their safe haven. A place where he could once again devour her. A place where nothing else mattered but her.


  The morning came in with a crash as Dylan woke to the sound of her cell. Reaching over to the nightstand, she searched for the annoying sound with no luck. Having no other choice but to get out of bed, Dylan pulled the sheet from the bed in search of her phone. Even though her phone was on the kitchen counter, the volume was so loud that she heard it in the bedroom. Just as she was ready to pick it up, the ringing stopped, but not long enough before another wave of noise echoed through the room. Dylan knew she shouldn’t have let Lilly pick the ringtone when she called. This early in the morning, waking up to The Chicken Dance was not the least bit cute.

  “Remind me never to let you pick my ringtone for you,” Dylan said half asleep.

  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, my bestie in the whole wide world. Happy birthday to you,” Lilly sang happily out of tune.

  “If you promise never to sing to me again, you can pick my ringtones. Do you know what time it is?” Dylan asked.

  “Yeah, it is 10:00 am,” Lilly said matter-a-factly.

  “Girlfriend, you do realize you are six hours ahead of New York time?” Dylan reminded her friend.

  “Oh God, Dylan, I totally forgot about the difference in time. If I told you I’m coming to the States to see you, will you forgive me?” Lilly asked as calmly as if she was asking Dylan to pass the milk.

  “Wait, what? Did you just say you’re coming to New York?” Dylan asked, now fully awake.

  “Yepper. I should be there by tomorrow afternoon,” Lilly confirmed.

  This couldn’t be a better birthday for Dylan. Her best friend, whom she hadn’t seen in weeks, was coming to New York. Even though they talked almost every day, Dylan still missed Lilly. By the time she finished her conversation with Lilly it was close to 5:30 a.m. No longer feeling tired, Dylan decided to use some of the added energy and burn a few calories. Walking back to the bedroom, Dylan saw that Rade was no longer in bed. She was afraid that the sound of her phone might have woken him up. When she saw Rade step from the bathroom door, her suspicion was confirmed. His wet body was wrapped in a plush white towel. Soaking up his godlike body, Dylan could feel the wetness forming between her legs.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” Dylan apologized for the early morning call.

  “Why would you pick The Chicken Dance as a ringtone? Unless you really like that annoying song,” Rade said, unamused.

  “Or someone who really likes to annoy me, like Lilly,” Dylan confessed. “She forgot about the difference in time.”

  “Well, that explains everything,” Rade replied. “So how is Ms. Davis these days?”

  “Good. Really good. She’s coming to New York. She should be here tomorrow afternoon, which brings me to my next question. Can she stay here with us?” Dylan asked, stepping closer to Rade.

  “You don’t need to ask, Sweetness. This place is yours as much as mine. How long is she staying?”

  “Just a few days. There are a few paintings her dad wanted her to pick up for the gallery. She’s leaving the day before we leave for London,” Dylan said sadly.

  Wrapping his arms around Dylan’s waist, Rade kissed the top of her head.”So have you decided what you want for your birthday?” Rade asked in a soft tone, trying to think of anything but his father’s ransom.

  “Maybe when we get back from London, we could go to Paris,” Dylan suggested, then thought twice about her request. “On second thought, with everything going on with your father, it can wait.

  “I think that could be arranged. In the meantime, I have something planned for this evening for your birthday. Nothing is going to interfere with my plans, not even my father being taken. I’ll pick you up at your office around six o’clock,” Rade stated.

  Rade kissed Dylan one more time on her head before he broke away from her. Feeling rejected by Rade’s sudden withdrawal, Dylan put on her workout clothing and headed to the gym. She wasn’t going to let anything ruin her day. She understood Rade’s concern for his father, but his mood swings were becoming an annoyance.


  When Dylan arrived at work, she was greeted with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. She knew that they must have come from Rade. When she lifted the small card from the vase, she was surprised to see that they came from an unknown person. As she read the card, Dylan wondered who could have sent them.

  My Dearest Dylan,

  I hope your day is filled with happiness on this special day. My only regret is that I wasn’t able to share it with you. Soon all my days will be filled with your happiness.

  My undying love,


  Whoever sent them spared no expense. They had to be from Rade. There must have been at least three dozen in all. Placing the card back in the envelope, Dylan lowered her purse from her shoulder and began her work day. The minute Dylan sat down, there was a ping on her cell phone. Reaching for her purse, she took out her phone and entered her four digit code.

  Rade: I will be in meetings all day, but there will be a delivery for you.

  Dylan: If you mean the roses, they are beautiful.

  Rade: Sorry, Sweetness, I didn’t send you flowers.

  Dylan: I thought for sure they came from you. What did you send me?

  Rade: It is a surprise. Make sure you are ready promptly by six o’clock.

  Dylan: I will.

  Finishing his message to Dylan, Rade thought about who might have sent Dylan roses. It could have been a number of people. After all, it was her birthday. He pushed the thought away. What he had planned for her tonight was going to seal their life together. He never thought that his life would come to this. He only knew he could no longer deny his love for Dylan. And in three days, Chloe would also know there would be no other woman in his life but Dylan.

  It was getting close to six o’clock and Rade needed to get to the BlackStone building if he was going to be on time to pick up Dylan. He had never been more excited for an evening than the one he had planned for her. This was going to be a birthday she would never forget. Already changed, Rade grabbed his tux jacket from the back of the chair and headed to the garage. Rade had left instructions for Richard to make sure his limo was ready to go.

  Entering the parking garage, Richard was already waiting for Rade. He was dressed in his black chauffeur suit, another request from Rade. Walking to the passenger side of the car, Richard opened the door for Rade.

  Before Rade slid in, he asked, “Is everything ready for this evening?”

  “Yes, sir. Everything is ready per your instructions,” Richard confirmed as he handed Rade an envelope and a small box.

  “Good. Everything needs to perfect,” Rade advised.

  Richard nodded in acceptance, assuring Rade that it would be. He knew how important this night was for him.

  When the package arrived, Dylan knew it was the surprise Rade had sent her. Removing the gold ribbon, Dylan saw the Gucci emblem embossed on the lid. Whatever was inside, Dylan knew it would be over-the-top expensive. Lifting the lid, a gasp of air escaped from Dylan’s body. Removing the gown from the tissue, Dylan held the most beautiful gown she had ever seen.
It was scarlet red with small Swarovski crystal diamonds on the bodice and up the shoulder strap. The gown itself was form fitting, flaring out just below the knees. Also inside the box was a pair of matching red stiletto heels and a matching clutch.

  Dylan couldn’t believe her eyes, but it was nothing compared to how it looked on her once she put it on. She felt like a princess in it. Touching up her make-up, Dylan was ready to go with five minutes to spare. Dylan placed her office clothes and her other belongings inside her desk drawer, locking them up for safe keeping, and taking only what she knew she needed, she placed the items inside the small clutch.

  Stepping off the elevator, Dylan was greeted by the handsomest man she had ever seen. Dylan wasn’t sure what Rade had planned for her, but she couldn’t wait to find out.

  Rade looked up from his watch and about lost it. He couldn’t believe a woman could be more gorgeous than the one standing before him. His heart skipped a beat just at the sight of her. She was an angel. His angel. Unable to take his eyes off her, he approached her with certainty; no other woman would ever fill his heart more than Dylan. “God, you’re breathtaking,” Rade whispered, lowering his head and kissing her on the cheek.

  “Thank you,” Dylan said softly.

  “Are you ready?” Rade asked, taking her hand in his.

  “Yes. Where are we going?” Dylan questioned.

  “That, my Sweetness, is a surprise,” Rade confirmed with a grin.

  When they stepped out onto the sidewalk, Dylan couldn’t believe what was waiting for them: a sleek black limo, with Richard leaning against the front fender. This must have been an important evening for him as well. Dylan had never seen him in a suit other than the first time he picked her up months ago.

  Rounding the car, Richard opened the back door for them, but not without sharing his thoughts. “You look beautiful tonight, Ms. Adams.”

  Dylan looked up at him with a smile. “Thank you Richard.”

  Once they were settled inside the limo, Richard pulled away from the curb. Moments later, the partition that separated the driver from the passengers went up, leaving Dylan and Rade private.

  Rade reached in front of him to a small bar. Pulling out a bottle of Dom Pérignon and grabbing two champagne flutes, Rade began pouring the crystal liquid. Handing a flue to Dylan, he proposed a toast. “To your birthday and a wonderful evening ahead.”

  Dylan nodded her head in acceptance as she took a drink of the bubbly wine. Taking in her surroundings, Dylan was in awe. She had never ridden in a limousine before. The inside looked to be very expensive with its leather interior, lighted bar, and small flat screen television in the corner. Rade went through a lot of trouble for her birthday, she thought as she looked out the window and watched the New York City lights pass by.

  The ride came to an end when Richard pulled in front of the Metropolitan Opera House. Exiting the car, Richard opened the back door and assisted Dylan out of the car. When she set foot on the curb, Dylan couldn’t believe her eyes. The building was beautiful with its arched windows and the magnificent chandeliers lighting the lobby. They were breathtaking. Dylan had never been to the Metropolitan Opera House, but she heard so many wonderful things about it. This was another place on her bucket list that she wanted to visit.

  As they walked through the entrance, Rade presented two tickets to the host for the performance. The young gentleman ushered them to a box seat nearest the stage. Dylan only wondered how much the seats had cost. As they took their place, Dylan noticed two additional seats in the booth. She wondered if maybe someone else would be joining them. Pushing away her thoughts, she took in the beautiful theatre. Every seat was covered in red velvet. The walls were painted in gold and the curtain that hung so elegantly on the stage was also draped in gold. The entire place was very regal. When the orchestra began playing music and the lights began to dim, her question was answered. It would be only them occupying the small booth. She knew Rade must have purchased the entire seating to make sure they would be alone to enjoy the performance.

  Dylan watched with amazement at the performers began singing in what she assumed was Italian. Even though she couldn’t understand what was being sung, it wasn’t hard for her to follow the story line. It was a sad story of love and betrayal. When the last scene ended, everyone in the house rose to their feet with a rumble of applause. Dylan also rose to her feet, wiping away the tears that fell. Rade stood beside her, taking her hand in his, and softly kissing the back.

  This was an evening Dylan would never forget. It was more than she ever dreamed of. It was the best birthday present ever.

  As they exited the building, Dylan saw the beautiful fountain that was displayed in front of the building. She wasn’t sure how she missed it when they arrived.

  Walking around the enormous water display, Richard was already waiting for them. Rade took Dylan’s arm in his and escorted her to the limo. The night had just begun as far as Rade was concerned.

  Richard opened the car door, helping Dylan inside. Rade slid in right beside her. Once they were inside, Dylan looked to him with tears of joy.

  “This has been the best birthday ever, Rade. Thank you so much for bringing me here,” Dylan said softly, overwhelmed with happiness.

  “It was my pleasure, Sweetness. There is one more place we need to go,” Rade confessed, pulling Dylan close to him.

  Looking into her beautiful green eyes, Rade lowered his lips to hers. With tenderness, he consumed her softness as he parted her lips with his tongue. Entwining his tongue with hers, he could feel her desire channel through him as he deepened their kiss. Needing to feel her, he placed his hand under the hem of her gown and began working the silky material up her smooth legs. “I need to take you Sweetness. I can’t wait any longer.” Dylan could no longer hold back her desire for him either. Lifting her bottom, she wiggled out of her panties and lifted her gown higher on her hips, giving Rade the access he needed. Before she knew it, he lowered his body, positioning himself between her legs. Her body began to tremble, knowing that soon his mouth would be consuming her heat. Rade wanted to worship her. He knew they had plenty of time before they got to where they were going. Beginning at her ankle, he placed soft kisses on her silky skin, pushing Dylan close the edge. He had to taste every part of her. Working his way up, he trailed kisses up her calf, then her sexy knee, switching his seduction from her left and then her right leg. When he reached her inner thigh, he knew he had her. The heat from her sexy cunt radiated through him as he landed each kiss closer and closer to his target.

  “I will never get enough of your beautiful pink cunt,” Rade confessed, moving closer to her wetness.

  Dylan took a deep breath as Rade’s mouth clamped over her clit. If only he knew, she too would never get enough of his mouth devouring her sex. His tongue was like magic as he lapped and sucked her sweet juices. Just when she was on the verge of her release, Rade pulled his mouth from her clit and dipped it fervently inside her tight channel. Now more than ever Dylan needed to come. “Please Rade,” she whispered as her control dissipated.

  “Tell me want you want, Sweetness. Do you want me to suck your pretty little cunt until you scream my name?”

  “Yes, God yes!”

  “Do you want me to plunge my hard cock inside your tight pussy and feel the warmth of your milky cream coating me?”

  “Yes, please, Rade.”

  “Then your wish is my command.”

  Before Dylan could utter another word, Rade had her straddled across his lap and his cock deep inside her. She was more than ready to take his length. Her wetness coated his shaft as it dripped freely from her tight channel. Pulling her closer, his lips met hers. There was no hesitation as she parted her lips for him. Tasting her own juices, she lapped her tongue with his. Grabbing her by the hips, Rade began pumping deep inside her. Dylan got closer to her release the deeper Rade pushed inside her. His grip on her hips tightened as her walls cinched down on his cock. Trying to control his own release, he th
ought of nothing but her pleasure. Slowing his movements, Rade slipped his hand from her hip down the front of her body. Pushing the silky material out of the way, he found what he was searching for. Coating his finger with her nectar, all he wanted was the feel of her clit between his fingers. Pinching the swollen nub, he applied more pressure until he could feel the strength of her walls tighten even more around him. He knew she was close. “Let go, Sweetness,” he said, holding on to his own bliss. Hearing his name escape from her lips, he covered her mouth with his to shield the scream of pleasure. Even though the partition was up, the limo wasn’t sound proof. The last thing he wanted was for Richard to know what was taking place behind him.

  Richard pulled up to The Plaza Hotel not a minute too soon. Dylan had barely pulled her gown down while Rade safely tucked his shaft back inside his trousers. When Richard opened the passenger door to assist them out of the car, they both grinned at Richard. Taking his hand, Dylan stepped from the car. The hotel was beautiful with its majestic castle-like appearance, but it was the inside of the hotel that took Dylan’s breath away with its marble floors, cream walls, and plush furniture.

  While Dylan was taking in the sights, a gentleman walked up to them. “Mr. Matheson,” he said as he tipped his head.


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