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Next to Forever: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Three

Page 25

by Long, A. L.

Rade: Underwear. I’ll just rip them off anyway.

  Dylan: Of course you will. Love you.

  Rade: Love you too, Sweetness.

  Rade smiled as he placed his phone on his desk. Just thinking about Dylan with no underwear made him hard. He needed to think of something else. The stack of files Gwen left on his desk to review for his meetings should do it.

  After the last text from Rade, Dylan couldn’t stop thinking about this evening and what it would bring. She knew that Rade wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. After what happened last time, he assured her that he wasn’t going to take any chances. Knowing that there would be extra security made Dylan feel a lot better. Rade also swore that he was never going to leave her side. That alone confirmed his commitment to keep her safe.

  Dylan’s thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door. “Come in,” Dylan said.

  Mason’s head peeked in behind the door. “Are you busy? I just needed to visit with you for a minute.”

  “No, of course not,” Dylan replied, watching Mason take a seat.

  “I just wanted to tell you that Keeve and I spoke and we would like you to head the hiring for the new Spectrum facility.”

  “Wait, what? Why me? I don’t know the first thing about hiring people,” Dylan asked, confused.

  “We’ve spoken to Rade, and he thinks it would be a great idea. All of us will be available for you during the process. You won’t be alone in this,” Mason promised.

  “You guys sure do have a lot of confidence in me. First the transfer, now this. You know I’ll do anything to help out, but taking this on is a big responsibility Mason,” Dylan stated nervously, concerned about what he was asking of her.

  “You’ll be fine, and like I said, we’ll all be here to help you,” Mason reassured her.

  “Okay, I hope you guys know what you’re getting into,” Dylan accepted hesitantly, unsure of what she was getting herself into.

  After Mason left her office, Dylan was worried about taking on the responsibility of hiring the staff for the Spectrum facility. She needed to talk to Rade about this new task given to her. She knew that he would be in meetings all day and didn’t want to disturb him. She would need to discuss it with him when he picked her up from work, which reminded her that she needed to get some work done. Otherwise, she wasn’t going to be getting out of there in time for their date at The Castle.

  It was close to five and Dylan’s mind was swimming with numbers and graphs. She knew that Rade would be picking her up at 5:30 to take her to dinner and then to the private club. With all the work she’d done, she thought it was time to quit. This would give her time to freshen up and clear her mind. The only thing she wanted to think about was Rade and what he was going to do to her.


  Rade took Dylan to a local restaurant before their evening of pleasure. The food was exceptional, but with what was in store, Dylan had a hard time eating. Her nerves were going a mile a minute. Paying the check, Rade took her by the hand and led her out of the restaurant to where his car was parked. Assisting her in, he made sure she was buckled in. Dylan felt like a little kid the way he was always fussing over her.

  “Rade, you need to stop treating me like I’m going to break,” Dylan exclaimed.

  “I can’t help it, Sweetness. You mean everything to me,” Rade confessed.

  Rade knew this was going to be a big night for Dylan. It was going to test her limits. He hoped that she wasn’t taking on more than she could. With the memory of what happened to her so fresh in her mind, the last thing he wanted was for her to close herself off from him.

  “I know, and you mean everything to me. Everything will be fine. With all the security and you with me, nothing bad is going to happen,” Dylan said convincingly.

  Rade looked to Dylan leaning over and kissing her on the lips. Her softness enveloped him as he slid his tongue between her parted lips. Placing his hand on her cheek, Rade pulled her closer as he deepened the kiss. Dylan moaned softly, feeling the heat rooting inside her. Tearing his lips from hers, Rade placed his forehead against hers.

  “We better get going, Sweetness,” Rade said regretfully.

  Turning on the engine and putting the car in gear, Rade pulled away from the curb and began heading to The Castle. As Rade drove, he looked over to Dylan several times, making sure she didn’t seem uneasy. It was hard telling how she felt.

  “Are you doing all right, Sweetness?” Rade asked with concern.

  Looking over to him, Dylan replied, “I’m fine.”

  Rade wasn’t convinced that she was. It may have been the nervousness of what the night would bring or the fear of going back to the place that held bad memories. Either way, as much as he wanted to please Dylan, he wasn’t sure if this was the right thing to do.

  “We can turn around and go another time,” Rade suggested, hoping she would change her mind.

  “No, Rade. I want to do this. It’s important,” Dylan objected.

  Pulling up in front of The Castle, Dylan saw the fountain she remembered. It still left her breathless. Dylan also noticed that the parking lot where the limos and expensive cars were usually parked was mostly bare.

  Turning off the engine, he looked over to Dylan and asked, “Are you ready?”

  “I’m ready,” Dylan replied, hoping Rade didn’t hear her uncertainty.

  Opening the door, Rade exited the car and rounded the hood to Dylan’s side. Assisting her out, Rade took her hand. Leading her to the iron door, Rade took in a deep breath. He was more nervous than he should have been. He had been here on more than one occasion. There was no reason for him to be nervous, other than worrying about what this place was going to do to Dylan.

  The iron door opened with a small creak before Rade had a chance to open it himself. On the other side was Dane. Dylan recognized him from the last time they were there. Dylan remembered him being a gentleman when it came to her care. Dylan still felt a little embarrassed by what happened. Even though she knew it wasn’t her fault, she knew that Dane was the one who assisted her out of the dungeon. He also saw her naked before Tessa wrapped her in the black cape.

  “Rade, good to have you back,” Dane said, shaking Rade’s hand.

  “Good to be back,” Rade replied.

  “Dylan, you look as lovely as ever,” Dane complimented as he placed a small kiss on her cheek.

  Dylan smiled back at him, comforted by his kindness. Maybe this wasn’t going to be as bad as she thought. With everyone looking out for her, she knew she had nothing to worry about.

  “Your room is ready, Rade,” Dane said, looking back at him.

  Closing the heavy door, Dane led them upstairs to one of the private rooms. Standing in front of a door, Dane turned the knob and pushed the door open. Rade ushered Dylan in first before entering himself. Giving Dane a quick nod, Rade closed the door to the room.

  Dylan took in her surroundings. This room was nothing like the one she had been in before. Where the dungeon room was cold and musty, this one was warm and inviting. With the candles lit thought out the room, Dylan felt her body begin to relax. Looking around the room, Dylan spotted a cross just like the one she had seen in the dungeon. There were also ropes dangling from a bar that was secured by bolts on the ceiling. In addition, there was a king-sized bed draped in red satin and black pillows. It looked to be very comfortable. The one thing Dylan didn’t see was the sawhorse-like contraption, which she later found out was a spanking bench. There also was no table displaying various sex toys. Rade must have planned their evening down to the last detail, knowing that these things could trigger flashbacks for her.

  Coming up behind Dylan, Rade slid his hand under Dylan’s skirt. Feeling her bare skin he smile and said, “You will be greatly rewarded for following orders, Sweetness. I want you to strip.”

  Dylan could feel the flutter of excitement taking residence in her stomach. With shaky hands, she began removing her clothing. When she was fully naked, she toed the heel of her shoe, ready
to remove them as well. She was stopped abruptly when she heard Rade say, “Leave those on.”

  Standing in front of him fully naked, aside from her high heeled shoes, Dylan lowered her eyes. Taking her hand, Rade led her over to where the St. Andrews cross was.

  “Turn and face the cross, Sweetness, with your legs spread apart,” he ordered.

  Dylan did as she was told and turned to face the cross. With her legs spread, she could feel the leather cuffs wrap around first her right and then left ankle. When her ankles were secured, Rade lifted her right hand, kissing her palm and placing the cuff above her head around her wrist. He took extra care in securing the other wrist as well. With her body restrained spread eagle, Rade asked softly, “Are you good?”

  “Yes,” Dylan replied.

  “Yes, what Sweetness?” Rade commanded as he landed a soft spank to her backside.

  “Yes, sir,” Dylan corrected herself.

  “Good girl. Remember, if at any time you feel uncomfortable, you will need to use your safe word. Do you remember it?” Rade whispered in her ear.


  Dylan couldn’t see what was going on behind her, but she could hear Rade. Feeling him behind her, she took in a deep breath. When a black scarf was presented in front of her eyes, Dylan said nervously, “No blindfold, sir, please.”

  Rade stepped back from Dylan, throwing the scarf on the floor. “No blindfold, Sweetness,” Rade said, reassuring her. The last thing he wanted was to make her feel uncomfortable. She had been bound and blindfolded the last time she was here. This was something he should have anticipated would make her uncomfortable.

  Walking over to the small table, he grabbed a flogger. With intricate movements, he began gliding the soft leather down her back and over her bottom, before he landed a gentle swat to her cheeks. Dylan whimpered softly at the sudden strike. It didn’t hurt, it just caught her off guard.

  Moving closer, Rade placed light kisses on her shoulder, down her back, to the two small dimples above her butt. Dylan’s body shuddered at the light touch. Placing his hand between her legs, Rade could feel the moisture that had already coated her sex. With his finger, he rubbed it along her seam and plunged it inside her wet pussy. A small gasp filled the air as Dylan’s desire began taking control of her body. Slipping another finger inside her, Rade began pumping them in and out of her tight channel, making sure to hit her special spot. Dylan’s moans of desire grew the more Rade played with her. Unable to hold back any longer, Dylan’s voice rang. “Rade, please.”

  Removing his fingers from her tight channel, Rade backed away from her. Her body was electrified. This was how he wanted her. Bound and hungry for him. Transfixed on her beauty, Rade unzipped his pants and pulled his cock from his boxers. Stroking his cock while he took her in, he needed more than what he was getting. He had deprived himself long enough. Stepping closer to her, he glided his hands down her back, stopping to tweak her nipples on the way down. Dylan’s sensitized body jolted as Rade pulled her nipples into hard peaks. Moving down her body, Rade felt the pulsating sensation in his shaft. It was Dylan that did this to him. She was the only woman who could make him feel this way. Unable to hold back, Rade plunged his fingers between her folds, gathering enough of her juices to coat his fingers. Positioning his cock at her entrance, he slowly began entering her tight channel while his wet fingers searched for her tight pucker. With his cock buried inside her, he pushed his index finger inside her pucker. Her body tensed, creating a heighten grip on his cock. He needed her to relax. With his free hand, he reached around and placed his hand over her mound while taking his fingers and rubbing them against her swollen clit. He wanted to have every part of her. Soon she would be screaming his name.

  Once Dylan was relaxed, he pushed his finger further inside her. “God, Sweetness, you feel so good,” Rade confessed, pushing deeper inside her wet pussy.

  “Rade, I need to…” Dylan moaned as her orgasm took over and her body exploded with fury.

  “Shame, shame, Sweetness. That’s going to cost you,” Rade warned, still deep inside her. Slamming inside her, he needed to be freed. He pulled his shaft from her wet pussy and watched as his seed coated her creamy skin. The milky liquid ran down her back into the valley of her ass.

  Leaving her, Rade went to the bathroom to grab a washcloth so he could clean her off. Returning, Rade gently wiped down Dylan’s sated body. Once he was satisfied she was clean, he undid the leather cuffs. Her body fell into his. With little effort, he picked her up from the floor and placed her on the bed. Removing her shoes, he began massaging her ankles and then her arms.

  “That was incredible, Rade,” Dylan said softly, still half dizzy from her orgasm.

  “Yes, it was,” he replied.

  Planting a gentle kiss on her lips, Rade was far from having his fill of her. Working down her body, he placed his mouth over her nipple, sucking and lapping his tongue around the hard peak. Dylan’s body was so sensitized, she wasn’t sure how much more she could take. His touch felt so good on her body. Reaching over her, he grabbed the flogger that he placed on the floor beside the bed. With gentle sweeps, he began caressing her body with the soft leather. The touch was just enough to make her go insane. Dylan’s body needed more. When the flogger touched the apex of her sex, she came unhinged. “Rade, please,” she moaned, needing more.

  Before Dylan knew what was going on, her wrists and ankles were bound to the bed. Rade continued his assault on her body with the flogger, making sure to barely touch her skin. A small grin curved on Rade’s face with the satisfaction of knowing that he was the one in control. He could see that Dylan was getting frustrated with him. She knew he was teasing her, sending her body over the edge with hunger. Thinking she might have had enough, Rade placed the flogger on the bed. With her legs spread, he had full access to her luscious pussy. Lowering his body down the bed, he positioned himself between her legs and began feasting on her. Lapping his tongue between her folds, he continued his course in driving her crazy. Dylan’s hips began to move, telling him that she needed more. With only the tip of his tongue touching her, tasting her, he knew it would be a matter of time before she screamed his name. Not out of pleasure, but out of frustration.

  The problem with his play was that he was also feeling the onset of his own arousal, which he knew he needed to satisfy soon before he exploded. Taking in more of her juices, Rade confessed between licks, “I could stay just like this forever.”

  “No,” Dylan pleaded, raising her head from the bed. “I need you to fuck me, Rade, please.”

  “Only if you promise not to come until I give you permission,” Rade ordered.

  “Yes, yes, I promise,” Dylan panted.

  Moving up her body, Rade took hold of his throbbing cock and plunged it inside Dylan’s wet channel. He could feel her body tense. “Remember, Sweetness, you can’t come until I say,” Rade groaned, feeling the dawning of his own release.

  “Yes… Oh God, please, Rade, let me come,” Dylan panted between breaths.

  With increased thrusts, Rade’s release spilled with a violent crash. “Fuck,” Rade groaned. “Let go, Sweetness.”

  Dylan’s release sent stars shooting through her mind as the explosion of fireworks emanated from her body. Never had she experienced such an intense orgasm.

  Fully sated, Rade released Dylan from her bonds and rolled over beside her. Taking her body and pulling it close to his, he whispered, “I love you, Sweetness,”

  “I love you too, Rade. Thank you,” Dylan said as exhaustion took over.

  Rade wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep, but he knew he needed to get Dylan home. Letting her sleep for a little while longer, Rade pushed from the bed and headed to the shower.

  When Rade finished, he walked back over to the bed to wake Dylan. Kissing her lightly on the lips, she began to stir. “Sweetness, we need to get going. You take a shower and I’ll be back by the time you’re done. I need to visit with Dane,” Rade whispered.”

sp; “Okay, don’t be long,” Dylan said softly, still half asleep.

  Shortly after Rade left, Dylan got out of bed to shower. She knew he would be back soon, so she took a quick shower. Just as she finished getting dressed, there was a knock at the door. Leaving the bathroom, she said, “Just a minute Rade, I’m coming.” Rade must have locked the door before he left, Dylan thought to herself.

  Opening the door for him, she lost it. “Michael,” she said, unable to breathe. His arms went around her, pushing her back inside the room. Dylan tried to fight him off, but her mind was still processing that he was alive. Suddenly her body began to give way as he placed a white cloth over her mouth. Soon all she saw was darkness.


  “Why does this keep happening to me? God, please tell me what to do? How can the man I once loved do this?”

  “It’s dark in here and cold. My head hurts really bad. I think it might be from what he used on me. I don’t know for sure. I wish I could see where I am. If only I could get to the small window. Maybe then I would know. Oh, God, please help me.”

  “There’s light coming through the small window now. I can see the room I’m in. The floors are hard, cement, I think. There is so much grime, I can’t tell for sure. If only I could loosen these ropes, maybe then I can see where I am. They are so tight.”

  “It’s dark again. I know now that this is my second day here. I haven’t seen anyone. I really need to go. Wait, is that a toilet? If I could just get over there. Oh, God… why? Maybe if I yell, someone will hear me. Help, someone, please help me.”

  “The sun is back. I’m so hungry. Wait, what’s that? I need to get over there to see. Food, it’s food. Just a little further. I made it. All I need to do is push up on my knees, I slide my hands around by butt and over my legs then I can eat with my hands. Just a little more. Got it”

  “The water is warm and… What is that? Looks like mush. God, it’s disgusting. I need to eat. I can do this. Get it down, Dylan. You can do it. Scoop it in your mouth and just swallow. I feel like a dog. God, please let Rade find me, please”


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