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Saved by a Warrior Dog

Page 18

by Cassidy Wells

  He finished his lunch and rinsed his dishes, putting them into the dishwasher before returning to the book. He was halfway through Chapter One, when the doorbell rang. He glanced at his watch. Right on time.

  He met Frank Deluzzia at the door and introduced himself. Frank was a thirty-something man dressed all in black. He wore a black polo shirt with a logo of a shield that looked like a law enforcement badge, with crossed swords under it. His shirt was tucked into black tactical pants. The man wore black work boots, and a baseball cap with the same logo.

  Rob took Frank on a tour of the house and yard. “What do you think?” he finally asked the man.

  “If it was me, I’d put motion-activated cameras around the perimeter of the lot, with an alarm that will go to your cell phone. We can aim them so they are less likely to be activated by animals. They might pick up your dog,” he said, gesturing toward Maverick, “but you’ll be able to eliminate him as a source pretty easily, I would guess.”

  “Yes. We’re usually out with him. Since finding the poisoned meat, we’re keeping him on a leash, even in the backyard.”

  “I get it. I’d do that too.”

  “If you put in that system, what’s the cost?”

  “It depends if you want us to monitor it. We can set it up to go to us and you, or just to you to monitor.” Frank quoted a figure for each service.

  “I’d like to go with the monitored service, in case I’m not available to respond. We’ll probably want it to go to both of our cell phones, and also to you.”

  “We monitor 24/7. I’ll set it up to go to your phones and any computers you designate.”

  “When can you get it installed? I’d like to have it operational as soon as possible.”

  “Tomorrow is Saturday, but I’ll come over and do it. It usually takes several hours, but it ought to be operational by the end of the day.”

  “Perfect. Can I pay with a credit card?”

  “Sure. No problem.”

  “How did you get into this business?” Rob couldn’t stop himself from asking.

  “After I got out of the service, I came back here to Ridgeview. I grew up here. As you might imagine, there weren’t a lot of jobs, so I took what I’d learned about security for Uncle Sam, and I apply it to the civilian population.”

  “Good for you. I’m trying to figure out the future for myself now. I got a medical discharge about nine months ago.”

  “What branch?”

  “Marines. How about you?”


  They both reached out at the same time to shake each other’s hand and agreed Frank would stop over around eight the next morning.

  It was nice to meet somebody who had a similar background. He missed the relationships he’d had with guys in his unit. They’d served together and trusted each other like brothers, because their lives had depended on having each other’s backs.

  Would he ever have that again? He missed it more than he could say. Give it time, he reminded himself. Give it time.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Rob was in the living room watching the local news when MJ got home. She’d missed him. How was that possible? She’d seen him only a few hours ago. “How was your afternoon?” she asked after hanging her coat on hooks in the front hall. He pulled her to him and captured her mouth with a kiss. Exactly the kind of greeting she liked.

  After tasting her mouth and hugging her tightly, he pulled back and put his arm around her shoulder. “Good. I talked to somebody about putting in a security system. Frank Deluzzia from Protect and Defend Alarm Service.”

  She drew back to look at him. “Do you really think we need one? This is Ridgeview, not New York City.”

  “I don’t like somebody sneaking over the fence and putting out poison for Maverick. Sometimes I’ll be away, and I don’t want to leave you here unprotected.”

  “How much is it going to cost? I don’t have extra money in my budget for something like that.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll pay for it. I want some cameras on the backyard, and alarms on the perimeter. Somebody targeted Maverick, and I don’t want to ignore it or assume we’re not in any danger. We don’t know who it was, or what his ultimate intentions are. Having cameras back there would help us identify the trespasser.”

  “Okay, I guess, but I can’t let you pay for it.”

  “I insist. I want you to be safe. I’ve got savings, and it won’t be that expensive. Frank is coming over tomorrow to install it.”

  She scowled at him. “I can’t believe you arranged that without talking to me first.”

  He dropped his head like a little boy who’d been caught stealing cookies. Damn it. How could a big, strong warrior be so adorable?

  “I’m sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing. This is important. Somebody tried to hurt your dog. I couldn’t stand it if something happened to you or Maverick. I guess I overstepped.” He paused and caught her eye. “I don’t care about the money. Your safety is worth any amount.”

  Her heart melted. Between his chastened look and his words, how could she stay mad? His intentions were good, but she wasn’t used to somebody making decisions for her. She didn’t even let her brother Nick get away with that.

  “Okay, but next time, don’t make decisions that concern me without consulting me. We need to be equal partners in this relationship. I don’t need some overbearing guy bossing me around.”

  “I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I’m not used to checking with somebody else. I’m used to making decisions for me and my teammates. You’re right. If we’re in a relationship, we need to respect one another and check with each other.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad you understand.”

  He looked up at her, hope shining in his eyes. “Are you still okay with going out for dinner? I meant what I said about celebrating the first step to my recovery.”

  “Of course. That sounds like a great idea. Where do you want to go?”

  “I’m not sure. What are you in the mood for?”

  “I haven’t had Mexican for a long time. I’d love a margarita and enchiladas.”

  “That sounds great. I love Mexican food.”

  “Then we’ll go to Los Banditos. You’ll like it. They have a huge menu.”

  “Okay. Let me take Maverick out again, and then we can go.”

  She nodded. “I’ll get him some dinner while you’re doing that.”

  “C’mon, boy.” He attached the leash, and Maverick followed him out the back door.

  She shook her head. This relationship stuff was a lot of work. They didn’t know each other well enough to predict where the snags would be. Living together no doubt intensified it. She had a feeling this was only the first of many pitfalls they’d discover. They needed to communicate. That was the key.

  Rob and Maverick came in from the backyard as she finished pouring the kibble and refilling the dog’s water bowl. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. He headed right to that bush, but I didn’t notice anything unusual.”

  “Good. Hopefully, we’ve seen the last of the threats.”

  “I hope so.” He leaned down and tousled the dog’s fur. “You watch everything, Maverick. We’re going out, so you’re in charge.”

  She giggled. “Don’t answer the door, boy.” She kneeled down and gave Maverick a hug, followed by a big kiss on his nose. “I love you, Maverick.”

  Rob retrieved her jacket and helped her on with it, leaning down and nuzzling her neck. “Hope I get some kisses like that later, only you don’t have to bother with my nose.”

  She pretended to be considering it. “We’ll see. I suppose you deserve a reward for confronting your PTSD.”

  “Damn right. Now let’s go eat so we can come back and make out.” He pulled her tight into his side.


  Rob couldn’t have hoped for a better dinner. Los Banditos was one of those great locally-owned authentic Mexican restaurants. MJ introduced him to the owner, Manuel Ortiz, and the
y heard the story of his family emigrating from Mexico in the 1950’s. They’d opened the restaurant a few years later and had generated a booming business, given how full the place was. Manuel recommended Rob try a combination plate, and he willingly agreed. He wanted to sample a half-dozen things on the menu, and the combo plate allowed him to do that. MJ ordered chicken and cheese enchiladas, along with a margarita. He decided on a beer—Modelo with a lime stuck in the neck. They talked easily through dinner, and he filled her in on his therapy appointment in more detail.

  “I’m so proud of you,” she said, reaching for his hand. “I know how hard it is to face personal demons.”

  He wanted to ask her about her personal demons but didn’t want to spoil the mood by digging too deeply.

  They finished dinner and packed up the extra food, feeling relaxed and sated from the meal and a meaningful conversation. This is what he’d always wanted in a relationship. MJ continued to tell him stories from her high school years as they drove home.

  When they reached the house, Rob pulled the truck into the driveway and turned off the motor. “Stay there,” he said, “I’ll come around.”

  “That’s unnecessary. I’m capable of getting out by myself.”

  “I know that. Let me do this for you, not because you can’t open the door and jump down but to show you respect and caring.”

  “Okay, since you put it that way.”

  Rob came around and opened the passenger door, lifting her small frame off the high truck seat, and letting her slide down the front of his body.

  Her breath quickened as she brushed against him, and he held her close for a moment, caressing her back, and burying his nose in her hair. God, she smelled good.

  MJ turned to pick up the Styrofoam box of leftovers.

  “Let me get that for you.”

  “Thanks.” Her lashes mostly covered MJ’s eyes, as if she’d had an attack of shyness.

  Rob shifted, hoping to rearrange his erection without reaching down and moving things around. He lagged a step or two behind her and finally adjusted himself before catching up and putting his arm around her shoulders.

  Maverick met them at the door, giving a low woof of welcome. “How are you doing, boy? Do you need to go out?” Rob asked.

  “I can take him.”

  “Why don’t we both take him out for a short walk? I want to have you work with him consistently. The more he learns your way of handling him, the better.”

  “That’s fine. I love working with him.”

  “You’re making good progress, too.” Rob reached over and picked up the halter and fit it on the Malinois, clipping the leash to the ring on the halter. “Go ahead. I’ll bring up the rear.”

  MJ gave the dog a few simple commands and waited as Maverick responded.

  Rob observed, impressed with her progress. Maverick really listened to her now. She practiced starting and stopping, using paces of different speeds. She had him sit and stay as she walked off, leaving the leash lying on the ground in front of him. She had him lie down, shake, roll over, and finally, turned her back on him as she walked away. Each time, Maverick responded to her commands without looking to Rob for further direction.

  “You and Maverick have come a long way, MJ. I can’t believe how well he responds to you. I’m so proud of you both.”

  “I feel so much more confident than I did at first.”

  “It shows. If you continue to practice, you’ll be great to handle him all on your own. In fact, that’s what we should do moving forward. I’ll leave it to you to work with him without me there. If you have any problems, I can join you and help you work through them, but I want Maverick to get used to trusting you alone.”

  Her progress pleased him, and he knew this was the next step. He hated the thought that she didn’t need him, though. Would she expect him to move on? He’d stayed in Ridgeview to teach her how to handle the warrior dog, but if she didn’t need him for that, would their time together end? Hell, he wasn’t ready for that. He wouldn’t leave with a threat still hanging over them.

  Would she want him to leave? He was an injured Marine with PTSD. That wasn’t exactly a recommendation for a suitable boyfriend. No, he wasn’t giving up. He’d started therapy, and he’d do what he needed to be the man MJ deserved, the type of guy Trevor would have wanted for her.

  “Let’s go in,” MJ said, turning to him and touching him on the arm. “Didn’t we have a make-out session planned?”

  “That’s right. How could I have forgotten that?” Not that he’d forgotten it for a moment. More than anything, he wanted to hold her in his arms, taste her sweet lips, and make her feel good. They weren’t ready to sleep together yet, but he wanted to show her she could trust him to bring her pleasure. He reached over and put his arm around her again. “Let’s go home.”

  “C’mon, Maverick. Heel.” Once again, the dog responded to her instructions.

  “Go on in, MJ,” Rob said when they arrived back at the house. “I’ll make sure he does his business, and then we’ll be right in.”

  She turned away, giving him a flirty smile over her shoulder. His heart beat faster, and he tingled with awareness. Damn, she was sexy.

  “Hurry, Maverick. I’ve got plans for that woman.”

  Almost as if he understood, the Malinois squatted and left a pile at the edge of the patio. “Good boy. I love it when you cooperate. Next time I’m at the store, I’ll get you a big juicy bone.”

  Maverick panted as if he understood. He licked Rob’s hand and gave him a doggy grin.

  “You’re a good dog, Maverick. You make MJ happy. Let’s see what I can do to make her happy, too.” Together they walked up the back steps and into the kitchen.

  MJ wasn’t in the kitchen or living room. “MJ?” he called.

  “I’ll be out in a minute. I wanted to change out of my work clothes into something more comfortable.”

  He flipped on the TV and channel-surfed, looking for a football game. He settled in to watch the Titan’s game against the Colts. Engrossed in the game, he didn’t hear MJ until she came up behind him, put her arms around his neck, and leaned in to nuzzle his ear.

  “Mmm.” Football forgotten, he pulled her over the back of the couch and onto his lap. The sight of her in a sheer, pink negligee made his pulse quicken, and blood rushed from his brain to another part of his body.

  “What do you think?” she asked, gesturing to her outfit.

  “I like it, but I like what’s in it best of all.”

  MJ smiled coyly, and moved closer to him, squirming in his lap as she positioned her body so that her breasts pressed against his chest.

  He reached for her and held her tight, caressing her arms and back as he explored her exposed skin. His hands cupped her face as he leaned in to kiss her, stroking the seam of her lips with his tongue until she opened for him. He could taste minty toothpaste and something unique that he associated with her. They kissed deeply, exchanging breaths. She moaned, and he loved the sound of it. Stroking her face with his thumbs, Rob planted kisses on her nose and closed eyes. She relaxed in his arms and sighed.

  He was hard as a rock, and her position on his lap made him want to take her and make her his own. His hands dropped to her rear, and he rubbed against her, knowing she could feel his erection up against her most intimate parts. God, he wanted her. He could feel heat and moisture against the bulge in his jeans.

  His hands moved to her breasts, and he played with her nipples beneath the sheer fabric of her clothing. He wanted to taste them. He slowly pushed her body where he could access her firm breasts and opened the front of her negligee to free them. He lowered his head to suck.

  MJ moaned, and he groaned in return. He licked at one, and then the other. She wiggled on his lap, trying to position herself as if to exert more pressure on her clit. He reached over and rubbed that area, and in a few moments, her body reacted with an orgasm.

  “Wow,” she said, her voice strained and her breathing heavy. “I can’t
believe, that is, I didn’t expect—”

  He kissed her gently. “You’re so beautiful, Mary Jane. I love seeing you lose control.”

  She blushed a deep rosy color.

  He patted her breasts and put them back inside her nightie.

  “Don’t you…?”

  He smiled. “No quid pro quo. Tonight, it’s about you.”

  Her face turned into a thundercloud. “I thought we could make love tonight.”

  “It’ll happen, honey. We’ll get there. I want to take it slow. You’re worth waiting for. I know what I want with you, and it’s more than just sleeping together. We need to spend time together and get to know each other. When we make love, it’ll be more than sleeping together. It’ll be a declaration of how we feel about each other.”

  “Are you sure?” She gestured at his penis, still bulging against his zipper.

  “Yeah.” He laughed. “Call me crazy, but I’m sure. Now let’s turn in. The alarm company is coming around eight o’clock to install your new security system. We have to be up and dressed by then.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Time for bed.” He flipped off the unwatched football game without even checking the score. Yep. He had it bad. Turning down sex and not caring about the game was definitely new. He looked forward to the day when he and MJ could sleep curled up together every night.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Just before zero six hundred, Rob slid into yesterday’s jeans and took Maverick out on a leash. He still wanted to make sure the dog didn’t get into anything their intruder might have left. Maverick went straight for the bush in the back of the yard, sniffing the ground and following the scent back to the fence. He stood on his back legs and barked.

  “Shh, Maverick. We don’t want to wake the whole neighborhood.”


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