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Chasing Love: A Billionaire Love Triangle (Dark Love Series Book 1)

Page 39

by Kat T. Masen

  “I don’t know why you’re buttoning my jeans. Get your pussy on this bike and spread your beautiful legs,” he demands.

  Well, it would be incredibly rude not to follow his instructions. When a gorgeous man like Lex tells you he’s going to eat your pussy, you spread your legs faster than the speed of light.

  On top of the bike, I sit legs spread, waiting in anticipation. Lex is all about self-gratification, circling his tongue around my clit, taking his fingers and shoving them inside, twisting them, then removing them abruptly to suck on them. Watching him taste me all over his fingers is the icing on the fucking sex cake.

  My legs begin to feel like jelly, and I’m barely able to stand. I turn around, so my back is facing him. Leaning my body over the bike, he places his thumb on my asshole rubbing it slightly. With no control, my body begins to cave again. Placing his cock at the entrance, he begins teasing me.

  The wait is slowly killing me, and frustrated, I reach around and force him inside me. He grunts as he thrusts, murmuring profanities in my ear. Lex begins to weaken, and my inner self is relishing in this man completely at my mercy.

  “Charlotte, I can’t take this anymore. You’re mine, you understand? It’s always been us.”

  His words resonate with me. I want to be his, but I need to be the only woman in his life. I need that promise now more than ever.

  I scream his name as my legs start to shake, and every part of me is covered in goosebumps.

  One more thrust, deeper and deeper he goes until I come undone. He rides the wave out with me, blowing inside until his body stiffens.

  Our bodies slow down, and the slower we go, the more I ache. My muscles tighten, I can barely move. He pulls himself out slowly, kissing my back as he does. Buttoning up his jeans, he leans over and fixes my dress.

  Looking into his eyes, something passes between us. No one has fucked me like Lex, and no one has ever made me climax so hard I swear it’s like an out-of-body experience. We are having fun, and I don’t want to ruin it by all by mixing in this emotional bullshit.

  As I steady myself, I take in my surroundings. The view is incredible. The ocean is dark, but the sounds of the waves crashing echo through the night.

  “Wow, this is amazing. How did you know about this place?”

  Lex grins. “Google Maps.”

  “Oh, I thought this was your go-to-make-out-with-girls place,” I tease.

  “It is now.”

  He pulls me into an embrace, kissing me deeply. Afraid, I pull away, unaware if he notices or not.

  Lex grabs my hand, walking me toward the edge where we take a seat, admiring the view

  of the ocean and the lights in the distance. He sits behind me, pulling me in to keep me warm.

  “Remember how I promised you on that prom night years ago how we’d watch the sunrise?”

  “Yes,” I murmur, swallowing the pain caught in my throat.

  “Let’s do that tonight. Let’s stay here and watch the sun rise.”

  “Lex, I…”

  I don’t know what to say, not ready for the emotional attachment. He’s pushing me, and I don’t like to be pushed. It frightens me, makes me feel weak, taking me back to that dark place again.

  “Charlotte, don’t. Just let us have this moment.”

  I sit there quietly, my mind flashing back to the big fight we had the week before prom.

  “Prom, now that was a night to remember…” he trails off.

  “I remember our big fight before it, too.”

  “Charlotte. You know I never slept with Samantha while we were together, right? She told me when she confessed about the baby that I was so wasted that night, she did try, but it was impossible.”

  “I know.”

  Samantha and I had come to a truce and sort of became friends not that Lex would ever be happy with that. I know she wouldn’t lie about that, but again it boils down to trust. The fact that he stayed married, that he thought he may have slept with her, it was enough to break me, to break us.

  “But you still don’t trust me?” he huffs, annoyed.

  I stare out into the dark night, willing my feelings to come out.

  “Lex, my life fell apart when you left. To hear these rumors that she was pregnant, to find out from Adriana that you had left town, and I couldn’t contact you. I had no closure. I was left picking up the pieces of what I thought was the greatest love of all time. I felt betrayed. I was the laughing stock of the town, and to have to confront my dad… he literally wanted to hunt you down and kill you.” My throat begins to close in, swallowing becoming increasingly hard as my heart rate picks up. “It took me so long to find my grounding, to build my life again, and to be able to trust anyone. It wasn’t just you I lost, there was also Adriana. She was my best friend for as long as I can remember. And Finn? You can hate him as much as you want, but he brought me back to life. He made me function as a human being again. Made me laugh for the first time, granted it was a funny situation, but he has always had my back and I love him like a brother. You may not have seen that side of him, but he always takes care of me. My poor grandmother glued me back together as complete as I could be. She taught me about life and moving on to achieve and have the ability to be able to dream and aspire again. I wouldn’t be sitting here with you if it weren’t for her. As for Julian, for the first time since you left me, he made me realize I could love again.”

  “So, you still love him?” he interrupts me. Of course, he would.

  “He made me smile again. Made me realize that I couldn’t go on waiting for a clone of you to walk back into my life. I know you hate him, and I know you want me to end all ties, but Lex, you need to give me time to decide this on my own. Do I trust him? Yes, I do because he hasn’t given me any reason not to. But you made me lose all trust in you, in us. You want me, Lex? Then give me time. Don’t push me because you might not like the answer.”

  “And how do you think Mr. Trustworthy will handle knowing you have spent your weekend fucking me?”

  “My relationship with Julian is just that, between the two of us. Okay, so yeah, it was my fault for this nothing’s off-limits thing, but well…” I search for a reason to justify my impulsive behavior. There’s no reason other than the fact that I am a horny little bitch who needs my fix.

  “Yeah, I get it. The rabbit broke and you needed cock,” he answers, hurt.

  “No, Lex, it’s not like that. Please don’t get me wrong. Oh shit! Let me pull my feet out of my mouth.” This is going downhill very fast. “I just need you physically.”

  “Like I said.” He stands, wiping his hands on his jeans.

  “Lex, you know it’s not like that—”

  He cuts me off, handing me the helmet. “Let’s head back before sunrise.”

  “But I thought you wanted to watch it?”

  Lex turns to face me, his face void of any loving warmth. His eyes are narrowed, rigid, cold, and hard. In that moment, I know I have hurt him, although it wasn’t my intention. I’ve become the enemy, the woman shredding his heart to pieces.

  I have won the game I set out to play.

  But revenge isn’t gratifying, at all.

  Not when I’m about to lose the man I love.


  Nine Years Ago

  “Why are you making such a big deal about this? I’m not going to fuck him.”

  In frustration, I kicked a rock that sat alongside the path next to the back door. Alex stood outside with me, trying to control his temper. It was a Friday afternoon, and Adriana was upstairs trying on her prom dress for Samantha. I didn’t know they were coming over together, and boy was I fuming when they did. I mean, it wasn’t Samantha’s fault she was married to this great guy, and I wouldn’t want to let him out of my sight if he were mine.

  I had excused myself to grab a drink from the kitchen when really I was going outside to get some fresh air and calm the fuck down. Somehow, he had slipped out and followed me.

  “Charlotte, please, t
he jerk goes around town telling everyone he’s going to fuck you on prom night. Like you don’t care?”

  “I do care, but I’d rather he spread that rumor than the one being spread about a high school girl fucking her best friend’s married brother. It’s too late now, anyway. I said yes.”

  “No, it’s not too late. Call and tell him you won’t go.” He motioned for me to take out my phone.

  I was just about to tell him where to shove this relationship of ours when Samantha walked outside.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, looking from Alex to me.

  “Uh, yeah, Alex just has an attitude with me because I covered for Adriana for prom night. She and Elijah will be staying in a hotel.”

  Samantha laughed, shaking her head.

  “Oh geez, Alex, like you didn’t screw around in high school. C’mon, let’s go home. You owe me something, remember?” She leaned in and kissed his lips.

  I turned away, unable to watch as my heart started to break into a million pieces. It was these moments when the hurt was so deep that it made me question everything about us, about our so-called love. I had a choice. I could break down and cry right in front of them, walk away and act like it didn’t bother me, or perform a very sweet act of revenge.

  I was eighteen, so, of course, it was revenge. It was always going to be revenge, and it’s a dish best served cold

  “Oh, and Alex, don’t worry. Adriana will be fine. Carter and I are staying in the room next to hers.” I smiled, then with every bit of dignity I could muster, I walked away with my head held high.


  Ouch. What the fuck did she think she was doing? Holding it again close to my head, I felt the sting. Damn, did she just burn my scalp? The smell of smoke lingered in the air. I winced as I rubbed the spot where it burned.

  “Adriana, you’re burning my head,” I cried.

  “Sorry, Char. It’s the bleach in your hair. I’m not a hairdresser, you know. Although I’d be so awesome like in Steel Magnolias.” She continued using the curling iron, talking to herself in a southern accent.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re comparing yourself to Dolly Parton. She’s about a hundred cup sizes ahead of you.” Laughing at the comparison, I shook my head which didn’t fare too well since the curling iron was still attached.

  Damn, karma sure was a bitch tonight.

  “Okay, done. Go look.”

  I stood up and glanced in the mirror. Wow. I had to say even I was amazed. The curls were soft and loosely fell down my back. My hair was naturally wavy, but thanks to the humidity of living by the seaside, it morphed into a ball of frizz every day. I had dyed my hair this week a lighter shade of brown, almost a dark blonde. I was tired of being an ordinary brunette. I don’t know what possessed me, but it may have had something to do with the fight Alex and I had last week.

  Adriana finished my makeup, not that I wanted much on me. Just a hint of blush, mascara, and some pale pink lipstick to add shine to my dull lips. With all that said and done, I took my dress off the hanger and finally slid it on. It fit perfectly and hugged my body in all the right places.

  “Char, you look like a goddess. That shade of green is beautiful on you.”

  “It’s emerald green, actually,” I pointed out, happy to find a dress that I loved. It was a beautiful off-the-shoulder design. The satin clung to my body, which I had to thank my lucky stars looked reasonably good considering I hated sports or any form of exercise. It flowed down to the floor with a slight train. Simple, yet classic.

  “It reminds me of something, but I can’t figure out what. So, anyway, you and Carter, eh?” she teased.

  “No. I agreed at the start of the year to go because I needed his notes for geometry, and he agreed to give them to me if I went with him. End of story.”

  “I don’t know what it is about Carter, but he rubs Alex the wrong way.”

  I quietly sat there trying my best not to show any emotion because I knew why Alex hated Carter. It had been a week, and we hadn’t spoken to each other. It didn’t stop the fact that I was missing him like crazy and going insane not speaking to him, but I was born a Mason, stubborn as a fucking mule. It was in my blood, and I wasn’t giving in. He was being a jerk about Carter, and to top it off, he went home to his wife every night. Nope, I wasn’t backing down in this fight.

  “You should have seen him this morning at home. When I showed him my dress, he ranted on about how Carter’s a jerk and to warn you to watch out, and I’m like ‘bro, if she wants to fuck him, then let bygones be bygones.’ Seriously, Alex lost it and smashed my mirror.”


  Shocked, I turned around to face her as she nodded her head. I couldn’t believe he had done that in front of Adriana. What if she suspected something? I suddenly felt self-conscious and chose my next words very carefully. I couldn’t let on.

  “He said the jerk keeps talking shit, and he didn’t want him to hurt you,” she rambled on.

  “Well, your brother is one protective guy. He grilled me about you and Elijah, and I’m like ‘take a hike, dude.’ Seriously, what’s his problem, anyway?”

  Playing it off, I was hoping she’d believe me. “I don’t know, he’s always on edge. Something’s bugging him, and I think it may have to do with Samantha. I overheard her saying something to my mom, and well, it was kinda gross.”

  I didn’t know if I wanted to know what it was, but curiosity got the better of me. “What could be that gross, Adriana?”

  “Oh, some shit about how she wants to try for a baby, but Alex doesn’t, and she says he won’t even have sex with her. I told you, gross, right?”

  I did my best to hide the smile that was dying to burst out of me along with the internal happy dance. My inner self somersaulted across the room.

  “You know what?” I laughed, trying to disguise how happy I was to hear he wasn’t fucking Samantha. “It’s like when you talk about Elijah and shit in front of Alex, and he does the exact same face, it’s quite funny watching him cringe. You can so tell you’re related.”

  Adriana finished up and headed back home to get ready. As I sat there staring at myself in the mirror, I wondered how tonight would play out. This wasn’t how I envisioned senior prom, going with some jerk when the man I was so desperately in love with sat at home with his wife. Several times, I wanted to back out of it, but I was so frightened someone would catch on. No, I needed to go tonight and act as if there was no Alex, pretend I was an ordinary girl participating in the normal rituals of being a teenager.

  I walked down the stairs slowly and found my dad sitting at the dining table with Debbie, his girlfriend, although he loathed that word. He turned to look at me and did a double-take.

  “Wow, Charlie. You look beautiful,” he said, followed by a scowl. Debbie slightly smacked his arm as he pretended to smile. “So, this Carter kid… I’ve heard rumors about him.”

  “That he has a small penis?” I joked.

  Debbie laughed out loud, much to Dad’s disappointment.

  “Dear God, no! But shame for the boy. I heard he has quite the reputation.”

  “Please, Dad, this was strictly a business deal. He helped me out with geometry, and I agreed to go to prom. Don’t worry, I’m not the slightest bit interested in him. Plus, Finn will be there.”

  “What about that Edwards kid?”

  I froze, not expecting him to bring up Alex.

  Why the fuck would he bring up Alex? I panicked, trying to find my words.

  “Who, Adriana?” I answered, playing dumb.

  Debbie made a slight snicker and bowed her head to hide the smirk that formed on her face. Fuck! She must’ve known.

  “No, her brother. The other Edwards kid.”

  “Why would Alex be at prom? He’s twenty-five, not a senior.”

  “I thought he might be chaperoning Adriana.”

  I snorted, amused by the image. “Yeah, Adriana would die attending prom with her brother. Besides, she has a boyfriend, Elij

  “Oh yeah, the Morrison kid. Good. Never liked that Edwards boy.”

  “Why on earth would you not like Alex, Dad? You don’t even know him,” I said defensively.

  “Well, Alex, as you refer to him, was quite a troublemaker back in the day when he went to Carmel High. Got into all sorts of trouble.”

  “How do you know that? And what trouble?” I asked.

  Alex never came across as a law-breaker type, but then again, he also didn’t seem like the I’ll-have-an-affair-with-my-sister’s-best-friend type either.

  “Oh, you know, the usual… reckless behavior, drugs, and alcohol. Your sister used to talk about him all the time to your mother…” he trailed off.

  “Drugs?” I repeated, surprised how raised my voice was.

  “Geez, Charlie, would you keep it down? Yes, caught smoking marijuana at a local party.”

  My sister spoke about Alex? I didn’t remember any of these conversations, but this was years ago and most likely I also didn’t give a fuck, but talking to Mom? I wanted nothing more than to call my sister and ask her about him, but then I remembered she was traveling in a remote part of Africa, so there went that idea.

  “Honey, I think Carter is here,” Debbie said as the doorbell rang.

  Thank God for the interruption. Alex smoking pot wasn’t something I really cared about, unless he was still doing it, which would be hypocritical since he was an intern at the local hospital.

  Making my way to the front door, I pulled it open to be greeted by an enthusiastic Carter eyeing me up and down. Gross.

  “Charliiieee…” He whistled.

  My dad cleared his throat, and immediately Carter regained his posture and extended his hand for Dad to shake. He put on his fake smile, not that it went unnoticed by my dad. “So, anyway, I was thinking of driving you guys to the prom.”

  “Seriously, Dad?” I groaned.

  Like I’d fucking let Carter feel me up in the car.

  “That’s fine with me, Mr. Mason,” Carter agreed.

  What a fucking douche.

  Dad kissed Debbie goodbye and headed to the car. Just what I had always dreamed about, rolling up to my senior prom in a pickup truck. The drive was in an awkward silence, the arrival even worse. Kids were pulling up in fancy cars, limos, the works. To add insult to injury, Dad spoke to Principal Sinclair to double-check there was no alcohol on the premises. After their combined search came up empty, he decided to leave, but he couldn’t resist warning Carter where his hands should remain for the rest of the night.


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