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Fatal Dreams (COBRA Securities Book 17)

Page 20

by Velvet Vaughn

  “I want to take her to my place. It’s in a secure compound, impossible to breach. My company owns several hundred acres on the lake. Not only are the premises secure, but she would be surrounded by dozens of my trained coworkers.”

  Lumi studied him. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. I want her safe, and I trust you.”

  “The invitation is for you, too, ma’am.”

  Tears gathered in her eyes. “Please, call me Lumi, and I appreciate the offer. You’re very thoughtful, Ethan, but I don’t want to leave here. Please do take Esme with you. I have the security system to keep me safe.”

  “And Kayla. She’ll be staying with you, but it’s an open-ended invite. If at any time you don’t feel safe, you’re welcome to join us.”

  “Thank you, Ethan, and I need to thank you again for taking care of my niece. She’s everything to me and I can tell you feel the same way.”

  At the look of panic that he was sure crossed his face, she patted his hand. “You’re scared of your feelings for her. No, don’t try to deny it. And no, I’m not reading your thoughts. I can just tell. I’m not saying you must marry her, though I wouldn’t be against that, either. All I’m asking is that you not hurt her.”

  “I’d never hurt her, ma’am. I’d rather die first.”

  “It’s Lumi. And I know you wouldn’t intentionally. But as I said earlier, she’s very sensitive. When she loves, it’s with her whole heart.”


  Esme was happy to see her old friend Trevor, but she couldn’t help but wonder where Ethan disappeared to. He’d been in a snit and she needed to make sure he was okay and that his bullet wound wasn’t aching. Several customers had arrived, and she’d tended to them while Trevor sat back and watched. She wondered if Ethan vetted them before they entered her store.

  She needed to clear up Trevor’s insinuation that they were more than friends. Though Trevor was dapper in a metrosexual way, he paled in comparison to Ethan’s masculinity. Trevor tended to be narcissistic and materialistic. Ethan was rugged and brave. He’d taken a bullet for her, for goodness sake. Trevor was plucked, waxed and moussed to perfection. Ethan was one hundred percent alpha male. He’d probably punch anyone who came at him with tweezers or a hot wax strip.

  She dropped down on the bench beside Trevor when the rush was over. “Are my feet still attached to my legs? They went numb about an hour ago.”

  “You’ve got a great business here, Esme. I’m proud of you.”

  “Aw, thanks, Trev.” She shoulder-bumped him.

  “So, what’s with Thor?”

  Esme had to smile. That’s what she’d nicknamed Ethan the first time she met him, too. “Some things have occurred lately and he’s here for protection.” And for her. He was her soul mate after all.

  “Yeah, my grandmother told me a little of what’s happening. That’s why I took time off and came home. I thought you might need someone watching out for you.”

  She almost snorted but quickly fought the reaction. If anything, she’d be the one protecting Trevor. She’d once seen him burst into tears from having a splinter lodged in his thumb. He’d been eight at the time, but still, she couldn’t picture him defending her against a gun-toting madman. Not only could she picture Ethan doing so, but he had. She had no doubt there wasn’t anyone he’d back down from…except maybe her aunt.

  “That’s sweet and I appreciate the offer, but it’s not necessary. Ethan’s a professional. He does this for a living.”

  Trevor’s mouth pinched. “I don’t like him. Send him away and I’ll take care of you.”

  Unease crept over her. Trevor had been making strange comments for a while now, mostly over text or email or when they connected on social media. She chalked it up to him getting older and missing home. There’d never been any romantic feelings, at least on her part.

  He scooted closer and grabbed her hands. “We’d be good together, Esme, you know we would. We already love each other and we’re friends. Good friends. Don’t you think it’s time to take this to the next level?”

  Oh, Trevor. It absolutely gutted her to hurt her oldest friend. She did love him, but not that way. She’d never be able to love another man after having met Ethan. There was no going back, no getting over him. He was it for her. If he didn’t feel the same way or the relationship petered out, she’d mourn his loss for the rest of her life.

  “I do love you, Trevor, but as a dear friend.”

  “Give me a chance. I know we’d be good together. Please, let me take care of you.”


  Ethan had finally managed to extract himself from Lumi, only because she had an appointment with a client. She was a very nice woman and he respected her. He wasn’t as wary around her now. Sure, he was still unsettled in her presence, but it was a workable unease. And strangely, she also made him feel at peace, much as he felt around Esme.

  He headed to Esme’s shop but stopped short when he heard voices. His fists clenched and he was two seconds away from storming inside and knocking out all the unnaturally white veneers from Trevor’s smirking mouth. His phone was the only thing that stopped him. He’d texted Trevor’s name to Tyler and asked him to run a background check.

  He backed up a few steps so his conversation couldn’t be overheard. “What have you got for me?”

  “I ran a check on Trevor Bowers. He did work in California as a pharmaceutical rep for a major drug distributor up until a month ago.”

  “What happened?”

  “He was fired.”

  “Yeah? Why?”

  “He was accused of skimming products and selling them on the streets for a hefty profit. He vehemently denied the charges and wanted his day in court to prove them wrong. The company didn’t want to deal with any negative publicity, so they quietly let him go and then blackballed him. Trevor threatened an unlawful termination lawsuit but hasn’t filed one yet.”

  “Being fired might’ve been the trigger. Everything he’s worked for his entire career has crumbled,” Ethan surmised.

  “Yeah, and there’s no way he’d be able to wage a fair fight in court with a major drug retailer, no matter how much he’d sold on the streets. They have unlimited resources,” Tyler rationalized.

  “He needs something to make him feel like a man again, so he targets Esme. He stages mishaps and then swoops in to save the day.”

  “Clever. Except you’re already there, saving her day,” Tyler pointed out.

  “Yeah, he didn’t account for me.” Trevor just rocketed to the top of his suspect list. “Dig deeper, see if you can track his movements after he was fired.”

  “Will do.”

  Ethan disconnected and stepped back as the front door chimed and two college-aged girls entered the lobby. They were both dressed in tight, midriff-baring shirts and shorts. Instead of bulky purses, they both carried small wristlets, he thought they were called. No place to hide a gun. “Ladies,” he greeted. They both smiled at him suggestively and batted their lashes as they headed for Esme’s shop. Perfect. He waited until Esme was occupied before he approached Trevor.

  “Can I speak to you a minute?”

  Trevor flicked a glance his way and then dismissed him. “No.”

  Oh, damn. He was about to waste five bullets on this asshat. This guy was asking for it. He grabbed Trevor’s forearm and hauled him to his feet.

  “Hey!” he sputtered.

  “Asking to speak with you was only a formality,” he growled in Trevor’s ear. “It wasn’t a request.”

  He waved to ease Esme’s worried expression and hauled Trevor into the hall. He’d been prepared to let the guy explain his side of the drug story, but now he could care less. “It’s time for you to go.”

  Trevor jerked his arm free. “Who the hell do you think you are? I practically grew up in this house. You have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

  Ethan’s smile was feral. “That’s where you’re wrong, Trev. I have every right and I’m telling—no, ordering—you to
haul ass, now.”

  Trevor crossed his arms belligerently. “Too bad. I’m here for Esme.”

  Ethan lifted his brows in mock innocence. “She knows you got canned from your high-paying job for filching drugs?”

  Trevor’s arms dropped to his sides and he paled. “Who told you that?”

  “I’m guessing you haven’t informed your granny yet, either.”

  Trevor’s eyes narrowed. “What do you want? You think I have access to steroids or something, you over muscled Neanderthal? Is that what this is about? A shakedown?”

  Steroids? His muscles were one-hundred percent hard work, sweat and determination. Trev was up to six bullets. Pretty soon, Ethan would be unloading his entire clip into the bastard. He took a menacing step closer, pleased when Trevor took a hasty step back. “I’ve already told you what I want. That’s for you to leave. Now. I won’t tell you again.”

  Trevor’s eyes were spitting fire as he spun for the door. “I’ll be back. You can’t keep me from Esme.”

  “Try me.”

  Trevor muttered obscenities about things that were anatomically impossible as he stomped down the steps to his car.

  “Did you scare him off?”

  He glanced down to see Esme watching Trevor speed away. He wondered if she was mad that he’d tossed out the annoying jackass. They were friends, after all.

  “I just made a casual suggestion that he vacate the premises,” Ethan corrected.

  She turned and leaned against the door. “He’s harmless, Ethan. I’ve known him since I was seven.”

  “I heard him saying he wanted to take care of you.”

  She winced. “You did?”


  “He’s just being a good friend. There’s nothing between us. There never has been.”

  “It looks like he wants there to be.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t mean it.”

  “Esme, what if he set all of this up and then comes running to your rescue? You said he works in pharmaceutical sales. He’d have access to drugs.” He didn’t want to tell her the man had lost his job yet. He’d only reveal that detail if it became necessary. It wasn’t his story to share.

  She pushed from the door. “Ethan, are you suggesting that my oldest friend murdered two people just so he could rush in and what, date me?” She shook her head sadly. “I thought you were a legitimate detective.” She brushed past him.

  He stalked after her. “I never said I was a detective. But you need to take the blinders off. Whoever is doing this could be someone you know, someone close to you. What about your friend Sophie?”

  Esme spun around, her mouth dropping open in disbelief. She glanced around furtively, probably making sure her friend wasn’t around to overhear his accusations. “You can’t seriously believe Sophie had anything to do with this.”

  “She’s a nurse. She has access to drugs, too.”

  Esme shook her head. “In case you’ve forgotten, her house burned down, too.”

  “Because she didn’t take five seconds to set the alarm. Think about it. She had access to the closet, to come and go as she pleases. She could’ve easily orchestrated everything.”

  “No, I don’t believe it. I’d know if one of my best friends was a psychotic killer.”

  “We can’t afford to overlook anyone. I don’t care how close you are.”


  The thought that someone she knew could be capable of violence caused Esme to shiver in dread. She didn’t have blinders on, as Ethan insinuated. What she had was trust and faith in her friends. If one of them betrayed her, it would devastate her.

  She thought his scenario of Trevor murdering people to gain her favor was ridiculous. She hoped he’d been kidding until she looked into his eyes and realized he was dead serious.

  On one hand, she was angry he’d run Trevor off before she could even tell him goodbye. On the other, he saved her from having to witness the dejection in Trevor’s face again. She hated hurting him, but she needed him to know that them as a couple would never happen.

  Just because Trevor had access to drugs wasn’t a reason to add him to the suspect list. And Sophie? That was way out in left field. No way her friend could do something like this. Esme had seen the devastation in her eyes knowing all her possessions had been incinerated in the fire.

  “Just give it some thought,” he said.

  She nodded just to appease him, but she didn’t plan on considering either of her friends as the culprit. Merle she could’ve believed, even Bernie Gorman. But not Sophie or Trevor.

  “I spoke with your aunt. After the shooting today, I don’t think it’s safe for you to stay here any longer.”

  “But my shop is here, my job. I can’t just leave.”

  “I’ll bring you to work each day, but I think it’s best if I moved you to a safe location.”


  “My apartment.”

  Her eyes widened. “You want me to stay with you?”

  “It’s by far the safest place for you.”

  Her heart started pounding. The thought of moving into Ethan’s apartment, no matter how temporary, was thrilling. She’d been dying to see where he lived and worked. “What about Lumi?” She couldn’t leave her aunt alone. “And Sophie?”

  “I spoke with Lumi. She doesn’t want to leave the house, but she wants you to go. Kayla will stay here with her, and with Sophie.”

  “I need to talk to both of them before I make any decisions.”

  She found Lumi in the living room watching a game show and working a crossword puzzle. Lumi removed her reading glasses. “I know you’re worried about me, but don’t be. I’ll be fine here. I agree with Ethan that it would be best if you stayed with him.”

  “I hate leaving you.”

  Lumi stood from the couch and hugged her. “I know. But your safety is all that matters.” She turned Esme around. “Go pack a bag. The sooner you’re secure, the easier I’ll rest.”

  Esme headed to her bedroom to fill a small suitcase. She hadn’t had time to replenish her wardrobe, relying on the clothes she kept at Lumi’s house. She’d need to do some serious shopping soon.

  On her way downstairs, she detoured by Sophie’s room. She could hear a television, so she knocked lightly. Sophie opened the door dressed in her blue scrubs. Her eyes zeroed in on the suitcase.

  “Are you taking a trip?”

  “To Ethan’s apartment. He wants me to stay with him until the person is caught.”

  Sophie nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  “Are you okay staying here with Lumi? Kayla will be here, too.”

  “I’m not the one in danger. I’ll be fine. Besides, I’m at work most nights anyway.”

  She felt better knowing both Lumi and Sophie were okay with her leaving. She headed down the stairs to find Ethan speaking with Lumi. It made her heart happy to see them getting along. Lumi was smiling and Ethan wasn’t bolting for the hills. Progress.

  Lumi hugged her. “Call me when you’re settled.”

  “I will.”

  Ethan instructed her to wait inside while he retrieved his SUV and parked close to the steps. He helped her inside and then they were on their way. She had a vague idea where the compound was located. He navigated a winding, curving road with ease and then turned into a driveway, stopping when they reached a sturdy-looking gate. He rolled down his window and a red laser scanned his eye. Wow.

  He smiled at her. “The retinal scanner is a new addition,” he explained. The gates opened and he motored down a narrow, paved road lined with a forest of trees on either side. They arrived at another checkpoint, this one with a large guard house.

  “Hey Tuck. How are you feeling tonight?”

  “I’m doing better every day. How about you, Ethan? I heard you got shot.”

  “Just a nick.”

  “That’s what you all say,” the man grumbled. He glanced past Ethan. “You must be Esme. I’m Tucker Nash. Nice to meet you.”

sp; “You, too,” she said.

  “Thanks for taking care of this,” Ethan said. “Now go home to that incredible wife of yours.”

  Tucker smiled. “On my way.”

  Though it was dark, several buildings were illuminated with landscape lighting and she could just make out the expansive view of the lake as it shimmered in the moonlight. It looked incredible.

  “I’ll give you a tour tomorrow,” he promised.

  He parked in a lot behind a modern building with several floors. After grabbing her suitcase, he led her to a walkway and then inside. They took the elevator to his floor and he guided her inside his apartment. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but this wasn’t it. The room looked like a high-end hotel suite, with stylish furniture, tasteful decorations and luxurious touches.

  “This is amazing.” There were large windows that probably had a nice view of the lake, but it was too dark out to tell. The furniture was high-end, and color coordinated. Even the paintings on the walls matched the décor.

  “Yeah, they’re pretty nice accommodations.”

  “Understatement.” She ran a hand over the tan suede couch. “Did you decorate?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, right. Left up to me, the furniture would be of the bean bag and wood pallet variety and the plates and cups all paper.”

  She laughed. “Well, whoever put this together has an artistic eye.”

  There was only one bedroom with a king-sized bed covered in a dark blue duvet. She couldn’t wait to make use of it.

  She didn’t have long to wait. She let out a girly squeal when Ethan scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom. Then he proceeded to undress her and make love to her all night long.


  Ethan needed to get in a workout before he drove Esme to work. He’d missed too many lately and he was having serious withdrawal. He debated whether to wake her or let her sleep. She looked so striking with her dark tresses fanned across the white sheets of his bed. She took the decision from him. Emerald green eyes blinked open. “Hey.”

  “Hey, babe.” He leaned down and kissed her, lingering.

  “Where are you off to this early?”

  “To work out. Stay in bed and rest. I’ll be back to drive you to work.”


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