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Fatal Dreams (COBRA Securities Book 17)

Page 23

by Velvet Vaughn

  “Surely they’ll both agree to move with you to a new location.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You’ll need to call a real estate agent and find out about that property. I’d like to help you buy it.”

  Love for the woman who sacrificed so much to raise her swept over her. She had money in a trust, so she wouldn’t need assistance, but it made her feel special that her aunt had offered. “Thank you.”

  “Am I interrupting?”

  Esme released her aunt to see Ethan standing in the doorway. She wiped her eyes. “No. Come in.”

  “Are you two okay?” He looked upset that they’d been crying.

  “We will be. Aunt Lumi is going to close her business.”

  Ethan’s eyes widened and he grasped Lumi’s hand without flinching. “No, Lumi. We’ll catch this guy. I promise. You don’t have to do anything drastic.”

  “You’re a sweet boy, Ethan. Thank you, but it’s for the best. Too many things have happened for people to feel safe coming here. Esme can tell you about her plans later.”

  He accepted her words with a nod. “The authorities are just about done. I’ve talked with Kayla and we both feel it would be better if you stayed at the compound with us. I’ve okayed it with my bosses. Kayla and I will bring you back in the mornings with Esme.”

  Esme’s face brightened. “That would make me feel so much better if you stayed with us, Lumi. Oh, you won’t believe how incredible it is! It’s right on the lake and the homes are massive and there’s so much to do and all of the people are so nice, and they make you feel so welcome.”



  Ethan looked like he was fighting a smile. “Breathe, honey.”

  She puffed out a breath. “I can’t help it. I’m so happy that Lumi will be there with us. Oh, I can’t wait for you to see the facility where they train dogs.”

  “It sounds wonderful, but I don’t want you to go to any trouble on my account,” Lumi argued.

  Ethan smiled. “It’s no trouble at all.”

  If she hadn’t already been head-over-heels in love with the man, that simple statement to her aunt would’ve sent her tumbling over the edge.


  Esme watched the scenery pass by through the headlights as Ethan navigated the winding road to the compound. Lumi packed a bag and headed out with Kayla while she and Ethan packed Sophie’s belongings and delivered them to her at the hospital. She felt horrible that she had to basically kick Sophie out, but her friend understood, and if Esme wasn’t mistaken, she’d been relieved. She hadn’t even met Solange before she died. It just so happened that one of the nurses on her shift was looking for a roommate, so Sophie had a place to stay until she decided if she wanted to move to an apartment of her own. That eased Esme’s conscience.

  She glanced at Ethan’s profile, light from the dash illuminating his masculine features. It warmed her heart that he’d thought about Lumi’s safety—first having Kayla watch over her and now inviting her to stay with them. She knew they didn’t let just anyone inside the secure walls. She figured Ethan had to pull all sorts of strings for both her and her aunt to be allowed to stay.

  “Thank you.” Two simple words that didn’t come close to conveying how appreciative she was of all he’d done for her.

  “Anything for you, babe.”

  His statement sent a shiver of excitement down her spine. She wanted to launch herself over the console and attack him as he drove. But that was dangerous, and it’d been a long evening. She’d concentrate on making sure Lumi was comfortable and wondered how the sleeping arrangements would work. There was only one bedroom in Ethan’s apartment. She posed the question to him.

  “We gave her a choice. Both Kayla and I offered Lumi a place to stay. I’d have moved us into a larger unit and Kayla has plenty of room in her house, but your aunt decided to stay in a suite down the hall.”

  Ethan had pointed out Kayla’s house when he gave her a tour of the homes. It was an incredible Mediterranean style dwelling that looked like a designer home. Esme wasn’t surprised Lumi turned down the offer. She’d feel like she was intruding on Kayla’s privacy.

  The fact that Ethan offered to move out of his space into a larger one for her aunt brought tears to her eyes. Did he realize how amazing he was or how much she loved him? She cleared the lump from her throat. “How long before they know Solange’s cause of death?”

  “Preliminary results in a day or two from the autopsy. Detective Hurley will make sure they run tox screens to check for any poisons in her system. That could take several days, even with the case being fast-tracked.”

  Ethan parked in the lot and guided Esme upstairs. They stopped by Lumi’s apartment. She whipped the door open with a huge smile.

  “Look how amazing this is, Esme. It’s better than a hotel.”

  More tears. Seeing her aunt smile and knowing she was completely safe for the night relieved a huge burden from Esme’s shoulders. She had plans to attack Ethan as soon as they entered his apartment to thank him. Instead, she could barely keep her eyes open. He undressed her then himself, carried her to the bed and followed her down. That’s all she remembered. She fell into the deepest, most content slumber of her life.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Lyra’s phone rang with an unknown number. She answered before the sound woke Tyler. She’d left him sleeping soundly in the bedroom.


  “Hey, Lyra, it’s Joelle. Listen, I have some super-exciting news. I’ve hired a model to wear a few of your pieces. I thought it’d be better for people to see how the jewelry looked on instead of just a static display case. I want to shoot them in an outdoor setting so the lighting will be ideal.”

  Excitement coursed through her veins. “That sounds wonderful.” Her pieces were already selling well on the website and in the store, but Joelle was correct. You could only tell so much about a piece of jewelry from a stagnant photo. Having someone wearing it might be the perfect pitch.

  She glanced out the kitchen window. “It’s a glorious day to take pictures outdoors. I don’t know about lighting and such, but the sky is such a vibrant shade of blue and there are no clouds. Where are we shooting the photos?”



  “Her schedule is booked, and we need to go right now. I’ll explain everything once we’re en route. I’m outside your condo now with the motor running. Are you free?”

  “Sure.” She grabbed the bag with the pieces she’d just created. “I was headed to Esme’s shop, but I’ll call her and let her know.”

  “You don’t have to,” Joelle told her. “She and Ethan are meeting us there. She was excited about the possibilities, too. But we really have to hurry.”

  Lyra was torn between waking Tyler or riding with Joelle. He’d been working so hard and then she’d worn him out last night. She smiled wickedly as she chanced a peek at him. Sound asleep. Yep. She’d worn him out. Who knew she secretly harbored an inner vixen?

  Easing the door closed, she headed back to the kitchen and scribbled a note, asking him to call so she could give him directions to meet them at the shoot. She turned to go and gasped.

  “Joelle. How did you get in?”

  “Your security totally sucks, Lyra, and don’t even think about screaming. I’ve already given your boyfriend something to assure he won’t wake up anytime soon. And you won’t be needing that.”

  She snatched the note from Lyra’s startled hands and crumpled it before shoving it in her pocket. Lyra’s knees weakened. “Did you…” She couldn’t even say the words. If Joelle killed Tyler, she might as well kill her, too.

  Joelle tugged a hat low over her forehead and displayed a black handgun. “You’re going with me now or I shoot you, your lover and anyone else I see.”

  Lyra’s legs shook so badly, she had a hard time walking. She wanted to run to Tyler and make sure he was still alive, but she had no doubt Joelle would follow through with her
threat of shooting them.

  Joelle’s yellow Kia idled at the curb. This might be the only time Lyra wished she lived in a higher crime neighborhood. Maybe the car would’ve been jacked and stripped for parts.

  Trudging forward, she wondered why she hadn’t embraced her heritage and learned Taekwondo or Hapkido, the martial arts of her ancestors. She vowed to learn as soon as possible—if possible.

  With great reluctance, Lyra eased into the passenger seat and snapped her seat belt into place. Maybe there would be a way to wrestle the gun away while Joelle was driving. Before she could formulate a plan, a flash of movement had her gasping. Joelle flipped the top off a syringe with one hand and plunged it into Lyra’s thigh. Lyra swung at Joelle and fumbled for the handle, but the door was locked and whatever Joelle stuck her with was rapidly crowding her bloodstream. Tyler’s smiling face was the last thing she pictured before the world went black.


  Lyra woke slowly, her fuzzy brain struggling to make sense of her predicament. The room was dark, the only light coming from two small windows high up on cinder block walls. She was lying on a bare mattress, but when she tried to sit, she discovered one hand was chained to a ring anchored into the wall.

  She couldn’t recall how she got here—wherever here was. The last thing she remembered was finishing up new pieces to add to her inventory. The phone rang and…Joelle! Oh my God, her friend had kidnapped her and then injected her with something. She moaned. Joelle drugged Tyler, too.

  Footsteps sounded on the wooden steps across the room and Lyra tensed. A light snapped on and then Joelle appeared. “Well, you’re finally awake. That took forever, I have to say. I guess the dosage was too high for someone so petite.”

  “What is this, Joelle? Why am I chained?” She got her first good look around the space. It was a basement of some kind. A damp chill was already settling into her bones. Shelves were lined with tools and spray paint cans and jars filled with nails and screws. The only thing close to the mattress she could reach was a toilet, and Heaven forbid she’d need to use it. Hopefully she wouldn’t be here long enough.

  “I had to restrain you so you won’t run away.”

  “Why? And why did you kidnap me? What have I ever done to you?”

  “It has nothing to do with you, Lyra. You’re a means to an end. That’s all. I need you to lure my prey.” She placed a brown paper bag on a rolling tray table and then slid it to where Lyra could reach. “Enjoy. I’ll be back, oh, I don’t know, sometime.”

  “Wait! You can’t leave me here.”

  Joelle’s smile was a wicked slash of white teeth. “It’s better than the alternative. Just ask Femi or Merle or Solange. Oh, and don’t expect that genius boyfriend to find you, either. I made sure any cameras around your condo were inoperable.”

  Despite the precarious situation, a flicker of hope fluttered. “Does that mean you didn’t kill him?”

  “It doesn’t not mean that.” She headed back to the steps and disappeared.

  Damn the woman. “Joelle!”

  The light snapped off again, plunging her into darkness. The scent of a hamburger drifted to her, but her stomach was too upset to eat. Tyler had cautioned her to be careful and she promised she would, but she broke the promise. She’d allowed herself to be kidnapped. He would be beside himself with worry and probably blame himself, assuming he was alive and that was the only scenario Lyra would entertain.

  With her free hand, she felt in her pockets, but her phone was gone. She figured Joelle would’ve taken it and she’d been right. Despite being a computer mastermind, there was no way Tyler would find her. He wouldn’t even know where to look.


  Esme examined the prototypes of the pieces Lyra created for Ethan’s coworkers and couldn’t help but be impressed. You’d never know there was a small blade hidden in the intricate cross necklace. Esme tried on the ring Lyra named Knockout. When you twisted the ruby, a tiny needle popped out to inject someone with enough juice to put them instantly to sleep. Esme didn’t know how long it lasted, but assumed it’d be enough for someone to get away if needed. Genius.

  Esme’s cell rang. When she saw Tyler’s name on the screen, she figured it was Lyra.


  “Esme, it’s Tyler. Have you seen Lyra today?”

  His voice sounded groggy, like he’d just woken up. “No, and she was supposed to bring some new pieces to the shop. Hang on.” She placed a hand over the receiver. “Joelle, have you seen Lyra today?”

  Joelle glanced up from her camera. “No, I haven’t, but I thought she was coming in today.”

  “Me, too.” Esme’s pulse increased but she refused to panic yet. There was probably a good explanation. “Maybe she took a nap and lost track of time.”

  “I’m at her house.” Tyler’s voice grew frantic. “She was gone when I woke up. No note, no text, nothing. I should’ve heard her leave, but I didn’t. I’ve been calling her cell, but it goes to voice mail. When I traced it, I found it in a dumpster down the block.”

  No. “Have you checked the cameras around her apartment?”

  “There was a malfunction. They’re all down.”

  “I’ll get Ethan.”

  “Don’t bother, I’m on my way.” Tyler disconnected.

  Now was the time to panic. More so when gunfire erupted outside.

  Ethan dashed inside the shop to yell, “Get down.”

  “I have to get Lumi.”

  “She’s safe,” Ethan announced. “Now hit the ground and don’t come out until I tell you.” Then he disappeared.

  Esme crouched behind the cash register, wishing they’d gotten around to the lessons at the firing range. She wanted to be able to protect herself and Lumi. She felt completely helpless and she didn’t like it one bit.

  “I wonder what’s happening…Joelle?” She glanced around but her friend was gone. She’d been right here. Where could she be? Staying low, she eased around the counter, but didn’t see her in the shop. Suddenly Joelle came rushing inside, her eyes wide.

  “Thank goodness, Joelle. I was so worried about—”

  Joelle cut her off. “I found Lyra.”


  “Out back. I think she’s hurt.”

  Esme sprang to her feet and followed Joelle out of the shop, sparing a look at Ethan and Kayla, who were busy with the gunfire outside. She hurried to catch up with Joelle. “Where is she?”

  Something hard poked her in the back. “Don’t make a sound and get in the car.”

  Joelle’s yellow Kia was parked in the alley outside Lumi’s house, the engine running.

  “Joelle, what’s going on?”

  “You say one word and I put a bullet in your boyfriend’s head and then one in Lumi’s. Give me your phone.”

  Esme reached into her pocket and handed it to her, planning on fighting her as soon as she tried to force her into the car. What she didn’t plan on was the sharp stab in her neck. Her muscles went slack as Joelle shoved her in the back seat and then slammed the door. Esme struggled to sit up, her eyelids drooping.

  “Why?” she slurred.

  Joelle ignored her.

  “Hey, stop the car!”

  Esme blinked. Was that Trevor’s voice or was she hallucinating? She struggled upright. It was Trevor and he was running towards them, his arms waving in the air. Joelle shifted into drive, gunned the engine and then there was a sickening thump as Trevor crashed into the windshield. Esme opened her mouth to scream but the sound never left her mouth.


  Joelle cursed as the man smashed into her windshield. She slammed the brakes until he rolled off and then gunned the accelerator again, not caring if she ran him over. Unfortunately, she didn’t feel a bump, so she obviously missed him, but with a shattered windshield covered in blood, it was hard to see where she was going. Damn. Damn. Double damn.

  Things had not been going as expected. She’d plotted out everything so perfectly, but her carefully constructed pl
ans were falling apart. There’d been a few hiccups along the way—like when her bugs had been discovered. Or when she’d almost been caught sneaking back into Esme’s house, only to have someone turn into the driveway as soon as she approached the house. She’d darted around the side and waited for the meter reader to finish his job, but the lazy bastard decided to take a break and text on his phone. She almost fell asleep waiting for him to leave. By the time he finally did, Esme and Ethan returned. Thank goodness she’d come up with the man in the hoodie story. Sadly, she had to pepper spray herself for it to be believable, and that pissed her off, but it proved that she could adapt to any scenario. Maybe she should call herself Chameleon instead of Oracle. Nah, she liked Oracle.

  Her extraordinary improv skills were tested again when the white-haired bitch surprised her at the house. Joelle had discovered after the fact that Lumi had hired her earlier that day. Shame she was dead. That woman had been able to see inside Joelle to her black soul, so she was the real deal. Eliminating her had been a pleasure.

  But driving in a car with a busted, bloody windshield would attract attention, possibly even the police. She had to be very careful, stick to back roads. She refused to be defeated now.

  A glance in the rear-view mirror assured her that Esme was out like a light. She needed to get her to the house before some overzealous cop decided to pull her over. Sirens were already wailing in the distance. Probably for the two stupid kids she paid to shoot the BB guns she’d provided into the ground in front of Lumi’s house. The guns sounded real, so even Ethan and Kayla wouldn’t know the difference. They also masked the sound when she shot out the security cameras behind the house. If the two loser teens were killed in a shootout, all the better for her. No loose ends and all that.


  “Damn kids with BB guns,” Kayla muttered as she reentered the house. “They’re lucky I didn’t shoot their asses.”

  “Me, too,” Ethan echoed. What the hell were they thinking? The cops arrived quickly, probably from someone in the neighborhood hearing the shots and calling 911. Both the teens were now handcuffed and sitting in the back of a police cruiser, looking scared and too stupid for their own good. They didn’t realize the amount of trouble they faced. He planned on speaking to them to find out why they’d chosen this house to shoot the guns, but he needed to reassure the occupants of the house first.


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