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Blood & Secrets: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 2

Page 12

by Helen Bright

  I took out my phone and called Gregor, but he did not pick up. I called Josh, but he didn’t pick up, either.

  I had a terrible feeling about this, Yuri concurred. We ran using vampire speed towards the Manor and used our senses to locate Keeley. She was in an upstairs bedroom along with Josh and Gregor. Keeley had yet to regain consciousness, and as a made vampire, it could take many days before she came around.

  It appeared that Josh and Gregor had been trying to clean her up for some time. There was blood all over the bath and in the shower, although it did appear that she was now thoroughly clean. Keeley had long hair, and I would imagine that it would take many washes to get it all out.

  The pain in Joshua’s face was clearly visible. He must be going through hell right now, and Yuri and I were probably going to make it worse.

  “Gregor, where is Maxim’s body? Did you dispose of it already?” I asked, hoping that he had, but knowing that he hadn’t.

  “No, I texted you and Yuri to do it. It’s in the coach house cottage on the left.”

  “But it’s not there, Gregor,” replied Yuri. “Sergei and I have just come from the cottage, and there is definitely no body.”

  “Fuck,” shouted Joshua. “He was staked; you could clearly see that he was incapacitated. There was no way he was getting up from that.”

  “I checked around the perimeter before Sergei arrived, I could not scent where he had been, so it must have been at least fifteen minutes ago since he was moved,” said Yuri.

  “Joshua and I have been here with Keeley since we came into the house, and everyone was gone before we came back here. Alex and Nik stayed for a few moments after us; maybe they moved him?” Gregor questioned.

  “No, they did not move him,” I stated.

  I walked over to Joshua and handed him the pendant and broken chain.

  “I found this in the cottage Joshua. I think it may be Keeley’s.”

  He nodded his head then lifted Keeley’s left hand.

  “We got engaged last night. I bought her the pendant to match the ring.”

  It was a beautiful blue topaz, and I knew that he had picked it because it would match her eyes. Keeley had the prettiest blue eyes, like the colour of the Mediterranean Sea. My heart broke for both of them and that beautiful little girl.

  “Yuri, did you remove Maxim’s stake? I know you were friends but…”

  “No Gregor,” Yuri shouted angrily. “I only tolerated Maxim; he was not my friend. But even if he was, what he did to this beautiful woman was a crime punishable by death. I would have killed him without question.”

  “I had to ask Yuri,” said Gregor as he sat down on an ottoman at the bottom of the bed, the crisp white towel tucked around his waist.

  Both men were wearing towels and Keeley was wrapped in a bath sheet. They needed to put on some clean clothes and get something to eat before we tried to find Maxim.

  “Why don’t both of you put on some clean clothing and bring something for Keeley to put on. We will stay here with her until you get back,” I said.

  “I’m not leaving her,” said Joshua. “If Maxim is still around without the stake in his heart he will heal and could come back for Keeley to finish the job.”

  “Or Gina,” said Gregor. “After all, it was Gina who fought and staked him. He will not have liked being bested by a human woman.”

  I pulled out my phone and called Nik. When I explained about Maxim’s disappearance, he let out an angry roar. He knew that Gina would now be a target, but I assured him that I was on my way back and we would both guard Gina.

  “You cannot leave Sergei, you need to find him or guard Keeley,” said Gregor angrily.

  “Gregor, you do not command me. I answer to no one other than my Gina and Nik. You are here with Yuri and Joshua. Keeley will have enough guarding her tonight. I can search the surrounding area before I leave and I will come back later with some clothes for Joshua and Keeley. When I do, I will search again. I do not think that Maxim will stay near here tonight. He will need blood, food, and rest before he has his full strength back. Just make sure that your blood store is locked and your home is fully secure for the next few days.”

  “Thank you, Sergei,” said Joshua quietly. “Keeley’s clothing is still in Daisy’s room. She will need everything, including shoes. We are going to bin all our clothes from today. We would never be able to get all the blood out, so it’s no use trying to save them. Freya will know what to pack for Daisy, just give her a kiss from her mummy and daddy if you get to see her.”

  I nodded my head and tried not to show too much emotion. The man was holding on by a very thin thread as it were and I didn’t want to see it snap.

  “Also, Sergei, tell Gina thank you. She put her own life at risk to try to save Keeley today. She is a brave woman.”

  I nodded at Joshua and said, “She is the very best.”

  I knew it would be pointless to search around the grounds for Maxim, but I did it anyway. If I concentrated hard enough I could pick up many scents, Maxim’s included, but they were all very faint traces, scattered around by the wind and the damp evening air.

  The threat to Gina’s life was very real, so I wanted to get back to her as quickly as I could.

  I thought that after I revealed my feeling’s for Gina to Nik that he would make me stay away, but I was so very glad that he hadn’t. Even if he had, the fact that Maxim could still be alive would have changed all that for him. He would want to keep Gina safe no matter the cost.

  I felt glad that I told him. I could not lie to him about anything, so there was no other way, but I knew that my relationship with Gina would have to change eventually. I would always love her, that would never go away, but the type of love I felt would be different, more acceptable, if you will. Then maybe one day I would find happiness with someone, and will share a love that can be returned freely.

  I called Alex to let him know the situation and heard little Daisy scold him for cursing at my words. My heart hurt for that innocent child, and I knew that I would give her anything she asked for to ease her sadness when she found out.

  Chapter Twenty


  Julia was heartbroken but was trying her best to keep a cheerful expression on her face in front of Daisy. The poor little girl was oblivious to what had gone on at the Manor today and was sitting at the table eating jacket potatoes with cheese, which was her favourite food. My phone rang, it was Sergei. He began to tell me that Maxim’s body was not there, and they believed him to be alive.

  “Oh fuck no,” I said as I sat down in shock. I had seen his body and he had definitely been staked right.

  “Uncle Alex you said a naughty word,” yelled Daisy from the table.

  “I’m sorry Daisy,” I said as I turned my body away from her and Julia.

  Sergei asked who was still at the Manor when we left. I told him I had dismissed everyone and informed the decorator Ryan that they could all have a few days off. I told Sergei that Ryan knew what happened and was upset for Keeley and wanted to see her, but I told him to leave for today so we could get things sorted.

  Sergei told me that he had done a full search of the property and grounds but couldn’t find anything. He also said that we should be vigilant in case Maxim came back to kill Keeley or Gina, and I agreed that was entirely possible. I said we should also think about Daisy. She could also be a way to hurt Keeley. At that statement Sergei cursed and told me he was on his way back so would call in when he returned. He was going to collect some clothes to take to Keeley and Josh; theirs were too bloodstained to salvage.

  I ended the call when I saw a small car pull up outside the cottage. It was Daniel, Keeley’s twin brother. I hated to be the one to have to tell him what had happened today. Just as Daniel walked towards my door, I saw both Freya and Sergei pull up and park their vehicles. I was glad at least to be able to get some help explaining to Daniel what had happened today.

  I opened the door and let them all in. Sergei knew what I
was about to do and asked if he could take Daisy to see Nik and Gina.

  After Daisy had finished giving everyone a kiss she took hold of Sergei’s hand and waved to us all. She was so trusting. I had to watch them walk to Nik’s cottage to give me peace of mind that they would be okay.

  Daniel knew something was going on because of our dour expressions, so I didn’t waste any time and told him what Maxim had done to Keeley.

  “So is she dead?” He asked with a whisper.

  “No Daniel, she’s not dead. But she won’t be human, either. She will be a made vampire, like Josh, but it will take some time for her to get to that stage.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked confused. “I know there is a difference between you and Josh, but isn’t it just that Josh can’t stay out in the sun as long as you?” he asked pointing to Freya and me.

  “We were born to a vampire father and human mother Dan,” said Freya. “When we made the change we drank human blood and went to sleep overnight. The next day we woke up as we are, and although we were hungry for blood, we didn’t experience blood lust, so we could be around humans without hurting them.

  “We are able to walk in the sun without harm, but it takes years for that to happen with a made vampire. When a human is turned, that’s what they are called, a made vampire. The change is so significant that they need to feed on blood often, for several days at least. Even then their ability to keep away from human blood is very fragile, especially the blood of children.”

  “So what are you saying? That my sister will hurt Daisy, her own child?”

  “That may not happen Daniel, but it would be a strong possibility. She wouldn’t mean to do it, but if Daisy was to fall and cut her knee, then Keeley may react to the scent and accidentally take her blood.”

  “So she would murder her?”

  “No Dan it wouldn’t be murder, it...”

  “Yes, it would be murder. You can try to dress it up as much as you want, but it would be murder alright.”

  His anger and hurt were palpable, and he had every right to be upset. This was a clusterfuck of epic proportions, and there would be no easy way out of this one. I explained that Maxim’s body was missing, and Freya went ballistic.

  “Alex, you should have taken his head straight away, you should have burned him.”

  “Freya, he wasn’t going anywhere. We had to get the women out of the way first. Gina was in a bad way, and Nik couldn’t leave her.”

  “You should have finished him, Alex; you know how this works. Now he could be lurking around waiting for a chance to hurt Keeley, Gina, or even Daisy, for fucks sake.”

  “What?” yelled Daniel. “I’m taking Daisy away somewhere safe until you’ve all got your shit together.”

  He went to storm out of the house, but Freya stopped him at the door.

  “Listen to me Dan. I’m taking Daisy to stay with me. I can keep her much safer than any human can, family or not. I have four members of staff who would also guard her with their lives. You are more than welcome to come with us, but I won’t let you take her anywhere on your own.”

  “Or what Freya? Will you attack me the same as this Maxim did with Keeley?”

  Freya reeled back in shock.

  “No Dan, I could never hurt you, or anyone in your family. How could you say such a thing?”

  “Well, forgive me if I’m not pro-vampire tonight everyone, but what do you expect when my sister has had her human life taken away today, and left her with a need for blood.”

  He put his head in his hands and let out a sob. Julia went towards him and put her arms around his back. He turned and held her as close as he could without her baby bump getting in the way.

  I remembered then the day my own sister was forced to take the blood and make the change, and a cold shiver went down my spine. Freya must have guessed what I was thinking because she held my gaze for a few moments before stepping towards me. I grabbed her in my arms and held her tightly. There we were, two grown men needing to find comfort and strength from women. Actions as old as time itself.

  Freya broke away from me and went over to Daniel.

  “Come with us Dan. Daisy will feel better if you are there. We can tell her we’re taking her on a little holiday until her mum gets better. She will understand that Josh has to stay behind and look after Keeley.”

  “Will you wait until I pack a few things up from home?” he asked a little calmer now.

  “Yes, of course I will. I need to pack some clothes and toys for Daisy, anyway. Does she have any more things at your dad's house that would be good for a little holiday?”

  “Yeah, she does. I will get some stuff together and meet you back here. I’ve never been to your place before. I’m not sure how to get there.”

  “You can go with me if you want. I can get Daisy’s car seat from Josh’s SUV.”

  “Can we call and see Keeley before we leave?”

  “No Dan,” I said firmly. “Not with Maxim still not accounted for. None of you would be safe.”

  Daniel nodded his head. He knew the right thing to do was to get Daisy out of the way as quickly as we could, so he didn’t push it. He looked back towards me as he reached the door.

  “Alex, what about staffing? We are going to be short if I go away.”

  “Don’t worry about that Daniel. Take as much time as you need. I will make sure you are on full pay and it won’t impact any other holidays you have booked.”

  “Thanks,” was all he said as he walked out of the door.

  Freya went to collect some clothes for Daisy from Josh’s cottage while Julia and I went to find Sergei. He was going to take some things over to Gregor’s for Josh and Keeley, and I wanted to see him before he left. I may not always get along with Sergei, in fact, sometimes I could bloody swing for him, he annoys me that much. But in a crisis, he is someone you can rely on to get the job done.

  I knew his first priority would be to Gina and Nik, but I wanted to ask him to consider Julia in this, too. Julia and I would have to go into work tonight, and I wanted Sergei there as well. Maggie wouldn’t stay at work when she found out about Keeley, so I wanted him there to keep an eye on Julia if I had to go out to the compound.

  Speaking of Maggie, I heard one of our compounds golf buggies come hurtling down the lane towards our cottages; a clearly upset Maggie was driving.

  “Alex,” she yelled as the buggy came to a squealing stop.

  “I think she may have spoken to Daniel,” I said to Julia as Maggie stormed towards me. I noticed Sergei coming to the door of Nik’s cottage, obviously wondering what all the commotion was about.

  “When were you going to tell me about my niece, Alex? I’ve just spoken to my nephew and he’s heartbroken. What the hell happened up there today?”

  “Maggie, please calm down. We didn’t know what was happening until it was too late.”

  “Bullshit Alex. Keeley told me herself she was dreading Maxim coming over. She just didn’t want to let Gregor know that Maxim was bullying her. Keeley was afraid she would lose her job because Gregor would think she wasn’t up to it. But I told her to tell him. I thought he would sort it out if he knew.”

  “I had a run in with Maxim over it, Maggie,” said Freya. “I threw him down the hallway at the Manor yesterday after I caught Maxim having a go at Keeley. I thought it would sort him out. Obviously, I was wrong.”

  “Obviously,” yelled Maggie. “Didn’t you think to tell Gregor this Freya?”

  “It wouldn’t have made a difference Maggie,” I said. “Gregor fought with him today over it and told him to leave, but he found Keeley, instead.”

  Maggie started to cry and through her tears, she said, “I’m going over to the Manor to see her right now, so you better get cover for me at work tonight.”

  Before she could leave, I turned to grab her arm to stop her and said, “No Mags you can’t go and see her...”

  But before I could finish the rest of my sentence, Maggie raised her hand and slapped my
face. I stepped back in shock. I had never once argued like this with Maggie, and would never have expected anything physical from her. I didn’t let go of her other arm, I just pulled her to me and held her struggling frame tight against my chest.

  “She’s my niece, Alex. Who are you to tell me I can’t go and see her?” she spat out angrily.

  “Mags, the only reason I won’t let you go is that Maxim is still missing. Somehow his stake was removed before anyone could dispose of his body and now we don’t know where he is. It’s not safe for you to go to the Manor on your own, and especially not tonight. Sergei is going to take Josh and Keeley some clothes over soon. Why don’t you help him get their things together and maybe you could go with him?”

  “Keeley’s so young, Alex,” Maggie said between sobs. “Just a girl, really. She’s going to be devastated when she finds out that she could hurt Daisy.”

  “Shh Maggie, come on now, Keeley needs us to be strong for her. We need to show her we love her no matter what. It will all work out in the end, everything always does. You are her aunt, and the nearest thing she has to a mother. She will need to know that you are on her side, Mags, because there are going to be so many changes to get used to in her world over the next few days.”

  Maggie nodded, and I tilted her head back to wipe her tears from her cheeks.

  “I’m sorry I slapped you, Alex.”

  “Don’t worry about it Mags. Although maybe you should think of a career change. Perhaps boxing or cage fighting,” I joked.

  “Very funny,” Maggie said as she walked towards Josh’s home.

  “Come on Sergei. Let’s get cracking.”

  “Maggie, what is cracking?” asked Sergei. “It is not something kinky is it? You are a very beautiful woman Maggie, but I am sure your husband would not like me to…Ooww,” Sergei yelped as she clipped him up the side of his ear.


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