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Page 21

by Kipjo Ewers

  He was tall with a ripped muscular frame covered with a white ash snake scaled skin and a full hair of long thick green dreadlocks that hung down to the middle of his back. His eyes glowed with a faint orange hue revealing he had some power to him although nowhere in the ballpark of his commander. Instead of a full toga, he wore what appeared to be a black leather kilt, that matched his shin-high Grecian sandals and thick black combat harness that formed an ‘X’ shape across his chest with the straps. Attached to the left and right shoulder area of the harness were red metal epaulets fashioned in the head of an animal that looked like a wolf or bear. Yellow glowing gems were set into each of its six eye sockets while four of its enormous upper fangs reached the top part of his arms. They matched the thick red metallic bracers and greaves on his arms and legs etched with deep Thracian markings. Attached to the thick belt on his hip that had the texture of leather was a red scabbard housing a sizeable two-handed sword with a pointy curved gunmetal grey cross guard, a red metallic grip, and a sphere shaped pommel with intricate Thracian etchings carved into it. Peace choked on her laughter about to come up as she noticed his long flowing black cape that was attached to his harness and dragged on the floor.

  “This …is … Sparta,” she whispered under her breath.

  She listened as he spoke to the commander in the Thracian dialect. She nodded answering him back while motioning to her. A bit of nervous sweat ran down her back as he turned to her with narrowed eyes filled with irritation and curiosity.

  “Husso! Naticala!” He roared. “Emoc draworf!

  Upon his command, a male and female Thracian came forward and executed the same bow the army performed when they first landed before rising to their feet. Their outfits were similar to the officer except the female’s costume was a single shoulder dress with a kilt style to the skirt. Their animal shaped epaulets were a dark metallic grey color with red gems for the eyes, which matched their bracers and greaves. Unlike the officer, they did not wear a cape. Each had a faint white glow in their eyes which told her they were heavy hitters.

  The female Thracian commander got her attention by getting in her face.

  “I take my leave of you,” she said with a sigh of relief. “You shall be escorted to my brother’s domicile by two of my elite guards. They have been instructed to kill you the second they believe you are producing a thought of escape in that grain of sand rolling around in that skull of yours. And even if you manage to somehow best them, which I highly doubt, I shall be there before your eyelids can flick to do what I should have done within your cell. So, I would advise you to remain obedient, although I do pray that you ignore warning and step out of bounds.”

  A faint smile appeared on Peace’s face, as she gave her a slow nod.

  “All this time together …I didn’t catch your name.”

  The Thracian commander snorted lightly as she looked her up and down again with just her eyes.

  “I am Attea, first daughter of the High Region Nelron, and High Commanding General of the Thracian military regime.”

  “Thank you,” Peace nodded. “Just so you know. In the very near future, when you’re pointy little Gelfling ears hear me screaming out your name. I’ll be coming to kill you. And by killing you, I mean taking my bare teeth, sinking them deep into that scrawny little neck of yours, and ripping your fucking throat out. Then I intend to take a squat and relieve myself into the gape I made in your neck … with my teeth, while you choke on your blood, and whatever happens to flow out of my two orifices at that time.”

  Peace’s threat made Attea burst into a chuckle, while the green haired high-ranking officer went to grip his sword.

  “You insolent little …” he seethed.

  Attea casually held up a hand stopping him from drawing it out with the intention of cutting her down. She then leaned in whispering in Peace’s ear.

  “The day you scream out my name, you knuckle-dragging sow …you will be beseeching me to kill you.”

  Attea slowly stepped away from her adorned with a look of disgust on her face.

  “Be sure to cover her face with a harem veil,” Attea ordered. “No one else must know of the abomination we brought to our great and illustrious homeworld. One whose mere breathe brings a foul, putrid stench to our air.”

  Peace’s right eye went into a violent spastic twitch as the High Commanding General turned giving her back to her. She took a couple of steps and then rocketed off into flight going about her business. Peace’s eyes went from her watching her soaring away to the green haired Thracian officer towering over her still gripping the handle of his sword within its sheath as he looked down at her. Another female Thracian warrior with thick blue braided hair styled in a mohawk, blue-black skin and eyes that emitted a green glow in similar attire to the female named Naticala walked up flanking his right giving her a disgusted sneer.

  “Fetch a harem’s veil and bring forth one of the royal transports,” the officer ordered. “Get this disgusting creature off of my base.”

  “As you wish Lieutenant High Command,” answered the blue haired female Thracian.

  She did not see much between the ride from the base to her current location. The thick red veil placed on her head obstructed most of her view. The rest was due to her looking down at the floor within the royal transport that had the futuristic design of a closed top horse-drawn carriage without the horses, wheels, or driver as it floated and moved about via a propulsion system and was self-driving. During the ride, she retreated into her own head.

  The veil allowed her to be what she felt, which started when she woke up within the cell of the Thracian command ship and was unable to break free from her restraints with her superhuman strength.

  She felt terrified and alone.

  Inconspicuously she pretended to play with the veil tugging at it when in actuality she used the cloth to wipe away forming tears.

  She hated being scared and defenseless.

  After entering the gates of the crown prince’s home, which she saw once her veil was removed had the appearance of a humongous Citadel forged from a smooth blood red metal and a gleaming blue crystal material and then embedded into the most massive mountain she had ever seen. The inside was built from a white pearl material that brought a faint shine to the inside. She was taken up long and wide winding steps made of the same stone that forged the wall. It felt warm under her bare feet and appeared to ascend into the heavens themselves.

  They got off at the one hundred and tenth floor by her count and walked down a hallway with the length and width of two jumbo jet hanger bays to reach her final destination.

  A thick and colossal stone door that sat on a track rolled away into the wall as her armed escorts ushered her into the Prince’s bedroom chamber.

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Earlier when she stood in the room, her eyes expanded to the size of golf balls as she began scanning her environment to figure out a possible escape route. Her new guards named Husso and Naticala stood flanking the entrance of the bedroom calmly watching her as she looked about the room that was made of red and purple marble-like material that had a crystal glimmer to it. There was a massive oval bed that appeared as if it was built out of the floor and walls and capable of fitting twenty people. The milky white sheets and pill-shaped pillows had a silky shimmer to them and felt soft just by looking at them. Her eyes picked up a humongous oval mirror embedded into a wall right next to the bed that went from floor to ceiling, and a sizable veranda made of the same material as the room with what she could tell was either a sunk –in Jacuzzi or wading pool with the reddest water she had ever seen.

  “This prince is a freak …” she whispered under her breath.

  Twenty minutes later boredom began to set in as she stood there waiting. Peace began to move about the place testing the limits of the guards. Other than their eyes tracking her, they moved not an inch from where they stood, but if she attempted t
o reach for something, their eyes narrowed while the energy with them intensified. She noted that neither of them went for the swords on their hips, which meant they were instructed to only subdue her.

  She took a couple of steps toward the open veranda, which caused their eyes to pulsate again. She ignored them as she got a view of a disturbingly beautiful blue, green sky. She cursed the heavens for only being granted keen enhanced eyesight. The ability to see miles away would have allowed her to view the lay of the land, how close the nearest city was, and the location of the military base she came from.

  Before Peace generated scenarios in her head where she made a break for the balcony while evading both Husso and Naticala to dive off the veranda falling from an extremely high altitude into the unknown below, her ears propped up to the sound of the bedchamber door rolling back.

  Peace shook off the chill that ran down her spine as she dawned back on her game face. It still did not prepare her for who entered the room.

  He was half-naked, dressed in a red loincloth with an oversized metallic silver and gold belt one would see Roman gladiators wear, except this one was carved with Thracian markings along with a sculpture in the middle that appeared to be a cross between a big cat and a hawk with its massive mouth open. The only other attire on his body was the thick golden bracers on his forearms with Thracian etchings that glowed red.

  He had a long and slender body similar to a swimmer but more ripped and defined through his pearl white scaly skin. His long blue mane was fashioned into a Mohawk with three thick braids that hung over his left shoulder. She observed the confident, carefree swagger in his walk and the power within his eyes that glowed deep blue.

  Unlike every other Thracian that laid eyes on her, he greeted her with a bright and cheerful smile.

  “Apologies for keeping you waiting,” were his first words to her. “I was summoned to court by my father, unfortunately when the High Regent calls, even I must make myself available.”

  For the first time ever, she did not have a humorous quip or sarcastic remark to produce as she stood there looking him up and down with just her eyes.

  “How rude of me for not introducing myself,” he sighed. “I am Merc, crown prince and third son of Nelron the High Regent of Thrace, brother to Attea my younger sister, the crown princess and High Commanding General of the Thracian military regime, who I heard gave you a good thrashing for attempting to escape my hospitality.”

  “I’ve been hit by worse,” Peace snorted.

  “No, you have not,” Prince Merc scoffed. “But you maintain your bluff very well.”

  Merc strolled over towering over her grasping her restraints.

  “Now I must advise you of two things before I remove your claspers,” Merc said with a smile. “Like my sister, I am more than capable of defending myself against the elemental energy you wield within you, and I would prefer you not cause any structural damage to my room which took me a painstakingly long time to construct to my liking. Bey Breath stone is costly and rare in the known universe, and I will not be too pleased if I have to have it repaired. Secondly, I am known to strike harder than my little sister. So, I ask that you maintain yourself as a respectable guest in my domicile.”

  Without hesitation, he rested a thumb on the bar of the claspers causing her restraints to expand. Peace maintained eye contact with him as she slowly pulled her wrists and hands out of the loops of the cuffs and began to rub circulation back into her wrists. He displayed a toothy black gleaming grin while tossing the manacles to Husso, who caught them attaching them to his belt.

  “You two may leave us now,” he ordered while giving Peace a thorough up and down look over. “Take position outside of my bedchamber, so we are not disturbed.”

  “My prince,” both guards acknowledged taking a bowing knee before rising back to their feet and exiting the room.

  She watched as they took their leave to stand guard outside of the door.

  As the door rolled back shut, Peace turned to watch Prince Merc walk toward a sculpture of a beast that matched the room with the appearance of a lion with tusks and fur similar to a wooly mammoth. Within its open mouth was a bar filled with what Peace can tell was exotic wine and stronger spirits. The Prince confidently turned his back to her taking up a clear crystal container the size and shape of a softball removing the triangle top.

  “Would you like some?” He asked pouring the glowing blue liquid into a crystal goblet. “Star Shade has a sweet taste going down, and would instantly kill someone of your species. But I think a fine specimen such as you can handle such aged and revered liquor.”

  “What I want is to know what the fuck you want from me.”

  He turned to her holding two full goblets in between the fingers of his left hand, and the bottle of Star Shade in the other as she took a defiant arm folded stance.

  “You didn’t fish me out of that black hole because you want a drinking buddy,” she said with a tilted head and narrowed eyes. “So, tell me what you want, or what position you want me to assume so that I can get off of this dirtball planet of yours and be on my way. Side note … I don’t do anal …I give it.”

  Her remark only brought a chuckle out of Merc as he walked back over to her.

  “I retrieved you from that sink vortex, not for your bedding talents …Mildred.”

  Her arms dropped while her eyes widened with shock and rage at the sound of the name.

  “Oh dear, not a name you fancy?” Merc wore a sardonic apologetic visage. “I suppose hearing such a name again would have some sting when it came with a fist to the face, or worse. Humans and their disgusting desire to inbreed …if it’s any consolation you were right to snuff out that little abomination within you before it could breathe air, it would not have been of good stock.”

  His words were the match that ignited her desire to remove his head from his body. She no longer cared about fatal repercussions as she threw a punch that could bring down a skyscraper. The room violently trembled as the crowned Prince took the punch head on. The stone cracked underneath his bare feet as he stood his ground with his arms stretched ensuring not a drop of the Star Shade spilled from either of the goblets.

  With her fist still on his cheek, Prince Merc eyes fell upon the damage done to his floor, which made his eyes blaze. They dimmed as quickly as they ignited as he took a small breath.

  “I have offended thee because you offended my homeworld and hospitality,” he calmly stared at her. “And for my offense, I give apologies and shall stay my hand …this …one …time.”

  “How did you …?” She asked with a quivering voice.

  “We have serums that can make someone of your physiology speak,” he smirked. “Especially with a mind such as yours that remains in a state of flux preventing itself from being read. And you had much to speak about once you were put under.”

  “My name … is Peace. Do not …ever call me by that name again,” she said with a trembling growl. “Ever.”

  “You have my word.”

  An unnerved Peace kept what was left of her poker face on as she slowly retracted her fist from the side of his face. Merc politely handed her a goblet which she took. He then clanged his cup against hers for a “cheers” before taking a sip.

  “Now that we have put aside childish spat,” he grinned. “Let us discuss your other talents, which I do need.”

  “If we’re going to talk business, let’s be honest,” Peace deduced while taking a small test sip.

  She shuddered a bit but quickly recovered.

  “You didn’t just happen by me in that ‘Sink Vortex,’” Peace scoffed. “You been watching my planet, I’m guessing for quite some time.”

  “We have been watching your planet,” Prince Merc said with a slight nod, “But that is not how we became privy to your whereabouts.”

  His answer brought on a perplexed look to Peace’s face.

  “Someone else told you I was there. Who?”

  “I am not at liberties to reveal m
y source,” Merc flatly answered. “Neither should you concern yourself with the minor logistics. Your concern is that this meeting provides a great opportunity for you.”

  His answer unnerved her, which she skillfully concealed. Peace began to walk around taking in the room, every now and then sipping on her drink which made her grunt. She glanced out of the open terrace once again at the blue-green sky. She watched Merc out of the corner of her eye as he watched her with a bit of intrigue.

  “So, let me guess. You want to take over my planet,” Peace deduced. “But you either answer to a someone more powerful than you preventing you from invading Earth, or you have some type of treaty with someone either equally or more powerful than you are which prohibits you from invading Earth. And the fact that it’s pretty obvious that your people detest my people, bringing me here to your planet means you’re probably pretty desperate …or probably on a time frame.”

  Merc let loose a toothy grin before taking another sip from his goblet.

  “You are quite skilled at deductive reasoning.”

  “Yeah, I’m really good at reading shit,” she said with a nod while knocking back the Star Shade.

  Peace gasped as her legs became rubbery. She hunched over clutching her chest as if she was having a heart attack while her eyes grew watery. Peace cricked her neck as her strength returned to her allowing her to stand upright.

  She slowly trudged back over to him extending her empty goblet.

  “Hit me.”

  Prince Merc hesitated before pulling the top off of the bottle and poured some more Star Shade into her goblet. She strolled away from him again this time running her hand across everything in arms reach.

  “So, here’s my first question,” she asked. “Why me, someone of your ‘position’ can’t spread some cheddar around and find a couple of able rats to do your dirty work?”

  “If I am deciphering your question correctly,” Merc said with a raised eyebrow. “The universe is filled with ample mercenaries that I could tap to carry out this task.”


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