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Page 28

by Kipjo Ewers

  Everyone present forgot about their personal traumas for that one moment as they bore witness to an ancient superhuman taking advance alien knowledge to create and perfect something that took mankind over seven hundred years to conceptualize and scratch the surface.

  With the lowering of his hands, all of the computers within the room when dark for a second. When they rebooted, each screen displayed the Eye of Horus as a soft female voice announced itself on the base’s audio system.

  “Greetings mighty Horus, my name is Meskhenet, how may I serve you?”

  “Meskhenet, activate, program, and run full diagnostics of all five restructuring pods.”

  “As you command.”

  Every mortal present took a meek step closer as the five pods came to life. Each of their display screens ran down a sea of data and functions they would soon be capable of executing.

  “Restructuring pods are fully functional my lord.”

  Horus first approached the four-original incubation cloning chambers re-engineered per his instructions to Dr. Alexander into Annunaki restructuring pods giving them each one final, thorough inspection. He took his time finally making his way over to the fifth pod which was built from scratch. He began to circle it running his hand across parts of it while leaning in to take a closer look at the detailed work.

  “Very good slave, Horus nodded, “What of the other matter I commanded for you to build for me?”

  “It is over here my lord,” Dr. Alexander quickly motioned.

  The doctor made his way over to the large metallic silver and golden mechanized falcon twice the size of the original organic bird it was designed from sitting on a sturdy metal perch. It’s appeared to be asleep as its head hung down while its orange crystal eyes remained dormant of life.

  Several wires remained attached to it via open ports on its head and chest.

  Horus leaned in running his hand across its Alder formed body examining the detail of the craftsmanship Dr. Alexander and his team painfully used to put it together.

  “Very good slave,” Horus grinned his approval. “You do your craft proud. Meskhenet, give life and power to your brother Seker.”

  “As you command Lord Horus.”

  The lights in the facility flickered while the computer screens once again lit up with advanced coding and algorithms minus one lone screen that displayed the base’s reactor pumping nuclear energy into the newly constructed familiar to give it life.

  “Artificial intelligence matrix has been created. Power core charging is completed. Rebooting Seker.”

  The mortals in the room flinched as the enormous cybernetic falcon’s eyes emitted an orange glow as it came to life stretching out its massive wingspan. It unleashed as deafening screech before retracting its wings and bowing its head to Horus.

  “Seker at your eternal service master.” The familiar announced with a thick, intimidating voice.

  Horus displayed a sinister smirk as he petted the top of his newest servant’s head.

  “I wish to run a test on one of the restructuring pods to see if they function the way they should.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Dr. Alexander agreed with a nod.

  He motioned to his staff as two male lab technicians left the huddle and came back with a male chimpanzee in a cage. A cold chill ran down his spine as he turned to see Horus giving him a dull look.

  “What is that?”

  “It is a lab animal,” the doctor answered as his legs violently shook. “We use them for …”

  “I know the purpose of the beast,” Horus coldly cut him off. “I do not require an animal to run proper test.”

  Before Dr. Alexander could ask what, he required, Horus singled out one of the male lab technicians who brought forth the Chimpanzee and broke his right leg in half at the shin with a thought. Blood-curdling screams erupted from everyone present as he snapped his right arm at the elbow, and cracked three of his ribs.”

  “Oh god! Oh god!” bawled the young man lying helpless on the floor in unimaginable pain.

  Horus opened the hatch of the restructuring pod while employing his telekinetic abilities to carry the broken lab tech over to the pod dropping him inside of it and closed the lid.

  “Meskhenet begin medical procedures.”

  “As you command Lord Horus.”

  The pod lit up as lights within formed a grid taking a scan of the technician from the top of his head all the way down to his feet.

  “Detecting human male, Caucasian, age twenty-five with broken left tibia, broken right olecranon, and torn right posterior ligament. The patient also has a broken right lateral epicondyle, torn right radial collateral ligament and three cracked ribs on patient’s right side, one of the cracked ribs has punctured patient’s right lung, proceeding with immediate sedation and repair.”

  A hissing sound emitted from inside the chamber as a clear gas put the lab technician straight to sleep.

  “Opening injured areas,” Meskhenet announced.

  With thin laser beams, the pod sliced open the technician’s skin at the shin, abdominal area where his ribs were broken, and by the broken elbow. Energy fields pushed open the skin on each part of the body revealing the damaged areas.

  “Removing damaged parts of left tibia, right olecranon, right posterior ligament, right lateral epicondyle, right radial collateral ligament, and ribs. Removing splinters from punctured right lung, followed by sanitization, and cellular seal.”

  Dr. Alexander and the rest of his team found the courage to move a bit closer and watch in amazement as high precision lasers sliced away the damaged bone leaving even clean areas. A green disinfectant solution was fired directly into the wound located in the lung, followed by a white beam that both held the injury together and caused the cells to multiply resealing the lung.

  “Initiating cellular regeneration on damaged areas.”

  Similar white beams created energy fields on a quantum level around the other damaged areas, re-growing bone and tissue while fusing them together to reform the parts that were broken.

  “Sealing skin.”

  Like the lung, the three areas that were cut open by the pod were held together by three separate energy fields while rapid cellular regeneration took place sealing the wounds up. The technician laid there in a peaceful sleep looking as if he had no traces of the massive surgery he just underwent.

  “Surgical repairs have been completed,” Meskhenet announced, “Bringing patient out of sedation. Final analysis recommends rest, healthy liquids, and no strenuous physical activities for the next two weeks.”

  Another clear vapor entered the chamber slowly waking up the technician. As the pod door raised back up, he sat up slightly dazed and whimpering close to tears as he ran his hands across the once-broken parts of his body remembering what happened to him and unable to comprehend how he was whole again. An impatient Horus leaned in making eye contact with him.

  “Less ye would like me to break all of your limbs this time, remove thy wretched self from pod.”

  The horrified young man wailed as he spilled out of the pod hitting the tile floor hard. As he whimpered weakly crawling back to the fold two of his braver teammates rushed out helping him to his feet dragging him back to the group.

  “Slave! Bring forth my beloved Sekhmet and the sample!” Horus bellowed his command. “The remainder of you kneel in reverence!”

  Obediently Dr. Alexander’s traumatized staff either fell to one knee or sprawled belly first on the cold floor, as the doctor pushed the gurney forward bringing it right next to the pod itself. He then quickly ran to a smaller cart picking up a silver canister with black lettering on it bringing it over.

  Dr. Alexander dropped to one knee bowing his head while holding the cylinder casing up as he fretfully waited for Horus to take it from him.

  “Remember this day well slaves,” Horus’s voice boomed. “For this day shall be remembered as the day the House of Horus was conceived!”

  With his own hands this time,
Horus reverently removed the sheet covering her remains and lifted her body from off the gurney placing it into the pod. He then took up her severed head putting her forehead against his for a moment. He set a soft kiss on her cold decayed lips before gently positioning it where it would sit if it were still attached to the body before closing the pod door again.

  “Meskhenet, activate for medical procedure.”

  A low hum came from the pod as an LED display on the pod’s window lit up for the second time.

  “Detecting a deceased body of a human female, age estimated to be five thousand and six years old, Egyptian, the cause of death is decapitation. Due to massive deterioration, unable to revive with current medical procedures, how would you like to proceed?” The artificially intelligent servant asked.

  “Locate and retrieve viable eggs for replication,” Horus commanded.

  The restructuring pod emitted a bright yellow light as it hummed beginning its scan of Sekhmet’s body.

  “Scan detects one viable egg with sufficient genetic material and only fourteen percent deterioration,” Meskhenet indicated.

  “Isolate the egg, destroy the body, and replicate five healthy samples.”

  The pod lit up again as Horus moved closer to view a beam of hard constructed light pierce the corpse’s abdomen pulling out the over five-thousand-year-old egg. He then placed a hand on the glass of the pod as his countenance softened due to a sliver of emotion squeezing out while the pod used the energies within it to atomize away the remains of his former love.

  “Additional genetic material is required to perform replication shall I synthesize it?”

  “Negative,” Horus answered. “Ye shall add genetic material for subject Dennison eight-thirteen-zero-eight. Isolate all demi-god genetic traits, including properties for regenerative healing.”

  “As you command Lord Horus, I am prepared to receive material.”

  A section of the pod opened up as Dr. Alexander opened up the canister before handing it to Horus. The Ancient inserted it into the circular slot.

  “We shall be reunited again very soon my beloved,” Horus whispered softly, “very soon.”

  It became as hard as granite once again as he watched the near-empty chamber fill up with a thick blue-green liquid solution submerging the egg. A dark murky reddish tint was added to the solution from the sample within the canister as the replication process began.


  May 2017, eighteen hundred hours military time, Bridgeport, California,

  Adrian dressed in a white long sleeve dress shirt, dark blue jeans, and polished black boots that he spit-shined for an hour made his way to the gleaming midnight black curvy two-seater sports coupe. Erica helped him fabricate it down to the eight-speed clutch transmission and the two hundred and seventy miles per hour ion engine that powered it.

  He sauntered over to the car as its gull-wing door on the driver side opened up upon recognizing him approaching it.


  “Holy Fu…!”

  Adrian jumped out of his skin clutching his chest as Angie stepped out of nowhere scaring him half to death. Bent over catching a breath, he sucked in some air and wiggled out the initial chill out.

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Ever since she put her body on the line to protect him against the Draugr, Adrian has been more tolerant of Angie’s antics.

  After she found out about his girlfriend, Angie demanded to learn her full name.

  When Adrian refused to tell her, Angie hacked his phone and began trolling her social media.

  Adrian then gave her a stern warning backed by Erica to not interfere in his relationship.

  Angie painfully complied.

  With no other options, she resorted to the only tactical card she could play.

  Every time Adrian went on a date, Angie showed up before he left to wish him well and give him fun-filled tips, such as the growth rate of people being harvested for their organs, or men being turned into prostitutes by their girlfriends.

  Although she would do it with a bright creepy smile, he learned to endure it, thanking her for her advice.

  He began to view Angie as a little girl, with a next-door neighbor crush not to be entertained and nothing more.

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  “What’s up Angie?”

  “You look very hot tonight, are you departing for your date?”

  “Uh, yeah,” Adrian coughed. “

  “Very good,” Angie smiled. “I hope you have a delightful evening tonight.”

  “Why thank you, Angie,” he smirked.

  “Please note that the CDC has put out a statement that sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and Genital Herpes are all on the rise and have become more resilient to antibiotics,” she informed him with a chirpy voice.

  Adrian’s body stiffed as he turned to her narrowing his eyes.

  “Good to know.”

  He said it with a sardonic smile followed by an eye roll before turning to his car.

  “What the hell are you waiting for? You know where to go.”

  Angie stood waving goodbye as Adrian’s car started it up and drove itself up to the ramp of one of the Tornados where it was securely locked into place. As Adrian followed up behind it, the rear hatch closed while the lift took the ship back up to the surface.

  “Welcome aboard Mr. Esposito,” Maxine's voice emitted over the audio system.

  “Thanks, Maxine.”

  “Please strap yourself in, we shall arrive in Los Angelis in approximately fifteen minutes.”

  “You’re not going to make a mistake and let Angie pilot, right?”

  “She has been barred from flying you ever since she flew you to Hawaii which caused you to be late for your previous third date. The Miss has confirmed this with you on several occasions.”

  “Just checking,” Adrian swallowed.

  He did as he was told taking a seat up front. The minute the roof of the hanger opened up, the Tornado auto-piloted by Maxine went upward using its VTOL mode and then took off in the direction of Los Angeles.

  ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜

  Thirty minutes later, Adrian showing his credentials drove out of the Los Angeles International Airport after being dropped off by the Tornado. The ion-powered engine whined as he darted in and out of traffic racing to remain early for his date.

  Adrian made a quick stop at a local flower shop to pick up a large bouquet of fresh lilies mixed with tulips before arriving at a luxury high rise building in downtown LA. As he took the elevator up to the twentieth floor, Adrian found himself wiping his hands against his jeans from the nervous sweat that kept building.

  His heart pounded against his chest plate as he stepped off the elevator and made his way to apartment twenty zero five. With a big inhale and a last-second primping of his hair with his fingers, Adrian hit the door knock two times.

  The first response was a high pitched yapping of a small canine from the other side of the door.

  The second was a female voice.

  “I’ll be right there!”

  A smile formed on his face as a chill ran down his back. Adrian adjusted himself to the fine line of confident but not too full of himself as he waited for the door to open.

  When it opened the first thing he noticed were her honey almond eyes, which became brighter with the added soft smile of her cherry red-stained lips. The next thing his eyes picked up on her olive-skinned slightly buxom body was the black deep V front dress held together by a thin gold belt. The skirt part of the dress had some folds and a matching upside-down V that tastefully revealed a right amount of her inner thighs.

  Her long ebony curly hair hung down around her shoulders, the way he liked it on their second date.

  Adrian found hi
mself unable to find his vocal cords, while the sweat on his hands flowed with a vengeance.

  “Hey,” she said with a confident smile.

  “Uh hey,” He forced his voice to work. “You look amazing.”

  “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself. Those for me?”


  “The flowers, are they for me?”

  “Yes! They are for you!”

  An embarrassed Adrian shook his head activating his A-Game as he handed them to her.

  “Thank you, they’re so pretty!” She said as she smelled them. “I love tulips and lilies.”

  “I remembered.”

  “I guess you do listen,” the young woman said with a smirk and narrowed eyes. “Come on in, I’ll just put on my shoes and get my purse.”

  The second he followed her in, Adrian was rushed by a tiny energetic terror in the form of a well-groomed Grey Shih Tzu.

  “Hey, Mr. Binks! How you doin today?”

  He slowly extended his hand allowing for the dog to sniff it recognizing him again. As it licked his hand, he gave Mr. Binks a gentle head rub while his eyes stayed on his date who placed his flowers on her breakfast island. She then grabbed a Saks Fifth Avenue crystal vase from her sizeable sunk-in living room and walked back over to her chef style kitchen filling it with water. Pulling out a pair of kitchen scissors from a drawer, she walked back over to the flowers cutting the wrapper and rubber band off of them before placing them in the vase.

  Adrian continued to follow her as she placed them on her onyx stained eight-person oak wood dining table. She then hurried back over to the living room where her shoes laid and balanced herself while bending over to put on each of her open toe high heel pumps before grabbing her clutch purse off of the dark grey velvet sofa.

  She turned to him with a look that said she knew he was staring.

  “So, you ready to go, or do you want to stay playing with Mr. Binks?”

  He grinned at the wit that made him fall for her.


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