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Patty's Suitors

Page 12

by Carolyn Wells



  "Good gracious, Marie!" exclaimed Patty, popping her head in at Marie'sdoor, just before dinner time, "we haven't any clothes! Are you goingto wear your party frock or the dress you wore up here?"

  "'Deed I'm not going to put on my best gown for a little home dinner!The dresses we wore up here are all right. They're nice and pretty."

  "But they're day frocks. I DO like to dress up for dinner."

  "I'll help you out," said Lora Perry, who was present. "I've two orthree trunkfuls of old-fashioned clothes, that ought to fit you girlsfairly well. They're not antiques, you know; they're some I had beforeI was married,--but they're pretty. Go in the trunk room and rummage."

  So the two girls went to inspect the frocks.

  "Why, they're beautiful," said Patty; "I really think they're a lotprettier than the things we wear to-day. Oh, look at these big sleeves."

  "Yes, leg o' mutton they used to call them."

  "I know, but they're more the size of a side of beef! But these arestreet dresses. Where are the evening things?"

  "Here are some," said Marie, opening another trunk.

  "Oh, how lovely!" And Patty pounced on a white organdy, made with afull skirt and three narrow, lace-edged frills. There were wide, fullpetticoats to go with it, and Patty declared that was her costume.Marie found a dimity, of a Dresden-flowered pattern, with black velvetbows, which she appropriated, and they flew back to their rooms intriumph.

  The white dress proved very becoming to Patty, and the square-cut neckof the bodice suited the lines of her pretty throat and shoulders. Shewore a broad sash of blue ribbon and a knot of blue ribbon in her hair.Marie's dress was equally pretty, and they laughed heartily at thefull, flaring skirts, so different from the narrow ones of their ownwardrobe.

  They went downstairs together, and found waiting for them twobored-looking young men, in immaculate evening clothes.

  "Good-evening," said Patty, dropping a little curtsy; "SO glad to meetyou."

  "Thought you'd never come," returned Kit. "What are you, anyway?Masquerading as old-fashioned girls?"

  "Are they old-fashioned togs?" said Kenneth. "I thought they lookeddifferent, but I didn't know what ailed them."

  "They're perfectly beautiful evening frocks," Patty declared, "andyou're not to make fun of them."

  "Far be it from me to make fun of anything so charming," returnedCameron. "Come along, Captive Princess, dinner is waiting." He tuckedPatty's hand in his arm, and as they walked to the dining-room, hemurmured: "You really are a Captive Princess now, aren't you?"

  "Yes, I am; and if you're my Knight, aren't you going to deliver mefrom durance vile?"

  "Of course I am. I will be under your window at midnight with a ropeladder and a white palfrey."

  "Well, if I'm awake I'll come down the ladder; but if not, don't expectme."

  "But if you want to be rescued, you must take the opportunity when itoffers."

  "Oh, I'm not so sure I want to be rescued. I'm ready now to make thebest of things and I'm planning to have a real good time while we stayhere."

  "Nice little Captive Princess! Nice little Princess Poppycheek! And amI included in these good times?"

  "Yes, indeed. It will take the four of us; and Mrs. Perry, whenever wecan get her, to have the good times I'm planning."

  All through dinner time Patty was her own gay, merry self. Babette wasnot mentioned, nor the fact that they were staying in Eastchester,under compulsion, and it might have been just a happy party invitedthere for pleasure.

  Mr. Perry's absence was, of course, painfully noticeable. But Pattyknew that Mrs. Peny had telephoned him all about the case, and she madeno comment. She was determined that she would not be responsible forany allusion to their trouble.

  After dinner Patty informed them all that a musicale would take place.Everybody agreed to this, and all joined in singing gay choruses andglees. Patty sang solos, and Kit and Marie played duets. Then Pattysang to a violin obligato, and altogether the concert was a realsuccess.

  "We ought to go on the road," said Kit, as he laid down his violin atlast. "I think as a musical troupe we'd be a screaming success. Now,who's for a little dance to wind up with?"

  "Do dance," said Mrs. Perry; "I'll play for you."

  "Just one, then," said Patty, "for this is a rest-cure, you know; andI'm going to bed very early. Six weeks in the country is going to dowonders for me."

  Though four weeks had been the extreme possibility of their stay, Pattywhimsically kept calling it six weeks or eight weeks, because, as shesaid, that made four weeks seem less.

  Cameron turned to Patty, as his sister began to play, and in a momentthey were dancing.

  "If we dance every night for twelve weeks," said Patty, "we ought to dofairly well together."

  "When I think of that, I'm entirely reconciled to staying here,"returned Kit. "Poppycheek, you are a wonderful dancer! You're like abutterfly skimming over a cobweb!"

  "I don't dance a bit better than you do. You're almost like aprofessional, except that you're more graceful than they are."

  "DON'T, Princess! don't talk to me like that, or I shall faint awayfrom sheer delight! But as we both are such miraculous steppers, wemight give exhibitions or something."

  "Yes, or teach, and make our everlasting fortune."

  "Well, I think we won't do either. We'll just reserve our gloriousgenius for our own enjoyment. Just think of dancing with you everynight, for goodness knows how long!" said Kit.

  "But you won't."

  "Won't? Why not?"

  "Because before we've been here many days we shall quarrel. I know wewill. Four people can't be shut up inside four walls withoutquarrelling sooner or later."

  "Well, let's make it later. And, anyway, I'm so good-natured, youcouldn't quarrel with me if you tried."

  "I couldn't quarrel with you while I'm dancing with you, anyway. Butnow this dance is over and there's not to be another one to-night.Good-night, everybody. Come, Marie," and taking Marie by the hand,Patty led her upstairs at once.

  "Oh, DON'T go!" cried the two young men, but Patty and Marie onlyleaned over the banisters, and called down laughing good-nights, andran away to their rooms.

  Next morning, Patty declared they must adhere to the policy of keepingmore or less to themselves.

  "I can put in a lovely morning," she said; "I shall visit the baby inthe nursery and I shall read for awhile, and I'll have a long telephoneconversation with Nan and perhaps some other people, and I'm not goingdownstairs till luncheon time. You do as you like, Marie."

  Marie declared her intention of doing whatever Patty did, so the twogirls spent a pleasant morning upstairs.

  Mrs. Perry reported that Babette was no worse, and that the doctor hadsaid nothing further than that.

  At luncheon time, the girls went downstairs and were greeted withreproofs for being so late.

  "We'll play with you this afternoon," said Patty, kindly, "but youcan't expect to have our company all day. I've had a lovely time thismorning; Baby Boo is an entertainment in herself."

  "Why didn't you let me come up to the nursery?" said Kit. "ThatKiddy-baby loves me."

  "She does, indeed," said Patty, serenely; "she's been asking for UncleKit all the morning."

  "Cruel Princess!" said Cameron; "you're not a bit nice to your Knight!"

  "I'll make up for it this afternoon," and Patty flashed him a glancethat seemed greatly to cheer him.

  After lunch they all went into the library. Patty threw herself into abig arm-chair.

  "Now, I want to be entertained," she said; "I'm perfectly amiable andaffable and good-natured, but I wish to be amused. Will you do it, myKnight?"

  "Ay, Princess, that will I!" and Cameron made a flourishing andobsequious bow before her. "Would it amuse your Royal Highness to learnthat you're going home this afternoon?"

  "That is but a cruel jest," said Patty, "and so, not amusing. If itwere the truth, it would be good hearing, i

  "But it IS the truth, fair lady." Cameron looked at his watch. "Inabout an hour, the speedy motor will convey us all back to the busymart and to our homes."

  "What do you mean?" cried Patty, starting up; for she saw that it wasnot a mere jest.

  "May I make a speech?" and Cameron took the middle of the floor, whilehis hearers sat in breathless silence.

  Mrs. Perry had a twinkle in her eye, Kenneth looked hopeful, but thegirls' faces expressed only blank wonder.

  "To begin with," said Mr. Cameron, in a cool, even voice, "we're notquarantined, and never have been. To proceed, Babette has not thediphtheria, and never has had. In a word, and I trust I shall not beflayed alive,--this whole affair is a practical joke, which I have hadthe honour to perpetrate on Miss Patricia Fairfield, and for which Iclaim the payment of a wager made by the fair lady herself!"

  Patty's blue eyes stared at him. At first, a furious wave of angerswept over her, and then her sense of justice made her realise that shehad no right to be angry. It took her a few moments to realise thewhole situation, and then she began to laugh.

  She jumped up and went to Cameron, and with her little fist she poundedhis broad shoulder.

  "_I_--THINK--YOU'RE--PERFECTLY--HORRID!!" she exclaimed, emphasisingeach word by a pound on his shoulders.

  Then she stood back with dignity. "How DARE you do such a thing?" shecried, stamping her foot at him.

  "There, there, little Princess,--little Captive Princess,--don't takeit so hard! Don't let your joy at your escape be marred by your chagrinat having been caught!"

  "Do you mean to say, Cameron," said Kenneth, rather sternly, "that youtrumped up this quarantine business, and it's all a fake?"

  "Just exactly that," said Cameron, calmly, and looking Ken steadily inthe eye.

  "You've made me a lot of trouble, old man," and Kenneth's voice wasregretful rather than reproachful.

  "Oh, not so much," said Cameron, airily. "I took the liberty oftelephoning your office after you did yesterday, and told them that itwas probable you'd be back there this afternoon."

  Kenneth stared at him speechlessly, stupefied by this exhibition ofnerve.

  "Did you know all about it, Lora?" demanded Marie, turning to Mrs.Perry.

  "Yes," said that lady, between spasms of laughter. "I didn't want to doit, but Kit just made me! You see, Babette did have an awful sorethroat, and we did call a nurse, but the doctor said, that while itmight turn toward diphtheria, there was small danger of it. And, thismorning, he said even that danger had passed. Truly, girls, I didn'tconsent willingly, but Kit coaxed me into it. Of course, I telephonedDick the whole story, and he stayed in town last night, but he's cominghome this afternoon. You're not angry, are you, Patty?"

  "I don't know whether I am or not. I'm a little bewildered as yet. ButI think, in fairness, I shall have to admit it was a most successfulpractical joke,--as such jokes go."

  "And it fulfilled all your conditions?" asked Cameron, eagerly.

  "I'm not sure of that. We agreed that it must be clever and not unkind.It was certainly clever, but wasn't it a little unkind to cause troubleto so many people? Mrs. Homer, for instance?"

  "No!" exclaimed Kit, hastily. "I telephoned last evening to auntie, andtold her that there was probability that the quarantine would be liftedto-day. I telephoned the same thing to Mrs. Fairfield, but I told bothladies not to mention that to you girls, as I didn't want to raisefalse hopes. Oh, I looked out for every point, and you're not angrywith me, are you, Princess?"

  He was so wheedlesome and so boyish in his enjoyment of the joke, thatPatty hadn't the heart to scold him, nor was she sure she had anyreason to do so.

  "I admit it," she said, "you certainly did play a practical joke on mesuccessfully, though I didn't think you could. You have won the wager,and I shall of course pay my debt. But just now, I'm interested in thefact that we're going home. And yet," she added, turning to herhostess, "isn't it funny? Now that we CAN go, I don't want to go! Nowit seems like a house party again."

  Patty beamed around on them all, and seemed a different girl from thePatty of the last twenty-four hours.

  "You were a brick!" said Kenneth, "through it all. I know how yousuffered, but you bravely forgot yourself in trying to make it pleasantfor the others."

  "Nonsense! I acted like a pig! A horrid, round, fat pig! But, truly, itwas the most different sensation to be quarantined here or to bevisiting here. I wouldn't believe, if I hadn't tried it, what adifference there is! Oh, it's just lovely here, now!" and Pattyexecuted a little fancy dance, singing a merry little song to it.

  "Well, I'll tell you how to get even," said Mrs. Perry; "all of youcome up here again soon, for a little visit, and leave Kit at home!Then I guess he'll be sorry."

  At this, Kit emitted a wail of grief and anguish, and then the girlsran away to pack their things for the homeward trip.

  Within the hour, they had started for New York. Patty had entirelyforgiven Cameron, and was ready to enjoy the memory of the affair as agood joke upon herself.

  "I don't approve of practical jokes," she said, by way of summing up."I never did, and I don't now. But I know that I brought it on myselfby making that foolish bet, and it has taught me a lesson never to dosuch a thing again. And I forgive you, Mr. Kit Cameron, only oncondition that you give me your promise never to play a joke on meagain. I admit that you CAN do it, but I ask that you WON'T do it."

  "I promise, Princess," said Cameron. "Henceforward, there shall be nojokes between us,--of course, I mean practical jokes. But you will makegood your wager?"

  "Certainly; I always pay my just debts."

  "May I come and collect the debt this evening?"

  "No, that's too soon; come to-morrow night, if you like. This evening Idevote to a reunion with my family."

  "Nobody else?"

  "Possibly somebody else,--somebody who was defrauded by your preciousjoke." And then a sudden light dawned upon Patty. "WAS your quarantineidea worked up in order to keep me away from New York last night?"

  "Partly," said Cameron, honestly; "I didn't see any other way to cutout Van Reypen, and it fitted in with my whole plan, so why not?"

  "It wasn't very nice of you."

  "All's fair in love and war," and Cameron laughed so gaily, that Pattyconcluded it was wiser to drop the subject.

  "_I_ think it was awfully hard for poor Mr. Van Reypen to lose Pattyfrom the party, because of your old joke!" exclaimed Marie.

  "I don't mind that part of it," said Kenneth; "he might as well have alittle corner of the joke, as the rest of us. But if I've lost a fivethousand dollar deal on this, I'll sue you for damages, Cameron."

  "Sue ahead," said the irrepressible Kit; "I've danced, and I'm willingto pay the piper."

  Kenneth and Marie were left at their homes, and the car went on toPatty's house.

  "May I come in?" said Cameron, as they reached it.

  "No, indeed!" said Patty, and then she added, "I don'tknow--yes--perhaps you'd better. If father storms about this thing, Ithink you ought to be there and face the music."

  "I think so, too," said Cameron, with alacrity; "I'd rather be there,and help my little Princess weather the storm."

  They found Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield both at home, and they created animmense surprise by suddenly appearing before them.

  "Why, Patty Fairfield!" cried Nan, "you DEAR child!" She wrapped Pattyin her embrace as if welcoming one long lost. Nor was Mr. Fairfieldless fervent in his demonstrations of welcome.

  They shook Cameron warmly by the hand, and Nan rang for tea and said:"Tell us all about it! How did you get out? Was it a false alarm?Wasn't it diphtheria? Oh, Mr. Cameron, you relieved us so greatly lastnight, when you told us it might be a mistaken diagnosis! What is thematter with you two? What are you giggling about?"

  And then the whole story came out. Cameron and Patty both talked atonce, Cameron making a clean breast of the matter, and assuming all theblame, while Patty made excuses for him, and offered conciliator

  Nan went off in peals of laughter and declared it was the best joke shehad ever heard.

  But Mr. Fairfield hesitated as to his verdict. He asked many questions,to which he received straightforward answers.

  At last, he said: "It was a prank, and I cannot say I think it was anadmirable performance. But young folks will be young folks, and I trustI'm not so old and grouty as to frown on innocent fun. To my mind, thiscame perilously near NOT being entirely innocent, but I'm not going tosplit hairs about it. I don't care for such jokes myself, but I mustadmit, Cameron, you played it pretty cleverly. And you certainly didyour share toward lessening any anxieties that might have been causedto other people. So there's my hand on it, boy, but if you'll take anolder man's advice, put away these childish pranks as you take on thedignity of years."

  "Thank you, Mr. Fairfield," said Cameron, "you make me feel almostashamed of myself; but, truly, sir, I am addicted to jokes. I can'tseem to help it!"

  The handsome face was so waggish and full of sheer, joyous fun, thatthey all laughed and the matter was amicably settled.

  "But I want my picture," Cameron said, as he rose to go.

  "And you shall have it," said Patty, running out of the room.

  She returned with a cabinet photograph, wrapped in a bit of tissuepaper.

  "Please appreciate it," she said, demurely, "for never before have Igiven my photograph to a young man. They say it is an excellentlikeness of me."

  Cameron removed the paper, and saw a picture of Patty taken at the ageof two years.

  It was a lovely baby picture, with merry eyes and smiling lips.

  The quick-witted young man betrayed none of the disappointment he felt,and only said, "It is indeed a striking likeness! I never saw a betterphotograph! Thank you, a thousand times."

  Then, amid the general laughter that ensued, Cameron went away.

  The Fairfields discussed the whole matter, and Patty finally summed upthe consensus of opinion, by saying: "Well, I don't care! It was anawfully good joke, and he's an awfully nice boy!"


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