The Littlest

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The Littlest Page 3

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Dakota closed his eyes, thinking about the day he’d come out to them. He’d been kicked out of the house immediately. He had seen his parents since then. He and Sam had run into them in Fairbanks. It still hurt now. He wasn’t sure he’d ever want to speak to them again, even though they had shown they might want that.

  Dakota sighed and snuggled into Sam’s neck. Their child would be accepted no matter what. He’d make damn sure of that.

  “He has us as parents, Dakota. He’ll never want for anything,” Sam whispered.

  Dakota’s head shot up. “He?”

  Sam closed his eyes with a loud sigh. “Crap.”

  “You know? I thought we said we’d wait!” Dakota sat up on Sam’s hips. “When did you find out?”

  “Well it’s kinda hard to miss the gigantic penis hanging from our boy,” Sam chuckled.

  “Could have been the umbilical cord.” Dakota raised a brow. They’d been with Samantha at her ultrasounds as often as possible. Dakota wanted to see their child growing. The last one was at eight months along and Dakota had made a point not to look too closely. He wanted to be surprised.

  “Nah, it was a penis. I do know what they look like,” Sam laughed softly.

  “A boy.” Dakota smiled.

  “Yes, a boy.” Sam pulled Dakota to his lips. “Kane Waters.”

  “I’m glad you took my advice and shortened it,” Dakota laughed, nipping at Sam’s lips. Sam had gotten to choose the baby’s name since Dakota won the ‘who’s going to father the baby’ debate and convinced Sam to do it.

  Sam had come up with Kaneonuskatew – one that walks on four claws.

  “Well, I have to thank my parents for ‘Sam’.”

  “I don’t know, I like Sakima,” Dakota grinned.

  “You do know what it means, right?” Sam rolled them over and hovered over his husband.

  “King.” Dakota pulled Sam down. “Now show me how you rule.”

  Dakota’s back arched as Sam gripped his hard prick, giving it a good stroke as he devoured his mouth. Dakota sighed in bliss. He’d never get tired of making love with Sam. Heat tore through him and he gasped at the burning sensation in his ass. Sam filled him to the hilt and then stopped. Dakota’s eyes flew open to see Sam looking at him.

  “I love you, Dakota.” Sam nuzzled his nose.

  “I love you, too.” Dakota raised his head to catch Sam’s lips. Their tongues met and Dakota didn’t know which one of them moaned louder. Sam’s hips snapped back and forth, filling Dakota until it felt like his chest would explode. God, he’d missed this. His fingers buried in Sam’s hair, and he arched his hips, meeting Sam’s thrusts. His balls filled and Sam’s cockhead brushed his prostate. Warmth filled his ass and then Dakota was coming with a loud, drawn out cry, his own prick jetting streams of cum up his chest. Sam kissed him as they both came down from their orgasms.

  Dakota let out a heady sigh and opened his eyes. Sam’s were filled with love.

  “I can’t wait to be parents,” Dakota smiled.

  The loud knock on their door made Sam groan.

  “I’ll give you one guess as to who that is,” Sam smiled, rolling off of Dakota and grabbing his sweatpants.

  “Open up!” Nadine giggled out front. “I know you’re in there!”

  Dakota laughed and got out of bed. He pulled his own sweatpants on and made his way to the front door. Nadine stood grinning on the front porch.

  “Morning, Nadine.” Dakota stepped aside, letting her in.

  “I just came by to remind you that I’m making waffles and pancakes this morning.”

  “Bacon, too?” Sam sauntered into the kitchen and kissed his mom on her cheek. “Morning, Ma.”

  Nadine almost snorted. “Of course! I know how much my boy loves bacon.”

  The phone on the wall rang and Dakota reached for it. He looked at the caller ID and grinned.

  “Hey, Riley!”

  “We need to go to Ireland,” Riley blurted, almost out of breath. “Wayne called—”

  “It’s time?” Dakota held his breath.

  “So he says!” Riley said excitedly.

  “Okay, um…”

  “We’ll swing by and get you!”

  “Are you sure? That’s kind of out of your way.” Dakota slapped Sam’s hand away from the phone and mouthed “baby.” Sam’s eyes widened and he turned to look at his mother.

  “Don’t be silly, Dakota. It’s no problem,” Riley insisted.

  “Breakfast on the go?” Sam asked his mother with a grin.

  “Oh my God! The baby?!” Nadine squealed.

  Riley laughed on his end. “See you in a couple hours!”

  Dakota hung up the phone and grabbed the kitchen counter. The baby was coming. It seemed like they’d waited forever.

  “Get packed!” Nadine shouted, the front door slamming behind her.

  Sam pulled Dakota into his arms and kissed him.

  “Ready to be a family?”

  “I’ve been ready for years.”


  Wayne was in Ireland to meet them at the airstrip. He had a huge grin on his face and Conner at his side. As the alpha of the created ones, Wayne would be present at the birth of the children being carried by female werewolves. Conner stood next to his mate, smiling from ear to ear, his golden aura shining brightly. Riley stepped off the plane and was immediately engulfed in Wayne’s arms.

  “Welcome to Kerry!” Wayne smiled.

  “It’s good to be back.” Riley hugged Conner.

  “Nadine, you look lovely as always.” Wayne kissed her cheeks.

  “And you look young as always,” Nadine palmed Wayne’s face. “You all have Oil of Olay beat, don’t you?” Nadine giggled.

  Wayne laughed. He hugged the rest of them and then they all piled into the truck that would take them to the females’ enclosure. Riley looked out the window as they drove the dirt roads. Ireland at any time was beautiful. He loved it here. Wayne was talking about the females and Riley perked up when Sebastian was mentioned.

  “Sebastian’s here?”

  Sebastian Stevens was a rare breed, a werewolf born of a female werewolf. His mother had been bitten by Wayne’s grandfather, Taber, as she was dying of the plague. Sebastian’s mate, Nicholas, was born of two werewolves. Wayne thought it best if both were on site in case Riley and Mateo’s twins were born with the female gene. They had been told that their son – if born a werewolf – would have the sight. The ability to see the future was given to male werewolves born of females within the Maccon line. So far, Sebastian was the only one with the ability.

  “Yes, he’s up at the main house with Nicholas,” Conner answered.

  “I look forward to seeing him.” Riley took Mateo’s hand.

  They pulled up to the gate fifteen minutes later and the massive enclosure came into view. The gates were something out of “Jurassic Park,” at least twenty feet high at their tallest point, and electrified. The truck stopped in front of the main house and Riley and Dakota got out to look around. The front door of the house opened and Sebastian stepped out with Nicholas at his side.

  “Hey, Sebastian,” Riley smiled, pulling the younger man into a hug. Sebastian stiffened slightly in his arms and Riley pulled back a bit. Searching Sebastian’s features, he tilted his head.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, just nervous about the births.” Sebastian pulled Riley back into a hug. “Sorry.”

  Riley grinned. “Um, squishing me.”

  “Oh! Sorry.” Sebastian let up a bit and patted Riley on the back. “It really is good to see you.”

  Wayne grinned at all the men hugging each other. “Well, let’s get inside. Fiona’s making lamb stew. Mark and Josh will be arriving tomorrow.”

  “I’m so excited!” Dakota squeezed Sam’s hand. “Can we see Samantha?”

  Wayne looked nervously between Dakota and Riley. “Well, they’ve been a little…”

  “Mean?” Conner provided with a grin.

es, mean is the word I was looking for.” Wayne narrowed his eyes at Conner and then addressed the others. “Let’s just say they’re uncomfortable and letting it be known.”

  Nadine snorted. “Can you blame them? Let me kick you in your privates as hard as I can.”

  Wayne grimaced and declined.

  “That’s just one more reason for Dakota and me to go say hi. They’re uncomfortable because they’re carrying our children.” Riley took Nadine’s hand and squeezed.

  “Yes,” Dakota nodded. “They’ve sacrificed a lot for us. Riley and I will go see them before dinner.”

  “Well, I’m staying here.” Mateo planted himself on the couch arm. “Last time I saw Josephine, she threatened to make me a eunuch.”

  “She was kidding,” Riley said in exasperation.

  “Um, no, she wasn’t.” Mateo crossed his arms.

  Nadine raised both brows. “Really? And here I thought assassins were so tough.”

  Wayne laughed and motioned to the kitchen.

  “Come on; let’s see if Fiona needs any help.”


  Mateo wiped his mouth and contained a burp. Dinner was excellent – lamb stew with soda bread. He watched his husband sipping away at his Guinness as talk flowed around the table. Riley and Dakota had been to see the females before dinner; Mateo and Sam had stayed in the corner of the room. He might be a bad-ass assassin, but Josephine scared the shit out of him. Mateo eased his husband out of his chair and winked at the table.

  “See you all in the morning.”

  “But I’m not tiiired!” Riley whined.

  “No, but you are drunk,” Mateo laughed and hauled Riley over his shoulder.

  “Am not,” Riley sighed and looked at Mateo’s ass. He gripped the cheeks and grinned. “I love your butt.”

  Dakota stifled a laugh as Mateo sighed. “Night, guys.”

  “Night.” Mateo left the kitchen with his babbling husband.

  “I’m off as well.” Nadine stood and all the men stood with her. “Goodnight.”

  “I say we call it a night.” Wayne stretched out his arms. They had talked mostly about the babies throughout dinner. Sebastian had been quiet through most of the meal, keeping close to his husband. Wayne didn’t pick up any thoughts from the younger werewolf, but he knew something was eating at him. Conner leaned into him and Wayne absentmindedly threaded his fingers into his mate’s hair. “I’ll be up early to check on the females. Evangeline says they are coming along.”

  Dakota nodded. “Yes, Samantha’s dilated to three, which is a good sign. We’re so blessed to have doctors like Evangeline and Alexander who know about werewolves.”

  “I can’t wait to see our little one.” Sam kissed Dakota’s forehead.

  “Well,” Nicholas rose from the table. “We’ll see you all in the morning.”

  Dakota met with Sebastian’s eyes – there was sadness there. “Sebastian? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, fine. Goodnight.”

  Dakota watched them leave and shot a look at Wayne. “Why do I feel like he knows something?”

  “I think he does, but you and I both know the rules. Sebastian’s gift can be a curse.” Wayne rubbed his face with his hands. “And your child will be blessed with that same gift. I shouldn’t have bitten the females.”

  Dakota took Wayne’s hand. “You did what you felt was right; Sam and I will help Kane through this. I have total faith in my soon-to-be-son.”

  Wayne smiled. “Well, let’s get to bed. You get to hold your son tomorrow.”

  “Can’t wait,” Dakota beamed.

  ~*Chapter Three*~

  Riley looked out over the mountains of Ireland and the wind caressed his face. Mateo stood next to him, along with Sam and Dakota. They all stood silent as the wind whispered through the valley. It seemed like years they had waited to see the birth of their children. Unbeknownst to them, fetuses of female werewolves took a bit longer to gestate.

  Josh had made a crack about puppies being born in two months and had almost gotten his head clawed off by a very angry Josephine. Samantha – to her credit – had merely growled, making Mark drag his husband out of the cottage. Pregnant female werewolves were pretty vicious; it was enough that most were feral even when they weren’t pregnant. Riley shivered.

  The only thing Riley could be thankful for was Dakota’s calm reserve. Both Josephine and Samantha had a crush on the smaller werewolf and went easy on him. He and Dakota doted on both women and were extra pleasant with them. When Mateo and Sam came around, however, the female werewolf gene made itself known and their hormones went berserk.

  Mateo was lucky enough to get out of the cottage with his penis intact.

  After some time spent gazing at the scenery, a hand slid into his and Riley turned to look at his husband. Mateo’s black hair was cut short again, tapered on the side with barely enough to grab onto at the top. His hazel eyes were full of love and Riley felt his insides melt. They had never been so happy.

  The first ultrasound they had been allowed in on had shown the twins sucking their thumbs. Both he and Mateo had fertilized Josephine’s eggs and she had been implanted with both, in hopes that one would take. Both did. One was Riley’s biological child, the other Mateo’s.

  Sam and Dakota had argued relentlessly over who would be the father of their child. In the end, Dakota had won and Sam’s biological child had been implanted into Samantha.

  It wasn’t until the eighth month that Alexander, a werewolf as well as a doctor, had figured out the problem. Well, not really a problem, just that the females would be pregnant longer than nine months. Now, at almost a year, the time had come. Both women were experiencing contractions.

  The enclosure had been fitted with an emergency hospital. It wasn’t a huge building, but it housed everything they would need for births, as well as emergency surgeries.

  Evangeline had been helping with the females, and Reece Costa and Brett Trevino had volunteered their services as well. Even though Reece was a cardiac surgeon, he knew how to deliver a baby, seeing as he’d done it before for his own group of Santorno assassins. Brett was a pediatric doctor since his husband had a knack of scaring away every doctor they’d come into contact with regarding their son.

  A loud whistle pierced the wind and they all turned to look in the direction from which it had come. Wayne was waving his arms at them with Nadine at his side.

  “Well,” Riley took Dakota’s hand. “Here we go.”

  “Maybe Mateo and I should stay outside?” Sam shifted nervously.

  “You’re an assassin!” Dakota sighed in frustration. “You can’t handle a woman giving birth?”

  “I’ve seen someone’s intestines spill,” Mateo shivered. “But birth? I don’t know, man…”

  “Oh for cryin’ out loud!” Riley huffed and turned on his heel, making his way towards the enclosure. “Assassins! Hmfp!”

  “Both of you get your asses moving now!” Dakota barked.

  “Okay! Okay!” Sam barely missed his husband’s slap to his ass. “I’m going, but I’m giving you fair warning! If goo comes out of Samantha, I’m not responsible for what happens!”

  “Sheesh,” Dakota frowned, shaking his head. “You see blood all the time!”

  “That’s different,” Mateo piped up.

  Riley stopped and tapped his foot at Mateo. “How is that different?”

  “Well,” Mateo’s brows pinched in thought. “I know my targets are going to die. And they deserve to. Kind of changes how you feel about it.” Mateo looked at Sam for help. “You know?”

  Sam nodded. “Yeah, what he said.”

  “Move it, Waters!” Dakota pushed Sam in the back.


  Wayne escorted them into the birthing room. He was sticking around in case the females got a little rowdy. Josephine was covered in sweat and swearing up a shit storm. Riley cringed when she let out a bloodcurdling scream. He looked over at Alexander, who was performing an ultrasound.

that normal?” Riley asked with a little uncertainty.

  “Perfectly normal,” Alexander nodded, moving the wand around on Josephine’s abdomen.

  “Isn’t normal at all!” Josephine howled as another contraction wracked her body. “One of them is determined to split me in half!”

  “Probably Esposito’s,” Sam murmured.

  Alexander chuckled and moved between Josephine’s legs.

  “All right, Josephine,” Alexander placed a hand on her upper thigh. “It looks like the boy wants to make an entrance. You are ready to push now.”

  “Oh, thanks for tellin’ me what I’m ready for!” Josephine snarled. “Where’s yer lady?”

  Alexander backed away as Josephine’s canines elongated. “Evangeline!” he shouted.

  “I’m right here, Alex, calm down,” Evangeline grinned. “Josephine, you wouldn’t be hurtin’ my man now, would you?”

  “I might,” she growled.

  “Go check on Samantha, she’s a bit calmer.” Evangeline smiled at Alexander. Turning her attention back to Josephine, Evangeline pulled up the sheet and smiled. “I see some black hair down here.”

  “Yup, it’s Esposito’s,” Sam chuckled.

  “Come on, Sam. Let’s go be there for Samantha.” Dakota pulled his husband from the room.

  “You’re doing well, Josephine. The girl is moving down as the boy is heading out. We won’t have to do a C-section, I’ll bet.” Evangeline tried to keep Josephine calm as she pushed through her contractions. Riley was at the head of the bed, holding her hand.

  “Thank you so much for this, Josephine. I can’t tell you how grateful Mateo and I are.” Riley smoothed her hair from her brow.

  “Just be a good dad, yeah?” Josephine huffed and gripped Riley’s hand. “Oh no, another one’s coming!”

  A gush of fluid hit the floor and Mateo held onto the wall, his stomach twisting as the puddle spread outwards.

  “Don’t you dare pass out!” Riley pointed at Mateo.

  “Ohhh! Oh that hurts!” Josephine howled.

  Riley wanted to cover his ears at the swear words leaving Josephine’s mouth. The long, agonizing moans and howls were hurting his heart. He knew it was all part of the birthing process, but still. Ouch. Riley looked up to see Mateo white as a sheet staring between Josephine’s legs.


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