The Littlest

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The Littlest Page 4

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Mateo! Look at me!”

  Mateo tried to look away from the train wreck going on between Josephine’s thighs, but he couldn’t. A head full of black hair was sliding out of the female.

  “That’s right! Here he comes, Josephine! Give him one final push!” Evangeline readied herself for the boy.

  A loud, drawn-out cry resounded around the room and then Josephine fell back against the bed. A soft cry filled the air and Riley wiped his eyes. Their son had been born.

  “Mateo, would you like to cut the cord?” Evangeline handed the scissors to Mateo.

  Riley threw his hands up in the air. “Mateo! Snap out of it!”

  Mateo blinked, and then smiled at the squirming, screaming baby in Evangeline’s hands. He took the scissors and snipped the cord. Evangeline handed him off to Reece, who cleaned the baby up. Riley hadn’t even realized Reece was in the room; he had been so quiet. Reece weighed Matty, and then measured him.

  “Say hello to your son. He’s a healthy one; seven pounds, eight ounces and twenty one inches long. Unusually big for a twin,” Reece said, handing the baby to Mateo.

  Mateo looked down at the perfection in his arms. The feelings he had were unexplainable. Jet black hair and blue eyes looked at him in fascination.

  “He’s so beautiful,” Mateo whispered.

  “Now we find out if he’s got the werewolf gene,” Evangeline said over her shoulder. “A blood sample will be taken right away.”

  Mateo held the baby closer to him and backed away.

  “You’re going to stick him with a needle?” he asked, eyes wide.

  Reece sighed. “Oh no, here we go. I thought only our guys were crazy.”

  “We need to find out if he’s got the gene, Mateo.” Riley shook his head in exasperation. “Trust me, he’ll be okay.”

  “Um, I think he’s got the gene.” Mateo looked down at his son as tiny canines broke through pink gums and teeny claws flared from his son’s fingertips.

  Reece poked his head over Mateo’s shoulder. “Oh, wow. Yeah, I’d say he’s a werewolf.”

  Mateo smiled at his son, who was emitting tiny growls. “Hi, Matty. I’m your dad.” Mateo kissed his son’s forehead. The canines receded, as did the claws. Mateo held his son closer as he whined softly.

  “I think he’s already hungry.” Mateo looked into his son’s eyes; they were changing from blue to orange-red. “Um, is that normal?”

  Reece looked at the baby. “I’ve given up trying to figure out what’s ‘normal’ with your group.”

  Evangeline snapped her fingers at them.

  “The girl is making her way out. It’s almost over Josephine; you can do this.”

  Riley gripped Josephine’s hand, smiling at her.

  “Watch your child being born, Riley.” Josephine gave his hand a small squeeze. “It’s all right.”

  Riley kissed Josephine’s forehead and moved to the end of the bed. A head came into view and Josephine howled. And then it was done. His daughter was screaming at the top of her lungs. Riley cut the cord and Reece took her to clean her up.

  “That’s the best sound I’ve ever heard,” Riley whispered through his tears.

  “What’s her name?” Evangeline asked, as she helped Josephine.

  “Maggie, after my mother.” Riley wiped at his eyes. Reece handed him his daughter and he looked into the face of an angel. Her eyes were pure blue and she had his nose. “Hi, Maggie,” Riley cooed.

  “She’s a good weight as well,” Reece looked at his chart. “Nineteen inches long, and six pounds, five ounces.” Reece took Josephine’s hand. “You did well.”

  Matty was squirming in his grip and Mateo moved to stand next to Riley. Matty immediately calmed down in Maggie’s presence.

  “Aw, look.” Riley grinned as Matty reached for Maggie’s hand.

  “You better be watchin’ out over him. He gets a good bite on your daughter and that’s the end of human life for her.” Josephine flopped back on the bed and closed her eyes. “I’ll need some rest.”

  Riley walked to the bed, smiled at Josephine and leaned down to hug her. “Thank you. I’ll never know how to repay you for what you did.”

  Josephine looked at the perfect child in Riley’s arms. “You just did. Be happy.”


  Samantha had a vice grip on Dakota’s hand. He winced at the strength the female displayed. He wasn’t weak by any means, as Sam had figured out immediately. Although Sam was taller than him, and outweighed him in human form, Dakota was twice Sam’s size in wolf form. He’d proven more than once he could take care of himself.

  Samantha let out what sounded like a garbled scream and Dakota stiffened. Sam was holding onto the wall, taking deep breaths as fluid leaked onto the floor from Samantha.

  “It’s just her water breaking, Sam,” Dakota drawled.

  “Lord, boy!” Nadine smacked her son in the bicep. “It’s birth! Get over it!”

  Alexander looked over his shoulder at Sam. “You had better pull yourself together; your son is on his way out.”

  Dakota opened his mouth to speak when the cottage trembled. His head snapped up and he locked eyes with Sam. The ground shook beneath them, and pictures fell from the walls.

  “What’s going on?” Dakota gripped the wall.

  Wayne stepped back as a crack formed in the floor. Part of the ceiling collapsed just inches from the bed and Sam tried to protect Samantha from the falling debris. Wayne pulled Nadine away from the walls.

  “What’s going on!?” Sam shouted.

  A bright, almost blinding, light shone into the room and centered on Samantha’s belly. A loud, animalistic scream left her lips and then a cry could be heard in the room. The light ebbed away and Alexander held a baby in his hands. The newborn was glowing.

  “What the…?” Sam stepped closer as the light faded slowly, revealing a baby with black hair.

  “We’ll discuss what happened after, yes?” Alexander waved his hand in front of Sam’s face. “Would you like to cut the cord, Sam?” He handed Sam the scissors.

  Sam stepped forward and carefully cut the cord. Alexander gave the baby to Brett, who cleaned him up immediately and took his length and weight. He smiled and handed the baby to Sam.

  “He’s healthy as a horse. Eight pounds, and twenty-one inches.”

  “He’s so beautiful,” Nadine whispered.

  Sam held his son. His heart raced as feelings of protectiveness overwhelmed him. Orange-red eyes regarded him curiously, then softened as the baby realized who he was. Sam held his son close and closed his eyes.

  “Hello, Kane.”

  Dakota wiped his eyes as he watched Sam with their son. He sniffed and Sam opened his eyes.

  “Come meet your other father.” Sam crossed the room to Dakota and wiped the tear from his husband’s cheek. “He’s finally here,” Sam whispered. Sam handed the baby to Dakota and watched as Dakota held him close to his chest. Dakota rubbed his son’s back and that’s when Sam saw the birthmark on Kane’s neck: A perfect paw print.

  “What the…?” Sam reached out to touch it and Kane turned his head just then, his eyes searching Sam’s.

  “He’s an alpha.”

  Sam jerked at the new voice and turned to find Taber Maccon, along with Roane – Wayne’s grandfather and father.

  “What?” Dakota whispered.

  “Your son is the next alpha of the created ones. He’s got the mark,” Taber explained.

  “An alpha,” Nadine smiled at her grandson.

  Kane squirmed in his arms and Dakota held him at arm’s length. He was beautiful, an exact replica of Sam. Tiny whines escaped Kane and Dakota smiled.

  “You hungry?”

  Tiny canines elongated and little claws flared from his fingers. Dakota blinked and Kane had shifted fully. He was holding a tiny werewolf pup. Dakota’s jaw dropped.

  “That’ll be happening a lot by the way,” Roane put his hands out. “May I?”

  Dakota handed Kane to Roane.r />
  “I think you should also know that they’ll be growing a lot in the next six months.” Roane held Kane in his arms.

  “Pardon me?” Dakota narrowed his eyes.

  “The first six months bring a massive growth spurt, then they level out.”

  “Explain level out.” Sam put his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes. “And why are we just getting this info now?”

  “It’s been years since a werewolf child was born to females,” Taber sighed in exasperation. “We had to do our homework. It takes a while.”

  “Nadine, would you like to hold him?” Roane handed Kane to her.

  Nadine held her grandson to her chest. “He’s beautiful. I love him so much already!”

  They were interrupted by sounds of squealing from the room next door. Taber motioned them to follow him and they entered Josephine’s room. Mateo was holding his son, who was already in wolf form and Riley was feeding his daughter. Dakota crossed the room to Riley and hugged him. He looked down at the baby in Riley’s arms.

  “She’s beautiful, Riley.”

  “Were you remodeling next door?” Mateo raised his brows at Sam.

  “Kane’s an alpha,” Sam said proudly.

  “No shit?” Mateo said mouth ajar. “What…when…?”

  “I’ll tell you later,” Sam grinned.

  “Would you like to hold Maggie?” Riley asked Dakota, who nodded and put his arms out. Riley handed Maggie to him.

  “I think Matty wants to see his dad.” Mateo took his squirming son to Riley.

  Riley held Matty close to him. The little pup was whining into his neck.

  “Aw, what’s wrong, Matty?” Riley asked, rubbing Matty’s back.

  It happened in the blink of an eye.

  Riley stiffened, and then his mouth opened in a silent scream. Mateo grabbed Matty before Riley dropped him, and shook his husband.

  “Riley! What’s wrong!?” Mateo searched his husband’s face, and then noticed the blood on his shoulder. “Oh God, he bit you!”

  Riley collapsed on the floor and his body jerked.

  “What the hell!?” Mateo handed Matty to Wayne and got down on his hands and knees by his husband. “Talk to me!”

  “So hot…” Riley croaked.

  “Get Riley to the main house!” Wayne roared. “Mateo, stay with him.”

  “Like I’m going anywhere without him??” Mateo growled. He picked up Riley, who was already covered in sweat and seizing.

  Evangeline stood and looked at all of the men standing around, mouths agape.

  “Go! Reece, Brett and I will take care of the females!” she shouted.

  Nadine pushed Sam in the back. He was still standing with his mouth open.


  ~*Chapter Four*~

  Mateo ran as fast as he could as Riley’s body jerked in his arms; his cries of pain were hurting his heart. He slammed the door to the cottage open and Sebastian stood up, along with Nicholas.

  “What happened?” Sebastian asked wildly.

  “Matty bit Riley,” Mateo took Riley to the nearest bedroom and gently eased him onto the bed. “Tell me what to do, Riley. I can’t stand seeing you in pain.”

  “Hot, just…so hot.”

  “I’ll get some ice.” Sebastian placed a hand on Mateo’s shoulder.

  Mateo smoothed Riley’s sweat-soaked hair from his forehead.

  “Why?” Riley croaked. “Why did Matty bite me?”

  “I don’t know, babe,” Mateo said soothingly.

  “He doesn’t like me,” Riley sobbed. His back snapped and he howled in pain as bones broke in his legs and arms. “Mateo…”

  Mateo tried to hold Riley’s hand, but his body flailed on the bed and loud, piercing cries resounded around the cabin. Mateo’s heart broke for the pain his husband was suffering.

  “That’s not true, Riley. Matty loves you,” Mateo insisted.

  “Here,” Sebastian handed a bowl of ice to Mateo.

  Riley screamed, and then his body shifted. He panted on his side in full wolf form – which took up most of the queen-sized bed. Mateo threaded his fingers into Riley’s chestnut brown coat. Blue eyes regarded him with sadness.

  “Aw, babe.” Mateo buried his face in Riley’s neck.

  “He survived.”

  Mateo turned to find Wayne in the doorway.

  “Yes, he did. Why Matty chose to bite him, I’ll never understand!” Mateo shouted.

  “I can tell you why,” Sebastian said quietly.

  Mateo stood up and advanced on Sebastian. “Oh can you, now? Please, explain to me why my son thought biting his father and turning him into a werewolf was a good idea!”

  Sebastian raised his eyes to Mateo’s. “Because a year from now Riley would have been killed by rogues. That’s why.”

  Mateo stepped back. “What?!”

  “I saw it.” Sebastian looked over at Riley on the bed. “I saw you die in my vision. Matty must have seen it, too. You died as a human, Riley. Matty must have seen it and changed your fate. He didn’t bite you because he hates you; he bit you because he loves you. Matty wanted to save his dad’s life, so he did what he thought was best.”

  “He’s a newborn!” Mateo shouted.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Sebastian shook his head. “He has the sight.”

  Matty squirmed in Wayne’s grip and Wayne put him down on the bed. His tail between his legs, Matty curled up next to Riley and whined softly.

  “I think Sebastian’s right,” Wayne smiled at the sight of Matty nuzzling Riley.

  “Is everything okay?” Dakota stood in the doorway with Maggie. He gasped as Riley lifted his head. “Oh God, Riley!” Kane yelped in Sam’s arms and Dakota’s brows furrowed. “What is it, Kane?”

  Sam set his son down on the bed and Kane pounced on Matty, rolling them over. He brushed his muzzle along Matty’s jaw and nuzzled his face.

  “Oh shite,” Wayne whispered.

  “Now what?” Mateo sighed in exasperation.

  “Kane is marking Matty.” Wayne rubbed his face with his hands.

  “Meaning?” Mateo’s voice rose.

  “They’re mated,” Dakota whispered.

  “What?” Mateo leaned against the wall. “Well now, what else can happen?”

  “Please don’t say that,” Sam sighed.

  Mateo looked over at Riley, who seemed to be almost asleep. He looked back at Sebastian and pointed at him.

  “You, in the living room. Now.”


  Mateo paced the room as Sebastian and Nicholas stood quietly. Matty was still in the bedroom, nestled into Riley, along with Kane, and Dakota was taking care of Maggie. Mateo stopped pacing and glared at Sebastian.

  “How long have you known?”

  “Since the mission in Germany,” Sebastian sighed. “You have no idea how hard it is for me to see the future knowing I can’t change it.”

  “So what? You would have let Riley die?!” Mateo shouted.

  “Watch your tone, Esposito,” Nicholas snarled.

  “You watch yours, Stevens,” Mateo shot back.

  “Whoa, boys.” Wayne stepped in between them. “Let’s calm down for a second.”

  “I would have tried to do something!” Sebastian cried. “I wouldn’t have just let him die. I would have tried to keep him away from that fight! I would have done something, rules be damned!”

  “Well now you won’t have to,” Wayne took Sebastian’s hand and patted it gently. “I know this is hard on you, but Matty took matters into his own hands.”

  “Thank God for that!” Mateo threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “My own son did what had to be done!”

  The front door of the cabin swung open and Conner walked in – Josh and Mark right on his heels.

  “I’ve brought Josh and Mark,” Conner called out cheerfully. His eyes scanned the room; the stress and anger was palpable. “Um, did we miss something? Oh my God – the babies?”

  Dakota came into the main room w
ith Maggie in his arms and motioned to Mateo. “Riley needs you; he’s fighting the shift back.”

  “Huh?” Josh looked from Mateo to Sam to Sebastian, who looked like someone had taken his favorite toy away. “What’s going on?”

  A puppy ran into the room and stopped right at his feet. It looked up at him and Josh furrowed his brows.

  “Why is a red-eyed puppy looking at me?”

  “That’s Matty, and it’s orange-red,” Mateo smiled faintly. “I’ll be back.”

  Josh’s eyes widened. “This is tiny Esposito?” Josh bent down to pick Matty up. A growl stopped him and he looked over to the side to see another pup, canines in full view, hackles rising.

  “That’d be my son,” Sam contained a chuckle. “Kane, that’s Josh and his husband, Mark; they are the good guys.” Kane lowered his lips and padded closer to Josh and Mark. Head tilted, he looked like he was assessing them both.

  “Oh, by the way, Matty and Kane are mated. That’s probably why you got the death stare from my son when you tried to pick up Matty.”

  “Already?” Mark crouched down to look at the werewolf pups. Matty approached him carefully, sniffing the air. Mark stilled, letting the pup sniff him out. When Matty seemed sure he wasn’t a threat, he rubbed his muzzle against Mark’s knee.

  Conner gasped as Kane moved even closer to Josh and Mark. A white paw print was on his back. He turned to look at Wayne and Roane.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Conner asked.

  Wayne nodded. “Kane is the next alpha.”

  “No shit?” Josh’s mouth fell open. “Sam’s kid is a created one?”

  “Sure is,” Roane nodded.

  “They’re kind of big for newborns aren’t they?” Mark picked Matty up carefully. If he went by puppies, Matty looked about four weeks old.

  “Yes, they are, aren’t they?” Sam raised a brow at Roane.

  “I know,” Roane lifted his hands in defense. “I’ll get the diary my dad and I found, okay?” Roane felt eyes on him and narrowed his own at Josh. “What?”

  “I’m just trying to figure out if you guys are ghosts or something.” Josh tilted his head.


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