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The Littlest

Page 7

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Even though Kane was an alpha, he treated Matty as his equal. Once they reached the beach, Mateo ran into the icy water, Matty right at his side. They played for hours until the boys seemed to almost pass out from exhaustion. Mateo grabbed Matty by the nape of his neck and carried him back toward the cottages. Kane was asleep in Sam’s mouth.

  It was adorable.

  As they neared the enclosure, Mateo noticed Riley with Maggie watching the sun making its descent. He followed Sam into the cottage and placed Matty gently on the bed before getting down on the floor to shift back. God, the pain was still excruciating.

  Bones cracked and Mateo tried to keep quiet as he shifted back to human form. Matty was huffing softly in his sleep and Mateo smiled at his son. He kissed his nose and pulled some jeans on. Conner was with Wayne, Sebastian and Nicholas in the kitchen and Dakota was on the couch, with Kane in his arms.

  “You going to see Riley?” Dakota whispered.

  Mateo nodded. “I think we’re going to leave in the morning. He wants to see his dad.”

  “He’s going to need you more than ever, Mateo,” Dakota said sadly.

  “And I’ll be here.”

  Mateo walked out to the fencing and put his arms around his husband. Riley leaned back against him and sniffled.

  “I’m so sorry, Riley. I don’t remember much of my parents, but I know this must be hurting you beyond belief.”

  “It was so much easier when he hated me,” Riley tilted his head back to look at Mateo.

  “That’s just it, Riley. He never did.” Mateo pulled Riley around and held him close. Maggie hiccupped and Mateo kissed her forehead.

  “We’re a family now, we always will be.”


  The minute they landed in Tucson, they were on their way to the prison. James was meeting them there, as they would need special visitors’ passes. As they pulled up, Mateo noticed Derek’s truck was parked next to James’ car. He helped Riley out of the car, and then grabbed the diaper bag and lifted Maggie out of her car seat as Riley held Matty. They were met at the front desk by Derek, along with two uniformed guards.

  “Wow, look at them,” Derek smiled broadly, looking at the twins.

  “You want to hold Matty?” Riley grinned, handing the boy to Derek.

  Derek held the baby in his arms and looked up to see Mateo and Riley smiling at him. He narrowed his eyes, and then his mouth dropped as he realized they both looked much different. Mateo seemed to know what he was thinking and put a finger over his lips.

  Derek cleared his throat.

  “Follow me.”

  Riley held Mateo’s hand as they walked down the long hallway. They took a left at the end and the infirmary came into view. Riley noticed James standing outside his father’s room, and the anger rose up in him before he could stop it. He lunged at James and pushed him halfway down the hall.

  James landed on his ass with a grunt.

  “You could get him out! But you won’t, will you!?” Riley snarled.

  Guns flew out of holsters and Mateo turned on the guards behind him.

  “Do it, and I swear I’ll kill you all slowly.”

  “Put your weapons away!” James shouted. He stood up and righted his jacket. Looking at both guards, he motioned to the door. “You can go, I’ve got this.”

  “Sir?” one of them asked incredulously, looking at Riley.

  “I said go,” James repeated slowly. Once the guards had left, James turned his attention back to a very upset Riley.

  “I did what I could, Riley. I tried.”

  “Did you? Did you really?” Riley growled, stepping towards James.

  “I like you, Riley, I really do,” Derek said quietly. “But if you attack my husband again I’m not going to sit back and watch it happen.”

  Riley spun and glared at Derek.

  “Riley.” Mateo stepped in between his husband and his general. “Calm down and reel it in. You know James and Derek are on your side. You know James did everything he could.”

  “I asked him if he wanted me to try to get him out. He said no. I still tried, even after that,” James said, walking towards Riley, arms raised in front of him, palms out. “I tried, Riley. I did everything I could and talked to anyone I could. I’m so sorry.”

  “I want to see him,” Riley whispered.

  “Of course.” James stepped aside and motioned to the door.

  “Give me Matty.” Riley put his arms out to Derek.

  “Riley,” Mateo lowered his voice.

  “Come with me?” Riley put his hand out to Mateo.

  James stood back as Riley brushed past him with Mateo, and he glanced over at Derek.

  “Turn off the security cameras in the room.”

  Derek raised his brows. “What?”

  “We never know what’s going to happen, and if something … supernatural … does happen, I don’t want to try to explain it. Unless I’m wrong and they both went to a Swiss clinic and took an anti-aging treatment, they’re both werewolves now.”

  “How did you figure it out?” Derek asked. “The lack of wrinkles?”

  “Our sweet Riley just made me fly twenty feet.” James cocked an eyebrow.

  “Right, I’m on it.” Derek stopped mid-walk. “We should probably warn Riley and Mateo about that. They’ll have to make people think they did go to a Swiss clinic.”

  James chuckled.


  Riley sat on the edge of the bed and held his father’s hand. Matty squirmed in his grip and Riley smiled down at his son.

  “This is your grandpa.”

  Riley squeezed his dad’s hand. “Look at your grandkids, Dad. Just open your eyes and look at them. Please don’t leave me, not now.”

  Fingers squeezed his, and Edgar’s lashes fluttered. His eyes opened and a small smile curved his lips.

  “Dad,” Riley smiled. “Look at your grandkids.”

  Mateo sat forward with Maggie and Edgar looked from one child to the other. He smiled again then closed his eyes. The heart monitor beeped and then stopped – showing a flat line scrolling across.

  Riley burst into tears and Mateo held his husband as he sobbed. Both Matty and Maggie seemed to try and comfort Riley as well, reaching up to him. Riley took Matty into his arms.

  “We could change him; there might still be time,” Riley whispered.

  “Riley.” Mateo shook his head and pressed a kiss to Riley’s temple. “It’s too late, babe. I’m so sorry.”

  “He wouldn’t want that anyway, sweetie.”

  Riley froze in Mateo’s arms and his breath caught. He knew that voice. He’d know it anywhere.

  Riley opened his eyes to see his mother standing by the door to the room.

  “How…?” Riley stammered.

  “Let’s just say the fates have been known to grant some favors,” Margaret smiled at her son. “You look so good. Being a werewolf agrees with you.”

  “Mom? But…?” Riley’s mouth was agape.

  “So, Mateo, seems you still have full use of your faculties,” Margaret smiled at her son’s husband. “Riley has done well. Aren’t you a looker!”

  “Thank you?” Mateo stared at Riley’s mother.

  “Look at my grandkids! Oh! They are so adorable!” Margaret beamed at the twins. “I’m so happy for you, Riley. I know things were hard on you for a long time and you felt alone. I’ve always been with you. Even if you couldn’t see me, I was there. You have a great love, just as your father had in me. He went about things the wrong way, and Lord knows I’ll beat his ass for it.” Margaret smiled as Riley’s mouth still hung open. “Honey, please close your mouth.”

  “But…you’re gone. I mean you have been for years. Why now?” Riley stood and walked to his mother.

  “Because you needed me. You need to know that this was how your father wanted it. James Pruitt argued for your father; I was there, I know. Your father didn’t want to be released. With money comes power, and to abuse it means crossing the line between good
and evil. Your father made a mistake and paid for it. You ended up paying for it as well. You’re a strong man, Riley. I always knew you would be. The day of the accident, I begged for you to be spared. My prayers were answered. You’ll live a long life, just as the fortune teller predicted, with your beautiful twins and your husband at your side. Your father and I will continue to watch over you. Just know that you are loved.”

  “You’re both gone now,” Riley wiped at his eyes.

  “We are,” Margaret nodded. “But we will always be close. I’m so proud of you Riley, of the man you’ve become. You’ll be a wonderful father.”

  “Yes, he will,” Edgar said, appearing by his wife’s side.

  “Dad,” Riley fell back and into Mateo’s arms.

  “You’ll be a much better father than I, son. Take good care of your family. I’m so sorry, son; you’ll never know how much.”

  “He does, don’t you Riley?” Margaret placed a hand on Riley’s cheek.

  Riley gasped at the touch of his mother’s hand. “I can feel you.”

  Margaret pulled her son into her arms and inhaled his scent. This was her little baby all grown up. Mateo handed the twins over and they had a group hug.

  “Take care of each other.”

  His mother began to fade and Riley put his hands out. “Wait, don’t go yet!”

  “We’ll always be around, Riley. We love you,” Margaret’s voice floated around the room. “Always.”

  His parents faded and Riley turned in Mateo’s arms. Warmth and peace flooded him as his husband held him. The twins snuggled into both of them and Riley closed his eyes. He had gotten to see his parents one last time.


  Out in the hall, Derek watched with his jaw hanging open. He should be used to it by now, he supposed. Living with werewolves and witches had taught him quite a few things. But dead people talking?

  James glanced over at Derek. “See? Told you we needed the cameras off.”

  “So it wasn’t just me? You saw that, too?”

  James nodded.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Derek took James into his arms.

  “Oh God, that’s never good,” James chuckled. He searched Derek’s face. “You’re thinking about being changed, aren’t you?”

  “We’re not getting any younger.” Derek caressed James’ face. “Although you still look thirty.”

  “Now I know you’re high,” James laughed.

  “You saw Riley and Mateo. They look young again.”

  “Is this about your mortality? Or are you being vain about your looks?”

  “Neither. This is about us and the fact that I want to be with you forever. We started so late in life, James. I want more time with you – a lot more, and if that means enduring some horrific pain for a few minutes, then I’m all for it.”

  James searched Derek’s face.

  “You’re serious.”

  Derek nodded.

  James thought about what that would mean. Being a werewolf gave them special abilities, abilities that could help others. He wrapped his arms around Derek’s waist.

  “We’ll talk to Wayne soon, okay?”

  Derek leaned in, brushing his lips against James’.


  “Werewolf, huh?”

  Derek stiffened in James’ arms. He turned slowly and gasped.

  “Hello, son.”

  “Dad?” Derek whispered. He could see himself reflected in the older man’s eyes.

  “Oh my God,” James said slowly. “You look just like him.”

  “Hello, James. It’s very good to meet you.”

  “Mr. Jacobs.” James put his hand out.

  “Oh, hell no, you can call me Dad – or Derek if you prefer.” Derek shook James’ hand and looked at his son. “By the way, couldn’t care less that you’re gay.”

  Derek smiled.

  ~*Chapter Seven*~

  Mateo leaned against the kitchen wall, watching as Riley rummaged through the cabinets in the kitchen as he hummed along to the music from the living room. His husband’s ass was bouncing up and down as he pulled out pots and pans. Mateo grinned as Riley bent over.

  God he loved that ass.

  It’d been a week since Edgar had been buried and Riley seemed at least a bit better. Seeing his parents together had given him a sense of peace, he guessed. He had apologized profusely to James – and Derek – for his accusations and aggressive behavior.

  Matty had gone through another growth spurt and now weighed fifteen pounds. Maggie was sound asleep in the crib down the hall while Matty was chasing the babble ball that Wyatt had given him.

  They were going to have their friends over tonight for dinner. It was Riley’s way of celebrating his parents’ lives, the birth of their twins and their transformation into werewolves. Sawyer and Troy were coming, as well as Wyatt and Preston, along with a few others from the group.

  Things were, well, weird ever since Riley’s parents had shown up. Mateo didn’t know if it was his new werewolf abilities, or something else – but something was different.

  He could hear most of the guys in his head and it had been annoying until Wayne had taught him how to turn it off. The fates and gods created an alpha every hundred and fifty years or so, according to Taber Maccon. Wayne would be in charge until Kane became of age to lead the packs.

  Something had been gnawing at him for a few days now and he couldn’t put his finger on it. Riley turned and Mateo smiled at him. Riley crossed the kitchen and stood in front of him.

  “Why do you look like that?” Riley searched Mateo’s eyes.

  “Is it wrong for me to watch my husband? I think you’re sexy.”

  You’re a good doggie!

  Matty slid across the kitchen floor as his talking ball bounced against the wall. Matty batted at the ball with his paw, sending it back through the kitchen and out into the living room. A bright light appeared in the kitchen corner and then Aidan took form.

  “Hi, Aidan!” Riley said cheerfully.

  “Hello,” Aidan smiled at both of them. “I’m just stopping in to say there’s a celebration going on up there,” Aidan pointed upwards. “Some, um, interesting things are going to be happening over the next week.”

  “Like what?” Riley asked.

  “Well, you know, loved ones long gone visiting? I think the fates and gods are appreciative of all of your hard work and are rewarding you the only way they know how. So, on that note, I’m off to warm some others.”

  “What do you mean warn?” Mateo cocked an eyebrow.

  “I think he means us.”

  Mateo spun around and backed into the wall with a shout.

  Riley’s eyes widened. A man and a woman were smiling at him and Mateo. Riley stepped forward and searched their faces.

  “You’re… Mateo’s parents. I can see him in both of you.” Riley said softly. The woman had hip-length black hair and the clearest green eyes; the man had jet black hair and hazel eyes. It was like looking at Mateo – but an older version.

  “It’s so good to meet you, Riley. I’m Adrianna and this is my husband, Romeo.” Adrianna smiled at the shocked look on her son’s face. “Oh come now, Mateo, it’s not like you haven’t seen other things just as freaky.”

  “Mom?” Mateo stepped away from the wall and approached his parents. He didn’t remember them very well, but the pictures he did have looked like the people in front of him. “Dad?”

  “Look at you, son. You grew up big and strong just like I always said you would. We’ve been around now and then, just keeping an eye out. You know that sixth sense you have?”

  Mateo nodded slowly.

  “That’d be me kicking you in your ass,” Romeo winked.

  Matty ran back through the kitchen and skidded right into Adrianna.

  “Look at my grandbaby!” Adrianna squealed in delight, picking him up. “Although, he’s a bit hairy.”

  Matty huffed.

  “You know about all this?” Mateo waved a hand in the
air. “Werewolves?”

  “We do keep some good company.” Romeo scratched behind Matty’s ear. “Can we see you as a human?”

  Adriana handed Matty over to Riley and he shifted immediately.

  “He’s so beautiful! Oh, Mateo, he looks just like you!” Adrianna clapped her hands together in delight. “I’m going to go see my granddaughter.”

  Adrianna disappeared.

  “She does that a lot.” Romeo smiled at his son with his husband. “I’m so proud of you, Mateo; I always have been. Your mother and I are so happy you found love with Riley.” Romeo turned his attention to the man at Mateo’s side. “You’ve been the best thing to ever happen to him. You’re a good man as well, Riley. We’ll never be too far away, and we will look in on you from time to time. I’m looking forward to seeing you all live a long, long life. Now, I’m going to go see my granddaughter.”

  Romeo disappeared and Riley looked over at Mateo. “This is—”

  “She’s so beautiful!” Adrianna reappeared.

  Riley jumped in surprise.

  “Sorry about that. She looks just like Margaret! It’s uncanny!”

  “You know my mom?” Riley whispered.

  “Of course I do,” Adrianna smiled and reached out to Riley’s face. “She loves you.”

  Warmth caressed his cheek, and Riley smiled. “Thank you so much.”

  Adrianna put her hands out to Mateo. He looked a bit uneasy. “I’m not going to bite you. I may spank you.” Adrianna grinned when Mateo scowled. “Come here.” Adrianna pulled Mateo into her arms and held him close. She had missed him so much. Romeo appeared and pulled Riley into their hug. Adrianna placed a kiss on Riley and Mateo’s cheeks, as well as Matty’s.

  “We have to go now.” Adrianna turned to Mateo. “I love you, Mateo. I always will. Just know that we wanted you so much. I couldn’t have children, and then you surprised us. A medical miracle they said,” Adrianna laughed. “You were meant to be. Take care of each other.”

  Mateo pulled himself together. He looked at his parents. “I miss you both. I love you, too.”

  “Be happy,” Adrianna said with a smile.


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