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Conquering Love (The Santorno Stories)

Page 24

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Stefan squeezed Phoebe’s hand and watched as the image moved. This was his baby. His flesh and blood rested inside the woman he loved. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  “I can’t determine the sex yet; besides, your child is not wanting to show anything.” Anna chuckled. “If I had to guess, though, I’d say it’s a boy.”

  “Really?” Phoebe smiled.

  “Don’t quote me on it. I’ll know more in a few more weeks.” Anna smiled.

  “Nope, it’s a boy.” Paul laughed. “I’m sticking to it.”

  Mark smacked his arm. “Stop that, whatever sex they are having is fine. Either way, he or she will be a Greystone-Youngblood.”

  “Wedding date?” Anna looked at them.

  “Next month, and you’d better come,” Phoebe told her, pointing her finger in warning.

  “I wouldn’t miss it.” Anna turned back to the screen and smiled. “I’m going to make pictures, who wants one?”

  Anna laughed when the sounds of “me” filled the room. Heath was so proud for his son, who was wearing a smile a mile wide. He hugged him hard and then grabbed Caleb as well. The little boy who had been kept from him by a vengeful mother was now going to be a father himself.

  Grandpa Stefan’s cell phone was ringing and he excused himself from the room, motioning to Lorenzo, Marco, and Antonio. He listened to the voice on the other end and looked up sharply, glancing at Max and Cameron in the room with the rest of the kids.

  He hung up and looked at Marco.

  “They know who they are; someone’s been asking around.” Stefan ran a hand through his hair. “This Vladimir guy, when he was hiring, he was telling people everything and it got back to the wrong ones. Shit.”

  “Bree and Melanie?” Antonio looked at Stefan; this could not be good.

  “Yes. Now the enemies have targets. Shit!” Stefan hit the wall.

  “What’s going on?” Sergio looked at them. “What’s wrong with Melanie and Bree?”

  Stefan filled him in. He even told him about Cameron and Max, which shocked Sergio, who hadn’t known.

  “Bree is in danger.” Sergio ran his hand through his hair. “I’m taking her to my house. Luka’s on his way back so he can stay with Melanie at the other one. What about Max and Cameron? Are you going to tell them the truth?”

  “No.” Stefan looked at him. “I’ll tell them there is a threat because they associate with us.”


  “It’s not my place, Antonio. It’s my father’s.”

  Lorenzo looked at them. “Jay and I will go to Malta and speak with Vlad.”

  “I’m going too.”

  Lorenzo eyed Viktoriya. “Jordan will not be pleased.”

  “And I always do what my boyfriend wants?” Viktoriya rolled her eyes. “I could be of use. Vlad likes me.”

  “Move the boys to the house down from us; make sure Toby and Jesse have guards,” Stefan directed Marco.

  “Why would they need guards?” Max had appeared as they were talking. “Did something happen?”

  Stefan cursed under his breath and looked at Max. It was hard; this was his brother and he was lying to his face. “Just being with us makes you a target, as well as whoever is with you. If you don’t want to stay here, I will understand.”

  “Hell, I’m not going anywhere. I walked into this with my eyes open and so did Jesse. Just make sure I’m armed, and I’m good.” Max winked.

  “Spoken like a true Santorno.” Sergio whispered to his dad. “We are training today Max; would you like to join us?” Sergio smiled.

  “I’m in.” Max smiled.

  “So am I.” Cameron stood behind him, smiling.

  “Well then, let us go.” Antonio smiled.

  Marco was impressed. Not only did they show an adept skill at the range but the hand-to-hand combat as well. Cameron’s size made him one hell of an opponent. He was in the ring with Sergio while Max watched. Sergio ducked his fist by inches and backed up, sending Cameron flying with a roundhouse kick. Cameron was back up in seconds.

  “Damn.” Toby watched him, he was shirtless and sweat was pouring down his chest.

  “I’m thinking you need a tattoo, Cameron,” Sergio called out.

  “Oh yeah?” Cameron smiled. “Of what?”

  “Maybe a scorpion. What do ya think?” Sergio watched him moving.

  “Sounds good.”

  Cameron ran at him and they collided with a loud crack. Sergio had him over his shoulder and he slammed him down with the lethal hit ready.

  “Good.” Sergio pulled him up.

  Cameron cracked his neck from side to side and looked at Sergio. “I think I need a lot more training.”

  “I can help with that.” Nikolai jumped into the ring.

  “Oh, hell no.” Cameron backed up.

  Sergio chuckled. “I won’t fight him either.”

  Nikolai pouted. “Max?”

  “Uh uh.” Max shook his head. “Hard pass.”

  “Pussies.” Colin laughed making his way into the ring with Nikolai.

  “Hey! That’s not fair, he’s your boyfriend!”

  Colin looked over his shoulder. “Not in the ring he’s not.”

  Even Marco’s mouth hung open; Colin and Nikolai were evenly matched. Whatever had happened in Russia with Colin and Nikolai when Vlad had attacked had been good for Colin. Nikolai had spent time training him after the accident and neither one landed any kicks or punches on each other. Finally, it was called a draw and Nikolai picked Colin up and kissed him.

  “You did so good!”

  “I avoided getting my ass kicked.” Colin laughed.

  “That’s just as important.” Nikolai laughed.

  Jake smiled and entered the ring. He stripped his shirt off and looked at Max, beckoning. “How about you and me?”

  Parker laughed. “Don’t let him fool you!”

  “Should I be afraid?” Max asked Kyle.

  “I’m going to take you next.” Dante winked.

  “Actually, you will be taking us all on.” James announced with Theo, Leo, and Tomas.

  “I’m not fighting Sergio.” Max smiled. “Or Luka.”

  “Luka has plans.” Sergio winked.

  Melanie was pacing the floor in the living room. She knew Luka’s plane had landed and she couldn’t sit still. Four months. Four months of being away from him. She had spoken to him twice and both times she had wanted to tell him she was in love. He was different from anyone she had ever known; he was sweet and caring and treated her like gold.

  He sent her flowers and cards, somehow even from the jungle. She heard a car pull into the driveway and her heart stopped in her chest.

  Luka looked at the house and smiled. He had missed her so much. He barely made it to the door when she flew out and ran into his arms. He held her close, loving the feel of her in his arms.

  “I missed you so much!” Melanie kissed his face everywhere.

  Luka gripped her hair at the base of her neck and kissed her. She whimpered and he walked toward the house keeping their lips fused. They entered the front room and Luka shut the door, picking her up and walking her down the hall.

  In the bedroom, Melanie took his shirt off and kissed and caressed his chest. Luka helped her take her shirt off and ran his hands over her smooth skin. He picked her up, putting her on the bed and undressed her.

  They made love slowly and it took everything he had not to come screaming. He’d had had sex before but it was nothing like this. More than once he had to stop and slow down, he wanted to please her, wanted this to be something she would always remember.

  They kissed and cuddled afterward. Luka had never felt like this before and it shocked him to his core. They had already talked about birth control and he knew she was on it; he was clean, always had been. Now as he looked at her, his first thought was of a baby and marriage and he had no idea why.

  “Are you okay?” she asked nervously. “You look like something’s wrong. Was it bad?”
br />   “Oh, God no!” Luka kissed her. “You were perfect.”

  “Really? I mean, I know you’ve had sex before.”

  “I’ve had sex, Melanie, I’ve never made love until now. I love you, Melanie.”

  Melanie began to cry. “You do?” she whispered.

  “Yes. I’m in love with you, Melanie Hoffman.” Luka kissed her as her arms went around his neck. “I’m sorry, are you all right? Did I hurt you?”

  Melanie smiled against his neck. “You love me.”

  “I do, very much.”

  Luka sweetly ran the tub putting her in it.

  “I’ll be right back.” Luka kissed her forehead.

  Melanie sat back in the hot water and sighed. Bree hadn’t lied, she was in so much pain it hurt to breathe. She looked down in the water and saw it turning pink.


  Luka ran back in. “What is it?”

  “Is that normal?” Melanie pointed to the water.

  “Shit.” Luka ran and called Jordan.

  Brett was over five minutes later. He examined Melanie with a gynecologist on the phone at the same time.

  Luka was pacing outside the door and Jordan smiled at him. “I don’t think you broke her.”

  “This isn’t funny.” Luka sighed. “What if I did?”

  Brett came out and Luka was on him in an instant.

  “Whoa, big guy.”

  “Is she all right?” Luka tried to see in the bedroom.

  “She has a small tear, that’s all. It will heal.” Brett smiled. “It happens.”

  “I’m never having sex again.” Luka sighed and sat down.

  “I heard that!” Melanie shouted from the bedroom.

  “I think you and Melanie need some quality time.” Jordan chuckled.

  “If you need anything just call okay?” Brett smiled. “Relax she’s okay.”

  Luka thanked them, walking them out.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Stop that, I’ll be fine.” Melanie pulled him down to her lips. “I love you too.”

  Luka backed up. “You do?”

  “Yes.” Melanie smiled. “Now come here.”

  Viktoriya accompanied Lorenzo and Jay, along with Marco and Antonio, to the prison in Malta. They stopped in with the guards and Antonio spoke with one of them while Viktoriya took in her surroundings. She felt Marco take her hand and she smiled at him.

  “Be prepared. Isabelle’s vindictive mother is in here.”

  “She is?” Vikki looked around.

  “Yes.” Marco ushered her forward when Antonio gave them the all clear sign.

  They moved down a row of empty cells and down a staircase. It seemed to go on forever and finally they emerged in what looked like a dungeon, cold and clammy. The walls were all concrete and lined with steel. Viktoriya heard a voice from down the hall.

  “It is about time. I am hungry.”

  Antonio chuckled. “It’s not your food, Sophia. You have guests.” They all heard a snort and then a cup flew through the bars.

  “Now, now.” Marco chuckled standing in front of her cell. “Behave. I thought you would be dead by now.”

  “I wish I was.” Sophia spat at him.

  Lorenzo gripped her hand through the bars. “Show some respect, Sophia.”

  “You are a beautiful man, Lorenzo.” Sophia smiled, looking at Jay. “He is too.”

  Viktoriya eyed her.

  “Sick bitch.”


  Viktoriya turned toward the voice and saw Vladimir looking through the bars of his cell or trying to.


  “It is you.” Vladimir smiled.

  Viktoriya went to his cell and motioned for Antonio to unlock it. He stood firm, shaking his head. Viktoriya looked up into his big gray eyes. “He won’t hurt me.”

  Antonio raised a brow at Vladimir. “If you so much as sneeze…”

  “Cross my heart.” Vladimir made the motion over his chest.

  Antonio unlocked the cell and he and Marco stood on either side watching everything. Lorenzo and Jay stood off to the side, guns drawn, ready for anything. Viktoriya sat down on the bed and Vladimir joined her, taking her hand.

  “You look good.” Vladimir smiled.

  “You don’t.” He looked pale and Viktoriya palmed his face. “Are you getting enough food?”

  “Yes, but I do not get enough sunlight.” Vladimir looked at her. “You are glowing.” He closed his eyes and shook his head clear. “You have had troubles, that is why you are here?”

  Viktoriya nodded. “Yes, people have been watching us suddenly. Who knows about us, Vlad?”

  Vladimir looked into her eyes. “I am sorry. I did not mean to put you in danger but you know about revenge; it clouds your judgment. Your uncle knows where you are, Viktoriya. I am afraid he will try to take you for money.” Viktoriya has been adopted by Andrei and Vince from an orphanage in Russia.

  Lorenzo stiffened and raised an eyebrow at Jay. If Viktoriya was exposed it would not take long before Max and Cameron were, as well as Colin. Vladimir shifted on the bed and palmed Viktoriya’s face.

  “I am sorry for the trouble I have caused. I wish I could fix it. Damon’s boys are in trouble as well as the Greystone boy.”

  “Damon’s?” Viktoriya looked confused. “You mean Tanner and Damon?”

  “No. I am talking about the elder Damon. His boys Max Remo and Cameron Dalton.” Vladimir looked at her. “You did not know?”

  Viktoriya shook her head. “No, I didn’t.”

  Vladimir sighed and smiled at her. “You must be careful. I was not lying when I said I cared, Viktoriya. Anton was not to kill you, he was to bring you to me.”


  “The man I sent to your house.”

  “Oh. Bob.” Viktoriya nodded.

  “Bob?” Vladimir looked confused then shook it off. “He was not to harm you. He was an amateur.” Vladimir sighed. “I will tell you whatever you want.”

  Viktoriya smiled. He looked like hell and he was still willing to help. She leaned in and kissed him softly. “Thank you.”

  Vladimir looked at her, eyes wide. “Why would you after what I have done?”

  “Because you are not the monster your father was.”

  Jay coughed softly looking at Lorenzo. “Let’s keep that to ourselves, shall we?”

  “She did what she said she would. He is telling us everything.” Lorenzo watched Vladimir with Viktoriya. “But I agree. Young Jordan does not need to know.”

  “No shit.” Jay chuckled.

  Summer was over and the kids were all back in school. Nikolai was a senior at the high school with the rest of the kids.

  Colin had gone back to college with Damon and Tanner, as well as Max and Cameron. They were all sitting in the grass at lunch time when a fellow student approached, eyeing Max and Cameron.

  “Well, who are these two?” Colton smiled, licking his lips.

  “Taken, asshole.” Cameron smiled at him. “Not to mention I’d rip your ass in half. What do you weigh? A buck twenty?”

  Max snickered. “Move along now.”

  “Colin, so good to see you. How’s your crazy boyfriend?” Colton purred, running his hand through Colin’s hair.

  “Dude, you seriously have a death wish.” Tanner shook his head.

  There was a low growl and Colin smiled. He didn’t even turn around. “Hey, Nik.” Colton’s fingers stopped in his hair.

  “He’s behind me, isn’t he?” Colton looked at the group.

  “Yep.” Damon smiled wide. “And he looks mad.”

  Colton turned around and looked into the black eyes of Nikolai Markov. “I was just leaving.”

  Nikolai crossed his arms. “Run, bitch.”

  They all cracked up as Colton ran toward the dorms. Nikolai sat down next to Colin and kissed him. “How’s my baby.”

  “I’m baby now?” Colin smiled and kissed Nikolai’s neck. “Half day of school?”

�Yep, and Toby Strong’s on his way here with Jesse Walker.” Nikolai smiled at Max’s face brightening up. “You are so far gone, dude.”

  Colin’s friend Ethan came out of the building and stopped. He wasn’t sure if he should be near Colin or not when Nikolai was around, but Colin waved him over. He came closer and Nikolai stood up. Ethan looked up at him, sure he was going to pee.

  “Um, Nikolai.”

  Nikolai put his hand out. “Thanks for being there for Colin when he got hit by that car. I won’t forget it, man.”

  Ethan took his hand and watched it disappear in Nikolai’s. He smiled when Nikolai didn’t crush his hand.

  “I was there; I did what I could. He asked for you right after.”

  “I did?” Colin looked up.

  “Yeah, you whispered his name and I told you I’d get him for you.” Ethan sat down and smiled. Colin was in love and the way Nikolai looked at him, he knew Nikolai was in love with Colin. They were so cute together.

  Max heard a loud whistle and turned to see Jesse heading toward them.


  Cameron turned and saw Toby, hopping up and running toward him, grabbing him and picking him up. He kissed him hard and held him close. “I missed you.”

  Toby felt the breath leave him and looked into Cameron’s gray eyes. “I missed you, too.”

  Jesse ran right into Max and felt himself being picked up. Then Max was kissing him and he held on as it became much more vigorous. He could feel Max tightening his grip and he pulled away gasping for air.


  Nikolai watched the scene with a smile. His eyes strayed toward the parking lot and he saw a man with binoculars. His eyes narrowed and he got up. The man saw him and started running.

  “Max!” Nikolai motioned to the parking lot.

  Max watched a guy running and he grabbed Cameron; all three of them taking off. Nikolai yelled at Damon. “Watch Colin!”

  By the time they got to the parking lot the guy was in his car and peeling out. Nikolai memorized the license plate number. They all watched the car leave and Max looked at Nikolai. “Who the fuck was that?”

  “I don’t know.” Nikolai looked over at the field of grass at Colin. “I don’t like it, though.”


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