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Fake Fiancée Truly Angel: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 5

by Claire Angel

  My heels clicked against the marbled floors as I made my way towards Asher’s office bringing him lunch. One of the messenger boys came from the direction of Asher’s office looking confused and once his eyes landed on me they widened.

  I went up to the messenger and asked him “Anything wrong?”

  He looked nervous by talking to me as he stuttered “Nothing Ms. Adams, it’s just that there’s a woman in Mr. Maxwell’s office screaming her head off. Mr. Maxwell looks extremely displeased with her presence.”

  “That’s definitely something for a nothing.” I said as my heart started beating nervously. I was overthinking that Asher could be hiding something from me or he could be already in love with another woman. I can’t entirely say another because he didn’t exactly say that he loves me.

  “Is it wise to enter the office?” I asked the messenger boy. He glanced at the direction of the office and back at me and gave a stiff nod. I smiled in thanks as I continued walking towards Asher’s office.

  When I got closer to the office I literally heard shrieks of a woman. Her voice was extremely high-pitched that it was uncomfortable listening to it. Without knocking I entered the office which caught the attention of Asher and the woman.

  The woman wasn’t very beautiful but she did have a high sex-appeal. She had pale blonde hair that was curled around her neck. Her blue eyes glared daggers at me as her thin plucked eyebrows raised at me. She was thin but had large hips that emphasized her butt. But she wasn’t gifted in the rack department.

  She wore a tight black dress and black strappy heels almost like she was about to attend a funeral that stopped right below her knees. She had on a bright red lipstick with makeup but she didn’t look ugly in it. In fact, she looked pretty and sophisticated.

  “Who the fuck are you?” she snapped.

  “Angel, I can explain.” Asher said calmly.

  “Oh… so you’re Angel. The new secretary and the fiancé.” she said. When she said new secretary only one woman came into mind, the one who broke Asher. Was this really her? When Asher’s butler said she looked the total opposite of me he didn’t exaggerate. She looked nothing like me.

  “And why are you here?” I managed to ask with malice lacing my voice. Asher’s eyes widened as she quickly said “There’s no need to…” But the woman before me smirked and snapped “Shut up.”

  “I have every right to be here.” she said which made me even angrier. My fists clenched tightly as I growled fiercely “I want you to leave this office and never come back.”

  “Ooh! Is that a threat?” she asked as she stepped forward. I also stepped forward so we were only inches apart. I then replied to her “It’s a promise.” I can hear Asher sigh in the background, I can only imagine how hard it must be for him now.

  “And why do you want me gone, jealous?” she asked. Her question absolutely ticked me off. She’s acting as if she never hurt Asher and that’s what pissed me off. My eyes narrowed dangerously at her and I said “Because you can’t just barge back into Asher’s life after everything you’ve done to him. If you don’t leave Asher alone I swear to the great being above that by the time I’m done with you, you won’t be able to bat those pretty eyes of yours.”

  A silent argument between our eyes filled the room. The tension was high when all of a sudden the woman in front of me burst out laughing. This made me look at her in confusion.

  “Oh, I can see why you like her Asher.” the woman spoke.

  “Now you can understand why.” Asher replied. I looked over at Asher who sat at his desk with a huge smirk painted on his face, looking like the most satisfied man on the earth. I wanted to feel anger and pain in this situation, was I being tricked? But I was mostly confused.

  “I’m lost.” I confessed as I stared at the two people in the room who looked at me like I was entertainment. Asher laughed merrily and said “If you’d only listen but when it comes to me you never do.” As he gave out a sigh. He stood up from his desk and walked over to the woman.

  “Angel I want you to meet my older sister… like way older sister.” he teased the woman as she scowled and elbowed Asher in the ribs. “You’re one to talk,” the woman said as she turned to face me. “Hi Angel, I’m Sally Pierce. Asher’s sister. When I heard that my brother is engaged I knew I had to come and meet her even if I live in Alaska with my husband and kids. I just couldn’t…” but she trailed off as she noticed my expression.


  Oh gosh.

  I’ve never felt more embarrassed in my life. I wanted to run out of the building and hide somewhere safe. Not only did I embarrass myself in front of Asher but he had a freaking relative in the room and I acted all rude towards her thinking she was the woman who broke Asher’s heart.

  The ground can swallow me any moment now.

  “Oh dear, I’m going to give you and Asher some time since you look like you’re about to breakdown.” she said politely with a slight concerned look. She swatted Asher’s shoulder and scolded him “Why didn’t you tell her I was your sister right away? You scared her.” Asher held his arms up in surrender and said “I was enjoying this as much as you were.” Both siblings smirked and that’s when I noticed their similarities.

  Although, Sally had a paler color of blonde and had a darker shade of blue to her eyes still they both had few similarities. If only I didn’t let my mouth go ahead of me then I would’ve been fine.

  Sally told me that she wanted to get to know me after Asher has calmed me down since I looked as if I’ve seen a ghost.

  When Sally was out of the room. Asher cupped my face and pressed a loving kiss on my lips. “Silly Angel, I’d never let that woman into my office.” he was talking about the woman who broke his heart. He kissed the tip of my nose and said “I only love you and will always love you.”

  He then pulled me into an embrace when he added “Though I do admire how far you’ll go for me.” As he winked at me which made me smirk and playfully swat his shoulder. In his arms is where I truly belong, where I feel safe, and finally where I can finally say I’m his.

  After meeting Asher’s sister we both agreed that we would go and meet his parents. I was extremely nervous. I’m still all new to this and here I was meeting the love of my life’s parents wearing an engagement ring. To think that this was all for pretend before, now it’s the real deal.

  I couldn’t sleep last night but thanks to another round of hot and heated sex with Asher I was able to exhaust myself to sleep. Asher kept teasing me that I wasn’t able to sleep without a visit from his dick.

  We traveled to his parent’s home. The whole journey was nerve-wrecking. My palms were sweating like crazy and Asher assured me that his parents would love me. Sally, his only sibling absolutely adored me. She told me that I was opposite from the girl I mistaken her for.

  Apparently, Sally has met her and told me that she wouldn’t have the balls to crawl back to Asher. We were standing outside a large house that seemed to have a large farm in the back. We were somewhere in upstate New York.

  Asher noticed that was a nervous wreck and grabbed his hands in his. “You’re going to be fine Angel, just be yourself.” he tried calming me down but not even his words were helping. We were standing right in front of the door but before we could knock or ring the doorbell Asher did something completely unexpected.

  He kissed me.


  His lips were soft and warm as usual. They moved together with mine almost naturally. Even months after being with Asher and getting used to his presence, but no matter how many times I’ve kissed these lips I could never get used to it. It brought flutters to my stomach and made my go absolutely blank.

  He licked my bottom lip like he always does. He even admitted that he was addicted to licking my lips. And I didn’t mind because when it came to those lips of his I’m not one to complain. He can do any sinful action with those lips of his to me and I will be willingly accepting.

  When he wet my dried lips h
e gently sucked on the lower lip making me moan. I quickly pushed him away and said “Your parents could be on the other side of this door.”

  He chuckled and teased “Or they could be out in the field.” He wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me closely to him. My body pressed against his felt absolutely natural, but I never get tired of it.

  He started peppering kisses along my jaw and no matter how I try to squirm out of his hold I just can never seem to escape him. He had a strong hold one me and he refused to let go. His hands roamed my body giving a few squeezes here and there sometimes he would make me silently moan.

  He kissed the corner of my lips and licked it. He pulled away and stared at me with those beautiful sky-blue eyes of his. I couldn’t help but stare back at them not having the strength to tear my gaze away.

  “See… you’re not nervous anymore.” he pointed out. My eyes widened as I notice that my heart was now calm and one of my hands were entwined with his. He smirked knowing he was right. After all this time being nervous and trying different methods to calm my racing heart only for it to be tamed by a simple kiss.

  I blame it on Asher and those lips of his.

  His kiss.

  My kiss.

  Chapter 10


  3 months later…

  Her laughter is so angelic, full of innocence. Whenever I hear this tingly laughter of hers I can’t help but put on a smile, my angel. She ran across my parent’s backyard with my nieces and nephews chasing her.

  It’s our third time visiting my family, and I don’t know whether I should be worried of overjoyed. Overjoyed because my family accepts and loves Angel or worried because they’re taking her attention away from me. The moment my parents laid eyes on Angel they practically tackled her into a bear hug.

  She made the house feel warm and welcoming unlike it was before. Whenever I visited my parents alone they would complain how I made the house feel cold and distant, but with Angel by my side it’s a whole different story. The house would be filled with laughter and smiles, it was a new sensation that I welcome full-heartedly.

  Suddenly Angel and my sister’s children squealed as the sprinklers turned on. I couldn’t help myself once more as I stared at Angel who had a wide smile on her face as she lifted up one of my nieces. The thought of having a child with Angel suddenly came to mind, it filled my heart with an even greater warmth. To see a creation made by Angel and I with love.

  “You really do love her, don’t you?” my mother startled me with her question as she popped beside me out of nowhere. I turned towards her to see her gaze upon Angel with a loving smile on her face. I quickly erased the loving expression on my face and replaced it with a scowl as I answered her “Of course I do mother, why on earth would I ask her to marry me?”

  Mother suddenly scowled as she whacked me a magazine that also popped out of nowhere. “Don’t you dare use that tone on me young man. You may have your own home and pay your own bills but I’m still your mom. I can still give you a good spanking even if I have to do it in front of your future wife.” She scolded me.

  Her scowl faded back to her loving smile as she stared at Angel.

  “Besides, it’s okay to show your love towards the one you love the most. Even if you brought her three times doesn’t mean I forgive you.” she sternly said. She was talking about those three months when I was in a fake engagement with Angel. Not taking Angel to meet my parents was a huge mistake. I knew that they would know that I’m engaged because of the news. I thought that would’ve satisfied them until I prepared Angel to meet them.

  Knowing my parents, they must be behind why Sally popped into my office unexpectedly. My parents wouldn’t travel all the way to the city because they love the peace and quiet unlike the city. Sally being the nosy sister that she is, all you need to do is flash her some cash and a free airline ticket and she’ll go wherever you tell her to.

  “I told you mother, I was busy.” I gave her my excuse.

  She glared at me and said “I carried you in my stomach for nine months and took care of you until you were able to stand on your own but I was never too busy for you.” I sighed knowing I wasn’t ever going to win an argument against this woman.

  Suddenly someone wet crashed against me. By hearing her laugh I knew it was Angel. “Come on Asher, join us.” she said as she looked up at me. I looked over to my sister’s children to see them covered in mud. I looked back at Angel and said “Tempting offer, but I’m having an important talk with my mother.”

  Mother scoffed as she said “Important? I’m getting tired of the same excuses Asher. Go play with your fiancé.” When I tried to walk away my mother pushed me towards Angel while Angel started dragging me towards the sprinkling water and muddy children.

  Next thing I knew I was part of their game, but what shook me was how much laughter was coming out of my mouth. I felt free like clipped wings that suddenly have been set free. I was soaked from head to toe and covered in mud. I didn’t mind.

  I ran over towards Angel, catching her off guard, as I lifted her up by her waist. It was like everything was happening in slow motion as she stared at me with such love and adoration. Our play was suddenly interrupted by Sally as she told her children that if they stayed soaked for too long they’ll get sick since their bodies haven’t fully developed.

  In the end it was I who got sick.

  We ended up staying the night at my parent’s house. Sally and Angel were out buying groceries while I got sick. So Angel doesn’t know that I’m sick yet. I was actually quite interested how she would react. I had a picture of Angel wearing a sexy nurse outfit while she nurse me back to health.

  I chuckled to myself but it instantly made me cough. I was freezing yet at the same time warm underneath my blanket. I was used to being alone when I’m sick and it usually took me a week to get better since I would still work even when I’m sick.

  I heard quick footsteps coming towards the room that I shared with Angel, and I instantly smirked to myself, expecting my nurse to come and save the day with that wondrous smile of hers. The door slammed open but my smirk immediately disappeared at the distraught appearance of Angel.

  Sweat was rolling down her face in big drops, her eyes seemed to glisten with unshed tears, and she was breathing rather heavily. I bolted up in my bed which caused me to cough some more and shiver a bit. She ran towards me and literally pushed me back down and said “You need to rest.”

  She seemed out of breath and I asked her “Did you just walk here or something?” But she ignored my question as she put her head against mine to check my temperature. “Your mother is right, you’re burning up.” She commented as she started dashing around the room getting more blankets and even put a wet towel on my head.

  What worried me was her serious expression that’s also filled with nothing but concern.

  “Angel, what’s the matter?” I asked her.

  She looked back at me with a scowl and said “Are you serious? You’re sick Asher.”

  “I just have a fever it’s not like I’m going to die.” the moment I said those words her face painted a new expression that I’ve never seen before. Sorrow and grief. I outstretched my arm towards her to caress her face and said “I’m seriously fine.”

  “That’s what she said.” she whispered so lowly that I almost couldn’t hear.

  “What do you mean?” I asked but she quickly shook her head. She turned towards me and said “Get some sleep, I’ll make you something to eat and I’ll get your medicine.” Before I could say another word she’s already out of my room. I sighed to myself, already missing her.

  I don’t know when I fell asleep but the next moment I opened my eyes Angel was in different clothes as she held a tray of delicious food. I felt a bit better but still felt a bit groggy. She smiled towards me and said “I made you some chicken soup with mushrooms, and I got your medicine.” As she removed the wet towel from my head.

  I managed to sit back against the bedframe as
I expected Angel to give me the tray of food but instead she started feeding me.

  “Say ah.” she said as she also opened her mouth and held the spoon full of soup in front of my mouth. I opened my mouth and practically moaned at how delicious her soup is. “Where did you learn how to cook this?” I asked. She smiled and said “My grandma did, she raised me ever since I was little.”

  “What about your parents?” I asked.

  After spending all this time with Angel, she’s never talked about her parents. I suddenly felt bad for not knowing anything about her parents. Her eyes looked downwards in sadness as her hands slumped against her sides.

  “My dad passed away when I was a baby. My mom said he died from a car accident. I never felt sad about it because every time my mom talked about him, her eyes would glisten with absolute happiness,” she said. I was captivated by her sparkling grey eyes. Pride and joy seemed to be shining from her eyes but they quickly faded as she continued the story.

  “I was just six-years-old when I saw my mom coughing out blood. She worked three jobs everyday just to keep me happy and healthy. She even made sure she had time for me. I always asked her if she was alright… and she would reply that she is. I was young so I believed her,

  I didn’t notice at the time how her eyes held dark circles and enormous bags. Nor did I notice how tired she had gotten every day. If only I would have noticed sooner then maybe I could’ve helped her. Then maybe, just maybe she would’ve come home that night.” she said as her fist clenched tightly and a lone tear escaped her eyes without her even blinking.

  Before I even know it I wrapped my arms around her and brought her close to me. She stiffened at first but then soon melted into my arms. My heart ached that she had to go through that. I can’t even imagined how she felt during those times.

  I wanted nothing more than to embrace her worries away and kiss her sadness off of her heart. I then realized why she’s distraught and worried that I’m sick, I reminded her of her mother. I pulled away from my angel as I cupped her face and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.


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