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His to Protect

Page 4

by S Alexander

  “Food synthesizer? I could use one at home. That would save me hours’ worth cooking.”

  “Wait here. I’ll go get some food.”

  “Don’t leave me here by myself,” she says. Jessica approaches me and takes my hand in her palms. “Ka’el, I’m scared.”

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry. You need food to survive. Just stay inside this room and do not go anywhere. You’ll be safe in here.” I assure her everything will be all right. I cannot take her with me. She might get attacked by the creature and I couldn’t bear the thought of anything bad happening to her.

  “Do not exit the chamber, Jessica!” I head toward the exit and press a button on the left side. The doors slide open and I move along the unlit corridors. They abandoned this place a long time ago, but the technology still works. I reach the main entrance and go outside, heading for my spacecraft. I can’t waste any moment to get back to my female, but a loud sigh escapes my mouth. The creature I want to hunt is very hard to find. Valkrya is an almost bare planet, its life forms being on the verge of extinction for many years. If it hadn’t been for our kahuni, I don’t think my race would have made it. I instruct the autopilot to take off and head south-east. I activate the scanning device and watch the holographic screen for any signs of movement.

  I fly without a specific route. I wander over the dry land beneath, hoping to find anything that would make a satisfying meal for my mate. She hasn’t eaten in a while and it’s starting to get to her. She cannot survive much longer. I wish I could find a food synthesizer but this is new technology and we can’t find it in the old city.

  My breath quickens and my muscle tense as I continue to wander over the surface of the planet with minor success. It’s disheartening.

  “Movement detected,” the computer says in a high pitch voice.

  I prepare the craft for landing. I clench my fists and breathe in and out. “I have to find this bloody creature!” The aircraft lands safely on the surface and I get off looking everywhere for any sign of the beast. I can even smell it. I know it’s near and I know it can sense me too. They’re smart creatures, but I’m smarter. I move slowly, paying attention to any sound or movement. Jessica needs something to eat, and I’d risk anything for her. I need to protect her. I need to take care of her. She’s my mate now, and she has to get her strength back. It would be so much easier if the Council accepted her as my mate, but that would never happen. The cowards are too afraid to stand up to the Queen.

  A loud growl makes its way to my ears. The creature is behind me, ready to charge. It grits its teeth and scratches its claws on the ground before going forward in a forceful attack stance. I draw my weapon and point it to the head of the beast. It only takes a sec to pull the trigger, and the beast drops dead to the ground, its black blood splashing on my face. Now I must cut the carcass open and cut out its two hearts. The heart tastes best, its meat tender and sweet. I hope Jessica likes it.

  Chapter 6


  There is so much silence in here. I don't like it. I wish Ka'el hadn't left me here all alone. But I am so hungry. My stomach makes weird sounds and I feel so much hungrier now that I'm thinking about food. Making love to the alien made me forget about it for a while. And that's an understatement. It swept me off my feet, bringing me to a blissful state of ultimate pleasure. Feeling him inside me gave me sensations I've never felt before. He called me his mate and come to think about it that doesn't sound so bad as in the beginning. I'm somebody's mate and strangely it comforts me. But where is he?

  I remember my backpack had a few energy bars hidden in the front pocket. Full of hope, I stand and look around. There's no sign of it anywhere. I can't find it and that only makes my frustration rise. I walk around the room trying to take my mind off the hunger. I gaze at the hundreds of drawings on the walls, drawings so similar to those in the Mayan pyramid. Come to think about it, it’s so ironic… I wanted to know the truth about those drawings and now I’m standing right here in an ancient building on an alien planet, looking at those exact drawings. I sigh and think about my hard work on Earth, about the years I’ve spent searching for this. All the stories about alien ships and abductions are true. It’s scary when you think about it. All those people claiming to have seen aliens were right all the time, and I thought them crazy.

  I wonder what happened to Emma. I could never forget myself if something bad happened to her. I rub my face with my hands and scream as loud as I can. “What have I done?” I dragged her, us into this and it’s my fault. It’s all my fault. She never wanted to come, and I asked her to do it. My body is shaking uncontrollably and my vision becomes blurred. I need to sit down. I return to the furs laid on the floor and collapse, burying my face in my palms. I sob and cry because I see no way out. I can’t think of a way to save her, to save us both.

  My heart stops as loud voices reach my ears from the other side of the doors. The sound of footsteps becomes louder and louder and in an instant, the doors slide open. I can’t breathe… I’m paralyzed with fear. My body remains still, my eyes bulging with terror. An alien male enters the room. Behind him, other five males follow. They’re all as tall and massive as Ka’el and they’re heading straight for me. The one in the front looks like the alien Ka’el called Veekhal.

  “Do not move, female!” He orders me and points an oval-shaped object at me. It must be a weapon of some kind. I remember seeing the same thing when Ka’el used it to save me. I freeze and don’t move a muscle. I close my eyes and hope everything is just a dreadful dream and nothing is real. Reality strikes. “Get up, female,” he shouts at me, his words ringing loud in my ears.

  “Don’t hurt me,” I say not in English but in their language. “Please don’t hurt me,” I beg him and try to stand but my legs just don’t seem to listen anymore. I fall to my hands and knees. The alien remains still, shocked when I speak to him in his language.

  “She speaks our language,” he turns to the other aliens. “How do you speak our language?” He demands to know in an angry voice. He comes near and grabs my arm, forcing my body to stand. His force is incredible, and it almost feels like he lifted me off the floor like he lifted a feather. I lower my gaze and turn my head around. “I don’t know… I don’t know.”

  “I order you to tell me… you inferior being.” His words seem so full of hate and anger. I turn my head again, this time my gaze meeting his. “I said I don’t know you fucking alien. Leave me alone!” I scream at him out of desperation and spit him in the face. His face distorts from the anger, his eyebrows frowning in a menacing way. He raises his hand and hits me with such force that he throws me flying to the side. My face burns from the hit and I can feel drops of blood flowing from the corner of my mouth down to my chest. It hurts so much.

  “You little bitch… how dare you do that?” He gets near again and grabs the back of my neck, squeezing so hard I almost choke.

  “Veekhal, you’re killing her and the Queen wants her alive.” One of the other aliens tells Veekhal. Without saying another word, he drops me and I fall on the floor, gasping for air.

  “Get her and let’s go back to the ship before I turn this low life into dust,” Veekhal tells the others. Two males approach me and grab me by my arms, putting some kind of cuffing device to my hands. I refuse to move, but I’m powerless to their force. “Where is Ka’el, female?” he asks as the others drag me toward the exit. I can barely move my feet, my cheek burns so much, every inch of my body aching with pain from the hit. Where is Ka’el? They’re gonna kill me. My life flashes before my eyes in an instant. No, I don’t want to die… I can’t die…

  I don't have it in me to fight back. I'm too weak and exhausted, so I just let myself be dragged to the ship by the alien males. This ship is much bigger than Ka'el's. In fact, it's ten times bigger. The two males lead me along the corridors until we reach a metal door. "What are you gonna do to me? Where are you taking me?"

  "Shut up female!" one of the male groans and puts his palm in fro
nt of the door and it opens. They release my hands and push me inside this room… this empty white room. There's a bed that seems to slide from the wall and that's about all there is. It's a cell. I'm locked up in a cell. I fall to the floor and let my body lay restless, my eyes closed.

  I don't dare to open my eyes. My muscles shake so hard and my heart just pumps so fast I can feel the blood pulsing in my veins.

  "Eat this!" The door slides open and an alien throws in a plate with some food, then shuts the door. I struggle to get up, but I can barely stay on my hands and knees. The bruises ache, the burning in my flesh a reminder of Veekhal's hit. I reach for the plate, dragging it closer. The mushy jello on the plate does not appeal to me, but I take a small piece with my fingers and try it. Its texture is strange, but it tastes like chicken meat. I take another piece and shove it in my mouth. It’s not the best, but it’s FOOD. I finish everything on the plate and push it aside. I’m full.

  I force myself up and drag my bruised body to the bed. I get on it and lay restless on the hard surface. I curl my body, grabbing my knees with my hands and close my eyes. Everything is quiet… too quiet. My heart drums in my chest, a shiver of cold making goosebumps on my skin. I squeeze my knees harder, bringing them to my chest. What will they do to me? Are they gonna kill me? I remember what the other told Veekhal: the Queen wants her alive… Why? What do they want with me? I try not to think about it and breathe in and out, slowly in and out. My heart slows down and I don’t shiver anymore.


  "Get up female! We're in Hellion and the queen wishes to see you," the loud voice of an alien soldier wakes me. It's all real; it's not just a bad dream. I struggle to push my eyelids up and turn my head to the door. An alien male stands a few feet away from me. This one's a darker shade of blue, his hair white and tied in a topknot. "Are you deaf? I told you to get up." He comes closer and grabs me by my arm, forcing me to stand. I bite my lower lip and squeeze my eyes, trying to ignore the pain in my body. I cannot. My body aches all over and I can barely keep my balance.

  "You're hurting me! Let me go," I say. Ignoring my cries, the alien drags me toward the exit. We're on the dark corridor and Veekhal's voice rings loudly from the other end: "Heddar, bring the fucking female already!"

  "Here she is," the dark blue male says. He pushes me and I almost trip over. "Move!"

  Chapter 7


  I hold the creature's heart in my hand and watch the blood flowing down through my fingers. It brings memories of the war with the Brakkhalii, a warrior race who tried to take over Valkrya 10 moons ago. It was a bloody war, and they almost won, but I fought with my bare hands for my people.

  The two suns are shining brightly up in the sky and I make my way back to the aircraft. "Open the door," I instruct the computer through my wrist communication device. I must return to Jessica. She's alone, and she's scared. The creature's heart will make an excellent meal for her. I bite a small piece and entertain my taste buds with the sweet taste of raw meat. I almost forgot the amazing aroma.

  Inside the craft, I put the heart in the freezing box to keep it fresh. Air makes its sweetness fade. I instruct the autopilot to start the engines and take off. “Full speed to the Old City.” I keep watching the holographic screen as the craft approaches destination. I’m almost there. I tap my finger on the control panel, waiting for the ship to prepare for landing. “Destination reached,” the autopilot says. A breath of relief escapes my mouth. I hope the female is safe. I gave her instructions to remain in the room, but I have my doubts. She likes to challenge me and show me she’s independent. She got really upset with me calling her my mate so I stopped. But she is my MATE and mine to protect and honor. My kahuni flickers as I descend from the ship. I’m almost there... just need to make my way through the ruins and into the building to my left. This one is almost in perfect condition.

  I hold my right hand up and place it in front of the wall sensor. The sliding doors open and I enter the room in which I left Jessica. My eyes bulge and my temples pulse as I look all sides searching for her. She’s not here. She’s GONE. I get near the furs and a few drops of blood get my attention. I reach for the floor and wipe the blood with my finger. I inhale and sense her. It’s hers. It’s her blood. “Jessica,” I shout from the depths of my soul. I kick the furs projecting them to the wall and bang my fists on the floor. They’ve got her. I shouldn’t have left her alone. I clench my fists as hard as I can, my claws piercing my skin. I’ll kill them all if they touched even a single hair of hers. I’ll cut their heart out and shove it in their mouths. My vision blurs and all I can think about is my female being taken away from me.

  The sound of sliding doors reaches my ears. I turn my head and I see Anil’ha going through the door. With a fast sway, I turn and reach him, grabbing his neck with my hand. “Where is she? Tell me or I’ll break your neck,” I groan and push him into the wall, my fingers feeling his blood pumping through the veins. I reach for my weapon with my other hand and point it to his temple, my right hand still clenched over his throat.

  “Stop! Stop! You’re killing me,” he says, gasping for air. His eyes bulge as if wanting to escape his orbits.

  “What have you done to her?” I release my grip for a moment, allowing him to take a quick breath. “It wasn’t me,” he says and tries to escape my grip. The more he tries, the harder I squeeze. “Who took her?”

  “It was Veekhal. The Council sent him. The Queen wants the female. And they’re looking for you too.”

  I release my grip and let him fall to the ground. He coughs and gasps for air for a few moments before coming to his senses. I keep my weapon pointed at him and take a step back. “What do they want with her? Tell me. How do I know you’re not lying?”

  “Ka’el, trust me! I’m on your side.” He looks straight into my eyes and puts his hand out. I grab his hand and help him stand.

  “It didn’t look like you’re on my side when we found the females. What happened to the other female?” I put down my weapon and look at him, my brows joined in a frown.

  “Veehkal took her to the Council, and the Queen entered her in the Breeding Program. She wants to do the same to the one with red hair.” I flare my nostrils and clench my fists hard, my heart pounding in my chest. Breeding? I couldn’t bear the thought of another male breeding Jessica. She’s mine and should not be touched by another.

  “Was the other female already mated with a male?” I ask.

  “Not yet. She’s in a cell in the breeding facility. The doctors put her under observation to see if she could carry a Valkryan offspring. After so many failed attempts, they are positive about these alien females. You should know the procedure, Ka’el. You’re in charge of this program,” Anil’ha says.

  “I hope for their sake they have done nothing to MY female. She’s mine, you hear me? We must go now. You’re with me in this or you’re dead. Your choice.” I grab his chin and tilt his head backward. “Those against me will die.” Anil’ha lowers his eyes to the ground and nods his head. “I wouldn’t be here if I were against you.”

  “So be it. Just a warning, Anil’ha. If you’re lying to me and you’re still the Council’s pawn, you’ll be begging me to end your life.” Anil’ha nods his head. He knows me and he knows what I’m capable of. Yes, I am… was in charge of the breeding program. There are so few Valkryan females left fertile that our civilization will cease to exist in 100 moons. I abducted females of different races, searching for those that could carry a pregnancy to full term. All attempts failed. I did this for us, for Valkrya, for the future of our race. But this time… it’s different. This female, Jessica, is special to me. She brings out the best in me and she’s mine to mate, mine to protect.

  Chapter 8


  The alien pushes me and we walk along the corridor until we reach Veekhal. He frowns and groans in this throat language of theirs. “Move female!”

  “Kneel,” the other alien orders me and rests his hand on my sh
oulder, pushing my body to the floor. I fall to my knees and hands, my head touching Veekhal’s legs. “Get up now and move! The Queen is expecting you,” he says, clenching his fists. He reaches for my arm and grabs it, forcing my body up. His squeeze hurts my arm and I bite my lip not to cry. My heart pounds in my chest so hard, my muscles shaking. I start to shiver and drag my legs, trying to keep the pace. I never imagined this would ever happen. Why is this happening to me? I don’t want to end up dead on this planet. Ka’el, where are you?

  “I’m moving. Stop dragging me like this. You’re hurting me,” I tell Veekhal.

  “Shut up, female,” he orders me. If gazes could kill, I would be dead by now. I don’t speak another word. We reach the Council building. My eyes hurt from the light reflecting in its metal walls. It’s beautiful. It stands tall, towering over the other buildings of the city. The Queen must be here… and she’s expecting me. My breath quickens and my stomach clenches. I gag and feel like throwing up. I stop for a second to get to my senses, but Veekhal pulls my arm harder. “No time to rest.”

  “Fuck you,” I shout to him. I hate him; I hate this fucking planet and I hate myself for dragging Emma into this. I imagine the worse. She’s probably dead and death is what awaits for me too.

  “Maybe I’ll fuck YOU… and breed you,” he groans. We arrive at the entrance and as soon as we approach the doors, they slide open. Inside, four males bow their heads to Veekhal. “The Queen is expecting me,” Veekhal says to the males.

  “All clear,” one of them says. “You may go in commander Veekhal.”


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