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Page 29

by Ford, Brynn

  I forced my frustration, my rage, my shame, my insecurities, all of it into hiding so I could man up and give my girl what she needed from me.

  Swinging her around, I spun Desi and pulled her into my side with my arm around her waist, extending my hand to Law when he approached. He looked a little surprised, but shook it firmly, nonetheless.

  “Good to see you, Vaughn.”

  I didn’t say anything, but offered a polite smile instead.

  “I’m glad you both came tonight,” he was looking at Desi when he said it and my inner alpha roared.

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d address me rather than her.”

  Desi’s fingertips dug into my lower back where her hand rested and we looked at each other at the same time. I thought for sure I’d be met with angry eyes and a chastising tone for being misogynistic. Instead I was met with an amused expression and a silent shake of her head. She was letting me have control in this awkward situation and I fucking thrived on it.

  I shouldn’t have been surprised that Law understood that request, given that his whole life seemed to be revolved around relationship power dynamics.

  He looked away from Desi immediately and spoke directly to me, “Of course, Vaughn. My apologies,” his lips curled into a smile as he nodded his approval.

  “So what’s the plan tonight?” I looked down at Des expectantly.

  She spoke nervously, “We could have a drink and talk first or go downstairs or…” she said it as if it wasn’t the end of the sentence, discomfort and uncertainty rising in her tone.

  It was adorable to see her so flustered.

  I held her tighter to my side, “I say you don’t give me a chance to drag you kicking and screaming from this place in a possessive rage. Let’s just jump right in and see what happens,” I said to Desi, then to Law, “You got my paperwork? We’re good?”

  “Yes. We’re good to go."

  Desi let out a nervous breath, “Oh, boy.”

  I smiled at just how cute she was in the way she said that. I hugged her, pressing my lips to her ear, “It’s all good, baby, I’ve got you. We’ll have fun, I promise.”

  She relaxed in my arms, looking up at me with her teeth catching her bottom lip, “No fighting, just fun, right? You promised.”

  “I promised, I know. Mind open.”

  * * * * *

  “Nonverbal communication is far more important than any safeword,” Law explained, “It speaks volumes more than the words that come out of her mouth,” he lifted his glass, tilting it toward us to indicate Desi, “Bottoms don’t always make the best decisions for themselves in the moment. They could tell you one thing with their words but say something different with their bodies. The body doesn’t lie like the mind does.”

  Desi sat with her legs draped across mine in an oversized, black leather armchair toward the back of the club. Her ass was wedged between my hip and the side armrest and her hands wrapped around my neck, her fingertips brushing lightly back and forth across my skin.

  “Okay,” I leaned forward to place my nearly empty beer on the coffee table in front of us, forcing Desi to bend with me before I sat back again, “I’ll bite. What do you think she’s speaking volumes about right now?”

  “Do you want to hear what I know? Or do you want to tell me what you think you see?”

  “I’ll tell you what I see,” I turned to flash her a bright smile and saw her watching me intently, “She’s nervous as hell about you and I sitting here talking to each other.”

  Desi shifted on my lap, giving me every indication that I was right, though she continued to follow the rule Law and I asked her to follow, not speaking a word while we talked.

  “You’re absolutely right about that, Vaughn, but that’s just an assumption based on your intuition. Her body language isn’t what’s telling you that.”

  “Okay, enlighten me, then.”

  “You know intuitively that this conversation is distressing for her. You can feel it because you know her and it makes sense given how we got to this point,” Law leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, “But body language is about reading the subtleties that you see.”

  “For instance?”

  “For instance,” he started, “She refuses to make direct eye contact with either of us unless we speak to her. It tells me she’s let go of control and is waiting for direction. Which is good, because that’s how a submissive should behave. Most dominants would stop reading her right there, recognizing that as good behavior. But personally, I would choose to punish her right now because the incessant way she’s shaking her foot tells me she’s waiting for that direction rather impatiently. That flick of her foot is rather rude. But I’m probably more particular than any typical dominant.”

  Desi’s foot suddenly stopped against my leg and she pursed her lips.

  “She’s physically clinging to you by the neck, which could indicate one of three things. It could indicate that she’s claiming you from that red head over there whose been ogling you since you walked in."

  I turned my head to look in the direction he indicated.

  “She didn’t flinch or look away just now, so that’s not it,” Law inferred, “It could be that she just doesn’t know what to do with her hands, but I don’t think that’s it either. No. She’s trying to keep you from running away.”

  Desi rested her forehead against the side of my face, hiding her eyes from me. I slid my hand up from around her back to wrap around the side of her neck, rubbing my thumb reassuringly back and forth behind her ear.

  “Yep, that’s the one,” Law said, leaning back, “Also, she really has to pee.”

  She lifted her head to give him a discerning look as he smiled broadly.

  “What?” Law said to her, “You do, don’t you?”

  Desi turned back to look at me and I asked her with a chuckle and a smile, “Do you, baby?”

  She pressed her lips into a thin line, trying to force away the smile that was creeping up the sides of her mouth. She nodded fervently.

  I laughed, “Well, go then, woman."

  I bucked my hips up at her, to get her moving and she hopped up off my lap. I swatted her ass as she started to walk away, but she didn’t get far.

  A tall, busty blonde in black lingerie came rushing toward us from the back where Law had told me there were Semi-Private Rooms, a man with a salt and pepper beard rushed after her.

  I wouldn’t deny in a court of law that I was a little distracted by her cleavage, so it took me a moment to recognize it was Desi’s friend, Ris. She spotted Desi and came straight toward us, looking a little shaken.

  “Oh, hi, sweetie,” she lightly touched Desi on the shoulders and kissed her cheek in greeting.

  The man who was chasing her reached out and snatched her by the wrist, pulling her backward forcefully. She turned to face him, seething, as Law and I both jumped up in automatic defense of her. She was clearly being manhandled without consent and I was always ready to pummel a prick like that guy clearly was. I stepped in front of Desi, dragging her safely behind me.

  Ris bared her teeth at the man and though her voice was calm and confident it was full of sadness and anger, “I said, Red, Asher. Stop. Let go of me.”

  Instinctively, I stepped toward them, ready to take care of this asshole, but Law had already swooped around me, placing a directive hand on my shoulder and guiding me out of the way. The man took one look at Law and backed off, releasing Ris as she yanked her arm free, and holding his palms up in surrender.

  Law stared the man down, but spoke to Ris, now standing beside him, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. But he’s drunk. Again.”

  “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave, Asher. You know the rules. You can’t play in my club if you’re intoxicated beyond good judgment. Which clearly, you are.”

  “Fine, we’re going. Come on, Angel,” he held out his hand to Ris.

  She straightened her shoulders, “I told you, no, not when you’re
like this. Go home and sleep it off. Sir,” she added the last word with a sarcastic bite and I wanted to applaud her.

  Asher grimaced as Law squared off with him, “Go on, you don’t want me to call security on you.”

  “I see how it’s gonna be, Angel,” Asher slurred, “Run on back to Law to protect you. But I swear to God, if you touch him tonight, I will –"

  “You’ll do nothing, asshole," I cut him off, smelling the bullshit this guy was flinging around, "She can choose to do whatever the hell she wants to do and you will not threaten her like that. I believe you were asked to leave, so do it before I drag you outside myself. Trust me, you don’t want me to do that.”

  Law turned his head to look at me and for a moment I anticipated a scolding for stepping out of bounds in his club, but instead received a polite nod in mutual understanding. There may even have been a hint of gratitude.

  For good measure, I cracked my knuckles, posturing so this creep knew I meant business. He fumed and glowered at us for a few more seconds before stumbling off without another word.

  Ris looked at me with a curious expression and said simply, “Thank you, Vaughn, really.”

  She turned to Law and opened her mouth to speak, but he didn’t give her a chance, grabbing her face and pulling her toward him. I thought for sure he was going to kiss her, but he didn’t. He just looked at her, inspecting her eyes for truthfulness.

  “Are you okay, Angel? What did he do to you?”

  She looked like she might melt into a puddle on the floor, but snapped back into reality before she did, stepping backward out of his hold.

  “I’m fine, Law.”

  “I call bullshit on that,” I couldn’t help it, the words just slipped out.

  Ris shot daggers at me with her eyes, but didn’t reply. I took that to mean I was right. Desi gave me an odd look I couldn’t decipher and took Ris by the hand, dragging her away to the ladies’ room.

  A few minutes later, we met the girls in the hallway. Ris had been crying, as evidenced by the streaks of black tears and smeared make-up down her cheeks. She thanked me with a quick hug for defending her and told me she was happy Desi had a man like me. That boosted my ego a fair amount.

  Law had insisted that Ris stay at his place tonight in his spare bedroom. She fought him on it, but ultimately lost. Desi said goodbye to Ris with a hug and Law did the same. The way his fingers slid down her arm and squeezed her hand before she left made me curious to know more about their history. It was so obvious there was a deeper connection between them than either of them let on. Desi shared a knowing look with me that she noticed it, too.

  Law looked a little exasperated, running his hand through his hair with a sharp exhale. After Ris left, the three of us decided that it was time to head to a Semi-Private Room, all of us seeking to avoid our shared concern for Ris. For now, it seemed, she was okay and knowing she was staying with Law tonight was at least a little reassuring that she'd be safe for the night.

  Law led the way to the Semi-Private Rooms at the back. We came to a room that was missing a door, though a black velvet rope hung dangling, attached to one side of the frame. We went inside and the room was like a dirty little sex dungeon. Well, actually, that’s exactly what it was.

  There was a flat black table toward the back wall that had wrist and ankle cuffs attached by black rope to the four corners. There was a St. Andrew’s cross in the far corner, and in the center of the room was a piece of furniture resembling a sawhorse.

  Behind us, Law clipped the black velvet rope across the doorframe, indicating the room was in use. The energy suddenly turned tense with anticipation and I didn’t really know what to expect. The feeling didn’t bother me, but I could tell Desi was unnerved by it. She was watching me, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she inhaled and exhaled with shallow breaths.

  I decided to break the tense silence, “What’s the plan here?

  Law stepped toward where Desi and I stood, “I thought I’d give you a little introduction to inflicting pain safely. And I thought it might be fun to test how well you can read Desi’s body language.”

  “Okay, I’m game for that.”

  “Would you give me permission to address her directly and command her?” Law asked me.

  “Only if I can overrule you when it’s needed.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t expect any differently. Blue,” he snapped at Desi.

  Her eyes were wide, probably surprised that I’d conceded to let him command her so easily. She glanced at me briefly, then gave her attention back to Law.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “Take off your dress,” he ordered, without a single glance to me for approval.

  Desi’s eyes fell on me, clearly expecting me to veto that command. Though having another man ask my wife to take off her dress made me want to punch a hole through the fucking wall, I was comforted by the fact that I knew I had ultimate power here. It also helped that I really wanted to see my wife with her dress around her ankles. I was keyed up and ready to go for a sex adventure with my girl.

  “Allow me to help,” I reached out and grabbed Desi by the shoulders, spinning her around to face away from me. I grabbed the zipper pull between her shoulder blades and gave it a quick yank.

  Her breath hitched, then she exhaled sharply, and let the dress fall down her body to land on the floor. I nearly grabbed her and fucked her right then when I saw what she had on beneath. My wife was truly the most gorgeous woman in the world.

  She wore a strapless, cobalt blue bra and matching panties that didn’t completely cover her ass cheeks. The sides were soft lace that hinted seductively at the skin of her full hips beneath. It was my favorite shade of blue and it looked so damn good on her. Her hands automatically crossed over her waist, trying to cover her stomach. I reached around to her front, grasping both of her wrists and pulling them away.

  “Don’t you dare try to hide, every part of you is ridiculously fucking gorgeous."

  Desi leaned back against me, her head landing on my shoulder as her nerves, or perhaps her arousal, quickened the pace of her breathing. I trailed my fingers up and down her arms soothingly as I kept them at her sides.

  “You good, babe?” I asked and she nodded, “I’m good, too. So, go to Law and do as he asks, Holly Blue. You have permission to enjoy yourself. I’ll stop this if it’s too much for me, you have to trust me on that.”

  She turned in my arms to hug me before leaving me to go to Law. She walked away from me and my fingers left her skin begrudgingly.

  The room was suddenly hot, the air around us bubbling to a boil. I slipped my blazer off and tossed it over a hook on the wall before removing my necktie and undoing the top few buttons of my shirt. I felt too restricted in my current state and needed to be able to take a deep breath.

  Law was standing in front of Desi as she slowly dropped to her knees in submission. Her eyes were trained on the floor as he spoke to her.

  “I’m going to blindfold you and gag you tonight, Blue. You are not allowed to make a sound. No talking, no laughing, no moaning, no screaming. Not a single sound. Since you won’t be able to speak, you’ll use your hands for safewords. One finger for Yellow, two fingers for Red, thumbs up for Green. Repeat it.”

  “One finger for Yellow, two fingers for Red, thumbs up for Green, Sir,” she confirmed her understanding.

  “Do you consent to play?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Your silence starts now.”

  Chapter 27


  Law went to a trunk in the far corner of the room that I hadn’t seen there before. He unlocked it with a small key to reveal a plethora of instruments, rustling through it to find what he was looking for. He brought me a long, black strip of satin fabric and a roll of black duct tape.

  “Would you like to do the honor?”

  I scowled at the duct tape, “You’re planning to put that on her face?”

  He didn’t respond to me, but instead spoke to
Desi, “Blue, what are your thoughts on duct tape? Green, Yellow, or Red?”

  She gave a thumbs up without a moment’s hesitation.

  “All right,” I conceded as I took the items from Law.

  As I crossed the room to Desi, a rush of adrenaline pulsed. This spontaneous, wild, out there kind of fun with Desi was something we had thrived on early in our relationship, but lost along the way.

  I was excited for this. Not so much about the part where I might see my wife have a physical response to a man she’d been seeing behind my back. But since I was here and held all the cards, I didn’t feel as enraged as I thought I might. The sexual energy humming throughout the entire club helped in that regard. It was easier to forget about how one should feel when the atmosphere surrounding you demanded that there is no should, no right or wrong, just feeling.

  I was feeling Desi’s lust so deeply within my gut that I didn’t give a shit about the rest. I just wanted to watch her give in to what we gave her, watch her fall captive to our will, and I was more excited than anything to watch her come completely undone with my face between her legs later.

  I came up behind her and silently lifted the silk fabric over her head, sliding it down to cover her eyes. Her fingers came up immediately in surprise at the sudden touch of fabric on her skin.

  “Hands down, Holly Blue.”

  She sucked in a breath and I told myself it was because she was excited to hear my voice behind her.

  I tightened the fabric around the back of her head as she rested her fingertips on her thighs. I pulled hard before knotting it securely, tight enough to ensure it would stay in place without slipping. I adjusted the fabric, widening it over her eyes to ensure she couldn’t peek out above or below.

  “Can you see anything?”

  She shook her head.

  I moved around to stand in front of her and fuck, it made me hard to see her kneeling there in front of me. Blindfolded, chest heaving with shallow breaths of anticipation.

  I waited a few quiet seconds before sharply pulling a length of duct tape from the roll with a loud rip. She jumped at the noise with an audible gasp. It was a short, quiet sound, but it was a sound nonetheless.


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