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Just With You (Taphouse Blues Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Heather Lyn

  “You ladies ready to roll?”

  “Let’s go.”

  Reaching out, I rest my hand on Stella’s thigh and squeeze. With a roar of my engine, we take off, our new and improved date night ready to get started.


  “Auntie Stella, you’re winning. But I just need to get a hole in one to tie with you!” Jules holds out her hand to high-five Stella, and they both laugh.

  “What about Jace? He’s doing okay, right?” Stella asks, and Jules just covers her mouth and giggles. She holds the card up to Stella, and I watch her struggle to hold the laugh in. My mini golf skills aren’t the greatest, so I have the highest score, which we all know isn’t the goal.

  “Okay, okay, okay. I suck at this game. Laugh it up, ladies. But there’s an arcade next door, and you can bet your butts that I’m kicking yours in skeeball.”

  “I can’t wait to see that,” Jules singsongs, then runs over to put her ball down at the start of the next hole.

  Stella strides over to me, and I toss my arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to my side.

  “She’s really sweet, Stell. Your brother’s gonna have his hands full with her in a couple years.”

  “I love that girl. I know I’ve thanked you a million times since dinner, but thank you for letting her come. I don’t see her nearly enough, and I know she’s really enjoyed this. Mason’s been stressed with work, and I know her mom is busy with shifts. She’s a nurse in the ICU at Memorial.”

  Nodding, I kiss her on the forehead, and we both laugh when Jules starts jumping up and down, her hands in the air. “I did it! Hole in one!”

  “That’s my girl,” Stella says, reaching out to hug her. They both do a little celebration dance, and my heart swells when Jules reaches out to hug me really fast.

  “Thank you, Jace. I can’t wait to tell my dad that I did so good. He’s gonna be so jealous he didn’t come!”

  “Next time we’ll invite him with us,” I tell her, and Stella grins at me.

  “Let’s go return our clubs, and then last one to the car is a rotten egg,” Stella jokes, and I’m quickly left standing at the final hole, watching them both go running hand in hand back toward the entrance.

  Following behind them, I take my time, in no hurry for this night to end. While we were at dinner, Mason sent Stella a text letting her know that everything was settled with work, so we could drop Jules off at his place on the way home if we wanted. Stella and I agreed; that way we didn’t have her out too late. We played two rounds of golf, so it’s now closing in on eight o’clock.

  Catching up to the girls, I find them doing some sort of dance together, both laughing and bright-eyed.

  “Who wants to grab ice cream?” I ask, and they both cheer. Jules starts doing that floss dance, and Stella reaches out to kiss me, her sweet scent filling my senses.

  I need to find out what kind of lotion or perfume she wears and buy stock in it, because it’s officially my new favorite smell.


  Stella directs me to take the next right, and in seconds I find myself turning onto the street Jules lives on. I pull in beside a white SUV parked in the driveway of a beautiful two-story house, the huge wraparound porch stained a deep cherry color.

  “Damn, being a top realtor must have its perks, huh?” I joke, and Stella laughs.

  “He had it built a few years ago. Designed it himself with Jules in mind.”

  “My bedroom is the best room in the whole house,” she tells me from the back seat, and with that, I kill the engine and climb from the car, running around the hood to let the girls out.

  I’m closing the passenger door when the front door of the house opens and Mason steps out onto the porch. Jules goes running to him, and he swings her up into a hug, laughing at whatever she’s telling him.

  “They’re close, huh?” I ask softly.

  “He’s the best dad ever.” Stella links our hands together, and I follow her onto the porch.

  Mason smiles at her. “Thanks for taking her, Stell. I appreciate it.”

  “Not a big deal, Mase. We enjoyed having her along.”

  Mason is my height, with the same color eyes as Stella. They look like they could be twins, even though he’s older than her.

  I reach my hand out, and he takes it in a firm shake, a smile on his face.

  “Mason Cole. Great to meet you, man. And thank you for helping watch my girl tonight.”

  “Jace Miller, and it was my pleasure. That’s one spunky little ball of energy you got there,” I tell him, reaching out to ruffle Jules’s hair.

  She laughs and hugs both Stella and me.

  “I had fun tonight. Can we do it again soon?” she asks.

  “You got it, sweetie,” Stella says, giving her a big kiss before Jules waves and runs back inside.

  “Teeth and pajamas, baby!” Mason shouts to her, and then he turns back to us, gesturing to the chairs on the porch.

  Stella looks at me and I nod before taking a seat next to her, Mason sitting down across from us.

  “Did she behave okay tonight?” he asks.

  “Mase, I can handle my girl just fine,” Stella jokes, and he laughs, running a hand down his face.

  “Oh, I have no doubts, little sister. I also know my daughter, and she’s a damn handful on even the easiest days, so I have to ask.”

  “She got a hole in one and took about ten minutes choosing between ice cream flavors before finally settling,” I say, the reminder of her choice still grossing me out.

  “What’d she pick?”

  “A scoop of cotton candy and a scoop of bubblegum.”

  Mason pretends to hurl, and we all crack up, knowing nobody will ever understand a child’s taste for the grossest flavors of ice cream.

  “Everything get squared away at work?” Stella asks him, leaning against me. We’re sharing a bench seat, and I’ve tried to be respectful of her brother and keep somewhat of a distance, but the second I feel her against me, I give in and wrap my arm around her.

  “It’s a mess, Stella. A couple of the other realtors were there too. Our boss told me it was missing papers for the closing—yeah, not even close. We hired this new guy a couple months ago, and he’s a disaster, no offense to him. He walked into a closing last night without any of the documents needed, assuming the new buyers would have them. I went in, and our other coworker Tammy was there too to help him get his head out of his ass. Kid got his realtors license and thought it was just for fun and games, showing houses and making big-ass commissions.”

  “Well, shit,” Stella mumbles, shaking her head.

  “So needless to say, he no longer works for us, and now I’m the one who will close it out tomorrow.”

  “And you’ll rock it like always.” Stella smiles at him.

  “I felt so bad, I told them this was on the house, that I wasn’t gonna take a commission for it, and that seemed to help, but still. I feel terrible. The new owners had all their stuff in a U-Haul ready to move in overnight, and now they’re stuck at a hotel until we go back in the morning.”

  Stella reaches across to squeeze his hand. “Don’t. It was that guy’s fault for not doing his job properly.”

  Mason smiles and then turns to me. “So Stella says you’re a cop?”

  Nodding, I lean back in the chair and stretch my legs out. “Yep, thirteen years on the force. Just got a new partner when my best friend moved up to detective.”

  “Are you planning to do the same?”

  “Nah, that’s not for me. I like being a beat cop.”

  “He’s really good at it too,” Stella chimes in, and I smile at her, her words making me swell in pride. I’ve never felt that being a police officer was a job to brag about. I simply love what I do and I’m proud of it.

  “Thanks,” I murmur to her, and in response, she rubs her hand up and down my arm.

  Jules comes running outside in a long pink nightgown, throwing herself on Mason’s lap. “Dad, I can’t get the nightlight to turn

  “Crap. All right, let’s go check it out, baby girl. Stella, Jace, thank you again.” He sets Jules down and stands up to hug Stella, whispering something into her ear. She’s beaming when they release each other, and then Mason holds his hand out for me to shake. I grab it, and with a fist bump to Jules, Stella and I make our way back down to my car.

  After helping Stella inside, I get in and start the engine, steering us back to her house.

  “Sorry, I didn’t exactly mean for you to meet my family all at once,” Stella says, leaning over to kiss my cheek while I turn onto the main road.

  “I liked them, Stell. You and Mason seem to get along well.”

  “We always have.”

  “He’s a good guy. I can’t wait to meet your parents too,” I tell her, and I notice she doesn’t say anything else the rest of the car ride, quiet with her thoughts. Pulling into her driveway, I leave the engine running and get out to walk her to the door.

  “You don’t want to come in?” she asks softly, and I smirk.

  “Wanting to is not the same thing as if I should. Tonight was perfect, but I know you have an early court date tomorrow, and I’m on shift early as well.”

  “You’re right.” Stella looks sad for a moment, and I cup her face in my hands, placing a light kiss to her lips. Pulling away, I notice a slight sheen in her eyes, and my eyebrows furrow.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m just tired, Jace. I’m fine. Jules can wear you out fast,” she jokes, and I laugh with her.

  “I believe that. You sure that’s all?”

  “I promise. You’re off Saturday, right?” she asks. I nod, brushing my lips against hers again. “Then I’ll see you Friday night. I’ll bring my pj’s.”

  Groaning, I wrap my arms around her waist and yank her to me, deepening the kiss, gently seeking access to her tongue. When she opens for me, I don’t hesitate before scooping her into my arms, those long legs of hers winding around my waist. Leaning her against her front door, I devour her mouth with mine, both of us quickly getting worked up, my dick hard and uncomfortable in my jeans. She threads her fingers through my hair, and her nails scraping my scalp has me pulling away from her, both of us breathing heavy.

  With regret, I gently set her on her feet, grimacing when I try to adjust myself in my pants to get more comfortable.

  “Do me a favor, Jace, and call me when you get home.”

  “Why?” I ask, running my thumb over her kiss-swollen lips.

  “’Cause I want your voice to be the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.”

  Her quiet admission brings a smile to my face, and I lean down to kiss her one more time, needing just another taste to get me through till our next date.

  “Lock the door behind you, baby,” I tell her, and with a kiss to her cheek, I jog down to my car. Getting behind the wheel, I watch her blow me a kiss, and then she’s gone behind the door.

  With that fucking smile still on my face, I drive home. When I pull into my garage, I hear my phone beep with a message. Killing the engine, I pull it from my pocket and find that Stella sent me the photo we took earlier: a selfie with Jules pressed between us, her smile sticky with that pink ice cream she ate.

  Almost thirty-five years old and I’ve finally had the best date of my life.




  Looking up from my desk at the sound of my name, I see Ashley making her way toward me, a tray with two Starbucks cups in her hand.

  “Oh, you’re my favorite person ever,” I groan, reaching for my coffee and giving her a grateful smile. She sits down at her desk next to mine and grabs her own drink.

  “Where have you been? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  “The James case. I’m wiped.” Setting my coffee down, I settle back in my chair and set down the file I was holding. Everyone in the office is aware of the Katy James case, her mother causing quite a scene here on more than one occasion when she was fighting to get custody back.

  “When is your next home visit?”

  “Next week. Last month went okay, but I’ve been worried about her. The dad is never there when I go for my checkups. I know that poor little girl is being neglected, and I’m sick of everyone sitting on their hands about it.”

  “The system is so screwed up,” Ashley agrees, giving me a sympathetic squeeze of the hand. “But you keep fighting for that girl and she’ll get the help she needs. It always works out, babe.”

  “Thanks, Ash.”

  “Now, tell me what I really wanna know. How are you and Jace?”

  Just his name brings butterflies to my stomach and a cheesy smile to my face. “We’re good. I’m going to his place tonight.”

  “Damn, girl, you got it so bad,” she teases me.

  I laugh, reaching for my coffee.

  “I do not.”

  “Liar. I can see it all over your face.”

  “Oh shut it,” I groan, giggling when she leans over to push my shoulder.

  “Seriously though? I’ve never seen you this happy. I can’t even tell you how excited I am for you. It’s been what, a month?”

  “Almost,” I say, crossing my legs and letting my pump dangle from my toes. “Four dates, not including our hookup. But we talk every day. We FaceTime at night too.”

  “Damn,” Ashley says. “You better call that bridal shop downtown and make an appointment.”

  “Oh please, not even close to that. But I really like him, Ash. He could be the one.”

  “Ekkk!” she squeals, hopping from her chair to come hug me tight.

  “Stella Cole?” I hear a deep voice ask, and I pull back from Ashley to see an older gentleman in front of me in a delivery uniform, a huge bouquet of lilacs in his arms.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Enjoy, miss.” He sets the flowers down on the side of my desk.

  Ashley gives me the biggest shit-eating grin known to man.

  “And clearly he’s right there with you, Stell. I’m so happy for you.”

  Removing the small white envelope from the bouquet, I pull the card from it and immediately feel my eyes well with tears.


  I finally figured it out. You smell like lilacs, making them my new favorite flowers.

  See you tonight, beautiful.


  “Oh my gosh,” I whisper, pressing the note over my heart.

  “Did you tell him?” Ashley asks gently, and I shake my head.

  “No. He mentioned my parents the night he met Mason, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell him while we were driving back to my place. I know it’s been a long time, but I can’t just tell anybody about them. They were special, and their memory deserves more than me just flippantly telling people I barely know what happened. Does that even make sense?”

  “Of course it does, Stella. I can’t imagine losing Mom and Dad so young, much less at the same time. And I’m an only child, so I wouldn’t have someone to get through it with. You had Mason, and honestly, girl, I think he’s the only reason you did.”

  “Yeah. I didn’t tell Jace this, but when we were leaving Mason’s house after Jules went to bed, he told me I picked good. For Mason to say that after meeting other boyfriends and getting me through college, I know he really meant it. Jace got my brother’s approval without even trying.”

  “Then you’ll tell him when you’re ready. And then you continue on,” Ashley says softly.

  I nod and tuck the card into the top drawer of my desk. I’m lost in thought when my desk phone starts to ring.

  “Stella Cole,” I answer.

  And just like that, all thoughts of Jace are gone as I get down to work.


  It’s been a long day. It’s only a few hours away from five, and then I’m on my way to Jace’s. I’m in the break room heating up some tea when Ashley comes bursting into the room.

  “You need to get over to the Jameses’ house, Stella.�

  “What happened?” Worry churns in my stomach as I abandon the mug of tea, racing toward my desk for my bag and purse.

  “I don’t know, but your desk phone went crazy, so I answered. You’re needed right now.”


  I run out of the office, my heels clicking on the linoleum as I go. Tearing across the small parking lot, I’m at my car in just moments, and then I’m peeling out. My mind is running a mile a minute, scared that something bad has happened.

  When I pull onto the street of the run-down neighborhood, I find three police cars with their lights on lining the street, along with an ambulance and the coroner.


  Parking my car, I toss my keys into my purse and climb out, leaving my briefcase. My badge is attached to my blouse anyway, so I won’t need anything else.

  Making my way toward the house, I watch as the coroner and another person wheel out a stretcher, the black body bag standing out more than anything.

  Please let Katy be okay.

  “Are you Miss Cole?” an officer standing on the sidewalk asks. When I nod, he speaks into his radio and then motions toward the house. “They need you inside.”

  As I walk in, I look to my left and notice Jace and another officer talking to one of the neighbors. When he sees me, he lifts his hand to wave, and I give him a tight smile.

  When I step into the living room, I see techs all around gathering evidence, and there are a couple officers standing just outside the small hallway that I know leads to the bedrooms.

  “Sir, I’m Stella Cole. What’s going on?”

  “Miss Cole, I’m Officer Thomas. Thank you for getting here so quickly. We were told you’re the case worker at this house, and you’ve been assigned to them for a while, correct?”

  “Yes, I’ve been seeing Katy and her family since just before last summer. Monthly check-ins, well visits. Sandra and Malcolm had just gotten custody back when I was assigned to their family.”

  Officer Thomas makes a note in a small book before tucking it into his breast pocket.

  “A neighbor walking her dog noticed this morning just after eleven that the front door was slightly ajar, so she called it in. We found Malcolm and Sandra James in the living room, both dead from suspected drug overdoses.”


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