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Rufus and Rose; Or, The Fortunes of Rough and Ready

Page 11

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Probably nothing could have given Martin greater pleasure than thisunexpected meeting with his step-children. He did not reflect that thepleasure might not be mutual, but determined to make himself knownwithout delay. Hurrying forward, he placed one hand on the shoulder ofRufus, saying, "Glad to see you, Rufus; what have you been up to lately?Here's Rose too, I expect she's glad to see me."

  At the first sound of his voice poor Rose began to tremble. Clingingcloser to her brother, she said, "Don't let him take me, Rufie."

  "He shan't touch you, Rose," said Rufus, manfully.

  "You don't seem very glad to see me," said Martin, smiling maliciously.

  "That's where you're right," said Rufus, bluntly. "We are not glad tosee you. I suppose that don't surprise you much. Come along, Rose."

  He tried to leave Martin, but Martin did not choose to be left. Heshuffled along by the side of our hero, considerably to the disgust ofthe latter, who was afraid he might fall in with some acquaintance whoseattention would be drawn to the not very respectable-looking object whohad accosted him, and learn the relationship that existed between them.

  "You seem to be in a hurry," sneered Martin.

  "I am in a hurry," said Rufus. "It's late for Rose to be out."

  "That's what I was thinking," said Martin. "Considerin' that I'm hernatural protector, it's my duty to interfere."

  "A pretty sort of protector you are!" retorted Rufus, scornfully.

  "You're an undootiful boy," said Martin, "to speak so to your father."

  "Who do you mean?"

  "Aint I your father?"

  "No, you are not. If you were, I'd be ashamed of you. Mr. Martin, wehaven't anything to do with each other. You can go your way, and I'llgo mine. I shan't interfere with you, and I shan't allow you tointerfere with me."

  "Ho, ho!" said Martin, "when was you twenty-one, I'd like to know?"

  "It doesn't make any difference when. Good-night."

  "You don't get rid of me so easy," said Martin. "I'll follow you home."

  By this time they had reached the corner of Broadway and Union Square.Rufus was placed in an awkward position. He had no authority to orderMartin away. He might follow them home, and ascertain where they lived,and probably would do so. Rufus felt that this would never do. Weretheir home known to Mr. Martin, he would have it in his power to lie inwait for Rose, and kidnap her as he had done once before. He would neverfeel easy about his little sister under these circumstances. Yet whatcould he do? If he should quicken his pace, Martin would do the same.

  "What do you want to follow us for?" he asked. "What good is it going todo you?"

  "Don't you trouble yourself about that," said Martin, exulting in ourhero's evident perplexity. "Considerin' that you two are my children, Imay want to come and see you some time."

  Here Rose began to cry. She had always been very much afraid of Martin,and feared now that she might fall into his hands.

  "Don't cry, Rose," said Rufus, soothingly. "He shan't do you any harm."

  "Maybe he won't if you treat him well," said Martin. "Look here, Rufus.I'm hard up--dead broke. Haven't you a dollar to spare?"

  "Are you going to follow us?"

  "Maybe I won't if you'll give me the dollar."

  "I can't trust you," said Rufus, suspiciously. "I'll tell you what," headded, after a little thought; "go up to Madison Park, and sit down onone of the seats, and I'll come up in half an hour, or three quarters atmost, and give you the dollar."

  "Do you think I'm so green?" sneered Martin. "I might stop there allnight without seein' you. All you want is a chance to get away withoutmy knowin' where."

  "No," said Rufus; "I'll do what I promise. But you must go up there now,and not follow us."

  "That don't go down," said Martin. "You don't ketch a weasel asleep."

  "Well," said Rufus, coolly, "you can do just as you please. If youaccept my offer, you shall have a dollar inside of an hour. If youdon't, you won't get a penny."

  Still Martin was not persuaded. He felt sure that Rufus meant to misleadhim, and, being unreliable himself, he put no confidence in the promisemade by our hero. He prepared to follow him home, as the knowledge ofwhere Rose lived would probably enable him to extort more than a dollarfrom the fear and anxiety of Rufus. So he repeated:--

  "That don't go down! You aint quite smart enough to take me in. I'mgoin' to follow you, and find out where you live."

  "Better give him the dollar now, Rufus," suggested Miss Manning, whofelt nearly as anxious as Rose.

  "No," said Rufus, decidedly; "I shan't gain anything by it. As soon ashe got the money, he'd follow us all the same."

  "What will you do?" asked Miss Manning, anxiously.

  "You'll see," said Rufus, composedly.

  He had been busily thinking, and a plan had suggested itself to hismind, which he thought offered probably the best way out of thedifficulty. He reflected that probably Mr. Martin, judging from hisappearance, was penniless, or nearly so. He therefore decided to jump onboard a horse-car, and thus elude him.

  When they reached the corner of University Place, a car was seenapproaching.

  Rufus hailed it.

  "Are we going to ride?" asked Rose.

  "Yes, Rose; and now, whatever I do, I want you to keep perfectly stilland say nothing. Will you promise?"

  "Yes, Rufie."

  Rufus exacted this promise, as Rose might unconsciously, by someunguarded exclamation, betray the very knowledge which he was anxious toconceal.

  Martin fathomed the purpose of our hero, and determined not be balked.He had five cents which had just been given him out of charity at thedoor of the Academy, and, though the fare on the horse-cars was one centmore, he thought he might make it do. Accordingly he got into the carafter Rufus.

  "I couldn't bear to leave such agreeable company," he said, with a leer."Horse-cars are free, I believe."

  "I believe they are," said Rufus.

  "I wonder how much money he's got," thought our hero. "I guess I candrain him after a while."

  The conductor came along, and Rufus paid for Miss Manning and Rose, aswell as himself. Martin was hanging on a strap near by.

  "Your fare," said the conductor.

  Martin plunged his hand into his pocket, and drew out five cents. Heplunged his hand in again, and appeared to be hunting about for theextra penny.

  "I declare," said he, "I believe I've lost the other cent. Won't fivecents do?"

  "Couldn't let you ride under six cents," said the conductor. "It'sagainst the rules."

  "I can't see where it is," said Martin, hunting again.

  "I'll pay the other penny," said a gentleman sitting near.

  "Thank you, sir," said Martin. "Very much obliged to you. I'm a poorman; but it's on account of some undutiful children that I've spent allmy money on, and now they begrudge their poor father a few pennies."

  He looked at Rufus; but our hero did not see fit to apply the remark tohimself, nor, considering that he used to help support Martin, did hefeel any particular remorse.

  If Martin had been a more respectable-looking object, if his nose hadbeen a trifle less red, and his whole appearance less suggestive ofintemperate habits, the remark he had let fall might have stirred someof his listeners to compassion. But no one, to look at him, would wondermuch at a want of filial affection towards such a father. So, though helooked round to notice the effect, hoping that he might elicit somesympathy which should take a pecuniary form, he perceived that hisappeal had fallen upon stony ground. Nobody seemed particularlyimpressed, and the hope of a contribution from some compassionatelistener faded out.

  Rufus was a witness of this scene, and of course it enabled him tofathom Martin's resources. He congratulated himself that they were sospeedily exhausted. He did not get out when the car reached WaverleyPlace, for obvious reasons, but kept on till they came to BleeckerStreet. Rose was about to express surprise, but a look from Rufus
checked her.

  At Bleecker Street he signalled to the conductor to stop. The latterobeyed the signal, and our hero got out, followed not only by Rose andMiss Manning, but, as might have been expected, also by Martin.

  "You don't get rid of me so easy," said the latter, triumphantly.

  "Don't I?" asked Rufus, coolly. "Are you going to follow me still?"

  Martin answered in the affirmative, with an oath.

  "Then," said Rufus, coolly, "I'll give you all the following you want todo."

  A car bound in the opposite direction was approaching. Rufus hailed it,and it came to a stop.

  Martin, who had not been anticipating this move, stopped a moment,staring, crestfallen, at Rufus; but, recovering himself quickly, jumpedon the platform, resolved to try his luck.

  Rufus paid his fare. Martin didn't volunteer to pay his, but lookedsteadily before him, hoping that he might escape the conductor'sobservation. But the latter was too sharp for that.

  "Fare?" he said.

  "All right," said Martin, plunging his hand into his pocket. Of coursehe drew out nothing, as he anticipated.

  "I declare," he said; "I believe I haven't any money with me."

  "Then get off."

  "Couldn't you let me off this time?" asked Martin, insinuatingly; "I'm apoor man."

  "So am I," said the conductor, bluntly. "You must get off."

  "Isn't there any gentleman that'll lend a poor man six cents?" askedMartin, looking round.

  But nobody seemed disposed to volunteer assistance, and Martin wascompelled reluctantly to jump off.

  But he didn't give up yet. The car didn't go so fast but that he couldkeep up with it by running. It chafed him that Rufus should get thebetter of him, and he ran along on the sidewalk, keeping the carcontinually in sight.

  "He's running," said Miss Manning, looking out. "What a determined manhe is! I'm afraid he'll find us out."

  "I'm not afraid," said Rufus. "He'll get tired of running by the time weget to Central Park."

  "Shall you ride as far as that?"

  "If necessary."

  For about a mile Martin held out, but by this time he became exhausted,and dropped behind. The distance between him and the car graduallyincreased, but still Rufus rode on for half a mile further. By this timeMartin was no longer in sight.

  "We'll cross over to Sixth Avenue," he said, "so that Martin may not seeus on our return."

  This suggestion was adopted, luckily, for Martin had posted himself at afavorable place, and was scanning attentively every returning car. Buthe waited and watched in vain till long after the objects of his pursuitwere safe at home and in bed.


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