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Walk Off (Double Play Series Book 5)

Page 18

by Nicole Rodrigues

  “I'm not doing this again,” he says letting out a breath.

  “Then don't! Until we find out the truth the daddy, not my boyfriend or lover or whatever the hell you're tryin’ to be.”

  “So we find out I didn't do it and then what? All's forgiven and you'll go back to givin’ me shit and ridin’ my face like you used to?”

  I close my eyes and exhale as I pick Mason up from the crib and bring him to the changing table.

  “Don't say that!” I hiss.

  “Say what? Riding my face? They have no idea, they're four months old,” he laughs going to pick Mia up for the crib.

  I'm changing Mason’s diaper, trying to concentrate so I don't get peed on and I glance over and freeze.

  Nico has held Mia so many times but seeing him now after knowing we'll be in this same position in a couple of months, tugs on my heart. He looks so...natural and I want to cry, again. I want to pull him to me and kiss him, kiss him so damn hard.

  I feel my shirt warm and realize I’m getting hot and bothered while changing my damn nephew. I go back to the task at hand but realize too late that the warmth on my shirt is from piss, not horniness.

  “Dammit!” I say through gritted teeth. “Go downstairs, you distracted me and he pissed all over my shirt.”

  I whip it over my head and drop it to the floor as I change him quick and get him new pajamas. I switch him to Mia’s changing pad as I button him in his clothes and turn to walk out of the room, Nico just standing there


  “Your...your tits got…”

  “Jesus. Don't be an asshole. Yes, I actually have decent sized tits now. Pick your chin off the floor. I'm gonna find a shirt, hold him,” I say walking towards Nico and handing Mason to him.

  His hand grazes my breast as he scoops Mason under his butt, and I stifle a moan.

  I jump back and scurry out of the room but not before I sneak a peek at Nico holding both babies in his arms like little footballs.


  I search through Bella’s drawers for one of her maternity shirts but give up and just grab a shirt from Damon's drawer.

  I walk into the kitchen and Mia is in her high chair and Nico is buckling Mason into his.

  “You had nice tits before you got pregnant, by the way. I wasn't trying to be a dick.”

  I ignore him and walk towards the fridge. “Bella said she left milk for us.”

  “Already heating up,” Nico says poking Mia's nose, as she giggles.

  “Oh, okay.”

  I sit down and watch Nico interact with the twins, tickling their bellies and pretending to hurt his foot as they both belly laugh and start to hiccup.

  “You're a clown,” I laugh unable to keep it down.

  “Baby laughs are my kryptonite. Even if it means stubbing my toe, I need to do it,” he laughs.

  I hear the beeping of the bottle warmer and walk over to take it out, putting the next bottle in and walking over to Mason.

  I lift him out of his chair and cradle him to my body, watching him as starts to drink.

  “I don't know how she does this. Two babies,” I whisper.

  I've been so wrapped up in my issues with Nico, I haven't really sat down and thought about life as a mother. I never really thought about babies period, if I'm being honest. I always wanted this in the back of my mind, but I was too scared to ever think of it as a reality. Kat's words from that letter always reminding me that it probably would never happen for me. Now it is. Except not the fairytale I always imagined.

  “You're gonna be an amazing mother, Lacey. I can't even put into words how strong of a woman you are, and this little girl is gonna have such a great example. Headstrong and fiesty, just like you.”

  I look over to him as he cradles Mia to his chest feeding her the bottle and one of my tears drips onto Mason's little cheek.

  “I...I just don't ever wanna be like her,” I admit softly.

  “Lacey…” Nico comes closer kneeling in front of me with Mia still in his arms.

  The sight of this big burly man, kneeling before me holding my little nugget of a niece makes me want to say fuck all of this drama and be with him, forgive him even if I'll never know the truth.

  “You could never be like her. Your heart is enormous, even if you think it's not. I've proven to be a dick time and time again, yet look at where I am right now. You still let me in, after all the shit I put you through. You could never be cruel like her. Ever.”

  His voice is hard and determined and I believe him. As much as he's in my life for the baby, I know deep down I would never fully be able to shut him out, cut him down so easily like she did.

  “Maybe that's just stupidity, not strength,” I whisper wiping at my eyes.

  “No, Blondie, it's strength. I'm the stupid one.”

  Mason starts fussing so I put him over my shoulder to let him burp. Nico watches me, doing the same with Mia. He smiles at me.

  “What you smilin’ about?”

  “Can't believe that little sucker pissed on you.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh, getting up from the chair and walking towards the playroom.

  I put Mason on the floor and play with his feet as he puts his hands in his mouth smiling up at me.

  “Uncle Nico's a big ole jerk, right buddy? You were just warnin’ me to pay attention to you and not picture your uncle naked, right?”

  “You're gonna need to wear a muzzle around my baby girl with a mouth like that mama,” Nico laughs walking into the room.

  “Why are you followin’ me? Go play somewhere else.”

  “Mia missed her brother, don't be a witch.”

  “Hmm likely story. Fine, bring that little squirt over here. Let's see if they can roll over.”

  “They're not dogs,” he laughs.

  “No, but Bella said she's tryna get them to roll so they can sleep on their belly. The woman needs sleep, just do as she says.”

  Nico puts Mia next to Mason and they immediately roll towards each other putting their fists in each other’s mouths and scratching faces.

  “Backfire,” I say quickly grabbing a crying Mason.

  “Now what?” Nico asks.

  “I...I don't know. Usually Bella tells me their schedule. Naptime?” I say, shrugging my shoulders.

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  I smirk.

  “I like that nickname so much better than Blondie.”

  “Sure thing, Blondie,” Nico says laughing.

  I roll my eyes and get to my feet, feeling a sharp pain in my stomach.

  “Oh fuck,” I wince putting a hand to my belly but keeping a fire grip on Mason.

  “What! What happened?” Nico asks putting a hand on my belly.

  “Nothin’ just a little cramp. I've been getting them on and off the past few days.”

  “Braxton Hicks,” he says rubbing a circle over my belly.

  “Don't those usually only come in the last month? 34 weeks is early, no?” I say grinding my teeth.

  “Some women feel them as early as 30. She's a big girl and you're tiny. It could also be round ligament pain,” he says now moving his hand through my hair.

  I close my eyes and feel my stomach start to loosen again.

  “What do I do?” I ask.

  “Prenatal yoga is supposed to help. Damon was telling me about a class him and Bella went to. We should go. You need to exercise your belly, help strengthen the muscles and relax. You're really tense.”

  His fingers dig in my shoulders and it's such a soothing pain.

  “I wonder why that is,” I say sarcastically, dropping my head back.

  “Let me put them in for a nap and give you a massage. You still need baby girl to cook for a few more weeks, you need to keep calm.”

  He reaches for Mason and takes the twins out of the room and down the hall to their nursery.

  I go to the living room, sitting down on the couch with my feet up, my body already relaxed from just a few minutes of his expe
rt fingers. I lay my head back on the couch and close my eyes drifting into peace.


  I wake with a jolt and sit up in a bed that isn't mine. I rub my eyes and get to my feet, still in Damon’s t-shirt and my jeans.

  Their guest room. The babies! Shit!

  I bolt out of the room and run down the stairs and stop in the doorway to the kitchen.

  “Hey sleepyhead. Good thing Hulk was here. Sleepin’ on the job? Really?” Bella laughs taking a sip from her wine glass.

  “What...what time is it?” I stutter wiping the drool off the side of my mouth.

  “10 o-clock,” Nico says smirking.

  “Why did you let me sleep that long? Didn't you need help with the twins?” I ask sitting across from him at the island.

  “I had it covered,” he winks.

  “Can I ask why you're wearin’ my husband's t-shirt? If you weren't pregnant with Nico's baby, that might make me jealous,” Bella says putting her hand on her hip.

  “Who said it's Nico's baby,” I smirk winking at Damon.

  He laughs air kissing me and I fan myself.

  “Cut the shit,” Nico snaps.

  “Oh good Lord, stop it! I ain't fuckin’ your brother you psycho. Take a joke.“

  I slap his arm and he grabs my wrist, running his thumb against the inside of my wrist.

  “Not when it's about another man touching what's mine,” he growls.

  I rip my hand away and get to my feet.

  “This is half yours,” I say pointing to my belly. “This,” I say pointing to my vagina, “and these,” I say squeezing my boobs, “are not yours.”

  “They were a few weeks ago.”

  Bella chokes on her wine and Damon snickers.

  “They were hormonal and desperate, remember? That wasn't me,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Then how about you take a backseat again tonight and let me and the girls play.”

  “’re a dick, you know that? Are we off duty? Can I head home?” I ask Bella.

  “Sure are. Thanks again. Enjoy the rest of your night,” Bella smirks.

  I point at her and furrow my brows.

  “No! Don't, Bella June. No smartass remarks from you, you sneaky bitch.”

  She laughs behind her wine glass and I let out a frustrated groan walking towards the front door and grabbing my purse.

  “I'll walk out with you,” Nico says from behind me.

  “Can you not. You're wearin’ me down, clearly it's exhaustin’, if I just passed out for three hours.”

  “I'm gonna register us for that prenatal yoga this week before I go back out on the road, okay?”

  “Uhhh fine, whatever. Just leave me alone for the next two days until therapy. Please,” I groan.

  “You beggin’, Blondie?” he smiles pulling a loose strand of hair next to my cheek.

  I slap his hand away and huff out a breath turning and walking to my car.

  “Love you, Lacey Lee,” he yells.

  I put my hand in the air brushing away his words as I get into my car and drive away.

  Chapter 14


  I stumble in to the office after another sleepless night and my mama greets me at my door.

  “Baby, you look shot!” she says putting her hands on my cheeks studying me.

  “I am. I can't sleep. I'm so uncomfortable. She burrows up into my ribs and my body pillow sucks it's so mushy and not hard and-”

  “You need something hard? I can help you out with that,” says a voice behind me.

  I shut my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose.

  “For fucks sake, isn't stalkin’ illegal? I thought I told you to fuck off until therapy?” I snap.

  “Lacey, your mouth!” my mama admonishes. “And you,” she says pointing at Nico. “Take it down a notch, Hulk. No sexy talk about my daughter in the office.”

  “Sorry, sorry,” he laughs. “But I'm not stalking, Blondie. I'm keeping an eye on my baby girl. Oh, and the baby too.”

  I shake my head and turn around ready to give him hell but then freeze when I see who he's with.


  “What is she doin’ here?” I say, my voice hard.

  “She's interning with you...” Nico says furrowing his eyebrows.

  He looks at my mama and she nods her head to her office.

  “Come with me for a sec, baby.”


  She gives me a look and I huff, following her and slumping in the guest chair.

  “Tell me you didn't give that woman a job here,” I say as she closes the door.

  “Lacey, I know Nico told you about what happened. The girl was put between a rock and a hard place.”

  “Yeah some hard place alright, topless on top of it.”


  “Mama, you can't expect me to work with her!”

  “Baby, she's a mama too. Think of your little girl. If someone threatened her like that man did to her, what would you have done?”

  “Cashin’ in that payday too, let's not forget about that,” I mumble.

  “Can we give her a clean slate? You don't know what led her to do the things she's done, don’t judge,” she says pointing a finger at me.

  I exhale and lean back in the chair.

  “Fine! Damn you and your good heart,” I groan getting to my feet.

  I walk out of the door and to my office, Nico and Alessandra in the chairs opposite my desk.

  “I thought your mom told you Lace, I didn't-”

  I put my hand up and sit down at my desk, closing my eyes and breathing, my hand on my big belly.

  “Are you okay?” Nico asks.


  “I'm gonna head to the gym but I'll be back with lunch. Call me if you need me, please Lacey.”

  “I said I'm fine,” I snap.

  “Okay, okay,” he says putting his hands up and leaving my office.

  I look at Alessandra. She's studying something on the floor, worrying her lip.

  “Well, I guess we should be properly introduced. I'm Lacey,” I say leaning over my desk extending my hand.

  She looks up, her eyes wide and nods reaching for my hand.

  “Right, yeah. I'm Alessandra. You can just call me Ali or Aless or Alessandra is fine too I-”

  “Listen. If this is gonna work, you need to trust that I'm not gonna slap you across the face. Although, if this is also gonna work, we need to be honest with each other That was my first thought when I saw you here, but I'm past it.”

  “I'm really sorry, Lacey. I told Nico I didn't know who he was, I didn't know about you, I didn't know you were pregnant. I...I didn't do anything with him, he's all yours, I swear to you,” she says quickly.

  “Let's just forget about it, okay?”

  “Thank you. I would really appreciate that,” she says giving me a small smile.

  “Well, I appreciate you bein’ honest with Nico, even knowin’ the danger.”

  “He didn't deserve to think he cheated on the woman he loved.”

  We lock eyes and I see the truth behind her words. A stranger believes him, and I don't. God, am I just being a stubborn bitch? How can this woman that doesn't even know him have so much faith in him, yet me, who's shared a life with him for almost three years, doesn't?

  “We're still workin’ through it,” I say breaking her gaze.

  “Right. Of course,” she says quickly shaking her head.

  “So marketin’, huh? How much longer do you have until you graduate?”

  “8 more weeks. My last semester. I've been doing online courses for the past two years. I'll have my bachelors.”

  “Good for you. What else do I need to know about you?”

  “I...I'm a really harder worker and I'm a fast learner. I'm reliable and I do what I'm told,” she says submissively.

  I eye her and wonder more about her story. It can't be someone's dream job to screw men for money. Her tone is compliant, obedient and I wonder if she'
s always been that way or if someone made her like that.


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