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A Special Gift for Ms V

Page 8

by Matt Tims

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were still here.”

  Chapter 12 – Never Alone

  The knot in his stomach was starting to feel like a boulder. Why was he still sitting in the basement? What was he doing at Jake’s house after his friends had left? This all could’ve been avoided if he’d simply used his head.

  “I-I was just-just-just leav-leaving,” he nervously stammered, just as smitten as ever by the knockout dressed in a purple v-neck t-shirt and a pair of black yoga pants.

  “It’s fine,” she told him. “You can stay if you want. I just thought you guys had left the TV on.”

  He wasn’t sitting on the couch in his friend’s basement anymore. He’d been transported back to that August afternoon in his uncle’s backyard—back to a time before he’d learned a very valuable lesson regarding women. He was nervous, anxious, and self-conscious again. The idea of merely talking to a girl felt like an impossible feat. All of his confidence had disappeared.

  He thought back to that conversation at the picnic table. Uncle Pete had changed his outlook on the the opposite sex in a matter of minutes, and he left that party viewing women as regular people instead of mythical creatures. Why should he be intimidated? Ms. V was just a woman. He could do this.

  Claire watched the teen’s browns eyes shoot past her and focus on something off in the distance. He appeared to be deep in thought, reflecting on concerns she wasn’t privy to knowing about. This was her final chance to escape. She could slip upstairs and wiggle out of this near disaster of a situation. Things would eventually fizzle out if she avoided him for a few weeks. They would have to.

  She turned and took a step toward the stairs before pausing.

  It wasn’t her doing this time. She wanted nothing more than to slither up those steps and out of sight, but it wasn’t her confused mind that was controlling her body anymore. Something else was stopping her.

  There was a hand around her arm.

  She looked back to find Dave now sitting on the sofa cushion nearest to her, his upper body hanging over the armrest so he could reach out and grab hold of her. His fingers completely wrapped around her petite wrist. What in the world was he doing?

  “I’m just gonna head upstairs then,” she said before attempting to pull away.

  His grip didn’t break.

  “Dave,” she tried.

  His blank expression remained unchanged.

  “David!” she shouted.

  He forcibly pulled her to the couch, sitting back in his seat with his fingers still locked around her arm after completing his rather aggressive deed. On the other hand, Claire’s demeanor was anything but relaxed. This kid may have appeared calm, but the lack of saliva in own her throat swiftly reminded her of just how skittish she really was. Her mouth was barren.

  That strong hand yanked her wrist again. This time she stumbled into him, spinning so that her butt eventually landed on his knee. She wasn’t one of his cute classmates. She was a woman in her forties! She shouldn’t be sitting on him this way!

  Her mind was doing its best to process the situation. She was pretty sure Dave had bought her a sex toy last week before they sexted each other, but then she kind of messed things up and confused him by trying to be a tease. Instead of ending it right there like any responsible adult would do, she fantasized about it nonstop for the next seven days, and then he appeared somewhat rattled around her when they saw each other earlier today. None of that was helping to explain his most recent actions, however. Either he’d had a total change of heart, or she’d completely misread the situation, because this was an entirely new level of confidence. The jock still holding her arm didn’t remind her of their encounter in the kitchen whatsoever.

  She glanced back to find his striking brown eyes coolly staring at her. It was time to put an end to whatever fantasy world she’d been caught up in over the past week. “This is wrong. You have to let me go.”

  Why wasn’t he responding to her? What wasn’t he reacting at all!? This was so inappropriate!

  “I’m serious!” she loudly reiterated.

  Once again, the eighteen-year-old jock opted for a silent response.

  Her focus moved down to her arm to discover an unexplainable sight. His hand was nowhere to be found. She had no idea how long ago he’d removed it, but she’d been willingly sitting on his right knee for God knows how long. She was free to go, but she wasn’t moving for some reason.

  She took a deep gulp and this time managed to find a hint of saliva in her throat. Her heart raced like a schoolgirl who’d just spoken to her crush for the first time. What was unfolding in front of her belonged in a raunchy romance novel, not in her basement!

  Then the unimaginable happened. It was something she couldn’t comprehend on any level at all. She watched him pull out his smartphone and begin to fiddle with it.

  Really? I’m sitting on his knee which is beyond inappropriate, and he’s playing with his phone? What if this isn’t even a fantasy for him? Why isn’t he paying attention to me!?

  Her phone vibrated in her pocket.

  She didn’t want to engage in this electronically obsessed culture where people compulsively checked their phones every two minutes; but as Dave put his phone away, she watched his eyes move back to hers and wait. She could read him. They was a certain chemistry they’d always shared. He was mutely telling her to look at her phone.

  She leaned slightly to the left and retrieved her smartphone from her right pocket. The name of the sender being marked as “Dave?” solved the mystery of who she’d sexted with last week. Well, whatever mystery that was exactly. She pretty much knew she’d been talking to him, but still entered his contact info as “Dave?” instead of “Dave” just to be safe. This just confirmed it.

  But then her heart stopped beating after lowering her eyes to read the text message on her phone. What was she looking at? He’d seriously sent this to her?

  Get on your knees.

  Her focus remained locked on the screen as she read the message yet again. This polite, personable, well-mannered young man was telling her to get on her knees? Really?

  She didn’t look at his face. She didn’t even glance around the room. There wasn’t any help out there for her. No one would reveal what happened next. She’d flipped the page of her own story, but instead of it being full of juicy details, it was blank. The tale was waiting to be told. The only pen capable of writing this story was the one in her hand.

  Claire tossed her phone onto the cushion at the other end of the couch and smiled to herself. What she was about to do was so out of character, but that’s what made it so hot, right? Real life is full of uneventful moments and dull activities. Her fantasy world was a much different story.

  She slid off of his knee and down to the floor.

  Dave was trying to play it cool. He was doing his best to maintain his composure, but holy shit that actually worked! He made a move and she went with it. Not only that, but she was following his orders now! He didn’t have to think too hard about his next move as he observed her patiently waiting for a demand. He’d fantasized about this moment a million times.

  He rose to his feet.

  As if her son’s friend didn’t look big enough already, he now resembled a giant from her lowly spot on the carpeted floor. It’d been a long time since a physical specimen like this towered above her. It was a sense of submission that she missed.

  The urge to reach up and tug at his shorts was almost overwhelming. How wet had the idea of pulling them down around his ankles made her? How badly did she want to make him feel things that those enamored cheerleaders couldn’t provide? But before she could get around to answering either of those dirty questions, he abruptly stepped forward, his groin now just inches from her face. It wasn’t long before the sight of a sizable bulge was replaced by a handsome face that she was very familiar with. This stud was bent at the waist, leaning down to kiss her with his hands running through her blonde hair.

  But he stopped just
before reaching her mouth.

  Kissing her sat firmly atop his list of fantasies. It’s something most people take for granted—the simple act of a pair of lips meeting. It was also something he wasn’t in a hurry to put behind him. No, he would save that feeling for the perfect moment, because he had something else on his mind.

  “You’re so fuckin’ sexy.”

  Claire sheepishly smiled, her cheeks rosey red from blushing. Sometimes it was the little things she missed most about having a man desire her: like being told how sexy she was. It was a sense of excitement that she longed for in her rather uneventful life, but she had a feeling that was all about to change.

  Seeing her react with that glowing smile lit a fire inside of him. He wanted to witness that bliss every day. He needed to be the one who brought joy to the one woman who deserved it more than anyone in the world; and right now, he was about to make his dream girl feel like the queen she really was.

  He leaned back, pulling his gray t-shirt over his head, and tossed it down to the floor below. The look on her face said it all. It was a reaction he would never forget.

  An unmistakable warmth consumed her body. This wasn’t her first time seeing this stud shirtless, but it was definitely the most memorable. His muscles glistened from the faint light courtesy of the television. Those bulging biceps, that powerful chest, and his thick traps: it was unlike anything she’d ever seen. Even Roy’s college body couldn’t compete with the jock casting a shadow down upon her.

  Sure, who didn’t love ripped arms? And was there a woman alive who wouldn’t be turned on by a defined chest like this? There was just one part of him which captured her attention unlike the rest of his amazing body though. It was something most men couldn’t even dream of possessing. It was a particular set of muscles that she hadn’t had the privilege of touching since her college days.


  That rock hard midsection caused her to drool. Those six chiseled abs put her blue eyes in a deep trance. He was so lean and muscular. The five o’clock shadow on his handsome face was a swift reminder that she was dealing with a man, not a little boy. Those high school girls didn’t deserve a guy like this. They wouldn’t even know what to do with him!

  She was done teasing herself.

  Claire lunged forward, planting her face into his stomach as her hands gripped the back of his muscular butt to maintain her balance. The passionate groans coming from above only encouraged her wet lips to continue planting kisses all over his stomach. Her wandering hands soon abandoned his butt to explore his pecs and biceps. She could do this for hours. Hours? How about days? This was heaven as far as she was concerned.

  A blissful moan poured from her lips as his hands ran through her hair. Feeling those fingers firmly grab a handful of her blonde locks resulted in a thick mess of spit to fall from her enamored lips. Her head was roughly snapped back without warning, sending her eyes northward to the gorgeous face waiting above. His grin told her that he was up to no good, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “I’ve been thinking about something for a long time,” he said.

  She wanted to hear about each and every one of his naughty thoughts. Just how long had she been on his mind? Years? Longer than that? And when had he started planning that sexy game which ended with her finding a vibrator in her underwear drawer?

  She was so small and submissive from her position on the floor. Her panties were soaked thanks to the big hand controlling her neck. She yearned to be dominated. She needed someone to put her in her place. This stud owned the commanding persona of Roy combined with the loving traits of someone who truly cared about her, and she couldn’t get enough of it.

  “What’s that?” she asked with a devilish smirk.

  He dropped his hold of her hair and moved his hand to the waistband of his basketball shorts. “Having those pretty blue eyes looking up at me.”

  She was on the verge of losing it. Did this make her a bad person? Was it wrong to be turned on by the reveal that a high school stud wanted her down on her knees in front of him? So what if she desired to act slutty? This hunk was worth behaving naughty for.

  “With my fuckin’ cock in your mouth,” he finished, his words dripping with testosterone.

  Her hands bolted for the waistband of his shorts. She felt like a little girl playing some kind of childish game. Where was the fun in yanking his clothes down? Dragging this moment out for minutes was far sexier than an instant reveal, and the snail’s pace at which she was lowering his shorts showed just how turned on she really was.

  Inch by inch his shorts and boxers descended. Her hands were caught in a struggle between getting his clothes off as fast as she could, and teasing the cutie who was staring down at her with a possessive glare in his eyes. She wanted him to be furious if he found that she’d created a profile on a dating site. Being yelled at on the phone because he’d heard that she was going out on a date with a coworker? That was something she would welcome into her life with open arms. She would kill for someone to demand ownership over her.

  The sight of his trimmed pubic hair gave way to the base of his penis, and that soon revealed the fat midsection covered in thick veins. Her mouth only further salivated with each endless inch that was exposed to the cool basement air. Just how big was this thing?

  A hint of the pink head of his cock finally made an appearance after what felt like hours. His manhood was even more perfect than she’d fantasized about. His masculine shaft matched all his big muscles to a tee, and she was yet to see the entire thing. That was about to change very quickly, however.

  Her excited hands froze as she peered up at him. His dick was begging to be unleashed. The slightest of nylon fabric was all that held his manhood back from the world, and he was going to come bursting out the second she slid the last inch of material off his impressive cock. She knew what she was doing. It was no secret that she got off on teasing him, but her actions were about more than just being playful. She was doing this for herself as well.

  It’d been over twenty years since she’d freed a stud like this from the shackles which were his clothes. The memories of being down on her knees in Roy’s dorm room faded with each passing day. How was she supposed to recall tastes, touch, and smells from twenty-five years ago? She was well overdue to replace those outdated recollections with new and improved moments, and her first step in that journey involved getting this perfect specimen in his most natural of states. She closed her eyes and gave his shorts one final tug.

  The loud thud which echoed throughout the room brought a big smile to Claire’s face.

  His cock had sprung out and slammed into the underpart of her jaw. Even the noise from the TV couldn’t prevent her ears from soaking in that indescribable sound. She could do that a hundred more times and never grow tired of hearing it. It was just so powerful and strong, and she was adsorbing his manhood. He was rock hard because of her!

  She slowly slid her head back, soaking in the feel of his warm meat pressing and throbbing against her smooth skin as she moved. It couldn’t actually be this big. No one was this perfect, but her eyes told her otherwise when she finally no longer felt him under her chin.

  Yep, this was heaven, alright. Not only was this stud packing the longest dick she’d ever seen, but it was by far the thickest. How jealous would Roy be if he saw this? Her ultracompetitive ex-boyfriend wouldn’t be a fan of finding out that he was now in second place when it came to the biggest cocks in her life. Heck, this might even get Al pissy. He certainly had never been a fan of Roy, especially after she honestly answered his question as to if he was the biggest guy she’d ever been with. She learned her lesson that day for sure: no man enjoyed finding out that he didn’t match up physically to an ex-boyfriend.

  She had a hard time seeing Dave ever finding himself in a similar situation. Could any guy out there stack up against this kid? It didn’t seem likely.

  He gripped his dick in his hand and slowly began to stroke it in front of her, unawa
re that he was teasing her with the treat she so desperately craved. A moment later, he took a step forward and rested his cock on her face. He couldn’t believe he’d just done that. Shit, he couldn’t believe any of this was happening!

  Now, this was the greatest thing he’d ever seen. The middle of Ms. V’s pretty face was covered by his thick cock, but her stunning blue eyes glowed from each side of his manhood. And he could barely make out a smile as his eyes traveled south. Sure, he would probably see a big smirk if he lifted his dick, but he was willing to sacrifice that reassurance for a few more seconds of this outlandish fantasy playing out as reality. Would he ever be able to look down again to see his cock run the length of his friend’s hot mom’s face? It was just about the most unbelievable thing he’d ever witnessed.

  Claire had experienced a number of extremely hot things in her lifetime, but she was having a hard time finding one that ranked above this moment. Some women might find it degrading. Others would call juvenile or disgusting, but she found it sexy. The warmth radiating from his most precious body part resembled sunshine hitting her face. The pheromones that poured off his body were magical. It was the indescribable smell of a guy who was ready. It was the unmatched passion of a man who desired nothing more than the woman in front of him. She was done torturing herself.

  She opened her mouth and began lapping at his large testicles, resulting in the basement filling with a heavenly song from above.

  Dave was loudly moaning

  That sound. God, she couldn’t get enough of that sound. She didn’t even need to be taken care of sexually if she was being completely honest. Would she ever turn down being on the receiving end of some oral attention? Absolutely not. But she could cum solely from bringing an orgasm to a man she truly cared about. It was the joy of pleasing that really did it for her.


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