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Concordance: A Terran Empire concordance

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by Ann Wilson

  Produced by Al Haines

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  Imperial Empire Concordance


  Ann Wilson

  Copyright (C) 1992 by Ann Wilson


  A: (Imperial English): The neutral-animate pronoun. Emperor Changdisliked the fact that there was no good Standard English pronoun thatreferred to a single individual of unknown sex, or where sex wasimmaterial, so he made use of the Celtic "a", often written with anaccent mark (a) by those who use Standard, to distinguish it from theindefinite article (@ is sometimes used when the printing/writingdevice cannot show accent marks). In Imperial English orthography, theCyrillic "ya" (reversed R) is used.

  [Preparer's note: The @ symbol has been used throughout these storiesin the manner described above.]

  ACADEMY: The Imperial Military Academy or Imperial AdministrativeAcademy. Both are headquartered in and have their most prestigiousfacilities in the Antarctica Palace Complex; "branch" Academies arelocated throughout the Empire.

  AHTO, Subsector 12-C: No. systems: 89 Sector: Eridanus with 3 inhabited planets: 2 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 11 with 1 inhabited planet: 21

  AEGIR, Subsector 17-D: No. systems: 72 Sector: Indus with 3 inhabited planets: 3 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 8 with 1 inhabited planet: 24

  AGNI, Subsector 11-B: No. systems: 153 Sector: Gemini with 3 inhabited planets: 4 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 12 with 1 inhabited planet: 24

  ALANNA, Clan: First of the Sandeman clans. Famous for its outstandingedged weapons.

  ALANNA, Dana Dru-: Originally Dana Manfredi. A Terran woman who sworepersonal fealty to Richard Jason. When Jason repudiated her aftertrying to kill her, Dana asked the Alanna clan-chief's help in makingatonement for allowing him to accept an unworthy thakur-na. Afterseeing the evidence, the Alanna instead asked Clan Miklos to convene aplanet-wide conference, and asked Clan Vader to rule on both Dana's andJason's actions. The decision was that Dana had acted properly andJason had not; the Alanna then offered her his clan's countenance(essentially adoption), and when she accepted, claimed Chief's Right onher behalf. The conference agreed with that, banning Jason from anybusiness in Subsector Sandeman, declaring his property forfeit, andgiving him a day to get off-world or be killed by the first warrior whosaw him. It also named Dana to the warrior caste and gave her theright to wear honor-black. ("Thakur-Na")

  ALDRAS: Sector: 16, Virgo Year: Subsector: C, Ishtar Day: System: Elder Gravity: Settled/established: Axial tilt: By: Oxygen: Satellites: % Water: Ident code prefix: ALS Continents: Ruled by: Fayette family (Barbara Tennison)

  ALPH, Subsector 17-A: No. systems: 95 Sector: Indus with 3 inhabited planets: 3 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 9 with 1 inhabited planet: 20

  ALTERNATE UNIVERSES: Until the first ship from a provably alternateuniverse appeared in the Empire, these were thought to be mathematicalabstractions. Afterward, however, they were accepted as fact. Thatfirst confirmed inter-universe transition, like most, was the result ofa drive malfunction, and led to the further discovery that if the drivewas repairable, the ship's next hyper-transition would take it away(from what happened to Imperial ships, return it to its own universe).If the drive could not be repaired, the transferees had to remain.

  That, at least, was and is the official story. In actuality,controlled inter-universe transition exists, but is astrictly-controlled secret. There are several reasons for this, butthe primary two are the Ravagers and the fact that, although the timerate is constant, the apparent time ranges from megayears in the "past"to megayears in the "future".

  AMATERASU, Subsector 1-E: No. systems: 61 Sector: Orion with 3 inhabited planets: 4 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 10 with 1 inhabited planet: 24

  AMATOR: (Xanadu) A member of the Guild of Amators, a professionalentertainer specializing in sexual activities. Students are unrated;examinations, when their instructors consider them ready, will ratethem as Specialist, Generalist, or Extra Class. Ratings can beupgraded by further training and examination.

  ANGHNAR: Sector: 5, Pegasus Year: Subsector: B, Sleipnir Day: System: Freya Gravity: Settled/established: Axial tilt: By: Oxygen: Satellites: % Water: Ident code prefix: ANG Continents: Ruled by: General: The world where Ranger James Medart picked up a number of Sandeman prisoners, including Dartha DruLewies, who helped him end the Sandeman war.

  ANTHEM, IMPERIAL: Otherwise known as "Darth Vader's Theme", by JohnWilliams, from the Star Wars trilogy. In Annexation, this choice ofanthem has a strong effect on the Sandeman attitude toward the Empire.

  ANTI-AGATHIC: A drug developed in 2113 which greatly extends thelifespan of humans, both standard and variant. Begun immediately afteradolescence, it will approximately double expectable lifespan; begunlater, the effect is less dramatic but still appreciable. Biologicalage remains what it was when treatment was started, until the last 3-5years, though some minor cosmetic changes (such as graying hair) mayappear at around the normal time.

  ANTI-INTERROGATION CONDITIONING: A total memory erasure triggered by acode phrase spoken by the person needing to use it. At this point, thevictim fixates on the first person seen or heard. Memory up to thetime of the last conditioning can be restored by replay of a mindscantape made then, and memory after the conditioning is triggered isretained; the interval between is lost.

  ANUBIS, Subsector 15-A: No. systems: 48 Sector: Auriga with 3 inhabited planets: 2 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 11 with 1 inhabited planet: 23

  APIS, Subsector 9-C: No. systems: 91 Sector: Ursa with 3 inhabited planets: 2 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 11 with 1 inhabited planet: 24

  AQUILA, Sector 10: Ruled by: No. systems: 207 Subsectors: 3 Inhabited planets: 147 A. Thunderbird B. Roc C. Garuda

  ARDEN, Subsector 4-E: No. systems: 149 Sector: Fornax with 3 inhabited planets: 1 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 9 with 1 inhabited planet: 28

  ARGUS, Subsector 2-A: No. systems: 141 Sector: Hydra with 3 inhabited planets: 5 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 9 with 1 inhabited planet: 23

  ARIES, Sector 18: Ruled by: No. systems: 1,067 Subsectors: 8 Inhabited planets: 416 A. Ebisu E. Prometheus B. Pallas F. Forseti C. Magni G. Tyr D. Vishnu H. Donblas

  ARMS BALDRIC: A formal or semi-formal way of displaying arms. Thebaldric is a length of cloth or other material about eight inches wide,hanging down in front to about wrist
length, draped over the leftshoulder, around the back to waist level on the right, and over theleft shoulder again to about knee-height in back, with the arms pinnedto it just below the left shoulder. It is colored in accordance withthe level of the jurisdiction issuing the arms: green for the Empire,white for a Sector, yellow for a Subsector, orange for a system, redfor a planet, and black for any lesser jurisdiction. The baldric maybe fringed in silver or green, depending on the baldric's color.

  ARRIAN: Sector: 19, Leo Year: 425.28 days Subsector: B, Galatine Day: 24 hr 18 min System: Regulus Gravity: 995 cm/sec2 Settled/established: Axial tilt: 21.4 deg. By: Oxygen: 25.3% Satellites: 1 (Whirlaway) % Water: 80 Ident code prefix: ARR Continents: 5 Ruled by: General: The entire population is male. Some are semi-androgynous, known as gynandri (singular gynandra), genetically engineered to be able to carry children. These are not numerous (most children are gestated in artificial wombs; all are products of cloning or laboratory gene-splicing), and they require considerable medical help to carry the baby to term once the embryo is implanted. While the genetic engineering that creates the gynandri is contrary to Imperial law, the reason was because the Arriani wanted to retain the closest approximation they could manage to natural reproduction, so until research can provide a way for women to live on Arrian, the engineering of gynandri is excepted. The Arriani, however, do not realize this; as far as they are concerned, they have managed to keep the gynandri a precious secret of their way of life. Religion is based on the Lady of Love.

  ASGARD, Subsector 3-A: No. systems: 63 Sector: Sculptor with 3 inhabited planets: 5 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 8 with 1 inhabited planet: 21

  ATHENA, Subsector 16-A: No. systems: 67 Sector: Virgo with 3 inhabited planets: 6 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 10 with 1 inhabited planet: 19

  AURIGA, Sector 15: Ruled by: No. systems: 510 Subsectors: 4 Inhabited planets: 210 A. Anubis C. Tuonetar B. Nephthys D. Yama

  AURORA: Sector: 8, Centaurus Year: Subsector: D, Pan Day: System: Aurora Gravity: Settled/established: Axial tilt: By: Oxygen: Satellites: % Water: Ident code prefix: AUR Continents: Ruled by: General: Had an interest in the heavy metals market strong enough for it to engage in industrial espionage; this attracted OSI's attention because of the possibility a former IntelDiv field agent was involved, which proved to be the case. (Barbara Tennison)

  AVALON, Subsector 4-C: No. systems: 106 Sector: Fornax with 3 inhabited planets: 3 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 11 with 1 inhabited planet: 22


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