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Concordance: A Terran Empire concordance

Page 13

by Ann Wilson


  MacLEOD, Jamie: Independent scout who discovered Irschcha in 2527.

  MAGNI, Subsector 18-C: No. systems: 180 Sector: Aries with 3 inhabited planets: 3 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 9 with 1 inhabited planet: 27

  MANFREDI, Dana: See Alanna, Dana Dru-.

  MARINE CORPS, IMPERIAL TERRAN: The senior Imperial service, the ITMCwas founded by Emperor Chang on 10 November 2128, though he establishedthe Empire itself and took the Throne on 22 January. The date wasdeliberately chosen to coincide with the birthday, 353 years earlier,of the United States Marine Corps; the Navy and the AdministrativeService were founded one week later, replacing Solar Federationservices which were then disbanded.

  Emperor Chang had retired from the USMC at the rank of Major Generalafter twenty-five years' service, and thought it only fitting that theITMC--a great majority of whose first officers and NCOs came from theUSMC--continue the history and traditions he thought invaluable. Healso instituted a new tradition at that time: at 1000 hours, PalaceStandard Time, on 10 November of every year, the Sovereign @selfpublishes the Birthday Article to every Marine post and shipboarddetachment. While there have been many changes, the ITMC retainsthings like the dress blue uniform and Marine Emblem which make itslineal descent from the USMC obvious. The dress blue uniform (with theUSMC male version used by both sexes) is essentially unchanged; theITMC Emblem substitutes the Imperial stylized globe for the USMC'sTerran Western hemisphere. (For non-humans, there are uniformvariations based on physical structure; Traiti, for instance, do notwear headgear except for protection, and the Irschchans, since 2569,wear a kilt version of any Imperial uniform.)

  MARSTON, Dan: Dana Manfredi/DruAlanna's pen name when writinghistorical fiction.

  MEDALERT TEAM: An emergency medical response team led by a physician,whenever possible a trauma specialist.

  MEDART, James Kieran: RJT-6743-5197 (14 Aug 2494-28 Mar 2669)Imperial Ranger, 2515-2669. Led rescue of Yonar Colony, his first solomission, 2518. Negotiated with the cloudcats to obtain human/Irschchansettlements on Ondrian in exchange for the privilege of travel onImperial ships, 2532. Called Mjolnir Conference, 2542, which resultedin the end of the Sandeman War and the creation of Subsector 5-D,Sandeman. Recruited Ranger Corina Losinj, then helped her stop WhiteOrder revolt, 2569; en route from Irschcha to Terra on this mission,the two discovered and began to train his latent Talent. To RangerLosinj's surprise, this included healing, an aspect that had notappeared on Irschcha.

  Had Medart not been selected as a Ranger, he planned to specialize inxenoanthropology, and has in a sense done so, though not formally. Hisinterest in the variety of cultures humans and non-humans alike candevelop has led him to study and visit as many as his assignmentsallow; while he is not totally familiar with all the cultures in theEmpire, he is the Ranger normally called on when there is aninter-cultural problem.

  MEERCLAR, Subsector 9-F: No. systems: 111 Sector: Ursa with 3 inhabited planets: 5 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 12 with 1 inhabited planet: 28

  MELGARIE, Jord: HPUJE-7895-2835 (? 2518-20 Nov 2572) Found 18 Jun2518 by Subsector 6-G Rescue Service, alone in an escape capsule fromwhich all identification had been removed. He appeared to beapproximately four months old, and medical tests showed him to havebeen a subject of major genetic engineering (which explained the lackof identification, if not the abandonment).

  Raised on New Bavaria by a series of foster parents who found himdifficult to cope with. He enlisted in the Subsector Navy in 2536,then deserted in 2538, stole a ship, and began a career of piracy. Acharismatic leader, he soon attracted other criminals and became headof a pirate fleet which eventually spread its operations out of Sector6, making it an Imperial rather than a local concern. Several Imperialagents attempted to infiltrate; all, until Nevan DarLeras in 2570-72,were uncovered and killed. Melgarie himself died when DarLeras wasable to call in a Fleet strike which destroyed the pirate base.

  MESSENGERS, IMPERIAL: Heralds or military officers with specialcommissions to carry particularly sensitive or ceremonial verbal orwritten messages from the Sovereign or a Ranger. All Messengers areprotected with special anti-interrogation conditioning which can betriggered by circumstance as well as by a spoken phrase, and onoccasion a volunteer is given special conditioning so @ can deliver oneof the Sovereign's messages in @'s own words and as close to voice asthe Messenger can manage. When acting as such, Messengers wear scarlettunics and travel in scarlet courier-class ships.

  MILITARY, IMPERIAL: The Imperial Terran Marine Corps and ImperialTerran Navy. Imperial military personnel are very carefully selected;as a rule, enlisted personnel and Academy candidates have theequivalent of a pre-Empire bachelor's degree; by graduation andcommissioning, an officer has the equivalent of three or fourdoctorates, and all ranks are expected to continue their educations.They are thoroughly tested in all physical and psychological aspects,then assigned where their individual aptitudes, attitudes, and trainingwill be most useful. Note that this definitely includes a person'spreferences, part of the Empire's pragmatism: a person does better in ajob @ likes, so it is in the Empire's interest to put @ there. If forsome reason it is necessary to put someone in a job @ doesn't like, @will be there as briefly as possible.

  MINOTAUR, Subsector 2-D: No. systems: 129 Sector: Hydra with 3 inhabited planets: 6 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 12 with 1 inhabited planet: 27

  MIRACLE-WEED: The Ondrian plant that is the only source of rapid-heal.Originally wild, it has been intensively cultivated since 2532, whenhumans and Irschchans established a colony for that purpose.Miracle-weed has been grown on other worlds, but does not thrive orproduce usable rapid-heal.

  MITHRA, Subsector 6-D: No. systems: 146 Sector: Scorpio with 3 inhabited planets: 4 Ruled by: with 2 inhabited planets: 12 with 1 inhabited planet: 23

  MJOLNIR: Sector: 5, Pegasus Year: Subsector: B, Sleipnir Day: System: Thor Gravity: Settled/established: 2154 Axial tilt: By: North Americans, Scandinavians Oxygen: Satellites: 2 (Gnasher, Grinder) % Water: Ident code prefix: MJO Continents: Ruled by: Klaes family Arms: On a platinum field, a mallet proper, head upward, with a thong through the handle's end. General: Stopping point of the Sandeman Eruption, 2542.

  MJOLNIR CONFERENCE: (2542) The conference Ranger James Medart calledin a successful attempt to end the Sandeman invasion of Sector Five.Mjolnir at the time was a Sandeman protectorate; its Baron Klaesdeclared it extraterritorial so the two sides could meet on neutralterritory. The war ended due to what Medart liked to call "sweetreason, backed by five battle fleets"--though to his amusement, theSandemans saw the fleets and Imperial weaponry as a temptation ratherthan a threat, and joined the Empire for the chance to use them.

  MULTIVERSE: A group of related alternate universes. Exactly where onemultiverse ends and another begins is not definite, since there isoverlap, sometimes considerable. Grouping alternates into multiverses,though, makes it easy to refer to such a group without having toidentify each alternate by its official designation.


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