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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

Page 7

by L M Lacee

  She and her sisters stepped in from the heat to find blasters trained on them. Eddea drew in a breath to screech her outrage, when she felt a touch on her back from Henna and she let her breath slide away.

  Melody, a laugh in her eyes, stepped forward and smoothly said. ‘Good idea, I am thinking you would not look good with a hole in your forehead.’

  Eddea stared hard at the female, her lips drawn back into a tight line. ‘I am from the house of Oraintarre, killing me would not be so easy, female.’

  A few laughs from several Warriors accompanied this statement. Melody grinned. ‘Riiight. I will be sure to remember that.’ She then waved a device over each of the sisters and found nothing, which infuriated Eddea, who had not even thought to bring a weapon. On reflection that was a sign of ineptitude, but her face remained impassive, her eyes on the other hand showed her anger and dismay.

  Melody said curtly as she started to walk toward the cruiser. ‘Follow me. Oh, and females try not to steal anything while you are here.’

  Making sure Eddea knew that her thoughts about the tablet had not gone unnoticed. Her sisters threw her a puzzled looked, she shook her head as though she too had no idea why the female had said that.

  The three sisters looked concerned as they moved slowly toward the opened doors of the ship, were they to be taken off planet, had they walked into a trap. Henna and Lula waited on the doorstep as Eddea worried at her bottom lip, then she squared her shoulders and hesitantly entered the ship and waited for the doors to lock behind her and her sisters and be taken from their home but apart from having to walk between rows of angry looking Warriors lining the passageway no locks sounded.

  For once, Eddea felt unsure of her ability to resolve this situation. She wondered if maybe she had not thought this entirely through in her haste to be thought well of by the other sisters and cousins. She firmed her resolve as she realized it was too late now to have doubts, she was the second sister, she would be victorious as usual.

  Melody walked them through a door that was guarded by Sarn and Kent. Eddea entered first, followed by Lulua and then Henna. All three came to a halt when they surveyed the plain, sparsely furnished room with its large oval table that dominated the interior. It was obviously a space created for conferences and seemed well used. There were side tables with bowls that held delicious looking fruit, some Eddea did not recognize, but her mouth watered at the thought of the taste. Henna sniffed as an aroma from the jugs placed beside the fruit bowls assailed her nose, a rich astonishingly wonderful scent seemed to float from them, and on the platters were small thin discs that looked fragile but appetizing, she was so hungry she took an involuntary step toward the food displayed, only to be halted by Lulua who shook her head no.

  Small couches were placed in front of floor to ceiling windows which overlooked the port and surrounding area, obviously in space this little sitting area would make an ideal way to see the ever changing view. There were wide shelves or ledges jutting out from the walls strategically placed around the room. Eddea counted ten altogether. She could see no reason for why they were there, they were too high to sit on, and no ornaments graced them. They were a puzzle.

  Melody was amused as she gave them a few mins to look around, which they did like children taken out on a treat. Then remembering that these females had abused her Warriors and would do so again without regret removed any humor she found in the sisters naïve manner.

  She showed them to three seats at the end of the table, Eddea knew it was on purpose, the seats were positioned to reinforce that she and her sisters were considered of no importance, inferiors to these people. Stiffening her spine, she willed herself to appear unaffected by the seating arrangement. It was only then she noticed the two people already in the room, a male and female standing behind chairs at the opposite end of the table. Eddea knew as the female looked at her, that this was the one Medenna told her of, she with the poho eyes. She dismissed the male as he was of no importance, all knew the females were the power here.

  A door at the opposite end of the room opened and took the three females attention from Netta and Kerol. Eddea watched the female and the male Commander from the day before enter. Her eyes zeroed in on the small female following them who carried a tablet. Then her attention was taken again by Commander James, who moved to stand behind a chair at the table beside the female Warrior with the poho eyes. The male Commander stood behind a chair beside the other male Warrior.

  The smaller female took a chair just behind the female who proposed to be the Star Daughter. Eddea chose to not remember the display that Peyton had shown in the throne room the day before. Instead she focused on the curly haired female dressed in a black top and skirt and decided she must be the secretary as she had a tablet.

  Eddea grimaced inwardly she should have brought a secretary as well, or at least made Lulua act as one. Again they were wholly under-prepared for this meeting, and the worse of it was, they looked ill prepared and inadequate. She glared at her sister Lulua and hissed.

  ‘Why did you not bring a secretary, like they have?’

  Lulua glared back as she put her nose in the air as she snapped. ‘Why would I have thought of that?’

  Henna blushed a darker pink, her red eyes bleeding to black with embarrassment as she saw the people at the end of the table watching and listening to her sisters.

  She delicately coughed into her hand as she pinched Eddea’s thigh causing them both to turn their heads to glare at her. When she indicated the others in the room they suddenly remember where they were.

  Peyton mind-sent to her people. Who are these people? Before they could answer, the door that she and the others had entered through opened and four healthy, well-muscled Turquall walked in. Rage, his mate Fanharr and his brother Rave, along with Honor padded into the room as the door closed silently behind them.

  They jumped up onto the ledges provided and Eddea almost forgot where she was again, to shout out her surprise. Amazed she looked again at the people in the room with confusion as she silently wondered why these people would provide the ledges for the Turquall. What, she wondered, did they get from the animals for accommodating them? She looked at her sisters, who both shook their heads a little, showing they were just as confused.

  Peyton looked up at Rage as he lay on his platform to the side and a little above her. When she had asked why he chose that particular spot, he had told her it was for her quick defense.

  Why are you here, you normally hate this stuff?

  Rage sent her the equivalent of a human shrug as he said. We wanted to see what kind of people could place males in tanks and treat Warriors as they did? He looked at Peyton. They are totally unimpressive.

  The other three Turquall laughed at his observation. Peyton sent a smile and said. You guys are hanging with Melody and Netta too much.

  Returning her attention to the females at the end of the table, she said. ‘Please be seated.’

  Her tone gave no indication of her mood. Peyton sat, as did everyone else, then she clasped her hands together on the table and waited.

  Eddea cleared her throat. ‘Thank you for allowing us to come.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘Who are you?’

  Annoyed to be addressed so, Eddea held to her composure and said. ‘I am second sister to the Matriarch Sennha, to my left is fourth sister Henna and to my right is fifth sister Lulua.’ The sisters bowed their heads as they were introduced.

  Peyton did not reciprocate the gesture, instead she introduced her people, starting with Darby. Usually no one was told who Darby was, most assumed, as Eddea had, that she was a secretary or assistant of no importance. It was a deliberate omission to keep Darby safe and allow her to infiltrate conversations as people believed her to be harmless. Later, when they thought about it, they would wonder why she was introduced before the others, protocol would dictate if she was a secretary or assistant she would be introduced last, if at all.

  ‘Just behind me is Lady Kline, to
my right is Commander Roeah and his second Captain Naihal. On my left is Commander James and her second Captain Howl. Our Turquall Pride, Leaders, Rage and Fanharr who are accompanied by Rave and Honor. You may address me as Star Daughter.’

  Impressed and slightly stunned at the present company, the females could only nod their heads as protocol dictated. Eddea cursed inwardly. The Star Daughter had snubbed her, and she wanted to do the same, but her time had passed.

  Peyton asked. ‘Why are you here?’

  Eddea simpered and gave them all her winsome smile that had disarmed many in the past. ‘Well I think that is obvious, we seemed to have made a very bad impression and I… well my sisters and I would very much like to rectify that.’

  Peyton blinked several times, then in a voice devoid of expression she asked. ‘How would you go about doing that?’

  Eddea opened and closed her mouth several times, without saying anything. It appeared she had not expected that question. Her sister Henna finally took pity on her or was totally exasperated, either way, she said. ‘I think what my second sister is trying to say, is that you caught us unprepared to give you a true Oraintarren welcome. So you may have left with an incorrect impression of the royal house of Oraintarre.’

  Every eye was turned on the three females with stunned amazement being uppermost in all their minds. Even the Turqualls sat in shocked silence. Really curious now, Peyton asked, disbelief battling with outrage in her voice. ‘What would you have done differently? Would you have answered our comm’s or would you have thrown us a banquet, or perhaps you would have hidden all our Warriors in your mines? Maybe you could have removed their collars, and chains before we arrived. I suppose you could have taken the three from the tank before we got there. I am at a loss to know what it was you would have changed, please tell us, which one you would have done to make the first impression better?’

  Eddea waved her hand in the air and rolled her eyes at her sisters, who tried not to smirk at the look they had seen her do many times behind Sennha’s back.

  Peyton’s hands turned white as she gripped them together, and she began to glow. Near silent growls came from the Turqualls as the others drew in sharp breaths of disbelief.

  Darby murmured in English. ‘Please let me kill her. I can do it!’

  Hawk softly pleaded in English for calm as he felt his Rie spike. He quickly tapped the table drawing Netta’s attention to him, knowing if he was affected she would be double so. ‘Calm Netta, stay calm this is not the time or the place.’

  ‘But understandable.’ Kerol murmured as Netta nodded jerkily. Melody placed her hand on her knee and squeezed.

  Ignoring the strange language and oblivious to the anger she had induced, Eddea blithely continued.

  ‘I can see how, if you put it like that, it does not reflect well on us. Surely you must see that none of those so called infractions warrant you closing our world. The manner of discipline and treatment you are so concerned about has been determined to be a safe, manageable way to adjust rebellious thinking.’

  Hawk asked with barely suppressed anger. ‘Who was it that decided this was the correct way for Warriors to be disciplined?’

  A look of disdain crossed Eddea’s face as she stared at him and was quickly removed when she remembered where she was. ‘First Sister of course, she dictates all laws.’

  Henna said. ‘Your actions of closing our world seems quite extreme, the punishments were of no consequence.’

  Eddea agreed. ‘My sister is correct, Warriors are put in danger all the time. To close our world over a few males you deem mistreated, seems… Oh I don’t know overreacting.’

  Her two sisters nodded their heads in agreement, then the sister called Henna said. ‘Eddea makes a good point. None of the Warriors were killed or seriously hurt. To react as you have seems... Well, it just seems rather self-indulgent.’

  Peyton snarled and slapped the table with her palms, causing a cracking sound to be heard. The three sisters were startled by the violent action. ‘Enough, where are my Warriors?’

  Bewildered, Eddea said. ‘Warriors… which Warriors? You have your Warriors.’

  Peyton raised her brows as she answered. ‘I do not. There are exactly eighty-five Warriors missing. I want them. Where are they?’

  Eddea looked at her two sisters and held her hands palms up imploringly. ‘I do not know what you are talking about. You searched our world, if you did not find them, then they are not here.’

  The sister named Lulua slyly suggested. ‘Maybe they were never here. Maybe you are the ones who are incorrect.’

  Peyton asked coldly. ‘Amazing, that you think we are lying?’ She looked at Darby, who read from her tablet.

  ‘Four yentas ago, four hundred and fifty Warriors were assigned to Oraintarre. We have located three hundred and sixty-five Warriors. Which means eighty-five are still unaccounted for.’ She looked at the three sisters. ‘It is simple math.’

  Peyton raised eyes full of flame and zeroed in on the three females at the end of the table and in a voice that carried ice asked. ‘So I ask again, where are my Warriors?’

  A shiver of fear slid down the three females backs and a light sheen of sweat coated their pink skins as it darken in their anguish, Eddea stated. ‘We do not know, they could have been taken with the Matriarch as her personal guards.’

  Peyton tapped the table twice, each sound like a whip against Eddea’s senses. ‘I see. So let me put it plain and simple, as it appears that is all you are capable of understanding. This world will remain closed until my Warriors are located and returned to us. Production of the mineral Salistred has ceased. If I was you, and I thank every star in the universe, I am not. I would have been asking to comm the First Sister as soon as I arrived here.’

  ‘How… How are we to do so?’ Eddea whined. ‘You have stopped all communications.’

  Peyton snarled. ‘You have until morn to make any comm’s necessary. Now I suggest you use my generosity to contact your sister the Matriarch and tell her I want my Warriors returned, she has two days.’

  ‘Wh... What.’ Eddea swallowed hard. ‘What happens after two days?’

  Peyton looked at the three females and with no emotion in her voice told them. ‘After that, I will have my Warriors come to your home and remove you from your little Empirer. They will then secure you to poles in the main street so everyone can see you and then my people will tear every building and home apart, piece by piece to find my Warriors, and they will start with the home of the ruling house. You the sisters of Oraintarre should hope I find my Warriors before that happens. Because in conjunction with tying you to the poles, I will start killing one person for every Warrior not returned, starting with your family. I do hope you do not find that over reacting.’

  ‘Bu… bu… but they are not here.’ Lulua said on a sob of fear.

  Peyton raised a brow. ‘Well, I do not know if what you are saying is true. I only have your word on that.’

  ‘We do not lie. We are from the house, Oraintarre.’ Henna stated, affronted Peyton would call them liars.

  ‘That is hardly a recommendation, so if I was you, I would comm and tell the Matriarch, I want my Warriors.’

  She stood as did the others and then leaned over the table threateningly. ‘I would make it sooner rather than later, sisters of Oraintarre. The delays are only going to make life harder for not only you, but your people. You have until tomorrow morn to reach your sister, now get off my ship before I have you tanked and on your knees in a collar and chain. After all, you seem to think that is of no consequence.’

  They sat there looking at her until Peyton, her anger flaming, once again snarled. ‘Get the hayda out and do not come back until you have our Warriors or I will not be responsible for what happens to you.’

  They jumped from their seats with small cries of alarm as Peyton’s hands flamed. Melody signaled Warriors to open the door as Hawk ordered. ‘Escort them from the port.’

  ‘Yes Commander.’ Kent
said as six Warriors surrounded the three females and escorted or marched, depending on if you were a sister or Warrior, back the way they had come.

  When the sisters were through the port doors they started walking quickly toward their home, the earlier pain from their feet forgotten in their haste to put distance between themselves and the enraged female.

  It was as they were nearing the Empirer that they realized they were hearing a public announcement. Eddea relaxed and smiled. Finally something was going right, the twins had made the address system work. That was until people started to glare at her and her sisters and call out derogatory statements to them.

  She and her sisters stopped and listened, and suddenly color filled their faces, turning them scarlet. It was not their sister’s sweet tones they heard, it was the voice of the female Commander as she addressed the populace.

  Greetings, People of Oraintarre. As you know this morn, we the people of Maikonia under the direction of the Star Daughter have searched your world for our Warriors. Four hundred and fifty Warriors were sent to your world. Eighty- five are missing, we demand their return. Until each Warrior is accounted for, we will remain on your world and in your orbit. The Matriarch and her sisters from the house of Oraintarre have brought your planet to a halt through their greed and disregard, for the precious gift of protection that they were given, namely the Warriors from Maikonia. We have closed your world until our Warriors are returned. You may consider this unfair and you would be correct, it is as unfair, and your ruling house is to blame. They subverted our Warriors from their duties. You, the people of Oraintarre, should feel ashamed of your ruling house for what they have done. Now because of the actions undertaken by the sisters of Oraintarre your ports are closed and there will be no more trade on or off world. No communications from the surface will be permitted. This action will continue until all the Warriors of Maikonia are returned to us. Please feel free to ask your ruling house why they find it necessary to keep our Warriors from us.


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