Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3 Page 14

by L M Lacee

  Peyton woke a few times through the night, each time Marlo or Heather were there to offer a drink and to tell her to sleep again. Usually that was Marlo in his rusty voice. As the night wove its way closer to dawn, her body returned to her and she found she could stay awake longer, she would lie and listen to the hum of the surrounding ship. On one of those occasions Marlo was asleep in his chair, he looked uncomfortable and from under her lashes she could see what she had missed every other time she had woken. The poor male was in pain and really beaten up. She was sure there was not a part of his body that had not taken some damage. Every now and again he twitched as waves of pain rolled over him and batted at her newly awakened senses. She could feel the intensity of his wounds and thought he looked worse than he had before and she knew he was worried about the regenerator, she had heard his thoughts as she slept.

  Peyton knew she was too weak still and her power levels were low, she sent a thought out. Star Child please can you help my friend.

  Instantly they were there, they assessed Marlo and with her hand still in his, they allowed their power to trickle through her to him. He sighed as the pain receded, dropping into a deeper sleep as slowly bit by bit they poured healing waves of energy into him, re-growing his foot and healing every injury he possessed, then as quick as it started, it stopped. She smiled and said. Thank you.

  Daughter, we found him worthy

  She had a smile on her face as they placed her back into a healing sleep, just as the dawn was breaking over the planet and the Matriarch’s ship triggered the long range sensors.


  Hours later, Peyton woke to a quiet and almost empty room. Nikolas sat next to her bed reading from his tablet. She grinned as she sat up. ‘Is it your shift?’

  He turned off his tablet and tucked it away. ‘It is, you are well?’

  ‘I am, Nikolas, where is everyone else and when is it?’

  ‘They are in Healer Heather’s office. Captain Marlo is whole and healthy, and he has not been in the regenerator. There is much consternation on how he became healed.’ He cocked his head toward her but she just smiled and said nothing. His answering smile was filled with humor. ‘It is now close to second-meal on the second day after the moon rescue.’

  She looked innocently back at him. ‘Well, okay then. So you want to give me a lift to my cabin, so I can shower, and I can watch the vid on our exploits while I have coffee and food?’

  He smiled. ‘As you wish, Madam.’ He scooped her up, sheets and all, from the bed. Rage and Rave arrived as they left the room to lead the way unhurriedly along the passageway and into the lift. Peyton leaned her head on Nikolas chest. It was like being carried by a very large brother. She mind-sent to Rage. Greetings, how is everyone, were you worried?

  We were not, the Stars always keep you safe. The bipeds seemed to be very excitable about what transpired.

  Yep, it is a failing. Pleased to see you missed me.

  We did, it is much more entertaining when you are awake. We enjoy Captain Marlo he is amusing, especially when he growls and like this one and Commander Hawk, he is quiet of mind.

  I find Captain Marlo a joy. I have decided to bring him into the family.

  We expected no less.

  Rave told her. We are pleased you are well beloved.

  Thank you, Rave.

  He then asked. When do we return home? I miss Maikonia.

  Me too. You should go hunting on the moon. I bet you didn’t when we were there?

  Rave almost quivered with excitement as he told her. We did not. May we?

  Yes, let me arrange it.

  Rage as excited as Rave sedately stated. We will wait for your word. Beloved.

  When they reached her cabin, Nikolas placed her on a chair. ‘Thank you very much, Nikolas. Could you do a few things for me or do you have somewhere to be?’

  ‘I do not. I am at your disposal.’

  ‘Than you, while I shower, could you call Chef Helen and ask her for coffee and food? Then please have Heather and her mate and Melody and Hawk. Netta and Kerol, Darby, you and Willian and Captain’s Marlo and Larson if he is up to it please. Oh and Warriors Ward and Janet I think that is it… Yes have them all come to the war room please. Also, you better tell Chef Helen about that as well, so she can organize food and drinks. Thank you.’

  Nikolas bowed his head and said. ‘As you wish, Madam Peyton.’ Then he left as she asked Rage and Rave. ‘Could you please guard the door, no one in, other than Helen please?’ They left and sat sentry on the outside of the door.

  Peyton heaved herself up and staggered into her cleansing room. She showered in the sonic waves twice before she felt clean and then she spent time in front of the mirror admiring her new look. Once again she saw that the Star Child had marked her. Now her hair looked like silver ice, on closer inspection she saw her eyebrows and lashes matched. At least it was no longer blinding white, but she did wonder what Esther would say about it. She knew she was stalling, there was no way she wished to see the vid from the moon but after she had done the same hair style twice and heard grumbles from her crystal, she sighed and mind-sent.

  As you wish grumpy one.

  Within seconds her hair had been twisted and turned into a roll. She turned her head left, then right, and praised her crystal. I look regal, congratulations, it looks delightful. How you manage that with all my hair is truly a gift. Her crystal rope hummed softly in pleasure.

  Closing her eyes, she took in a breath or two and then blanked her mind of thought as she dressed in jeans and a light-weight sweater, she slipped on her ship shoes and pushed the door open to find Helen placing plates and a jug of coffee on the table.

  ‘I thought I would have to come in and give you mouth to mouth, you know in case you had croaked it or something.’ She said as she placed the jug on the table, she looked up with a smile which swiftly became a look of concern as she saw Peyton’s expression, instantly she opened her arms. ‘There you are sweetheart, that’s right you let it all go now.’

  Peyton let the tears fall as she sobbed within Helen’s gentle embrace, while Helen crooned soft words of love and caring. After a few minutes, as with all things the emotions ran their course, her sobs quietened and her tears came to an end. Helen seated her at the table and placed a cup of hot coffee in her hands, then went into the cleansing room. When she returned, she had a warm cloth and like any mother would, she wiped Peyton’s face, kissed her forehead and said. ‘Better now?’

  Peyton nodded in reply. Helen smiled, then said. ‘Good, drink your coffee.’

  As she did, Helen placed a plate of food in front of her, took her own cup of tea, sat and turned on the vid. Together they watched everything, including the shuttle ride back. When it was finished Peyton had eaten everything on her plate and two bowls of fruit. She was on her third cup of coffee as Helen sipped her second cup of tea. She eyed Peyton saw she looked better, then said. ‘That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen and believe me I have seen some stuff. You should be proud of yourself and our people.’

  ‘You know I am. They were great, and I am fairly impressed with me as well. It was truly exciting, but between you and me, I am kind of happy I don’t remember all of it.’

  Helen smiled saying. ‘Yes, I can see why.’

  They sat drinking silently for a few minutes until Helen said. ‘So luv, what are you going to do about the girls, they were out of line.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Nothing, not for me to do anything. I don’t punish family.’

  Helen sucked on her bottom lip. Peyton looked at the older female and had her doubts. ‘Right Helen… Do you disagree?’

  ‘Yes I do. We are a military world, you made us aware of that from the very beginning. You told us our worlds were home to Warriors, and we the civilians were there to support the Warriors, we are building our future around that premise, are we not?’

  Peyton frowned and said quietly. ‘Yes.’

  Helen raised an eyebrow as she continued. ‘
Almost all the females are learning skills to defend themselves and their children. More and more females are signing up to try out for the military or for the pilots program. A few have even approached Jarrod and his family.’

  ‘What for?’

  ‘The Specialists hold classes to teach people how to learn to shield their minds against attacks. Anybody they find with abilities go into a special class to see if they can be shaped for defense or used in security as private guards. Warriors go over to the other worlds and hold training classes for the people there until the out posts or compounds are all set up.’

  Peyton’s eyes were round with surprise as she whispered more to herself than Helen. ‘I had no idea. I should know this?’

  ‘Pfft! Why should you? This is why you have councils so we can know and inform you when necessary. It is what we do, trust us, we will not screw up. We cannot… we have too many depending on us not to.’

  ‘So, what you are saying is, as the Star Daughter. I have to punish my family, I have to hurt them. Not going to happen… never.’

  Helen rolled her eyes. ‘Oh my stars, do not be so dramatic… punish, who said punish. Discipline… yes, it is the military way and they are no different to any other Warrior, you know this. You are our Commander- in-Chief, remember you told everyone you were. So whether you believe it or not, it makes no difference to everyone now, because they believe you are. In truth you have been the Commander since before we left Earth, or do you think Madam or Madam Peyton is just a title that everyone calls you?’

  She shrugged. ‘I just didn’t think about it, as you said it is a title, like Lady.’

  Helen sighed and laughed softly as she said. ‘I know you don’t. We all do and that is what will make you a great leader. The title is out of respect and not as you think secretly because you are the Star Daughter. It is because you are who you are. Jean had it right all those luneras ago when she said you were the Madam, you are her, she is you, and you normally wear it well. But sweetheart, what you are not wearing well, is the title Commander- in-chief.’

  They sat silently for a few mins as Helen let Peyton have time to digest her words. As the mins ticked by Peyton let the words soak in, coming to the same conclusion she always did. She was the Star Daughter and with that came tasks she would not always like or enjoy.

  In a softer voice, Helen said, recognizing the signs that Peyton was understanding what she was telling her.

  ‘We discipline because it shows that there are consequences and they happen for all, not just the recruits or juniors. Senior officers have to tread closer to the line because of who they are. Do you think that you can pick and choose who should be disciplined, because they are your family and yes…’ At Peyton’s sheepish look, Helen smiled. ‘Please… We all know sister is not just a word when it comes to you five. We knew that the first time we met you, as Brenda says, there is not a tighter group of sisters and we do include Netta in that. So now I am telling you, if you do nothing, are you not saying to everyone that your family should not be held accountable like the rest of us? Because if you are, that is a slippery slope to damnation, luv, and you know it.’

  Peyton snapped her mouth closed after it had fallen open in astonishment, then sighed. ‘You are right, I know it and I know you would not be saying it if you did not believe it to be true, but Helen I just don’t know how to do this. They are my sisters, you are right, they all have been from the first time I met them. You are my family as well. I love you all so much, please never think I don’t.’

  ‘We do not sweetheart, family is what we make it, we all know this. There is not a one of us who has not suffered loss, and through you and those sisters of yours found an opportunity to find and start new families. Terrans, Warriors, Turqualls, Traders, Senes and the Specialists, we all are finding families. It is a wonderful thing you have done for us. I have sisters in Brenda and Esther and I personally thank you for bringing us together, my life is far richer because of my sisters.’

  With tears in her eyes, Peyton whispered. ‘Thank you. Stars Helen, this will hurt.’

  ‘I know dearle one, and truthfully it should, and they should know how much this hurts you, maybe next time they will think before they react, as they should have this time. They should have trusted Patty. Perhaps with this example as a lesson, others who find themselves in the same situation will. Now for something else. You know Dinas could have killed each of them and he would have been within his rights. We are not on Earth the rules are different here, for us, for the males and the mated, especially the mated.’

  Peyton sucked in a breath as Helen’s words drove home how close her sisters had come to death. Helen nodded as she saw the effect her words had on her.

  ‘Peyton luv, they attacked his mate, his reason for living and yet he did not retaliate. Now that shows strength of character, and unlike the girls, he did not react with violence. He thought, then acted with words, just like they should have. Emotions are all fine and good, but I say again we are not on Earth. It seems to me that the Warriors and many others we have yet to meet in this universe, do not allow emotions to dictate their actions. Our females in uniform and command have to adopt this attitude or we will implode.’

  Peyton thought about that and realized she as the Star Daughter could become cold and unforgiving and knew she did not want that, she would not be like that. There had to be a balance and as she thought on that, she realized what Helen was saying was there had to be balance. If she did nothing, she caused unbalance and unrest, and they would as she said implode.

  Sighing, she rubbed her eyes as Helen said in her blunt way. ‘Now regardless of how you and I think about this, your leadership is being tested, and it is a major test. How will Madam Peyton react? How will she discipline? Are family more important than us? This is what the Terrans and Warriors, even the Turqualls, and eventually the others are watching and waiting to learn. What kind of leader is our Star Daughter, is she just a figurehead or an actual leader?’ She held her hand up as she said. ‘Before you decide, remember you let Hawk discipline Netta when she stepped out of line. I ask as everyone else will. Why is this different?’

  Peyton straightened shoulders that had slumped as Helen had voiced all the concerns and questions Peyton knew people could be wondering and asking themselves. ‘I have to do this, I am who I am. Madam Peyton. The Star Daughter. The Star Child’s arm of justice. I have spent luneras worried I would become the person written about in the histories, to the point where it seems I have forgotten who I actually am.’

  Helen smiled. ‘And who are you?’

  Peyton glowed a little. ‘I am the Star Daughter and I am going to lead my people, all the ones that have trusted me so far into a new future and to do that. I have to embrace who and what I am.’

  ‘Well, said dearle.’

  Peyton laid her forehead on the table as she groaned. ‘I just don’t know if I can.’

  Helen laughed. ‘Of course you can and as Hawk once said, if not you… who? Now get up, you have people to thank and discipline.’

  ‘You are right. I love you because you are right and hate you for the same reason.’

  Helen barked a laugh out. ‘You don’t hate me, just the truth of it that is all.’

  ‘I know… I know.’ She lifted her head. ‘Thank you Helen. I am sorry you were the one to have to explain all this to me. But for doing so, know I love you and appreciate your wisdom. What I am about to do will hurt and not just me, but we are as you said military and there is structure, rank and rules for a reason.’

  Pleased with her, Helen stood as she said. ‘There you go.’

  ‘Well, we better get to it.’

  ‘What the hayda is this, we… female?’

  ‘One word for you.’

  Helen eyed her suspiciously. ‘What word?’

  ‘Council. Now move it.’

  ‘Dayam it.’

  Peyton stood and called out to her four legged guards. ‘Rage, Rave, we are leaving for the war room.’ She
helped Helen tidy away the debris of their meal, then together they exited her cabin, only to come to a stop when they met both Willian and Nikolas standing waiting for them. Peyton smiled. ‘You should have come in?’

  Nikolas said. ‘We could not, Rage and Rave had orders to not allow anyone in.’

  ‘Oh right, I forgot about that. I hope we did not keep you too long?’

  Willian assured her. ‘You did not, Madam, I am happy to see you awake and well.’

  Her voice softened, as did her eyes as she looked at Willian. ‘Thank you Willian and thank you for staying with me. I felt safe knowing you were there.’

  At his look of surprise, she said. ‘Yes dearle Willian, I knew you were there.’

  He ducked his head as pleasure flooded his heart. Nikolas, recognizing Willian’s discomfort, asked Peyton. ‘What is there we can do for you Madam?’

  ‘Nikolas could you ask Healers Dinas and Patty to come to the war room please, if they are free and if they are busy, to come when they can?’

  ‘As you wish, Madam.’ He moved away and comm’d Dinas. She looked down at Rage and Rave. ‘Thank you for an excellent job. So do you wish to come with us to the war room?’

  Rage asked. Is it about hunting?

  Yes, eventually we will talk of hunting.

  We will come.


  Peyton, Helen, Willian and Nikolas along with Rage and Rave arrived in the war room after everyone else. Food and drinks sat on the side table as Peyton had requested, it seemed as if they had decided to wait as nothing had been touched yet. They all stood behind their chairs waiting for her as tension rippled throughout the room. She looked at her sisters, her friends, her Warriors and knew Helen had been right.

  She was a leader of a new world, of a military that desperately needed direction to come together as a society of more than just Warriors. Hawk was also right, if not her, who? She needed to show she was who they hoped her to be, starting with this task and she needed to show her friends and family what it was she wanted from them, so they could become more than what they were. To regain their tarnished honor and reputations. Then together they could bring ethics to a universe that had forgotten what it was like to be ethical. This was what her people had been showing her, asking of her since before they had left Earth.


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