Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3 Page 15

by L M Lacee

  She now took the reins of leadership they entrusted her with and owned the privilege and responsibility as the Star Daughter. The decision she realized of what kind of entity that would be was hers to make, not what was dictated from the past or was written about in a history book somewhere. She was Peyton St Hill, a Terran Star Daughter, she would write her own history.

  ‘Please sit.’

  Just as they were taking their seats, Dinas and Patty walked in. ‘We apologize for our lateness.’ He said with a bow to Peyton.

  ‘Please healers, no apologizes are required. It is my fault for the late notice.’ Peyton looked deep inside herself and took the strength she needed to do this from the truths Helen had told her and the truth in the knowledge that she was born to do this.

  ‘First; I wish to thank each one of you for your help and care and also congratulate everyone for a job well done. I have asked you all here because things have happened and are going to happen soon that may or may not change how we are viewed in the universe, and in some instances how we view ourselves. But before we get into that, I shall start with Captain Larson, it is nice to meet you.’

  The older Warrior stood and bowed, then as he straightened he said. ‘Madam Peyton, I thank you for our rescue.’

  ‘You are more than welcomed Captain Larson. I am guessing all went well in medical as you have both arms.’

  He smiled, and lines gathered around his eyes. Helen gave the male a second look, he like Marlo was older than most of the other Warriors. His skin tone was a little darker gray than what she was used to, and he had nice short sandy hair with a few streaks of brown through it. The bronze eye ring gave him a slightly roguish look. Although he was underweight, Helen thought when he had some decent food and was back to training, he would be a very handsome male. She had to admit she liked what she saw.

  ‘It all seems to work.’ Larson stated with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Peyton grinned at him. ‘Great.’ She looked over at Marlo. ‘Now Captain Marlo, you are well. Your foot is whole and healed?’

  ‘Apparently, it was a miracle?’

  ‘Well, that’s good.’

  ‘If you say so?’

  ‘I do, it was better than the regenerator. You were in pain.’

  ‘We were all in pain.’

  ‘It was bad, you were hurting.’

  He leaned closer to her and growled as Hawk and the others tensed. ‘I do not understand… I am not as important as you are. You could have hurt yourself more, good stars female you could have overtaxed yourself and died. Did you think of that?’

  Peyton leaned nearer to him, they were almost nose to nose as she snarled in reply. ‘You listen here, you stubborn old male. I will heal who I want, when I want, and I did think of that. But what you should have worked out in that smart brain of yours, is that I am the friggin Star Daughter. I host the Star Child and sometimes they decide things not me. Apparently for some weird reason they like you, so they healed you. But if it makes you feel better to blame me, you go right ahead and another thing, you are just as important as me or anyone. Again I will say this, you are not fodder. You are all needed, wanted and valued.’

  Marlo sat back with a grunt and looked at her, really looked at her, he could see she was well, but her eyes were red rimmed denoting tears he knew, but other than that she seemed settled. He crossed his arms and grumpily stated. ‘Don’t call me old.’ Pointing at Larson, he confessed. ‘I did not want to go in that machine like he did, he is better at that technology.’

  Larson said with a smile. ‘I found it relaxing.’

  Everyone laughed, and Peyton took Marlo’s words for the apology it was and grinned. ‘Fine, so next order of business.’

  Everyone took a much needed breath as they relaxed back in their chairs. ‘Promotions. Warriors Willian, Nikolas and Warriors Ward and Janet. You are all hereby promoted to Captains.’

  All four were shocked, and it showed in the surprised looks they gave each other. Her announcement hailed a round of congratulations from Helen, Hawk and the others. Peyton offered hers, too. ‘Well done, you all deserve it. Captain Kerol, you are promoted to Commander.’ He inclined his head as a smile broke out on his face. ‘Thank you, Madam.’

  Hawk gave him a nod as Melody grinned while the others gave him their congratulations. Helen said. ‘I cannot wait to tell Brenda and Esther?’

  ‘Now to Captains Marlo and Larson you are hereby promoted to Commanders and before you get all up in my face.’ She said to Marlo as he opened his mouth and quickly snapped it shut. He eyed her suspiciously but refrained from speaking. ‘I need you and Larson at home. Maikonia needs you to liaise between all the Warriors and Command. I think this is something we have been missing. Our Warriors have no one in uniform to go to when things go wrong or they have a complaint. They need to know someone is on their side, will fight for them. The Warriors from Oraintarre trust you and say you are worthy males, Commander Hawk and I know this to be true. Your squad brothers. Raley and Alexx will be promoted as well. I would like the four of you to be stationed on Prime. If you accept?’

  ‘We do.’ Larson agreed before Marlo spoke. Larson grinned sometimes, his brother’s desire not to be seen as soft or a male with a heart, got in the way of common sense. Luckily Marlo had himself and their other brothers to curb that aspect of his nature.

  Peyton smiled at the male. ‘Thank you Larson, we will discuss later how this will work. For now, continue your healing and regain the strength and muscle mass you have lost. There is plenty of time for you to find out about how we as a society work.’

  Both males nodded their heads as Larson said. ‘As you wish, Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Now we are done with that. Thank you Heather and Harm for coming and bringing Jarrod. Can he help the Warriors?’

  Heather smiled. ‘We are pleased to be here and yes, he started with the five. The three from the tank will need to be a little more stable for him to help, but he assured me they can work with them. Apparently the younger brother Malchol is better at this type of healing.’

  ‘That is good. Greetings everyone and again I wish to thank each of you for your efforts on the moon.’

  They all returned her greeting.

  She asked Darby. ‘So how far away is she?’ No one mistook who she was talking about.

  ‘The Matriarch’s ship will be here by morn.’

  Peyton nodded as she thought. ‘So, about twenty hours?’

  Darby shrugged as she agreed. ‘About then.’

  ‘So tell me about the sleepers?’

  Melody took the lead. ‘We have them all still in stasis, they are well and Hawk says he knows about fifty percent of them.’

  Hawk nodded as he said. ‘Most of them went missing somewhere around fifty to sixty yentas ago.’

  Peyton sighed. ‘I am guessing your brothers are not included?’

  ‘No Madam, they are not.’

  ‘Okay, so we are keeping them in stasis until they are home. Dinas, is that the best solution?’

  ‘Yes Madam, there are too many. We learned that from last time. It is better for them to come out of stasis when they are surrounded by other Warriors, also if there are problems we have the quarantine ship ready. We are hopeful there will be Warriors they know at home. Either way, they will be more accepting of where and when they find themselves. Jarrod agrees that they will cope better when we are home.’

  ‘Alright, we will do that. How did the new slings work out?’

  Kerol grimaced. ‘Not too bad, some split after a few uses and they were hard to slip the tubes into.’

  ‘So back to the drawing board, the engineers will want a report. Kerol, you just got nominated.’

  ‘As you wish, Madam Peyton.’

  ‘So last two things. Number one; I want us to all think about having mates if they are willing to come on board when we leave home. It is unfair for you to be away and not be with them. If we do not want to allow that, then we will have to think about shorter rotations.
Although I think we should encourage the practice of mates shipping out with us. Harmara’s family lived on ships. We can as well, it will take more configurations of cabins but it can be done. We did not promise the Warriors mates and then not allow you to be with them that is wrong. So I hope you Commanders will talk to your Captains and Warriors and then to the females and decide what you wish to do.’

  Helen asked thoughtfully. ‘What about children?’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Well, I for sure will travel with mine when and if I have any. I do not want to leave them behind if I don’t need to. So each to their own on that.’ She let them think on it for a min. ‘So to the last discussion point.’ She took a breath. ‘Commander Melody, Captain Netta and Lady Darby. Would you like to explain your actions on the shuttle?’

  Melody looked at Peyton, took a breath in and let it out slowly as she said. ‘Madam, we cannot.’

  Peyton stood as she glowed. ‘I see, so what you are telling me, is that three intelligent, articulate, females of Maikonia lost their furin minds and attacked one of my healers? Jeopardizing her life and the lives of everyone on that shuttle, as well as their own lives in the process. And you cannot come up with one furin reason for it… Is that what you are saying?’ She yelled as she thumped the table, leaving a dent in it.

  Everyone but Helen held themselves still as Netta, Melody and Darby paled along with Heather and Patty who felt their heart beats increase and sucked back gasps as they waited to see what was to happen.

  Peyton quietly asked again, anger vibrating in each word. ‘Is that what you are saying?’

  Darby shook her head as she stood. ‘No, Madam, it is not. There was no rational reason for what happened. This is what we mean.’

  Peyton stared at her until she sat again and sarcastically said. ‘Oh well then, as long as that is clear.’

  The females all cringed at her sarcasm. In that instant, not one person in the room doubted that something had changed. Peyton had embraced what they had been willing her to become, what she was destined for. Before they could answer and she saw one on Darby’s tongue she addressed Heather.

  ‘Healer Heather, you are the Chief- Medical- Officer for Maikonia. What action have you taken?’

  Heather stared at her, she had no idea what she meant and why she wondered, did she pick on her first? So she said the first thing that came to mind, to give herself time to think. ‘In what sense?’

  ‘Really, in what sense?’ Peyton asked snidely as her eyes flamed and her voice took on a dangerous tone. She glowed brighter as she snarled. ‘They attacked your healer, someone under your protection and in your care and you have no feelings about this, amazing.’

  Heather narrowed her eyes at the tone, worry and lack of sleep ignited her temper. She stood slowly and leaned over the table and thumped her hands down onto the shiny surface and growled in return.

  ‘Wait one dayam min here, Missy. You don’t get to be snide with me. Think about what you asked, your question was, what action have you taken? If you had asked what my feelings on this were, I would have answered appropriately. So calm the hayda down.’

  She straightened as she saw the glint of humor in Helen’s eyes. ‘Now to answer the question you should have asked.’ She snapped as Peyton opened her mouth to respond to her criticism. ‘I will tell you that I feel like tuap, total tuap. This problem arose because I didn’t do my job right. I should have explained the K, injection to Hawk and Melody. Then all this would have been prevented.’

  Peyton nodded her head as she thought on Heather’s words. ‘That is a possibility Heather, unfortunately it does not excuse their lack of trust in Patty or the violence directed toward her. Now does it?’

  Heather sat, Harm’s hand reaching for hers, and shook her head, sadness in her voice as she answered. ‘No, Madam Peyton it does not.’

  Peyton drove on, hammering the point she was desperate for them to see, to acknowledge. ‘Her mate could have taken their lives and as it was pointed out to me not to long ago, he would have been within his rights to have done so. Is that not correct, Commander Hawk?’

  ‘That is so Madam Peyton. Dinas was within his rights as every mate or Warrior is.’

  Every female other than Helen paled more at his words. Peyton asked. ‘Elite Dinas, why didn’t you?’

  Dinas smiled and inclined his head to Peyton. ‘Madam, I did not because my mate would have never forgiven me if I had.’

  ‘Is this true Patty?’

  ‘It is, Madam. They are my friends, my family. It was a mistake.’

  ‘A possible deadly one as it turned out. In more ways than one.’

  Patty acknowledged that statement with a nod of her head. Peyton retook her seat, her eyes had returned to normal and her glow diminished. She could see that the lesson she was asking them to see, the same one Helen had asked her to realize, was sinking in.

  ‘The old adage, this is going to hurt me more than you, is true here. You my sisters have effectively tied my hands as Dinas and Patty have their hands tied. Hawk also has his hands tied. Heather cannot do anything as she feels some responsibility.’

  ‘What is this tied hands, I see no hands tied. What does it mean?’ Marlo asked, annoyance in his voice. He had sat through her questions and could see what she had wanted her females to understand, but this business with hands confused him.

  Helen answered before Peyton offered a long drawn out explanation, which would undoubtedly leave him and the others more confused. ‘It means as they were all involved for whatever reason, they cannot oversee the discipline needed. Therefore Madam has to think outside the box. Which means…’ She hurriedly explained as she saw the question on the male’s lips. ‘That she has to come up with another way.’

  Marlo nodded, then growled and demanded of Peyton. ‘I see. Why did you not just say that?’

  She scowled and said. ‘I did, you were not listening.’ She turned back to the others and said. ‘So what to do, I have no experience in matters like this but I was also reminded earlier that we are a military world. Our personnel is predominantly military with a command structure, regulations and discipline. We are going to be the guiding light in this universe. The law, if you like, the bringers of the Star Child’s Justice, but to do that. To bring law and order to others, to hold others to a standard. We must be willing to have the same standard beheld by ourselves. It is what we do and what we are. So this needs to be taken care of as the vid has gone viral. I am sure just about everyone will have seen it by now. As is their right I know, and again I say I am pleased we do record most away missions. So I ask the three involved. What should I do?’

  Darby stood and answered. ‘I agree with your summation and thank you for making it short. I know that we, the three of us, realize the position we have placed you all in. We also know that the vid has gone viral, again as it should. The policy of recording everything off world is a sound one, transparency allows for no secrets. We also know that there has to be a consequence. What happened was an aberration for us but it showed a decided lack of trust in one who should always be trusted, we own that. There will not be a night that I and I am sure for Melody and Netta, that we don’t relive those mins and weep for the hurt we inflected on our friend. Heather, Patty and Dinas should be rightly furious with us, you should be furious with us. We blew it and we have to be disciplined.’ She ducked her head and Melody squeezed her hand. ‘It’s alright, I’ve got it from here hon.’

  Darby nodded her head and sat. Peyton made to get up to go to her but with Helen on one side and Hawk on the other, placing their hands over hers keeping her in her seat she could not. Unless she wanted to make a scene and ruin everything she had accomplished so far. Her face was calm but her eyes were tortured as they both mind-sent one word. No!

  Marlo and Larson gave each other a look. Marlo sent to Larson. She is hurting.

  Larson replied. My heart hurts for her.

  Hawk sounded amused as he said to each of them. You both sound surprised, this hurts
her deeply, no more than if it was one of us sitting there, you will learn.

  Melody stood as all eyes followed her. ‘We know we stepped for whatever temporary insane moment in time, over the line. We accept that there will be a disciplinary action. We also understand why you all cannot do it. It would be hard to forgive yourselves and eventually us. So we ask that for this action, our new Commanders excluding Kerol, set the punishments as they do not know us fully yet and they are older and from what I have heard, the four of them are well liked and known for being fair minded.’ She nodded her head and retook her seat.

  Peyton sighed inwardly, again they have made it easy for her, such wonderful sisters. She asked the other two. ‘You all agree?’

  ‘We do.’

  ‘Commanders what about you?’ Peyton asked, she held her hand up before they could speak. ‘Before you make your decision, I should tell you I do not allow corporal punishment of any form. Also there will be no demotions this time.’ She looked at her three sisters as she said. ‘Believe me that took some thought but I cannot demote Darby, although I should for her mentioning how short my explanation was.’

  She narrowed her eyes as she looked at Darby, who with Melody and Netta hid their smiles. ‘So Melody and Netta get a pass this time.’ She turned her attention once more to Marlo and Larson. ‘You should also know that discipline cannot commence until we get home.’

  Marlo growled. ‘Anything else… are you sure that is it, you are not missing anything?’

  Peyton tapped the table as she thought about it. ‘No... No, that is pretty much everything.’ She smiled at him, he frowned back at her as he grunted, then stated. ‘I do not coddle anyone, understand if we do this, no coddling.’


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