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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

Page 17

by L M Lacee

  Melody muttered in reply. ‘Well, I am not.’

  Heather stated. ‘Ladies, again this is about Larson and Helen not you.’

  ‘Yes Heather.’ They both said much to Marlo’s amusement, she sighed and told him. ‘You have to be firm or they walk all over you and will spend several hours arguing about nothing.’

  Netta murmured. ‘There is a reason for it.’

  ‘Oh sure, but at the moment this is not the right time, because Larson needs us.’

  They along with the others turned toward a vibrating Larson who had his hands fisted on his chest as though he was trying to keep his hearts inside his body.

  ‘What is wrong with me?’

  Reassuringly Heather told him. ‘Nothing Larson both hearts beating together is a signal you have found your mate.’

  ‘So it is normal.’

  ‘Yes, for your species it is, there are other signs, but it seems each Warrior is as individual about his mating as the females are.’

  He gasped as he asked her. ‘So she will know I am her mate?’

  ‘Perhaps, all I can say, is she will definitely know something has happened, maybe you should go and find out.’

  ‘And if she does not?’

  ‘Then you will have to use persuasion to court her.’

  ‘I see.’ He seemed to still his body for a time as a slow smile spread across his face showing just how handsome he truly was. ‘I understand this concept of courting, she will be mine.’

  ‘Oh well, that sort of says it all, really.’ Peyton said as she watched his eyes gleam brighter and a dangerous glint develop in the black depths, with a small smile of her own Peyton said. ‘Well go get her then.’

  Netta whispered to Melody. ‘Dearle stars.’

  ‘I know right?’

  Marlo told Larson. ‘Go brother, she awaits you.’

  Larson stalked from the room a low growl emanating from his chest, warning all to stay clear of the single minded male, who was hunting his mate.

  Patty rushed out saying as she went. ‘I think I’ll just go along and see what is for second-meal.’

  Helen arrived at her cabin which she had hurried to after leaving the war room when feelings of abandonment and sorrow washed over her. Tears blinded her as she stumbled into her cabin, her heart so overcome with sadness that all she wanted to do was curl up on her bed and cry, something she had never done before. She was on the verge of calling Heather to find out what was ailing her when she remembered Patty telling her and Brenda about the symptoms Fern had experienced when she had met her mate.

  Helen’s hand flew out, and she grabbed the wall as her thought processes halted, what the hayda is wrong with me, surely I haven’t met my mate I would know wouldn’t I? She scrambled to make sense of what she was feeling and with supreme effort steadied the tidal wave of emotions and thoughts that assailed her and started to think again. Dearle stars, it cannot be Marlo… No that’s ridiculous. Was it Marlo? She frowned as she thought about the Commander and realized that did not seem right, he was a nice male but not for her, no it was not Marlo. Logic said the only one left was Larson, a smile rose in her heart and spread to her lips as she quietly said his name, ‘Larson.’

  The one male she was destined to be with for eternity however long that was, and as she listened deep within her heart and needar, she swore she could hear a door closing on her belief that love had passed her by.

  Staring out the window into the darkness of space, she caught a glimpse of her mate’s reflection as he stalked closer to the door of her cabin. Larson, the name sang in her heart.

  She wanted desperately to call Brenda and tell her she had been right, when she had told her luneras ago, that they were not too old for love. Because she was staring love in the face right now and what a face it was. Strong but to thin, of course, that was to be expected with what he had endured but she could see the potential of the future in his features. He had a determined chin that some would call stubborn, she called it manly, his nose was straight and his eyes… those astounding black eyes filled her with feelings she never thought possible. They ensnared hers in their honest gaze and within their depths she read, hope, desire and sadly fear, the same kind of fear that seemed to be swamping her senses.

  Larson hunted for Helen until he found her standing in a cabin looking at the stars. He spent precious mins battling the emotions that thrummed within his body, which had caused all rational thought to scatter as he had walked the passageways. With determination he managed to push those new and slightly bewildering feelings down and hold them at bay, terrified if he did not he would frighten her with their intensity and she would reject him. Calmer now and feeling more balanced by being in her presence, he stood watching her and realized he did not know what to do or say, his quarry stood feet from him and he found his voice gone.

  Taking a breath Helen straightened her shoulders and as was her way decided to meet these feelings and this male head on. She, Helen Merson, had survived Earth and crossed galaxies, and it was not so she could stand here and quiver at the start of a new life. No it was to embrace what was to come, because she dayam well deserved it, she turned toward her future and asked.

  ‘Are you going to stand there all day, I have meals to oversee?’

  Larson grimaced as he said. ‘No and probably yes, I do not know what to do now.’

  Smiling she said. ‘Well entering my cabin and closing the door would be a start.’

  ‘True.’ He put action to the words.

  Patty breathed a quiet sigh of relief, good Helen seemed to be okay with what was happening and Larson seemed to be in control of himself. She took note of what she had observed, for the mating records and hurried away with a smile, just as she heard the cabins lock snick into place.

  Larson eyed his mate and hesitantly told her. ‘I find I am in the uncomfortable position of being uncertain, it is not a normal state for me.’

  ‘No, I am sure it is not, but I feel it is only temporary.’

  His heartfelt response of. ‘Dearle stars I hope so.’ Caused Helen to burst out laughing, which released the tension they were both feeling. He gently reached for her and when she did not pull away, drew her toward his body and bluntly stated. ‘I followed you because you are mine.’

  Helen raised her eyebrows. ‘I see and is that your way of courting me?’

  Larson frowned. ‘Yes and no, this is all very confusing, my body is screaming at me and my hearts have decided to both beat together for the first time which has never happened before. And my mind… my mind says go slowly, do not frighten my mate.’

  Helen gently smiled. ‘Access your download on Terran mating rituals, my dearle Larson you will not frighten me. I am made of tempered steel all Terrans are.’

  Larson nodded and did as she said then he sighed deeply and when he spoke his voice was low and had a growl that set Helen’s senses on fire. ‘Days ago I knew I was to die with my brothers and all I hoped for, was that it would be a good death. Now I am here with both arms around you, knowing I am mated to a female that takes my breath away and renders me senseless, and all I hope for, is that I live long enough to be worthy of her.’

  Helen sucked back the startling sob that rose in her chest at his words, words she would forever commit to memory. Softly she told him. ‘I am not an innocent. I was once promised to be married, sadly it did not work out, and we parted, before he died of the virus and until this morn I felt I was incapable of the feelings you invoke in me.’ She moved into him and placed her hand on his cheek whispering. ‘If you are willing to take on someone of my age, then who am I to turn away a second chance at love.’

  He covered her hand with his and pulled her closer until she could feel the heat from his body warm her. ‘What is this thing called age that you speak of, together we are embarking on a new life. There is no past and no such thing as age, we are here now walking into a future we make.’ He leaned his forehead on hers as his lips grazed hers in a soft kiss of wonder, while her ar
ms wound around his body and she held him tightly to her.

  Larson whispered. ‘I have waited a lifetime and more for you, I see now that all I have endured was to bring me to this moment in time, so I could claim you, my Helen.’

  Helen closed her eyes on the pleasure his words brought to her, she opened them and replied. ‘Oh my dearle, I too have waited and endured. I suppose it was necessary, so we could arrive at this point and be here for each other. I will never leave you Larson.’

  ‘As I will never leave you Helen, only death could take me from you and thankfully that is many yentas in the future for us both.’

  Surprised Helen pulled a little away from him as she asked. ‘What do you mean?’

  He whispered in her ear. ‘When Warriors find their mates, and their life forces join to become one this enhances both lives, it is, I believe, a side effect.’

  Helen’s eyes widened. ‘Do the others know about this, how do you know this?’

  He shrugged. ‘It was in my download.’

  ‘Well, it wasn’t in mine.’

  He grinned at her waspish tone. ‘I have it on good authority, we received different downloads.’

  ‘Oh I see, so all Warriors know this?’

  ‘I imagine so, we were advised to only discuss it with our mates.’

  ‘Oh… Oh, I see. So do you suppose it is a gift?’

  ‘From the Star Child, is that what you mean?’

  ‘Yes, do you think they gave us this?’

  Larson frowned as he said slowly. ‘As compensation perhaps, but truthfully I do not care how it came about. I am only thankful it did.’

  ‘Yes that makes sense.’ She moved even closer to him and softly said. ‘So, many yentas?’

  ‘Many, many yentas.’

  Boldly Helen told him and prayed he would not be devastated at the information. ‘You know I am unable to have children?’

  Larson nodded, he had already worked that out when she mentioned age earlier. ‘Is that something that hurts you?’

  Helen was going to lie and brush it off, but knew that to be dishonest, instead she nodded and told him. ‘It does, I would have liked to have babies, to give you children.’

  Larson smiled his slow smile as he leaned down to kiss her once more, when he drew away, he told her.

  ‘Do not give up hope, look at us, we managed to meet and we come from two different universes. Trust the Star Child to know what they are doing.’

  ‘You believe the Star Child orchestrates our lives?’

  ‘Oh my love yes, and so much more, now hush, I need to practice kissing. I am assured it is worth getting right…’ Then his lips plundered hers in a kiss that had Helen’s toes curling in her shoes, the kiss was long and said so much more than words ever could. When they broke a part, Larson told her huskily. ‘I will court you.’

  ‘Really, why?’

  He stepped away from her as he cleared his throat and told her. ‘Because, when I make you mine, I wish to be more than a skeleton with skin.’

  Helen smiled. ‘Well, in that case you should come to my dining room as I am to be mated and you will not join with me until you are fit. Then it behooves me to help with that as quickly as I can.’ With a determined look in her eyes she told him. ‘Just so you know, I will not wait forever.’

  Larson grinned, as a devilish look entered his eyes. ‘Why my Helen, you have no idea the recuperating powers of a Warrior and the determinism we are blessed with. Especially when we have such a worthy goal.’

  Helen raised her eyebrows along with her chin as she told him. ‘I am counting on it.’


  Janet asked as she stared after Larson when he hurried from the war room. ‘I wonder if he will drop, my Ward didn’t.’

  Marlo raised an eyebrow and asked her. ‘I am guessing that means drop to the floor.’

  Janet explained. ‘Yep, it happens, although not to every male.’

  He asked Heather. ‘Why will he drop?’

  Peyton asked Darby. ‘Has he had the download yet?’

  She shook her head. ‘No, he refused.’

  They all stared at him until he snarled. ‘My choice, I was told I could decide this for myself.’

  Peyton said. ‘Well yes, I suppose if that is how you feel.’

  ‘It is.’ He barked and waited to see what she would do and say now. Trust was a slow process and as willing as he was to believe all these people were worthy, there was still doubt in his heart.

  Harm asked Peyton. ‘You will not order him to receive it?’

  They watched Marlo’s face tighten and a look of something resigned enter his eyes. Peyton shook her head. ‘Nope, it his choice always.’

  Turning away from the male as he slowly started to relax, she asked Netta what was happening on the planet now. Melody explained softly to Marlo while Harm listened. ‘She would never have made you. That is not who she is, I swear.’

  Marlo nodded but did not answer and she knew he like the others were still reserving judgment on them and especially Peyton. A little while later Kinn entered the room. Everyone had gravitated to where Peyton stood with Netta and Darby.

  ‘Lady Darby you have a need of me?’

  ‘Yes Kinn, take Lord Harm…’

  ‘No, Darby, it is just Harmara or Harm.’

  ‘Well which do you prefer, because I can tell you if you aren’t quick? They get an idea and it doesn’t matter what you say, and then everyone calls you that.’ Darby explained with an exasperated tone and look as she eyed the innocent looking Kinn.

  Peyton said. ‘Lord Harm is a good title.’

  Harm was laughing, something he had seldom done until he met Heather and her family. He inclined his head to Peyton. ‘People who do not know me call me Harmara, my family call me Harm.’

  Nodding with a twinkle in her eyes, she told him. ‘Yet it is best to do it my way, so Lord Harm it is.’

  ‘As you wish, Peyton.’

  Peyton was delighted. ‘So cool.’

  Kinn inclined his head. ‘Lord Harm, if you would like to follow me. I will take you to a secure comm link.’

  Securing the fact he was accepted as part of the whole, Harm grinned at Heather, whispering he had been guardiod, she grinned at his happy expression. Peyton said to Darby. ‘Make sure he gets the coordinates of Maikonia, he can get our family ships on their way.’

  Harm’s breathing stopped, he turned to look at her and the others in the room and what he saw shook him, not one of them thought it was strange that the location of their home world would be given to him to pass on.

  Darby patted his arm. ‘If you are worried, the comm’s are secure.’

  ‘No dearle Darby, I am a little taken aback with the trust you are showing me.’

  Darby eyed him for a min. ‘Yeah, I can see that, but it gets easier, Kinn coordinates as well please.’

  ‘As you say, Lady Darby.’

  Eventually after another hour the gathering broke up, Peyton heard that over half her Warriors and all the Turqualls were on the moon, hunting. She laughed as she left to go to her cabin she needed a nap. Netta quietly followed her. When they reached her cabin Peyton looked over her shoulder as she entered and asked. ‘So if you didn’t follow me to ward off bad guys, what can I do for you?’

  ‘I wanted to say I am sorry, I don’t think I said it yet.’

  ‘Netta mistakes happen and truly as mistakes go this was a doozy. I am not going to lie but no one died, no one had to go to medical. Patty and Dinas have forgiven you, Heather will see that guide lines are put in place. On the whole, it showed us some things we were lax in, so good thing from bad.’

  ‘And you… will you forgive us?’

  Peyton took the older and taller female in her arms and hugged her and sighed gently. ‘Netta, already gone, it is in the past. We have heaps to worry about other than that. Tuap we have a bad ass Matriarch coming here to kick my ass.’

  Netta laughed. ‘Well, when you put it like that, but I am sorry, now I
will let you rest.’

  Peyton watched her for a moment as she moved to let herself out. ‘I do have one question for you though Netta.’

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘It has been made clear to me for the last few wekens, especially before we left home, that I need a permanent guard.’

  ‘Yes, I have heard talk of it.’

  ‘Ahh, I thought that would happen. Seriously, the gossips.’ Peyton shook her head and seemed to lose herself in thought until Netta cleared her throat. ‘Peyton.’

  ‘Oh yes. Well anyway, I asked Hawk, Melody, Kerol and Dinas, who I should ask to be my Commander and each of them said you. So I am officially offering you the position as Commander of my guard. You are within your rights to decline and no harm done.’

  Netta moved from the door and sat. ‘They all said me?’

  ‘Yep, every one of them.’

  ‘I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘Oh yeah, if you don’t want it, that’s okay.’ Peyton couldn’t quite keep the disappointment from her voice.

  ‘No… yes, I mean why me? Is it just because they said to ask me, Peyton, do you want me?’

  As she sat opposite her she said. ‘I really do, even without their recommendations, I would have asked you. I love you Netta, you are as dearle to me as the other three sisters are. The Star Child likes you a lot, even though you were scared and worried on the moon, you still held and still came with me, protected me and Willian as much as you could.’

  ‘Could have killed Patty.’

  ‘Yes there is that, you went against your training all because you wanted to protect me, right or wrong that is a fact. I know as you do, it will never happen again and lighten up. I know of a Commander plus a mad scientist that did the same. Seriously, I could not ask for a better Commander. I trust you Netta, trust you will never sell me out, hurt me or grab the power you are going to have if you take this command. I know you won’t use this position to hurt others or use it for your own advancement. I know you to be honorable, and to me, that is all I need. Plus I have it on good authority that you will kick my ass if I get out of line.’


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