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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

Page 22

by L M Lacee

  She watched as two Warriors took up positions either side of the door, and another large Warrior made a sign and the female and her people walked to the table. Sennha was unsure if she should be amused or irritated by the way the female walked into the conference room. She did so with an arrogance that rivaled her own, which was surprising.

  Refusing to rise to the challenge issued by this creature, Sennha smirked at the obvious ploy to irritate her. She raised her chin and reveled in the impression she gave of Oraintarre perfection. She had chosen to wear her understated court dress, which she wore to the Coalition meetings. Her dress was a slim form fitting deep green and gold mid-calf length sheath, boasting a discreet neckline, long sleeved as befitting the First Sister. Her jewels were big, bold and the best of her collection, reflected in the rings on each of her fingers and the long sparkling earrings she wore. These complimented the thick jewel encrusted chain that sat on her slim hips. Her cover-up, although minimalistic for her, still managed to emphasize her best feature, her eyes. Which she had defined with the deepest gold liner she owned, and her lips were painted blood red, to match her hair. Sennha was one toned as all First Sisters were, which denoted them as the ruling sister from the line of Heleika. Today she had directed one of the twins to style her locks into the traditional twisted roll as opposed to her usual loose style. This she felt emphasized that she was a female of tradition, who was blessed with control and intelligence and not just beauty.

  She was the perfect representation of her home world and as she looked at her beautiful sisters, who were as tall as she was, but not perfect like her. She saw they had all dressed in their court dresses in varying shades of gold, green and red. Their hair was dressed accordingly to her specifications, in a similar style to hers, showing the royal house of Oraintarre was a united house. Her cousins were of course dressed a little more plainly, as befitting distant relations. She watched proudly as her family walked sedately to their chairs around the table. It appeared they had taken her seriously when she ordered no fighting.

  Her two oldest cousins were today acting as her assistants, after listening to Eddea when she had told her about how she was under-prepared at the last meeting, Sennha decided she would not be caught likewise, she understood as Eddea did not, how to impress in politics. It was all about perception if these interlopers believed her to be their superior, she had won from the outset. She caught Eddea’s eye as the Matriarch she was the only one who could mind-send, a gift passed down from the original First Sister.

  This is who you are so frightened of Eddea. This short child like being, with the pale skin, this is the one who had you running. Did you lose what brains you professed to have while I was absent? Really, Eddea, I will have to look at your position. Mayhap second sister is too much for you. It could be Medenna’s time, as she has suggested.

  Eddea blushed with either shame or anger, Sennha did not care as long as she got her point. Eddea was getting too aggressive in her ploy for Matriarch, better to cut her off before she had to be too drastic with her, she still had her uses.

  Rage asked as he walked around to stand by Peyton. Did you know the Matriarch can mind-speak?

  Peyton answered. No, but it does not surprise me. Should I cancel it or just listen in?

  Rave sent her a Prowler’s grin. Better to know your enemies mind.

  Well alright, so monitor for now. She mind-sent to everyone in her group. The Matriarch can mind-speak, we have to assume she can listen as well, so tighten your shields like you’ve been taught.

  Peyton had elected to take only a small group of her people after watching the elaborate preparations the day before of Sennha and her sisters arranging the conference room in an unused lounge. Julope and her sisters had actually let themselves go enough to laugh, as they watched the females of house Oraintarre inexpertly clean the windows and floors, then huff and puff as they pushed and pulled furniture in and out of the room. When the sisters had finally wandered off amused and happy that they were leaving their world.

  Marlo who had been in the viewing room with them asked Peyton. ‘Why are you doing this, we have all the Warriors and the others that wish to go?’

  ‘Yes we do, and yes we could just go but I made a promise to Oraintarre to at least try to reason with the Matriarch and well…’ She shrugged. ‘I think they are still hiding something.’

  ‘More Warriors?’

  ‘Possibly, I hope not. Also, I do not like being toyed with. I abhor the treatment all of you had to endure. Somewhere at some time, we have to establish the fact we will not tolerate it. Before we all came on this mission, we decided if it needed to be, it would be here on this world. Oraintarre is a semi powerful figure in the Coalition due to the mineral they mine. If we make the statement here that Maikonia will not allow our Warriors to be abused and we wish them returned, all of them. Then maybe, just maybe we will not have to escalate and the Coalition will not fight us and help.’

  Marlo nodded his head. ‘I hope that it is so, I fear we have a long way to go.’

  ‘That may be true but we have started and we will not falter, we will have all our Warriors home and the universe will know we are here to help and to rescue who needs rescuing. We will make sure people are treated fairly. Worlds should know that the Star Child wants justice for everyone, not just a select few. We should all want to live in an ethical universe.’ She stood up and gave him a quick hug, knowing like the other Warriors he was unused to being touched and told him.

  ‘This is a good example to show the Coalition and the worlds who we are.’ He heard her say as she moved pass him. ‘You are not fodder and the universe needs to realize that.’


  Peyton had allowed Darby to accompany them after she presented herself at the shuttle bay. When she asked her why, she wanted to go to the meeting. She had replied it was necessary for her growth, and how could she allow others to stand for her, if she refused to do the same when she could for them.

  Peyton had nodded and then looked at Hawk, he quickly hid his grin, she was sure he had no idea what she was talking about either. Harm and Waseo were surprised to be asked to attend, even though Peyton explained they were part of Maikonia and a valuable resource. She had said that their observations would be different from the Warriors and Terrans. And Heather said they were well versed in the politics of this universe, which she definitely was not. Also, there was the hope Sennha would unwittingly let some information about the Coalition slip. None of the Terrans would know if she did and Hawk had stated he was more interested in any threats to them and was just as pleased Harm and his uncle were going. Peyton was hoping the family’s reputation if not the males themselves could distract Sennha enough that she may reveal whatever she was hiding.

  Peyton had met all the members of Harm’s family who were on their ship when they returned from rescuing the off loaded Warriors. She and Waseo had fallen into a rhythm of banter they found enjoyable. Marlo, his squad brothers, Waseo and several of Harm’s cousins became friends over a bottle or two of Konin whiskay. Peyton had quickly declined their offer of a drink when the contents hissed on opening. Now as she walked to her seat, she was sure that just about the entire ships personnel were watching the meeting on screens with the help of Darby’s bugs.

  Sennha felt a thrill of triumph when she realized the people standing around her table were all that this female had accompanying her. As expected in matters such as these she excelled. As she had told Medenna politics was all about over whelming your opponent, whether it be with beauty, intelligence or out witting them with numbers as she had today.

  Although she was a little disconcerted with the large number of Warriors and Turquall who strode in and lined the walls as well as blocking the exits. Deciding to dismiss them as servants and therefore unworthy of being counted as people, she still felt she had the upper hand. Henna had said that they had used shuttles to come from the port. Five had landed in front of the Empirer and three circled above. As with Me
denna, Sennha had refused to spy out the upper-story windows like a servant. Medenna had told her how surprised she was at the silence that had greeted the Star Daughters arrival.

  Sennha had been incensed when had walked… yes, walked from the port. She had been jeered at by people who had lined the streets on her return and they had been very verbal and loud. It had been humiliating as she made her way to her home, the only way she had been able to appear calm was to think about all the many ways she would retaliate once her world was restored to order. But until then she had been forced to hide inside her home and have her cousins turn the complaining citizens away, and there had been so many petitioners calling to complain.


  Sennha stood by her chair at the head of the large rectangular table with its elaborate engraving of the House Oraintarre’s family tree emblazoned across the surface. The tree started with her ancestor, the very First Sister, Heleika Raintor, and ended with herself.

  Peyton stood at the opposite end of the table, her back to the door, Rage by her side, Hawk was to her immediate right and Darby on her left. There were empty seats between the two groups of people, which seemed no one was willing to fill.

  Sennha smiled and addressed herself to Peyton.

  ‘First; before we start, I would like all the Warriors to remove their weapons and place them outside.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘No.’

  ‘This is non-negotiable and is my right as host for this meeting to dictate what protocols will be followed. Have your Warriors disarm immediately.’

  Peyton stared at the female and wondered if she really thought she would do as she asked. ‘You asked for this meeting. I am here. Let us proceed without demands, you know, I will not ask my people to comply with.’

  ‘Convention dictates you comply.’

  ‘I don’t care about your protocols or conventions they mean nothing to me. I have nothing to lose here. I and my people can leave as easily as we arrived.’

  Leaving her no way out other than demanding they leave the Empirer, Sennha decided retreat was warranted for now. ‘In that case let us proceed with the understanding I am lodging a protest with the Coalitions department of protocols.’

  Peyton grinned at the threat. ‘You go right ahead and file that complaint. I am sure it will go with all the others that have been filed against me.’

  Sennha glared at her, then said. ‘I understand you know who we all are, but I am at a slight disadvantage. Would you introduce yourself and your people?’

  Peyton smiled, it did not reach her eyes which Sennha was aware of. ‘Do you just mean my people at the table or everyone I brought with me and then there are the Prowlers, they would like to be introduced as well?’

  Rage growled. I did not realize we had decided to change our name?

  Oh, I am sorry. Did you want to do a big announcement or something?

  No, why would you say that. Do I look like a Terran to party with every announcement?

  Wow! Someone is grouchy.

  I am here, it is enough to make anyone annoyed and you are avoiding my question

  Was there one?

  Beloved, why must you add to my annoyance?

  Peyton was positive she heard snickers from her people at his question. Well, if you are going to be that way about an innocent question. I thought you had decided, because Fanharr told me you and she had discussed the name and like it.

  Fanharr talks too much

  Ahh, you can tell her that I would rather not.

  Rage snorted when he heard Rave laugh. I will refrain as well. Yes, we decided on the name Prowlers,

  Especially after sister Melody explained what the name implied.

  Oh me bad, I should have done that.

  Perhaps then, we would not have been so resistant to the change.

  Wow, you really are annoyed.

  What gave me away?

  Sennha smiled condescendingly, not knowing the word Prowler but assuming it meant the Turqualls.

  ‘No, just the people present at the table, we on Oraintarre, do not consider creature’s people.’

  ‘She will pay for that?’ Netta said she was sitting with Helen, Heather and several of the others in Marlo’s viewing room. Hawk and Peyton had decided it would be better for her to remain on the Warbird, it was possible her Rie would perceive a threat from the females on the planet and force her to take action.

  Peyton almost snorted at Sennha’s tone and attitude as Rage growled low in his chest. I do not consider her a person, therefore she is prey.

  Peyton ran her hand down his back in agreement then made the introductions, starting with Rage to annoy Sennha. ‘Next to me is my Pride Leader, Rage.’

  They all watched as Sennha’s mouth tightened in annoyance at being introduced to what she considered a creature and having to acknowledge their presence. Once again jealousy stirred in her needar, but politeness dictated Sennha would have to acknowledge the introductions, which she did with a slight nod of her head. There were several twitters of mirth quickly hushed when Sennha looked around at her family.

  Peyton raised her eyebrows, then said. ‘To my left is Lady Darby, beside her is Lord Solverea, on my right is Commander Roeah, beside him is Commander James and next to her is Captain Solverea and as you know I am the Star Daughter.’

  Sennha was stunned, and her heart started to beat a frantic tattoo. Maybe she had been wrong, maybe this female was the Star Daughter. To be in such illustrious company had Sennha doubting her first impression. Then her common sense reasserted itself, this was obviously a ruse by the Solverea family; and that was why Harmara Solverea himself was here, along with the rouge Commander. Sennha almost laughed, if these renegades thought to outwit her in own house, on her world, they could think again. Smiling gracefully, she said. ‘I see, I think it would be so much friendlier if I was to know your actual name?’

  Peyton shrugged one shoulder as she replied. ‘I do not.’

  ‘Well, that is difficult. I am of course Sennha Raintor. Matriarch and First Sister of Oraintarre. Let to us be seated.’

  Peyton mind sent to her people, so her family are not to be introduced that seems rude.

  Darby sent back, you expected her to introduce her sisters and cousins, who are not as perfect as herself, you were dreaming.

  Melody asked, do you really care who they are seriously?

  Before she could reply, Rave growled to Peyton from upstairs where he and several other Prowlers had been searching. The upper floors are empty, and the rooms are disgusting, there is vermin all over the place.

  Peyton sent back. Be careful, tell your people not to get bitten.

  He snorted and scoffed. They refuse to enter the rooms. Honor said something large skittered across the room in front of her. She says she is returning to Lady Darby as she cannot work in these conditions… Such a princess.

  Peyton sent back. Are you watching Terran vids again? He sent a sheepish smile in return, she laughed then asked. Could you look for a room with weapons, swords, blasters and things like that?

  For Commander Marlo and his brother Warriors?

  Yes, for them and the other Warriors, apparently they have had those weapons for many yentas. I gather they are like old friends.

  I understand, I will look for them.

  Thank you. If you find them, let Iaan know. He is in the hall, and will get them out.

  When I find them.

  Well, alright… when. Peyton showed him her grin, thinking that Rave was going to get his tail bit by Fanharr and Honor when they got back on board.

  Sennha asked. ‘You find something amusing, Star Daughter?’

  Peyton grinned openly. ‘So much, now why are we here Sennha?’

  ‘My title is Matriarch or First Sister.’

  Peyton’s voice hardened as she said. ‘I do not care. Again I ask, why am I here?’

  Sennha breathed through her nose, calming her temper as she chanted over and over, I am in control, I rule here,
until she brought herself under control once more. ‘As to that, it seems you have touted yourself as the Star Daughter. I wanted to clarify if in fact you were this entity. The universe knows there has not been a Star Daughter for millions of yentas, in fact it is said the concept is only a myth.’

  Hawk asked. ‘You say this and yet we saw cracks on your walls and floors as we entered, was that not proof enough the Star Daughter is not a myth?’

  ‘No, it is not, ground tremors can also crack walls.’

  Hawk nodded, then asked. ‘Why then did you address her as Star Daughter?’

  ‘Politeness dictates I address her by a name or title. As I do not know her name or title. Star Daughter will suffice.’

  Peyton looked at Hawk, then Sennha and shrugged. ‘Fine, it makes no difference what you think or believe about who I am.’

  Sennha smiled like a shark. ‘So you are saying, you are not the Star Daughter. That what you did to scare my sisters was a trick?’

  ‘No, I’m fairly sure I did not.’

  ‘It would seem you did.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Sennha, why are we here, other than to satisfy your curiosity?’

  Realizing the conversation was taking on a childish tone and achieving nothing. Sennha changed tactics. ‘I do not recognize your species, where do you come from?’


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