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Daughter of Ethos: Price of Power Book 3

Page 30

by L M Lacee

  Eddea fainted as she finished speaking, and once more the ground shook. ‘And that is my cue to leave. Sennha forget the account, we will call it paid in fill.’

  As Oraintarre bowed to her, she said. ‘Remember my friend, I am only a comm away.’

  ‘I will remember.’


  Peyton had no energy to transport herself back to the port and decided to conserve what power she had in case she was attacked again, although she felt Oraintarre observing her, so it was probably not warranted. Still, she decided to walk to the port and when she reached the doors. She saw there were no shuttles waiting and remembered she had sent Hue and Iaan back to the Warbird. She took a breath and felt how tired her body was and how sluggishly her power moved. Finally she managed to call forth her star light and transported herself to the war room of the Warbird.

  ‘Thank the stars.’ She murmured gratefully. It seemed to have taken a long time to transport from the surface. She swayed a little and grabbed the table to support herself. ‘I must need coffee.’ She muttered then louder said. ‘Comp’ on.’

  Greetings Madam.

  ‘Oh yes, greetings.’

  Madam, are you well?

  He sounded so concerned Peyton automatically soothed him and then smiled as she wondered why she assumed the comp’ was male. ‘Oh yes, just a little tired thank you for asking. Please have these people woken and told that I would like them in the war room within fifteen mins.’


  ‘Chef Helen and Lady Darby, Commanders Hawk, Melody, Netta and Kerol—Traders Rose and Frand, also Healer Heather and Lord Harm. Specialist Jarrod and Captain’s Willian, Lukkas and Waseo as well as the Graynite Warriors. Thank you.’


  She walked over to the coffee dispenser. ‘Comp’, also have Pride leaders Rage, Fanharr and his second Rave attend please.’


  ‘Good, now comp’ let’s compile a list.’ Peyton made her coffee, then stood cup in hand as she told the comp’ what she wanted done in the following hours. Well within the fifteen min time frame, people started to arrive. Helen was first with the others trailing behind her, she was carrying a tray of pastries and started talking as she entered with Harm and Heather. ‘Renla really can bake.’

  ‘Yum, is that what smells so delicious?’ Melody asked, as Helen was about to place the tray on the side table. Suddenly it wobbled as she cried out with dismay. Harm grabbed the tray from her hands as he asked. ‘What is it?’

  Peyton said. ‘Heather what happened?’

  Heather calmly asked. ‘Helen what has happened?’

  Helen took in a shuddering breath but before she could speak. Rage walked in. I scent blood, and it is yours Beloved, who do I kill?

  She squealed, then said. ‘Eww… Rage, you know what my blood smells like?’

  ‘She is what?’ Snapped Darby as she came in. Heather swirled around, grabbing Peyton. ‘Where... Where are you bleeding?’ Her hands started petting over Peyton’s body as she tried to fend her off, while she cursed in every language she knew. She had inadvertently forgotten to dispense with her clothes and clean up. She had been so busy reciting to the comp’ what they had to do to leave. She tried to discourage Heather’s hands from touching parts of her body that tickled as Hawk demanded. ‘How did you get hurt?’

  He and Melody stood, blasters in hand. All the Warriors stood with sword and blasters out. Netta stood with knives in each hand. Waseo and Harm had placed with Rose and Frand between them. Jarrod stood by the Prowlers.

  Rage stated. Enough. The Star Daughter is not harmed, sheath your weapons.

  Everyone halted and looked sheepishly about. Peyton said quietly. ‘Thank you, Rage. I swear I am well. I am so very sorry I upset you all. If you give me a few mins to clean up, I will explain.’

  Looking at a pale Helen and Darby, she said. ‘I will have Heather check me, if it would make you feel better?’

  They both nodded in agreement. She swept her eyes around the room making sure to touch on each person there and smiled. ‘I promise I am well.’

  ‘Alright.’ Helen said as she sat heavily on a chair. Fanharr sat just as heavily beside her, Helen instantly started to pet her.

  Peyton walked into the cleansing room, cursing again under her breath.

  Heather walked in behind her, saying. ‘Strip!’

  Which she did without a word of complaint. The people in the other room all quietly listened to the exchange. Heather looked her over, placed the scanner on her chest and arm where the red marks and bruising were. She gave it a quick look, then said. ‘Okay sweetie, you are fine. No permanent damage, you want me to heal, what’s there?’

  Peyton leaned her head on Heather’s shoulder and nodded, saying softly. ‘Please, I have no energy left to do it.’

  ‘It’s okay that is why I am here, remember.’

  ‘And I thank the Stars you are.’

  ‘Good.’ Heather turned the scanner to healing as Peyton said. ‘I am so sorry, I just didn’t think about the blood. I scared everyone.’

  ‘Yep, you did, but no harm done. Just a little scary, no biggie.’

  ‘Just didn’t think.’ Peyton scolded herself.

  Heather smoothed Peyton’s hair as she finished healing her and then softly said. ‘So what you are saying is you forgot then?’

  ‘Oh, my Stars really, get out you horrible female. Get out!’ She screeched as she shoved a laughing Heather through the open door.

  Smiling, she had a quick shower and dressed in lightweight pants and top that appeared in a drawer which opened by itself. Peyton stood with the clothes in her hand and eyed the wall and softly said. ‘You better not have eyes.’

  She was sure she heard a soft laugh as she dressed. By the time she had returned to the war room, everyone was quietly talking and sitting with filled plates and cups. Her place was set with her cup and a plate with a delicious pastry on it. She bowed her head to the room before taking her seat. ‘I apologize again.’

  ‘It was the shock.’ Helen explained. ‘So soon after the last time. I want to say sorry for my reaction too.’

  Hawk said for them all. ‘Apologies accepted, we all over-reacted.’

  Melody stated. ‘Let’s put it down to Peyton’s fault.’

  ‘Fine.’ Peyton agreed, giving Melody the evil eye who just smirked back at her. ‘So let me tell you what did happen this morn.’ She told them everything from when she got the message from Oraintarre and about the Warriors hidden within the orbiting satellite, which started a chain reaction. Willian contacted Nikolas who organized cruisers to go to the coordinates Peyton gave them, then he went over to investigate the satellite with Jorge and several Warriors. She then told them about the assassination attempt. Harm and Waseo snorted in disdain. ‘Amateurs.’

  Heather growled. ‘Seriously, that is all you can say, our Star Daughter, my sister was shot and all you can say is amateurs, that’s it?’

  ‘Well they were my treasure. If a Solverea shot the Star Daughter, she would be dead. No offense, Madam.’

  ‘Oh none taken.’ Peyton muttered as Melody and Darby grinned.

  Waseo shook his head. ‘Terrible, just terrible how badly some are taught to shoot nowadays.’

  Faintly, Heather said. ‘If you say so.’

  ‘We could go and take care of her in the proper manner for trying to kill our Star Daughter?’ Waseo said thoughtfully. ‘It will take but a moment.’

  When Peyton could see several of the males starting to agree. She said. ‘No… no, Oraintarre has already punished the shooter and is taking care of the rest of the family. We have other things to do. Frand, Rose, how long to retrieve the Salistred… Oh wait, what did your family say Frand?’

  ‘They are delighted and will definitely be on board.’

  ‘Good, Rose, you will organize and oversee that with Miko?’

  ‘I will Madam.’

  ‘Oh speaking of Miko, she is our new Chief Laroro and Darb
y she will be contacting you this morn?’


  ‘Good, now Frand how long?’

  ‘It depends Madam, how much am I loading?’

  ‘Fifteen hundred tonnes. Oh, and we have two yentas to sell it. Oraintarre will halt production and trade for that long.’

  ‘Oh my stars.’ Brother and sister said together. Frand said. ‘We are rich.’ Embarrassed, he ducked his head. ‘I apologize.’

  Peyton grinned at him. ‘Do not apologize, we are very rich and we should all be delighted, we earned every credit. The Warriors stationed here especially and us, for having to deal with stupid females. Seriously.’

  They all laughed as they talked about the credits and what it could do for them all.

  Peyton told Frand. ‘Now you will be able to afford more cargo ships and pilots and more Captains for them all. I promote you to Trade Commander Frand Leesungha.’

  Rose squealed and hugged him. ‘We are so proud of you Frand, a fleet of ships.’

  The others congratulated him, Frand sat stunned into silence. With one look at his expression, Rose told them. ‘We never thought when we left our family to trade on our own, we would ever have our own house, and now we have that and a fleet of ships. Frand will be the second youngest Leesungha to command a fleet.’

  Melody asked. ‘Who was the first?’

  Frand jerked out of his stupor and answered. ‘Our Papa.’

  Darby smiled as she told them. ‘You will be pleased Frand to know that I know for a fact we have ships for you being assembled on Maikonia.’

  He asked Peyton. ‘You were already giving me ships?’

  ‘Of course, you are our Trade Commander, you need ships.’

  He smiled as he bowed his head. ‘Thank you.’

  Hawk told him. ‘There will be no shortage of pilots or captains. I have been informed several females have qualified as pilots, as have Warriors. I am sure you will have a large selection to choose from.’

  Melody asked. ‘Are you concerned about having female pilots?’

  Frand shook his head. ‘Unlike other species, pilot traders are of both genders. It matters not as long as they like their ships and personnel. They must be able to do the hauling, that is all I care about. Madam, I am at a loss for words.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘You deserve it, Frand. So how long will you need to load?’

  ‘We will need three hours and an hour for contingencies.’

  ‘So four will do?’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘Can you start on that, we wish to leave orbit after second-meal, earlier if we can secure the Warriors and mineral before then.’

  ‘Done. Please excuse me. Rose?’

  ‘I will remain on board the Warbird.’

  ‘Alright.’ He turned to leave as Darby called. ‘Hold Frand please.’ She looked at her Graynite Warriors. ‘I need one of you on each cargo beast to do the upgrades.’

  They frowned as Peyton said. ‘I swear we will protect her with our lives. Honor is here and Willian will stick with her.’

  Kinn bowed his head. ‘As you wish, Madam. We know she will protected.’ They looked at each other, then the other three nodded to Kinn who asked. ‘Will we be allowed to come back, to still learn from Lady Darby?’

  Darby grinned. ‘Oh yes, we have so much to do, and Willian and I cannot do it without you.’

  They could all see the pleasure her words gave them and the relief. Peyton said. ‘While we are on the subject?’

  ‘What subject?’ Melody asked her.

  ‘Shut the hayda up, armee girl.’ Peyton shot back, Melody grinned, and she was not the only one.

  ‘I have decided to honor Lady Darby’s request and stop calling her Lady.’

  ‘Oh thank the stars.’

  ‘Yes from now on, she will be Specialist Darby and will hold the rank of Commander.’

  Darby nodded her head. ‘I can live with that.’

  ‘Good, because I’m not taking it back. Now Warriors, go with Frand and start your upgrades. Hawk, have you assigned Warriors to Frand?’

  ‘Already done, Madam.’

  Frand tapped his forehead with two fingers saying. ‘I... We are out of here.’

  After they left. Peyton said. ‘Alright, let’s get to it. I promised meat from the hunt, Helen.’

  ‘We have enough for three shuttles.’

  ‘You did well. I am impressed.’ Peyton applauded the hunters. ‘And logs?’

  ‘Five shuttles.’

  ‘How many have been loaded?’

  Willian answered. ‘Two shuttles with logs as requested and one of meat.’

  ‘Okay then make it five of logs and two of meat. Can you oversee that, Helen?’

  ‘I can.’ Helen asked. ‘Hawk, Melody, they will need Warriors,’

  ‘On it.’ Melody told her as she and Hawk tapped on their tablets with their heads together.

  Peyton requested. ‘Willian you are in charge of the pilots.’

  ‘As you wish, Madam.’ He tapped on his tablet.

  ‘Heather, Jarrod how are we for medical and patients, are we alright for going home?’

  Heather nodded. ‘All clear from medical.’

  Jarrod said. ‘My patients need to be home.’

  ‘Okay and your parents?’

  ‘Will meet us there. Avana and my brothers have gone to get them. There are others that wish to come, many Senes and Masters have heard of the Elders lies and that we are welcomed on Maikonia. That we call it home.’ He smiled as he told her that.

  Peyton nodded her head. ‘Alright comm and tell them we welcome everyone and make sure they are screened. You can do that?’

  ‘I can, as my brothers will.’

  ‘Did she take Koana?’

  ‘I believe she left her with Trina.’

  ‘Huh, cuddle time when I get home. So they are all safe?’

  ‘Yes, we have an escape plan that we have had in place for many yentas. Our father will arrange another location for the others to meet my brothers.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She turned to Harm. ‘Harm, Waseo are you ready to go home?’

  ‘We are. We will need an hour for preparations.’


  Helen asked. ‘Do you have enough food?’

  ‘We do Chef Helen.’ Waseo affectingly told her. Peyton asked. ‘Harm are you traveling with us or…’

  ‘If it is alright, I would like to travel with my treasure on the Warbird.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘No problem, Chef Helen, are your kitchens ready?’

  ‘We are.’

  ‘Fanharr are the nests and Prowlers ready?’

  They are Madam.

  ‘Hawk, how long until we can get underway?’

  ‘Depending on what we find on the satellite, it should be four or five hours, no longer.’ At her raised eyebrows, he said. ‘It is not our first rodeo, as Melody would say.’

  ‘So funny. Well, let us get to it, people. I miss my home and bed.’ They laughed and secretly agreed that it was time to go home. ‘Darby could you go and see Paolo and tell her you found the planet?’

  ‘Of course, I’m on it. Netta you are with me?’

  ‘Why?’ They continued to bicker as they left the war room.

  Peyton stood and asked. ‘Prowlers please remain for a moment.’ They walked over to the viewing lounge as the others all left to get ready to leave orbit. Peyton said.

  ‘Fanharr I would like all the kits and juveniles in the nest until after we have left the mining planet please. There may be some things I do not wish them to see or hear. You may have to be firm with the bonded.’

  As you wish, Madam, and I am sure I will.

  ‘Rage, Rave, we are going to this mining planet that has the children. I suspect the kidnappers are not going to be happy about us arriving. We are going to need Prowlers and I hate to ask, but we will need Prowlers that will bring down a male.’

  Rage stated bluntly. You mean kill.

  She said sadly. ‘I do.’r />
  Beloved, why is this any different from what the biped Warriors do?

  ‘I do not know, it should not be.’

  Rage reminded her. No, it should not. This is what we do, we are Warriors just as you and all the Warriors are. We are no different because we have four legs, not two. We are Maikonia Prowlers.

  Taking a breath, Peyton firmed up her shoulders and her voice. Rage was right, she would be asking the same of her other Warriors, she could not make a big deal out of asking the Prowlers to do the same.

  ‘I apologize Pride Leader, it was not said to diminish or hold you accountable. It was truly my acceptance of what I am asking you to do, and in truth. I am as uncomfortable in asking you as I am in asking the biped Warriors. This is a concern I have that needs me to attend to. I am sure this will not be the last time I ask you and the other Warriors to go into battle for Maikonia. So the selection of who goes planet side is yours.’

  Rage inclined his head, and the three left. After they had gone, she stood for a while watching space from her windows. Closing her eyes, she let herself drift among the stars.

  Daughter you are well?

  I am adjusting. Is that the same thing?

  We too are adjusting.

  I had no idea it would be this intense.

  Power always finds its own balance.

  Perhaps the price of power is too high.

  It has always been so.


  Three hours later Peyton stood in her cabin looking out her small window, wondering if she could get a bigger one. She missed seeing all the stars traveling by. Sighing, she decided she had put it off long enough. ‘Comp’ on’.


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