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The Petal Kingdom (Bringing Life, Falling Ash Book 2)

Page 12

by CS Patra

  “All right then.” Alice was confused. “I’ve never heard anything called a Skinned Demon before but I don’t want to run into it. Are you sure we’ll be safe here?”

  “I think so. I’ve never heard of the demon attacking anyone in caves. Besides, we have the dragon to protect us. He would never be able to break through ice, only flesh.” Coryn said. “I think we should be safe if we hide in here.”

  “I’m not thrilled about hiding but this is the best we can do for now. I can’t let the dragons and Madelyn melt over here.” Alice looked through the things that she had purchased. “Well, now that it’s getting dark, I should get to work. A dress can’t be made in one day so I should start.”

  “Are you sure you want to make me one?” Coryn asked. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to stay in that castle for long. People scare me at times. All that light and noise might be too much.”

  “If it is too much, you can always go outside. I know that castles tend to have courtyards so you can sit there if it bothers you. I don’t think there will be too many people.” Alice got close to the fire so she could see what she was doing. “I’ve spent more years baking than I have sewing but I think I can make something special for both of us.” She took a deep breath and looked at the fabric she had bought. The shopkeeper was the only person that she had spoken to in this kingdom. “Have you noticed how empty it is here? I see more life in the flowers and trees than I do out on the streets.”

  “Are you saying there are no people?”

  “No, there are people but they aren’t on the streets. They are locked in their homes and shops. Since you’ve mentioned that Skinned Demon, I’m wondering if that’s the reason they are hiding. People say it lives in the forests but maybe it has moved into the town.”

  Alice shivered at that. “Why would something like that want to go into a town of people? I always figured demons would try to hide themselves. They would rather stay in dark places. Do you think a demon would be bold enough to go to a crowded place?”

  “I don’t know. I thought like you did but maybe things have changed. I do know one thing for certain. I don’t want you to go out there alone again, Miss Alice. If you really need to, I will try to go with you. What happened to your bright friend? You could try to go with him.”

  “Oh, Light.” Alice had been so preoccupied with everything else that she had forgotten about Light. No doubt he had probably disappeared to do something. “He comes and goes as he pleases. I’m not sure what he is but he and his brother… well, I’m assuming it’s his brother… have been of great help. I just wish I could understand them.”

  “Well, as long as he is friendly, I don’t think you have too much to worry about. If he doesn’t hurt you, he is a friend.” Coryn said. “I wouldn’t worry about where they go. As long as they aren’t causing harm, they are our allies.”

  “I agree.” Alice agreed. She knew there was nothing to worry about when it came to Light and Dark. They could go and come as they pleased. They would give the information they had and leave. She didn’t need to worry about them. “Let them do as they want. Come on. I need to finish all this before the ball begins.”

  Chapter 12

  The mail had come sooner than expected and it was lying around in a pile for everyone. Lavinia felt a bit of hope when she saw all the letters falling around and she immediately fell to her knees to find something from Alice. There had to be a letter from her. Her bare hands touched the ground and she saw some of the grass turn to ashes but paid no attention. The ground was already dead below. Nothing would grow from it anyway. Her mind was on trying to find Alice and trying to make sense of what Silas and Kian had told her. They were only looking out for her but she couldn’t help feeling angry about their words. It was like they wanted her to give up. They wanted her to go back.

  You can’t save everyone in the world, Vinnie. War or not, people will continue to suffer down here. Some places are having drought, very few people are able to feed their families... yes, you can try to stop the war. That doesn’t mean the problems will go away. How are you going to fix it all?

  Silas was right about that and he was more aware of these problems. She knew she couldn’t fix it all at once but maybe she could it in time. Alice’s curse could be of help while she still had it. However, the moment they were gone, she couldn’t make plants grow again. She couldn’t keep giving people the crops they needed. There had to be a better solution.

  You’re dreaming if you think you can save the world like this. You have to take each problem, one at a time. No matter what class you’re in, they won’t take you seriously. They’ll just see you as a person. They’ll see you as a girl.

  They both meant well but Vinnie couldn’t accept this. She couldn’t come this far only to turn back and just let things happen. Going back would mean accepting this curse and being locked away again. There had to be better ways of stopping a war. Both Silas and Kian thought she was silly for wanting to talk it out. Wars weren’t won with words. She knew that not everyone would agree with her. Back when she was younger, she learned about battles and had asked her mother why people fought.

  “Sometimes, they have to.” Her mother had replied. “There is something they cannot agree with so they stand up and they fight. Yes, there are sacrifices that are made but they have to be made.”

  “Why?” Lavinia found herself asking. “Why do people like fighting? Is it really that important?”

  “It’s not a matter of whether they like fighting or not. You have to be strong if there is something you truly believe in. You may come across people who won’t believe you so you have to fight them. You have to break through. You have to fight until you are on the top. You will understand this better when you get older.”

  Time did pass and Lavinia slowly started to see what her mother was saying. War was horrible but people didn’t always have a choice. They had to fight to survive. Sacrifices had to be made in order to get something done. The problem was that it was the poor that sacrificed the most. She didn’t see it back then but she could see it now. Maybe it wasn’t too late to give attention to the lower class and try to make their lives better.

  Looking through the letters on the ground, she was disappointed that not a single one was addressed to her. However, she expected this. It was likely that Alice didn’t know the name of the village and wouldn’t know where to send it to. She could try to send a messenger bird but how would the bird know where to go? Alice had never seen this village. She didn’t know what was in it. She couldn’t give a description of it.

  “This is hopeless,” she murmured, sitting up from the pile. “I don’t know why I bothered.”

  Lora came over to see how she was doing. “I take it you didn’t find what you wanted?”

  Lavinia shook her head and pushed the letters away. “I shouldn’t have expected anything because she wouldn’t know where to find me. I didn’t get back in time to tell her.”

  “Sorry, love. Don’t lose hope though. Those aren’t all the letters. We still have some more coming from the Petal Kingdom. Unlike the others, this man doesn’t stay overnight. He’ll go back after a few hours.”

  That made her look up with some interest. “He goes back to the Petal Kingdom in a night? I thought it took too long.”

  “Normally, yes, it does. Most people take a few days to get there but not him. No one knows his secret but he moves quickly.”

  “Would he mind taking me and my friends over there?”

  “You’d have to ask him when he comes but I doubt he’ll say no. In fact, I think he’ll like the company on this long, cold night.” Lora said. “Although if you do want to leave, I suggest you pack everything now. He’s not going to wait for anyone. Is there anywhere in particular you’d like to go in the Petal Kingdom?”

  “Just the closest inn will be fine for now. I prefer that an apothecary or doctor would be nearby and maybe a store where I can buy food.” She explained. “Of course, if
that is impossible, then any inn will be fine.”

  “I understand. I’ll see what he can do.”

  “If it’s impossible, then we can take whatever is there. Thank you for your help, Lora.” She looked at the mess she had made. “I will pick these up for you. After all, it is my fault they are on the floor.”

  “It’s all right. You’re not the only one who made a mess of letters. I get a few people that just want to hear something from someone and never get what they need. Keep looking though. You might find it.”

  Lora left at that moment and Lavinia saw one of the letters that had the royal seal of Themasa on it. It was addressed to her and she knew that handwriting all too well. It belonged to her mother and it had to be personal. She could only wonder just what horrible things her mother would write in it. No doubt she was furious over her daughter running away and not even saying goodbye. Carefully, Lavinia opened the envelope and pulled out the letter when no one was looking.

  My dear Lavinia,

  I do not know if this letter will reach you but I hope it does. I do not know where you are or if you are even still alive. I want to believe you are alive and that you do come home one day. When you left, I thought you did it out of anger. I thought you didn’t want to live in Themasa and be a ruler. But as I thought about it, I realize that you left because you were trapped. Your father and I were trying to protect you and in doing so, we kept you prisoner. We thought we were doing the best thing for you and I see now that I was wrong.

  Lavinia, I need you to understand that I never meant to hurt you. I understand now why you left and I will understand if you do not want to come home. We have pushed you away when we were only trying to protect you. It might have seemed like the right idea but it wasn’t. You needed to see the world for yourself. You needed to try new things. Making you rule a kingdom you didn’t know anything about wasn’t smart of us. I want you to know that I am sorry. I am sorry for forcing you into hiding like this.

  The truth is that I don’t want to push you away. I would give anything to hold you again, just once. It pains me to keep this distance because this isn’t what any of us wants. We want you to be happy. If leaving Themasa makes you happy, then you can leave. Anyone can rule a kingdom but it takes a very special person to be a King or Queen. You are that person, Lavinia. You can be a great Queen but it’s not something you have to be. If it isn’t what you want, then I will not force you to be one. The only thing your father and I care about is that you are fine. You are well and happy. That’s only thing I want to hear from you. And if you do choose to come back, we will be happy to have you. You don’t have to rule the kingdom. You can be free to do what you wish.

  I love you,


  Lavinia couldn’t stop reading those words over and over again. They were all sincere and it reminded her how much she did love them. Her mother’s handwriting was very similar to hers and it felt like she had thought about this for a long time. She was right about certain things. Lavinia had left because she felt imprisoned but it wasn’t just because of them. She was held back because of the curse. The curse was what really kept her from achieving what she wanted to achieve. She did want to be a Queen but she wanted to be a queen that people could look up to.

  Oh, Mother, I wish I could go home now but there’s still so much left to be done. I’m not ready to be a Queen or anything else. I have a long way to go. She folded up the letter and put it back in the envelope. Since it was addressed to her, she could hide it in her clothes and read it whenever she wanted to. This would make her feel much closer to her family and if she ever felt like giving up, she would read it again. She was glad to know that, no matter what happened, she would have a place to call home. She did want to be a Queen but on her own terms. When she was ready, she would go.

  Feeling a little overwhelmed, she went back to where the boys were sitting and talking. Silas looked up when she entered the room and started to say something. “Vinnie, I just wanted to…”

  “I got a letter from my mother.” She began, making sure to stay as vague as possible. Silas still didn’t know the truth and she was sure Kian didn’t tell him. There were no guards pounding at the doors and demanding she come home so she was safe for now. “I didn’t tell her I was leaving so she sent me a letter. I thought she’d be angry but she’s not. She just wants me to come home.”

  Silas raised his brow and she wondered if she had said too much. “Are you going to go home?”

  “One day. I haven’t gotten what I’ve been searching for yet. Hopefully, I can find it at the Petal Kingdom. Speaking of which, do you think you can be packed and ready by tonight? I found someone who can take us there and he can usually make it there by the morning.”

  “As in tomorrow? That’s impossible!”

  “I thought so too but Lora says that he is good at getting messages quickly to people. I think may be willing to take us along. As long as we aren’t giving him trouble, it should be fine. How are both of you feeling? Do you think you can handle a journey through the night?”

  Kian nodded. “I feel a lot better now. If I don’t have to walk over there, I will be all right.”

  “I can come with you too.” Silas said, pulling his hair back and trying to keep it out of his face. “It will be cold but if he can move quickly like he claims, we should find a warm place in no time.”

  “Then I can tell Lora that we’re ready. Try to pack whatever you can. I’ll see if I can get some extra supplies and we can be on our way.”

  She left them alone again and went off into a dark corner to read her mother’s letter. Those words were getting to her. They were all true. She could tell when her parents were being honest and this was honest. She knew they wanted to do whatever they could to make her return. They felt terrible about what they had done. Now that they were getting ready to go on another journey, she needed some words of comfort. She needed to read something that would give her strength to go forward. It was also the one thing that kept her close to home. Reading it again made her want to go home. A part of her did want to go back and see her family again. She wanted them to know that she was fine and it wasn’t their fault. The only way she could return was getting rid of her curse and stopping a war. This was important. It may not have been a letter from Alice but something from her mother was just as good. Getting to the Petal Kingdom tonight was taking her one step closer to all her goals.

  “Are you ready to go?” Lora came around the corner and stopped her from taking out the letter. “What are you doing hiding in here?”

  “Oh, I’m done!” Lavinia insisted. “I was just... well, trying to mentally prepare myself for... this long journey!” It wasn’t the best explanation but it made sense. “I’ve never been to the Petal Kingdom so I’m expecting it to be very different.”

  “It will be. You have to be careful though because you are going at night. A lot of strange and dangerous things are lurking about and I’m not talking about bandits.” Lora warned her. “I have faith you’ll get by fine because you are going with someone who is familiar with the roads. Many travelers have wandered off the right paths and ended up in the wrong place. They were never seen again.”

  Lavinia swallowed upon hearing that. She knew it wouldn’t be safe to travel at night but she didn’t know of the dangers. “Just out of curiosity, how many people have been missing?”

  “Too many to count at this point, I’m afraid. That’s why no one wants to travel down into those woods. I’ve heard about things such as giant spiders, ghosts, and demons that crawl down those paths. I’ve fortunately never come across them but a few people I’ve met said they may have seen some. They got by through the skin of their teeth.”

  “I see.” Lavinia leaned against the wall. “Are you sure this person that we’re traveling with... they know what they are doing, right? They won’t stray down the wrong path that will lead to spiders and ghosts, will they?”

  “Relax, love. You have nothin
g to worry about.” Lora almost touched Lavinia’s shoulder but she pulled away. Seeing that she didn’t want someone’s hand on her, Lora put it aside. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to make you aware of what you might face. Just stay with everyone and you will be fine. Now the Petal Kingdom does have other creatures that aren’t as harmful that come out at night. There are several birds and insects that are made of flowers. They are small but a lovely sight to see. Don’t be alarmed if a plant does turn out to be real. It won’t hurt you.”

  “Well, that’s nice to know.” Lavinia began to calm down. “I think I should check on the boys and see how they’re doing. If they are ready, then we should be able to leave within an hour.”

  “I will let them know that. You should get dressed for the journey. It’s cold tonight.”


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