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At the Sight of Holly

Page 3

by Jeannette Winters

  “Need to borrow something? I’m not sure we’re the same size.”

  Janet laughed. “No. I’m not looking for an outfit. Or advice about what to wear, where to go, or how to act. It may have been a while, but I still remember how to date.”

  “Never thought you didn’t. So why are you calling?” Isa asked.

  “It’s about that dear husband of yours. He’s…driving me crazy. Sorry, that came out wrong.”

  Isa chuckled. “No. That summed it up perfectly. What has he done this time?”

  “I don’t know how to explain it. He seems…like he doesn’t want me to go out with Vinny.”

  Isa laughed. “Don’t take it personal. He looks at you like a kid sister. Drake has changed since having our daughter. I have no idea what he’s going to be like when she starts to talk to boys.”

  That explained it. “You have a few years before you have to worry about that, but what am I going to do now?”

  “His bark is worse than his bite. Besides, he said Vinny seemed like a nice guy.”

  “What do you mean? When did he meet Vinny?” Isa cleared her throat and Janet knew her friend was avoiding answering. “Isa, please tell me Drake didn’t go and talk to him.”

  “He may have. But it went well.”

  Janet rolled her eyes. Somehow she doubted that was the case. She’d been pretty confident that Vinny was going to show up. Now, not so much. If Drake was this hard on her, she could only imagine what he’d said to Vinny.

  “Isa, what if he scared Vinny away?”

  “Oh, I don’t think that was the case.”

  “And why do you say that?” Janet didn’t have that much faith in Drake’s ability to play nice.

  “I guess Vinny told Drake off.”


  “The guy set Drake in his place. Although Drake wasn’t too pleased with how Vinny spoke to him, Vinny earned Drake’s respect. Now hopefully he can keep it. And before you ask me what was said, Drake didn’t go into any details. If you want to know, then you’ll need to ask Vinny. My suggestion would be to let it drop. If he mentions it, then ask. Otherwise, let the men do their man crap and we stay out of it.”

  Crap was exactly what it was, too. Drake had no right, but by Isa’s tone, she could tell that her friend had already stressed that point to Drake.

  “Thanks for telling me Isa. I better get going or I won’t be ready when he picks me up.”

  “Janet, just have fun. You need to relax. Ever since you took this job, you’ve been going nonstop. I was telling Drake he should send you back home for a week to give you a break. As long as you’re here, I don’t think you will ever take time for yourself.”

  She wasn’t sure how much rest she would get visiting her family, but she did miss them very much. But the trip home cost money, and she didn’t have the cash to fly back and forth to the States. If she said that to Isa, then they’d want to purchase a ticket for her. Handouts weren’t what she wanted. For now, she’d have to make do with calling her family when time permitted. And even then, they were dealing with a time difference. But Isa was right, she was burning out. Tonight was hopefully going to break the habit of staying late at work. Because for once I have a reason not to.

  “I’m taking the night off tonight.”

  “That’s a start. I hope you two enjoy yourselves. Who knows, maybe there will be a second date soon,” Isa teased.

  Janet rolled her eyes. Isa and Drake were as different as night and day. I like Isa’s way of thinking so much better.

  “Let me get through this one first.”

  “Okay. I expect to hear all about it first thing tomorrow,” Isa ordered.

  “I believe you mean after work. We don’t want the boss complaining that my personal life is interfering with my duties.”

  Isa sighed. “Fine. I’ll wait, but not a minute after your shift ends.”

  “I know. You’ll send Drake after me if I don’t call.”

  When the call ended, Janet looked at the clock. It was already after five. The time went by too quickly when talking with Isa. It always did. But she didn’t want to keep Vinny waiting. If he even showed up. Janet couldn’t see the front entrance from where she was, and hoped that wasn’t where he parked that rundown piece of crap. If he even got it running.

  As she made her way downstairs, she recalled how confident Vinny sounded. But he hadn’t even looked at it yet. She was sure driving by a vehicle didn’t give enough information to determine what was wrong. But whether he’d fixed it or not, Janet was still hoping Vinny showed up.

  When she made it to the lobby, she peered outside. Her truck wasn’t in sight. She was a bit relieved, but also concerned Vinny wasn’t coming. She looked as far as she could see, but still she didn’t see him. It was a little after five. Had he come and left thinking she wasn’t interested? That didn’t make any sense. He had her truck. Even if she didn’t want to go out with him, surely she wanted her truck.

  Darn you Drake. You better not have scared him off. She knew that was a good possibility. If she didn’t know Drake better, she’d be intimidated too. She was about to give up when finally, she caught a glimpse of her truck parked far off in the corner. Where it belonged. Janet grabbed her purse and headed towards it. She prepared herself to see Vinny sitting in the driver’s seat, but when she arrived, sadly she found it vacant. Vinny must’ve dropped it off and changed his mind.

  She tried the door and it was locked. Walking over to the passenger’s side, she found it in the same condition. Janet didn’t have a spare set of keys. Peering inside, she tried to see if he may have left them in the ignition by mistake, but they weren’t there.


  “Looks good doesn’t it?” Vinny said from behind her.

  She spun around to see him leaning against the back of the truck. “I haven’t really looked.”

  Vinny walked over to her, then unlocked and opened the door. “How can you miss it?”

  She looked inside and noticed it had been totally cleaned out, even the seats looked and smelled…fresh.

  “I didn’t realize you were doing this. I appreciate it, but the thing runs like it’s a hundred years old.”

  “Did. Not anymore. Want to take it for a ride and see for yourself?” Vinny asked.

  “I don’t think there’s a mechanic alive who could get me to like this thing.”

  Vinny covered his heart as though in pain. “Ouch. Take the dagger out.”

  Janet laughed softly. “I mean…except for you.”

  He smiled. “That’s better. Okay. You drive, and I’ll give you directions. After dinner you can drop me off at home, since I don’t have any transportation.”

  She could hear Drake in the back of her mind. Don’t you dare go to his house. But she was going to listen to the other voice, Isa’s. Remember to have fun.

  Taking the keys from him, she started the truck. Usually it took several times before the engine gave in and started. But it turned over immediately. “Well that’s new.” She rolled down the windows to let some of the heat out.

  “I told you.”

  Putting it in reverse, she headed out of the parking lot. It wasn’t long before she realized Vinny wasn’t bragging. There was no bucking at all. Vinny reached over and turned the knob for the air conditioner.

  “Don’t bother that doesn’t—”

  “Fixed that too,” Vinny said as cool air blasted from the vents.

  Janet shot him a look and said, “I’m not going to say I love this truck, but I don’t hate it anymore. Thank you, Vinny. I really appreciate this. I was worried about how I was going to get back and forth from work.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t decide to junk it. If it has any more issues, all you have to do is call me.”

  She smiled. “I don’t have your number.” That was a hint, hopefully one he took.

  “If you still want it after dinner, I’ll give it to you,” Vinny teased.

  He pointed to a small place and she pulled
over. It looked more like a home than a restaurant. “Are you sure this is the right place?”

  Vinny nodded. “I tried to find a restaurant that was different.”

  “I think this is someone’s home.”

  “It is. They featured home-cooked meals. I know it’s strange, but they serve people in the back. Come and I’ll show you.”

  They got out of the truck and walked to the back. There were four tables set up, with white and red checkered tablecloths. A little girl, maybe eight, walked over and handed them a menu and said, “You may sit anywhere. My mother will be out to take your order.”

  She was so stinking cute. As they seated themselves, Janet said, “How did you find this place?”

  “I had to do some work for a guy Sarva yesterday. I asked him where he’d take a woman to impress her. First, he said New Hope. I asked for another low-key option.”

  “Well so far, I’m impressed.”

  The meal was just as he’d described. Although it wasn’t an American dish, it was extremely good. She loved lamb, and this had been so tender and seasoned perfectly. Good choice Vinny.

  But it wasn’t long before dinner was over. She was enjoying herself and wanted to stay and chat, but Vinny seemed in a rush to go. They were back in the truck and he gave her directions to his house. They sat a few minutes and talked. Janet expected him to invite her inside, where they could continue the conversation. That didn’t happen.

  “I’d like to take you out again. Are you free Wednesday?” Vinny asked.

  So he did enjoy himself. Why was he in such a rush to end the date? Maybe it had been something Drake had said? Or was he just being a gentleman and wanted her to get home before it was dark? One way to find out: say yes to date number two.

  “I’d like that.”

  Vinny grabbed a piece of paper and jotted something down, then handed it to her. When she saw it, she realized it was his number.

  “I’ll call you Tuesday to make plans.” Then Vinny leaned over the center console and kissed her lightly.

  Her heart was still racing as he got out of the truck. Vinny stayed there watching as she backed out of his yard. She was glad there wasn’t a fence or any poles close by, or she may have run into them. At least she knew it wasn’t her company he didn’t enjoy. Wednesday can’t come fast enough.

  She was impressed by his skill as a mechanic, but it was his kiss that topped off the night. There was no way it was going to hold her over for two days until she could get another. Laughing to herself, she realized this was the first time she wished her truck would break down. Unfortunately, Vinny was darn good at his job, and it ran like a new truck.

  Chapter 4

  “Yes Dad, I know I missed Thanksgiving, but there is no way I can leave now.”

  “Janet, it’s not going to feel like Christmas without you here.”

  Her dad was laying on the guilt, but this wasn’t the first Christmas she’d missed. The casino was open 365 days a year. It was crazy, but there were a lot of people who actually went away during that time to avoid holidays. That meant the lounge needed to be staffed. Every other holiday, Janet was put on the schedule. That wasn’t the case here at New Hope, but she couldn’t ask her staff to do what she wasn’t willing to.

  “We went through this the last time I called.”

  “I’m your father. It’s my job to remind you that you belong here.”

  She laughed softly to herself. You do it every time. I know already. “Dad, my break is over. I’ll call you again in a few days okay?”

  “I know. You don’t want to talk about it. But I’ll send you a picture of the new calf born a few days ago. She’s not liking the snow.”

  So not fair. Janet wasn’t a fan of the cows, but baby calves were her weakness, right up there with freshly fallen snow. Neither were something she found here on Tabiq.

  “Ok Dad. I’ve got to run. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Ending the call was always the hardest. And being halfway around the world made it all the more difficult. Thankfully she was so busy at work that she hardly had time to breathe, never mind think of home.

  Her phone buzzed and she opened it, expecting to see the photo from her dad. Instead it was Vinny confirming their plans. Once again, he opted for an early dinner. That was fine with her, because she was starving. What she didn’t want was for it to end so quickly this time. She enjoyed his company. They laughed about things going on back home that didn’t mean anything to the people who lived here.

  She looked at the clock, and although Vinny had waited till almost the last minute to set a time, she wasn’t anxious to see him. And this time I’m not letting anyone know about it. She hated keeping a secret from Isa, but the less Drake knew about what was going on between her and Vinny the better. At least for the time being. Maybe once they were more comfortable with each other that would change.

  Janet hurried and finished the last bit of paperwork needed. She completed the schedule for the upcoming week for each member of her staff and turned it in to her manager for approval. She never would’ve thought there would be so much administrative work to the job. Part of her missed the personal interaction with the guests. Now she only heard from them if there was an issue. There weren’t many of those, which was a good thing. If there were, Janet might not need to worry about missing home. She probably would’ve been sent packing.

  With everything in order, Janet felt comfortable to leave the resort and head off to meet Vinny. She provided him with her address and rushed home to change. Last time there hadn’t been time, so she went out in her resort uniform. That wasn’t happening this time. She left a few minutes early in order to primp up for him.

  Smoothing down her mid-thigh jean skirt and her crisp pink blouse, she felt much more confident tonight. I want tonight to end with more of what it did last time. The uniform only acted as a constant reminder of where she worked. Tonight, she was Janet Holly, ready for anything. Well, maybe not anything, but definitely ready for another enjoyable date.

  She heard a vehicle pull in front of her house. Taking one more look in the mirror, she felt pretty. That was a good way to start the night. Dabbing on a bit more red lipstick, she headed to the door. Smiling, she opened it and almost dropped to the floor. Isa was standing there with Drake and their daughter Chelsea.

  Mouth wide open, Janet asked, “What are you guys doing here?”

  “We were going out to dinner and I thought you might want to join us,” Isa said.

  “I…umm. I have plans, but thank you so much for asking.”

  Drake asked. “Vinny again?”

  Chin up, Janet answered, “Yes.”

  Isa said, “I thought we talked about this. You can keep it from Drake, but not me.”

  “Wait? When did I become—”

  “Not now. I want to hear about the date,” Isa said to Drake. “So, tell me about him.”

  Janet didn’t have time, because Vinny pulled up and parked behind Drake’s vehicle. So much for keeping it quiet. He walked up and said, “Mrs. Fletcher, nice to see you again. Your daughter is growing so fast.”

  Isa smiled. “She’ll be walking before we know it. We had stopped in to ask Janet to join us for dinner, but it looks like she already has plans.”

  Drake added, “Why don’t you both join us?”

  Both Isa and Janet shot him a warning look, but it was too late. Vinny already replied. “Sounds great.”

  “I’ll call the restaurant and make reservations,” Drake said.

  “No need. I already have one. We went the other night and the food is fantastic.”

  “Off the resort?” Drake asked.

  “Yes. And it’s perfect. I think you’ll love it Isa,” Janet said, knowing who was going to make the final decision. It was bad enough that she wasn’t going to be alone with Vinny. She didn’t want Drake totally hijacking her date. Besides, the restaurants at the resort were pricey. She didn’t want Vinny to feel awkward trying to keep up with
Drake. She wasn’t dating Vinny for any other reason than she enjoyed being with him. Money didn’t play into it at all and she wanted to keep it that way.

  “Would you like to follow us?” Vinny asked.

  Drake nodded and soon they were off and alone in Vinny’s car.

  “You could’ve said no.” Janet half-wished he had too. She wanted to get to know him better. But she was concerned it might be more of an interrogation with Drake there.

  “Did you want me to say no?” Vinny asked.

  Well yes, so I don’t look like the jerk not wanting them to come. “I was looking forward to…getting to know you better.” Saying being alone might sound too forward. But she had cleaned the house and had a bottle of wine chilled. So yes, she wanted tonight to go a bit differently than the last. None of her plans included her friends or a baby.

  “Then we can skip dessert and leave right after dinner.”

  She liked that idea. That didn’t seem to be a problem with Isa or Drake either. During dinner little Chelsea became very fussy. Isa was the one who actually suggested they call it an early night.

  “Would you mind if we still skipped dessert?” Vinny asked.

  Not at all. “Sounds good.”

  Vinny seemed to be in a rush to get her back to the house. He wasn’t really speeding, but it wasn’t a slow, leisurely ride either. Janet wanted to reach out and touch his hand, but Vinny had both hands on the steering wheel and seemed to be concentrating so hard on the road. She spoke to him a few times and his only response was a yes or a no.

  She tried to replay the conversation at dinner, to see if anything had been said which may have brought on such a sudden change. Nothing came to light. If anything, they were having a nice time, all except for Chelsea, that is.

  Then she remembered, the last time they went out, he seemed anxious for the night to end too. There was something going on and she couldn’t put her finger on it. There was only one way to find out: get him to come inside where they could actually talk, uninterrupted.

  When they pulled up to her house she asked, “Would you like to come in?” Vinny looked around then shook his head. “Is there something wrong?” Once again, a negative response, but saying nothing. “Vinny, if you don’t want to be with me, then stop asking me out.”


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