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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

Page 2

by Tami Payton

  Cammie introduced Sam as her long-lost dad and Cameron as her long- lost twin brother. So, that explains her wolf traits. Now, Mason? She just introduced him as Cameron’s best friend. He didn’t seem to like that so much, I could see his wolf itching under the surface at that. They tried to intimidate me, threaten me and tell me to stay away from Cammie. I laughed at them, no one will keep me away from what’s mine. I know she’s not happy with everything that’s happening right now, hell I don’t blame her. She’s been brainwashed by those assholes, once she sees that she belongs with me it will be the right thing. It will all work out in the end; Cammie belongs with me. Things will go back to the way they were before; before those assholes came along and took her from me.


  I’ve lost track of time; I have no idea how long I’ve been holed up in here. I jump up when I hear noise outside of the door, staying on guard is my only chance of getting out of here. Micah and the guard from earlier walk in and Micah has a smug look on his face that I want to smack off. “I hope that my accommodations are to your likings Princess, after all I want you to be as comfortable as possible. We don’t know how long you’re gonna be here.” I growl and my temper raises and I lunge at him. The next thing I know I’m on the ground curled up in pain. What the fuck? Micah is laughing. “Oh Princess, did you really think I would walk in here without a safety net? I know how powerful you are. That wonderful new accessory that you’re sporting? You see it’s a new invention that my lab has created, just one push of this button here and it causes pain that leaves you breathless. It’s really a great thing, it even allows you to shift and forms to your wolf form. Although I wouldn’t recommend it, you see it hurts even more in wolf form. So, I’ve heard, anyway.” I look at him with so much hate and disgust that it makes him laugh even more. “What do you want, Micah? Why are you here now?” He shakes his head. “Well, we have to have a little talk. You also are gonna get a chance to talk to your precious Mason. I’m sure he’s worried sick about you.” He gives me a look of pity and I roll my eyes. “Yeah, and you’re doing this because you’re such a good person, huh? I find that really hard to believe.” He holds his hand over his heart and makes a gasping sound. “My dear, that hurts me. I really am doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I wouldn’t want your family and loved ones to be worried about you.” He smirks and the guard turns on the camera.

  Micah stands tall as the camera starts recording. “Why hello everyone. Bet you didn’t plan on hearing from, did ya? Well, I like to keep everyone on their toes.” He winks at the camera and I want to hurl. “I wanted to give ya’ll the pleasure of seeing not only my handsome face but to also have the pleasure of seeing my beautiful guest. Cammie, will you join me please?” I scowl at him and stay where I’m seated on the bed. Fuck him if he thinks I’m gonna help him. He narrows his eyes at me. “Well, it seems my guest is a little tired, so I will go to her. I wanted everyone to see that she’s being taken care of, well for now that is. Mason, I know you’ve got to be missing her so. It can’t be easy being away from your mate, I know you’ve got to be tearing the place down. Cameron and Sam, I’m sorry for this inconvenience but hey, it’s just business. Now, speaking of business, let’s talk. I know by now everyone knows why Cammie is here with me, it wasn’t hard to figure out. Let’s face it, Gage is a fucked-up individual. I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’ve decided that this Princess is worth more than I first thought. I now have come to the conclusion that with her being mated to an Alpha, an Alpha’s daughter and wanted by Gage, she’s highly desired. She’s worth more than I could ever imagine, and let’s face it boys, it’s first come first serve. Highest bidder will win.” He laughs a laugh that sends chills down my spine and what he says sinks in. Holy shit, he’s gonna auction me off. “Oh, and boys? That highest bid thing, it doesn’t just apply to you. There are plenty of other males out there that are willing to pay to break an Alpha female.” He smirks. My blood boils and I lunge again, fuck this asshole. I manage to grab him but only for a second before pain laces through my body. I scream as I curl up once again. “Well, I guess she never learns. She is sexy with that stubborn streak isn’t she, Mason? See, that little bracelet she’s acquired? It will send shocks of pain through her body that will drop her, as you just saw. She just refuses to acknowledge it and comes back for more. It’s a shame, I have to increase the power on it. I don’t want it to get to high though, don’t know if she’d be able to handle it. Well, I guess that’s it for me. Princess, you have anything you’d like to say?” I growl at him from the floor. “Fuck you. You asshole. I hope they find you and kill you.” He laughs. “Oh Princess, that will never happen. I will be in touch soon boys. Bye now.” The camera shuts off and he reaches down and reaches for me. I pull myself out of his reach, growling at him. Shaking his head, he laughs. “Cammie, I’m not your enemy. I’m trying to keep you out of Gage’s hands, doing it this way gives your family a chance to get you back. You’ll see, soon you’ll go home.” I shake my head as he goes to leave.


  Looking at my phone, all I can think of is how much I want to kill that Mother Fucker. When I get my hands on him, there will be nothing left to him. Listening to everything he’s saying, my wolf is clawing to come out. ‘Oh, and boys? That highest bid thing, it doesn’t just apply to you. There are plenty of other males out there that are willing to pay to break an Alpha female.’ I felt everyone in the room tense up. My grip on my phone tightened and I thought it was gonna snap right then and there. Then Cammie’s screams echo through the room and I can’t take it anymore. My phone cracks. “FUCK!” I rush over to Cameron so I can continue to watch, my heart pounding in my chest. He’s hurting her and my heart’s breaking, my wolf is snarling. He’s out for blood and we will get it. My girl is strong and stubborn, she’s putting up a fight. The video ends and I explode. “He knows that she’s gonna fight! He’s fucking hurting her! We’ve got to get her out of there before he can hurt her even more. What the fuck? He’s gonna auction her off?” I run my hands through my hair and pace back and forth. I can’t do this, I’m losing it. We need to get her back, now. “Mason, we will get her back. That Bastard isn’t gonna get away with this, he will pay.” Cameron puts his hand on my shoulder to try to calm me but it doesn’t. My wolf is ready to tear through and take his anger out on everyone and everything.

  The door opens and Jenny and Eric walk through, they stop and take in our faces. “What happened?” Eric rushes over. Sam calmly fills him in while Zander gets an update from Jenny. “Are you kidding me? He’s trying to sell her to the highest bidder? That’s just fucking sick! I can’t believe this. What are we gonna do?” I turn to him and growl. “We’re gonna fucking get her back, that’s what we’re gonna fucking do. Then we’re gonna fucking rip that asshole to shreds.” Sam nods. “I agree with you Mason, but first we have to find her. Jenny, did you find anything?” Jenny nods. “There was a strong smell of fuel near the tire tracks. The tire tracks also belong to a large SUV, like a Suburban or Tahoe. I’m going to compare the tires and should have a make and model narrowed down for you soon. The fuel smell isn’t from around here and it’s mixed with oil. It’s a smell that I’m unfamiliar with. There were traces of it in the tire tracks and I was able to take samples, so I will run some test to see what I can find. So, my guess would be we’re looking for a factory. Also, the oil that was with the scent could be from the machines that could be from the factories. I found some unusual dirt by the tracks; I took samples and will test them with my theories.” Sam nods, looking impressed. “Good job, Jenny. Thank you.” She nods and heads out to do what she needs to do.

  Cameron looks at me and can see the anger and hurt on my face. “Hey, why don’t we go and take a walk, burn off some energy?” I look at him and want to yell at him but then decide that he’s right. I need some air or I’m gonna lose it. I nod and let out a breath. “Ok, I could use some air. Sam, you’ll let me know if there’s any news?” Sam nods. “You will be the fir
st to know. Eric, can you get Mason a new phone?” I cringe, remembering the state of my phone laying on the floor. “I’m on it.” Eric heads out to grab me a new phone. I head out with Cameron and try to calm myself but it’s becoming harder and harder. I don’t think I’m gonna be calm until Cammie is back and safe with me. “Hey, we’re gonna get her back. You need to believe that. You can’t let yourself get all worked up. We need you to keep yourself together, we need you.” I nod, I know he’s right. It’s just hard, my wolf is going crazy without his mate. I fought it and now that she’s not here I feel empty. “I know Cam, I need to get my shit together. I’m just going crazy knowing she’s out there and we don’t know where. Then to see that she’s being hurt by that Bastard? It’s killing me. It’s my job to protect her, even if she doesn’t want it.” I shake my head and feel like such a loser. Yeah, I’m a great mate. Not even official and I fucked it up already. “Come on, I think you need to blow off some steam.” Cameron starts stripping and my wolf is itching to come out. “Let’s go for a run and check the perimeter.” I sigh and nod, it will do me some good to let my wolf run for a bit.

  My wolf feels free, running wild in the fields. He’s been itching to get out and run wild, I’ve been going crazy not knowing how to deal with everything that’s been going on. My ears pick up a sound to my left and there’s a scent that’s unfamiliar whipping through the air. I stop and sniff, trying to find the source. My wolf is on full alert, with Cammie being taken and Gage still out there we need to be careful. Cam stops and looks at me and I shake my head and look towards the tree line at my left. He lowers himself to the ground and we crawl towards the trees. The scents are stronger the closer we get, there are wolves near by and they’re not suppose to be here. I look around but don’t spot anyone, I change back so I can walk around and wait for Cam to do the same. “What the hell, man? Now they think that they can just walk right on in?” I shake my head at Cameron, he’s pissed. “No, they think they have the upper hand and that they can scare us. Their scent is fresh, so they were here not to long ago. We need to get Jenny out here to see if she can get a read on them.” Cameron nods. “Good idea, let’s get back to where our stuff is. I can call dad and have them send her out.” I shake my head. “No, you head back, I’m gonna stay here and look around. Hopefully I can find something. Bring me back some clothes.” I smirk at him and he laughs.

  I shift back to my wolf as he heads off, I need to find something. I know there has to be a clue here somewhere, something to lead me to her. I walk around the tree line, circling it at least a dozen times and taking in the different scents. There’re a couple scents that I swear are familiar but I just can’t place them. Maybe they’re from the first spot? Ugh! I need to get some sleep. I’m stuck inside my head when Cameron, Sam and Jenny arrive. I change back and throw my clothes on as Jenny is walking the area, I watch her and wonder if she’s picking up on the same smells that I am. “Do you smell the same wolves from the first attack?” I ask her, just to see if she does. She snaps her head up, looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. I’m confused as to why she’s giving me this look, so I just shrug. “Yes, although I’m surprised you picked up on that. I’m picking up on a couple of replicating scents. Which means that the wolves that were involved in Cammie’s kidnapping have returned to watch over you and your decisions.” Sam sighs, while Cameron and I ball our fists. “This is bullshit. Now they’re watching us like this is a game? Just fucking great! I feel like I’m in a damn horror movie.” I shake my head. “No, not a horror movie. This is a game to Micah. One big fucking game and this is just round one.” I look at everyone and realize that it’s gonna get a whole lot more intense.


  “You promised that I wouldn’t have to get my hands dirty if I played along. This is getting out of hand. I mean he’s not as stupid as you think he is.” I’m getting nervous, if Mason finds out what I’ve done I’m dead. I mean this is serious shit! My Alpha has volunteered me to assist Mason’s pack and the Hallow Pack as their tracker and to find Cammie. Yeah, find Cammie, the fucking problem behind everything. I don’t see why she’s so fucking important. I mean, ok yeah, she’s the Alpha’s daughter I understand. But if it wasn’t for her Mason and I would be laying in his bed, happy and naked right now. Damn her! She’s really not all that damn special! “You just need to keep doing what you’re doing. Everything is going just the way it’s supposed to go. The plan is right on schedule. Trust me, she won’t make it another three days. Soon Mason will be all yours.” I smile at his words. Yes, Mason will be all mine. I mean, sure, he will be heartbroken over losing his mate, but I will be there to pick up the pieces. Like a good girlfriend is supposed to be. He can always become my mate at a later date. I smile to myself at my plan. “Jenny, you need to get your head together. Just keep doing what you’re doing and things will work out for both of us. Mason will be yours. You will have what you’ve always wanted, as will I.” I smile to myself once again. “You’re right. I can do this; you just make sure that you do what you’re suppose to do. Don’t worry about things on my end. I got this.” I hang up and take a deep breath. Time to go and pretend to be worried about poor little Cammie. I roll my eyes as I walk towards the compound.


  It’s been days and I haven’t seen Micah or Gage. The only person that I’ve seen is the asshole that brings in my food. I was given the privilege of taking shower and fresh clothes because let’s face it, my kidnapper is oh so nice. I’ve looked for ways to escape and have found none so far, there are cameras set up in my room, hidden nanny cameras. I shudder at the thought of what the footage is being used for. I kept my eyes peeled for escape routes when I was escorted to the shower, hoping to slip away from Bruno, my watch dog. My wristband is going to be my biggest defeat, if I do manage to slip by him, I still have the risk of being shocked by this damn thing. I’m studying the device when I hear someone at the door, I sit up straight and wait. Micah struts in and smiles at me. “How is the Princess today?” I scowl at him. “Aw, don’t look at me like that. Has Bruno here not been accommodating? Is there anything that you need? What can I get you Princess?” I growl. “You can let me the fuck out of here asshole.” He shakes his head as he sits in the chair by the door. “You know I can’t do that, not yet anyway. I just wanted to come by and give you an update on how everything was going. You’re getting a lot of attention and I must say your men are very determined to get you back. Although Mason concerns me a little, I’m not sure if his intentions are out of duty or love.” I’m confused, although I show no emotion. I stare at him, my face straight as I wait for him to continue. “I mean, don’t get me wrong I know that Mason is anxious to have you back. You’re his best friends’ sister, so he has an obligation to help with your rescue. But is he doing it out of obligation as a family friend or as a mate? He called in someone special to help find you and they’ve been working extremely close. There seems to be a flame that never burned out between them.” He pulls out his trusty camera and I look even though I know I shouldn’t. My heart starts to break as I watch Mason and Jenny. They’re standing side by side, so close that there’s no space between them. There’s no one else around and she reaches up and moves a piece of hair off of his forehead and he closes his eyes. My stomach clenches and I want to scream but I don’t let my emotions show. I won’t give him that satisfaction. The next frame shows them running together in their wolf form and I’ve seen enough. “Is this supposed to mean something to me? Mason is free to do whatever he wants, we’re not mated. He can be with anyone he wants.” The words feel like acid in my mouth and burn as they come out. He laughs as I say them. “You keep telling yourself that Princess. I know better and I know you do too.” He smiles at me as he shuts the camera off and walks out.

  I’m pissed, that fucking Bitch moved in as soon as I was gone. I mean I know I rejected the mating bond and Mason has every right to do what he wants. But to hook up with her right after I was fucking kidnapped? What the fuck? If Camer
on hasn’t whooped his ass I fucking will! Ugh! I need to work on getting the hell out of here and fast. I head to my small bathroom, it consists of just a toilet and sink, but it’s the only room that doesn’t have cameras. At least I can pee in peace. I spend the next half hour of so working on trying to get the dame device off of my wrist and have no luck. I finally give up and head back to the bed, Bruno will be here any minute with food and it will be lights out soon. I look up as the door opens and am surprised when a young guy appears instead of Bruno. “Who are you? Where’s the usual asshole?” The guy looks at me, surprised at my outburst. “He got caught up with something and will be busy for a while. I’m on duty for a few days, my name is Drake.” I study him, he looks like a quiet, shy kid and I smile. This may work to my advantage. “Well Drake, get in here and sit down. Don’t want whatever you brought me to eat to get cold.” He looks at me funny, like he doesn’t understand. I roll my eyes. “Bruno always sits with me and watches me eat so I don’t try to steal the fork or something. It also gives me some company so I don’t go insane. I mean he’s an asshole and all, but he does have a decent side to him at times. Just don’t tell him I said that.” Drake nods and laughs. “Oh, don’t worry I won’t. I don’t want to get my ass kicked.”


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