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Mated (Fated Mates Book 2)

Page 16

by Tami Payton

  She grins. “Well, that’s great. Let me know if I can help with anything, I’m more than happy to assist. Especially if it involves kicking some of those back-wood wolves’ asses.” I laugh at her, she’s always ready for a fight. She’s been training hard with Quinn ever since I was kidnapped, she said she never wants to be left defenseless. She was there in the field that day when I was taken, I was giving her hand-to-hand combat lessons when it happened. She’s improved so much, although maybe her ego has improved more than her skills. “You will be the first one that I call if one of them need to be put in their place.” I shake my head as she grins. “Ok, if I’m gonna head to see Johnson we need to get in gear. He hates when I’m late.” She jumps up. “Well, then let’s not let Mr.’ I’m always in control and you’re in the kitchen’ wait. He may make you bake cookies or some shit.” She rolls her eyes and I laugh. I come down after getting showered and into my workout gear and find Izzy in gear as well. I cock my brow at her. “You gonna workout as well?” She grins. “Hell yeah! Gotta give him something to look at. I’m gonna show him that this booty is worth more than cooking and cleaning.” She wiggles her ass in her tight leggings and I shake my head. Johnson has no idea what is waiting for him.

  Walking into the gym it’s busy and Izzy let’s out a whistle. “Damn. There’s a lot of sexy men here. A girl could get use to the view here.” I laugh as I head towards the lockers. “Cammie, I’m gonna have you start on the treadmill today. Then head to the bags for warm-up in the ring.” I turn to see Johnson behind me. I nod at him. “Ok, sounds good.” Izzy grins at him. “Hey there Handsome. Did you remove that stick from your ass last night?” I try to hide my smile but fail. He narrows his eyes at her and sighs. “What are you doing here? This is a gym, not a playground.” She laughs. “Oh, I’m aware of that you asshole. I’m here to work-out with my girl. I haven’t sparred with her in a while, figured it would be fun.” She shrugs and walks towards the treadmills and I take notice that he watches her watch. I pat him on the chest as I laugh. “She’s more than you can handle, Johnson. She will chew you up and spit you out. Just a fair warning.” He looks at me with a look of shock and shakes his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. She’s the most annoying person I’ve ever met.” I laugh and shake my head. “Yeah, ok. I see the way you look at her. Keep telling yourself that.” I walk away and head towards Izzy and start my work-out.

  An hour later I’m in the ring with Izzy and she’s so excited. It has been a while since we’ve faced off with each other and I have to admit it feels like old times. “Ok, girl show me what Quinn has been teaching you.” I bounce around her and she grins. “Oh, I’ve learned a lot from that Bastard. He hasn’t taken it easy on me. Fucker likes to put me on my back as much as he can, although I’ve managed to do the same to him.” I laugh at her and imagine that picture. We square off and I’m proud of how much she’s improved, she even manages to get hits in on me. Johnson even compliments her on her form and technique. It’s progress and I don’t miss the way that he looks at her the whole time. Yeah, he’s starting to get a little attached to her. “So, you like what you see big boy? This girl can do a whole lot more than cook and clean. Although this body does go good with certain food.” She winks at him and I laugh while he groans. He runs his hand down his face. “When is she leaving?” He looks at me and I laugh. “Oh, I think I may have just decided to stay a little while longer than expected. I don’t think my bestie will mind.” She winks at me and I shake my head. “Nope. You’re welcome as long as you want girl.” I laugh as we head out, knowing I just doomed Johnson’s fate to Izzy’s torture.


  Fuck! I pace back and forth as I think of what Cameron has just said. There’s no way that he’d be stupid enough to come here. I mean, I figured he’d be hiding out and would have just forgotten about Cammie. We got Gage, took care of him. I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t hear Cameron yelling my name. “Mason! Man, we need to figure out a plan. If Micah and his guys are back and are hanging around then this is bad. Cammie is in danger.” I shake my head to clear my thoughts and kick myself in gear. “You’re right, we need this whole area guarded. Let’s get back so we can get men on this as soon as possible.” He nods. “I’m calling my dad. I’m sure he’s gonna head back here and probably bring a few guys with him as well.” He pulls his phone out and I let out a sigh. This can’t be happening again. When are we gonna have some peace and quiet? “Dad’s on his was and bringing Eric and a few others with him. They’re coming in wolf form so should be here in a few hours. We need to get the girls together so we know they’re safe.” I shake my head. “I want to have a meeting with Jacob and my men first I want guys set up around the perimeter first. This needs to be our first priority.” Cameron gives me a look I don’t understand but nods at me. Maybe he’s just worried about Sarah and Cammie? He sighs. “Ok, you’re the Alpha, let’s get this done.” I laugh at him being so submissive. We take off towards my compound to prepare for what’s to come.

  I walk into the building where my pack always hold our meeting and see that Jacob is there with a couple of guys and am glad that some of them are already here. Jacob looks up and frowns. “Mason, what’s wrong? You look rattled.” I run my hands through my hair. “I’m calling an emergency meeting. I want everyone here in less than five minutes. That includes everyone that has to do with security.” He looks at me with concern and I yell. “NOW!” Everyone jumps up and gets into gear to gather everyone. Jacob walks over to me. “Hey, what’s going on?” I sigh. “There’s been a breach on the West side of the property and Micah’s scent and a couple of his guys as well is there. He’s back and that puts Cammie at risk. He’s been on my territory and I will be damned if the Mother Fucker gets anywhere near her.” I growl. Jacob nods. “I understand. Don’t worry Mason, we will do everything we can to make sure that your mate is safe and protected. Cammie will be taken care of. I promise.” I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding at the words that my Beat has told me. It’s like a breath of fresh air to have my pack behind me, protecting my mate, like they would me. I look at Cameron and see a look of disbelief on his face. A chill runs through me. What is going on with him?

  Five minutes later my whole security team has gathered, along with the head of my pack. I relay to them what I’ve told Jacob. Micah and his guys have breached the West side of the property, the have been on the territory. I want a team set up all along the property, at least two men at every stand point. The teams will switch out every couple of hours so they can be alert. Micah and his guys are not to be taken lightly, they are here for my mate and they are gonna be pissed that we took her back from him. Micah failed the first time and he’s gonna be out for blood. So, you need to be aware and on your best.” Everyone looks at me and nods. I sigh. “Ok, Anderson, get groups together and get them set up. Sam is also coming in and should be here soon. He’s bringing in a few men, they will be put on Cammie’s personal security. She’s more familiar with her and Sam and Cameron trust them better. Cammie will also be more comfortable with them.” Jacob goes to argue with me but I cut him off. “Cammie being comfortable right now is all I’m worried about. I trust Sam’s men and so does Cammie, she’s trained with them so they will guard her. Now, let’s get to work.”

  Everyone heads out and I look at Cameron and he’s still looking at a couple of the guys like he doesn’t trust them. “Hey man, what’s with you? You’ve been quite.” He shakes his head. “Nothing. I think we need to get to the girls. Dad will be here soon and I don’t like being away from Sarah right now.” I nod. “Ok, let’s go.” When we reach my house, I notice that Sam is already there and it shocks me at how fast they made it. I notice that Eric, Quinn and a couple of his best men are with him. “Mason, have you learned anything else?” Sam greets me with a hand shake. I shake my head. No, not as of yet. I’ve set out my security team and they are setting up teams around the perimeter. I figured your guys could be Cammie and Sarah’s pe
rsonal team’s. They both know and trust everyone and everyone would be more comfortable that way.” He nods. “Yes, I think that would be better, I appreciate that. Where are the girls?” I sigh and look at Cameron. “They’re not back from their day yet. Cammie and Izzy went to the gym this morning and then they were gonna meet with Sarah for lunch. They are supposed to meet us back here soon for dinner. They should be back any minute. Why don’t we all head inside, if we are all out here when they get here, they’re gonna freak out.” Eric laughs. “Yeah, Cammie’s gonna do that regardless.” He shakes his head.

  We walk in and I notice that there’s paperwork all over the kitchen table. I laugh and shake my head, even with Izzy here Cammie couldn’t take time off from the office. I sigh and head over to clean up the mess. Cameron sees me and heads me off. “I got this. Why don’t you go and fill my dad in.”? He smiles at me and once again I get a weird feeling from him. I cock my eyebrow at him and he shrugs. “You’re the Alpha of this pack and can let him in on all of the details, plus I’ve been working with Cammie at the office. If you mess up the order of her paperwork, she will kill you.” He grins and I laugh. “Yeah, you’re right.” I laugh and head towards Sam. After a few minutes Cameron joins us and I’ve filled Sam and the others in on what’s been happening. “So, this guy that’s been training Cammie, how has she been doing with him?” Quinn asks. I smile at his question; Quinn was the one that trained Cammie for her Alpha trial and I know he wants to meet Johnson and size him up. “She’s been doing really well with him. He’s our best here and she’s knocked him on his ass a couple of times. She’s made you proud, Quinn.” Cameron laughs. “Oh yeah, she’s kicking his ass all over that gym. When he first met her, he didn’t think she’d be able to do much. You could see it in his face, but now he doesn’t question her on anything.” Cameron shakes his head. Sam laughs. “That’s my girl.” Quinn laughs. “She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure. She has power and at first you don’t see it, that’s her weapon.” I smile, she’s a spitfire that’s for sure.

  We continue to go over everything and are lost in our conversation and don’t hear when the girls come in. “Um, does someone want to explain what the hell in going on?” We all turn to see Cammie, Izzy and Sarah standing in the doorway of the kitchen. I stand up and head towards Cammie and she doesn’t look all that happy. “Hey, sweetheart. How was your day with the girls?” I lean down to kiss her and she backs up. She narrows her eyes at me. “Don’t you ‘hey sweetheart’ me. Why is Sam and everyone here and what the hell is going on? Mason, what happened? And don’t you dare try to lie to me!” Her eyes flare up and she’s pissed. I swallow and know I have to tell her the truth. “Babe, I need ya’ll to come and sit down.”


  “Babe, I need ya’ll to come and sit down.” Hearing those words coming from Mason’s mouth make my stomach drop. I look around at everyone at the table and I know something isn’t right. Sam is back, I mean it’s great to see him, I’ve missed him since he left. Then there’s Eric and Quin and a couple of Sam’s other security guys and because they are here, I know something isn’t right. I look at Cameron and he’s grabbed Sarah and pulled her into his lap. Izzy sits next to me and is biting her lower lip damn, even she’s worried. “Ok, someone needs to tell me what’s going on and now.” Mason sighs as he runs his hands through his hair. “Cameron and I were doing a security run around the West side of the territory this morning and picked up a scent that’s not supposed to be there.” I nod, I know that happens and precautions have to be taken but bringing in Sam and everyone seems a little much to me. “Ok, so what’s the deal?” Cameron jumps in. “I recognized it before Mason did. I think it’s because I was closer to the scent the last time, we were around it. Cammie, it’s Micah and his men. They’ve been here. They’re back.” I freeze, I don’t know what to do or say. Micah? I mean I thought we were done with him? I take a deep breath and center myself. “So, that’s why everyone is here? To what?” I look around at everyone and Sam gets up and comes to my side and hugs me. “Cammie, we are not gonna let him get anywhere near you again. We are gonna catch that Bastard this time if it’s the last thing we do. I brought Eric and Quinn with me; they are gonna be your personal security. You’re familiar with them and we all thought you’d be more comfortable with them.” He looks at me for conformation and I nod. I would be more comfortable with them as I don’t really know many of Mason’s men and I sure as hell won’t be stuck with Jacob. He nods. “Quinn will also meet Johnson and work with him on your training. You remember Alex, Mike, Brandon, Jackson and Eddie? They will be with Sarah and Izzy as well. They will also be working around the house to make sure security is tight. Everyone will move into the main house here, since there’s plenty of room.” I nod, damn this is a lot to take in. Fuck!

  Izzy, Sarah and I are sitting in the living room trying to wrap our heads around everything that has happened. “I can’t believe that this happening again. I can’t believe that asshole has the nerve to come back again! What the fuck? Didn’t he learn the first time?” Izzy is fuming and just spitting off at the mouth. I’m quiet and don’t really know what to say. I mean the man kidnapped me and had plans to sell me to the highest bidder. What the fuck am I supposed to say? I’m trying to hold it together so no one sees how nervous I actually am. I shouldn’t let this get to me. I’m a fucking Alpha Female for God’s sake! The thought of Micah being here shouldn’t scare the shit out of me but it does and for the life of me I can’t figure out why. The other security guys have gone outside to do a sweep and to check the grounds to see what needs to be done to the lay out of the house. I stand up and start pacing the room, trying to figure out why Micah being here is freaking me out so much. “Girl, will you sit down? All that pacing is driving me crazy!” Izzy yells at me, I wave my hand at her and ignore her. She slams her hands down on the couch and let’s out a scream. “Ugh! I need a drink.” She gets up and stomps into the kitchen. “Hey, it's gonna be ok. Mason and the guys aren’t gonna let anything happen. They are gonna stop them and everything will be ok.” Sarah smiles at me and I smile back. I love how she’s always so positive but I can see the worry in her face, not only for me but for Cameron as well. I sit down next to her and pull her into my arms. “I know Sarah, it’s going to be ok. I’m just nervous and I don’t know why, there’s something bugging me and I can’t figure it out.” She laughs. “It’s the new mating bond. It always makes things worse than it always is.” I lean back and stare at her. That’s it! I jump up. “Mason! Cam!” I scream and they come running into the room. “What’s wrong?” They’re both looking around like there’s a threat and I shake my head. “No, nothing like that, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” Sam, Eric and Quinn run in behind them. “I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out why Micah being back is making me feel scared and nervous. I mean this should be something that we should be able to handle, right?? Mason walks over to me and wraps me in his arms. “Baby, we will take care of it, please don’t stress out. I promise everything will be ok. We have security set up and you will be protected.”

  I shake my head. “No, that’s not what I mean. I know we have plenty of that. I finally figured it out. Well, with some help from Sarah.” I smile at her and she looks confused. “I look at everyone and then back at Mason. “I can take care of myself, we all know that. I managed to escape from Micah last time. I’m am Alpha Female; I can handle myself and fight right beside ya’ll. But this time it’s different, I’m vulnerable, we’re vulnerable.” Mason looks at me, confused. “Fuck, she’s right. Since you and Cammie completed the bond and are now Fated Mates, you’re both a target.” Cameron finishes what I was thinking. Mason tightens his hold on me as he finally realizes the predicament that we’re in. Sam runs his hands through his hair and mumbles under his breath. “Ok, who else besides the people in this room, know about the Fated bond?” He looks around at everyone. Mason shakes his head. “No one. I haven’t mentioned it to anyone, I didn’t want to put Cammie
at risk.” Cameron looks at him. “You didn’t tell Jacob?” Mason narrows his eyes at him. “No, I didn’t. What’s your problem with my Beta? I’ve seen the looks you’ve been giving him lately.” Cameron just shakes his head and looks at me. Mason looks at me and I look down. “Cammie? What’s going on?” I swallow and realize that we are gonna have to talk to him about Jacob sooner than we thought.

  “Look Mason, now may not be the best time to talk about this.” He steps away from me and shakes his head. “No, if there’s something I need to know I want to know it. Now.” I sigh and nod. “Ok, here it goes. You know how I started going over all the paperwork for the company and thought something was off with the inventory?” He nods. “Yeah, you thought something got mixed up so you started looking for the past records.” I nod. “Well, after I went back a few years and with Cam’s help we discovered that the inventory was right. The numbers were wrong. It turns out that they were overcharging and that the money that the company, the pack was losing was being put into a private account. That private account belongs to Jacob, he’s been stealing from the pack for about five years now.” I look at him and he’s in shock, his jaw is hanging open and I don’t know what to say. His fists ball at his sides. “How much?” I swallow. “Over two million.” He swallows and I can see the veins in his neck start to throb. “I’ve managed to track down the accounts and will be able to transfer the money back to the packs accounts. There’s one other thing but I’m not sure what it means. I only found it this morning so I haven’t been able to look into it.” He looks at me. “What?” I walk over to the table and grab the paper that I highlighted. “He’s been talking to Jenny and has done a few transfers to her. I’m not sure for what but there’s one a month before I was taken and another two weeks after. There’s another large sum of money to an unknown account. Once when he made the transfer to Jenny and then another right after we arrived here.” Cameron jumps up and grabs the paper from me. “Do you think he had anything to do with you being taken? I will kill that Mother Fucker!” Mason growls. “Not before I get to him first.”


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