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Arkham (Bones MC 5)

Page 2

by Marteeka Karland

  Arkham tilted his head. This wasn’t computing at all. As he studied her, Arkham found himself being more and more drawn to the young woman. And she was very young. Her eyes, however, told another story. This girl had seen much in her lifetime. Maybe not as much as Arkham had seen, but she was a warrior in her own right. Though obviously nervous, she held his gaze, not wavering. Those glittering amber eyes reminded him more of his brothers than any of the women Bones had picked up lately. Though each woman had her strengths, had endured more than her share of abuses and hard times, they were gentle at heart. Arkham had the feeling this woman was as battle hardened as he was.

  “You know where the boy is?”

  “No. But I’ve heard rumors someone’s got him holed up. Waiting for those rich men to offer a ransom.”

  “I think you need to come with me, Rain. Our bosses will have questions.”

  She looked at him suspiciously. “Who’s your bosses?”

  “You’ll find out. Come on.” He pulled her up by her arm and shoved her toward the stairs. Arkham had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Two

  Rain knew this had been a bad idea. When the boys had decided to beat up the badass newcomers, she knew she couldn’t sit by and let it happen. It had given her a fantastic idea, though. Watching these men had proved to be the best thing she’d done in a very long time. They called themselves “Bones” or “ExFil.” Rain had no idea what either were, and didn’t really care. She’d learned everything she could about the men and had come to the conclusion they could handle anything thrown at them.

  They were just like the men people called the Shadow Demons. Those guys weren’t men to mess around with. Neither were these newcomers. The difference was the men she was currently surrounded by were rougher around the edges. And they didn’t have the exotic tech the Shadow Demons did. Another thing they had in common was they helped. Everyone. They didn’t discriminate between rich and poor or white, black, brown, or any other color. Someone was in danger, they helped. And it wasn’t a conscious action on their part most of the time. She’d seen them helping old ladies cross the street, for fuck’s sake! All the while, their eyes roamed the streets looking for… something. This hadn’t been the first attack on them, and it wouldn’t be the last if they stayed, but they’d never permanently harmed or killed anyone they came across. Of course, every single time they’d been attacked it had been by the bad boys of the neighborhood. The drug dealers and pimps and their ragtag armies. Rain had to wonder if Bones would be so forgiving if really challenged.

  When they reached the end of the block, two big Humvees rolled up to a stop.. The big guy with a full, dark beard currently sitting behind the wheel of the lead vehicle rolled his window down. “You ladies need a lift?”

  “Fuck you, Trucker.”

  “You always whine, Goose. Why do you always whine?”

  “One of those little fuckers winged me,” Goose muttered.

  Rain saw them marching the boys to the second Humvee and shoving them all inside. They were tied much like she was, but they were all gagged as well. Every single one of them looked terrified. Even Jason, the badass wannabe. So much for Mister Military there. Apparently, he wasn’t as experienced as he’d led everyone to believe.

  “They’re kids, Goose. If you can’t win against kids, how did you even make it into Bones?”

  They all had a little chuckle, but Goose was having none of it. “Those fuckin’ kids were armed with automatics. I had a fuckin’ potato shooter!”

  “All right. Knock it off,” the one she’d identified as the leader ordered. “We’ll take ‘em in. Let Shadow Demons decide what to do with ‘em.”

  “You’re with the Shadow Demons?” Rain couldn’t help her outburst. The Shadow Demons had been all over the city in the past year. Some called them saviors. Others vigilantes. She thought they might just be what the city needed. At least, what their section of the city needed.

  Everyone kept on about their business. The one who’d caught her urged her into the vehicle before shutting the door. No one even acknowledged she’d spoken.

  Goose hopped in beside the driver. “Get gone, Trucker. The others will meet us there.”

  Rain heard motorcycles starting up in the distance. From a warehouse about a block away, three bikes emerged, taking the lead in their convoy. Bikers. Figured. It actually made sense. The guys were obviously military, but they had a kind of pack mentality she’d only seen in some of the gangs in Rockwell. They stuck together. Always. At least, that’s the way they’d been since she’d been watching them. It also explained some of the tattoos they sported.

  The ride was only about five minutes and took them to a dead-end alley. Except the wall moved and there was a cave. The Humvee rolled on without even slowing down.

  “Holy shit! What is this?” she asked, her face pressed to the glass. No one answered. They kept moving for another few minutes before coming out of the tunnel into a massive open room at least two stories high.

  The vehicle stopped, and Rain opened the door. Stepping out, she looked around her in wonder. “This is the coolest place I’ve ever seen!” There was tech all over the place. Computers everywhere with high-voltage wiring crisscrossing the floor. On one end was a giant metal circle standing vertical with all kinds of wires and cables. A guy wearing a welding helmet was working on one side of it, sparks flying from the welder wand. When she moved toward a table with various items laid out, one of them snagged her arm, pulling her back.

  “Just stay put, little lady.” It was the same guy who’d nabbed her in the first place. She took the opportunity to study him. Aside from being a big-ass motherfucker, he was probably the scariest looking person she’d ever seen. A thick beard covered the lower half of his face, but he was scarred all over. What part of his body wasn’t scarred was covered in tattoos. A thin scar ran from his hairline, through his right eyebrow, and down his cheek to his jaw. His eyes were another thing. They were strange, dual colored. The right one was a rich amber while the left one was a vibrant blue. She wondered if the scar had anything to do with the strange coloring but doubted it since the injured eye was darker than the other and both seemed to focus on her intently. The one thing about the guy that scared her most were those eyes. Looking into them she could see they were dead. Void of any emotion. The eyes of a killer, cold-blooded or otherwise. He’d slit a man’s throat without batting an eyelash.

  He shrugged out of his military jacket and the vest underneath, tossing them to the floor. His neck popped several times as he rolled it on his shoulders.

  “Whatcha got?” The leader of the second team she’d been watching stepped into their group. He was dressed in jeans, a white T-shirt and a black leather vest. A patch on the chest proclaimed him “president.”

  “Five dumbasses trying to be badasses,” Goose answered. The man sounded more than a little miffed. “Fuckers winged me.”

  “Jesus, Goose,” Trucker said, slamming his door after he hopped out. “Why are you still whining? Are you a pussy? Cause you know Bones don’t allow pussies.”

  “They let you in, didn’t they?”

  “Yeah, but I ain’t whining about getting a scratch. I bet you ain’t even bleeding.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “You already said that.” Trucker was laughing openly at Goose, and the other man just scowled. Rain had seen more than one such argument turn into a deadly brawl. These guys seemed to enjoy it. In fact, it seemed like part of their culture. One an outsider like her couldn’t understand.

  “Would you two knock it off?” the first guy said, looking annoyed but not angry. “Arkham?”

  The man who’d captured her sighed, scrubbing his hand over his neck. “She was their lookout, Cain. But she expected us to take care of them.”

  Cain crossed his arms over his chest. “How so?”

  “Called them in once we separated, knowing we’d always have eyes on each other. Told them we were all together, not that
we’d split. They did exactly what she expected. Rushed the two on the ground in plain sight. Her thought was Shadow and I could protect our brothers before those idiots could harm Torpedo and Goose.”

  Cain gave Rain a good hard stare, seeming to be trying to see into her soul. “You sure about her? She might have been trying to make sure her gang had the best chance of killin’ your team.”

  Arkham shrugged. “Maybe, but I don’t think so.”

  “You trust her, then?” Cain raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “No.” Arkham’s answer was immediate. Which pissed Rain off.

  “Now, wait just a minute!”

  “She mentioned the kid,” Arkham added, ignoring her as if she hadn’t said anything. “Said word was he was bein’ held until an offer of a ransom was made. Might want to let Azriel know.”

  Torpedo swore. “Why the fuck won’t anyone talk? She can’t be the only one who’s heard this.”

  Arkham shrugged. “Maybe I’m less intimidating than you. You know. Cause I’m so pretty.”

  “We’re not doing very well in this. I don’t understand why Ivanovich needs us. His men could get the same results we’ve gotten.”

  “We want you here because you have a way with the populous of the eastern sector.”

  A large man in an expensive-looking suit approached them. He had the look of a predator, but a refined one. One that blended in with the elite of the city. Any city.

  “If you’d let us do this our way, we’d’ve found the kid already,” Cain said. “It’s time you told us exactly what we’re doin’. I’m tired of fuckin’ around here, Azriel.”

  “We have a tracking device on the child. All the children have them, with their parents’ consent, for just this reason.”

  “We’ll, I’d say your tracker isn’t workin’ very well. This is the first mention we’ve had of the kid.”

  “There’s interference. I know you’ve checked the sewers and subway beneath the city in that area, but we’re sure he’s there somewhere.”

  “Maybe the tracker got removed. Maybe it was found and removed.”

  “It’s working. We can see him moving from time to time. Probably when they take him to a new location. And the tracker also monitors his vital signs. If it were removed, the bio monitoring would tell us.”

  Rain knew there were severe undercurrents surrounding the men. She was reminded of some of the gangs in the city. It was a power struggle with them. Most did everything they could to recruit the young. Those they couldn’t win over, they enslaved. Or killed. Eventually, no one dared turn them down when they came looking for service and tried to pick the least brutal gangs before they were drafted. Her included.

  “The young woman knows something,” Azriel said, nodding in her direction. “She’s one of them.”

  “She’s not,” Arkham stated solidly. There was no doubt in his voice. No question he was right.

  “You said yourself she set your team up,” Azriel pressed. “It was just luck they didn’t kill all of you.”

  “Those boys wouldn’t know how to kill if you put a knife in their hand and the blade at someone’s throat.” Arkham seemed to scoff at the idea. Rain knew better.

  “They might surprise you,” she muttered. Instantly, all eyes were on her. She winced. Not a way to gain her freedom.

  “Might as well explain.” Cain scrubbed a hand over his face as if this were all a big hassle he preferred to avoid.

  When she glanced nervously at Arkham, he stared back at her, the intensity of those dual-colored eyes unnerving. Lifting her chin, she looked away and shut her mouth stubbornly.

  “I don’t have time for this fuckin’ shit,” Cain muttered.

  “I’ll talk to her.” She snapped her head around to look at Arkham again. He had a look of grim determination on his face. “No matter how long it takes.” That look said he was looking forward to the interrogation.

  “Now, wait just a Goddamned minute!”

  Arkham ignored her and tossed her over his shoulder. With her hands still zip-tied behind her, there was nothing Rain could do other than kick a little. If she fell, she risked hurting herself worse than she had when she’d face-planted on the roof of the theater. Finally she just yelled at him, “Put me down!” Which did no good.

  He swatted her ass. Hard.

  When she stopped fussing, he grunted as if satisfied with her response. “Bastard,” she muttered, but didn’t struggle further. The sting of the swat startled her, but also made her insides tingle. What the hell had just happened? Even now, his hand rested on the side of her ass he’d just spanked, rubbing through her jeans as if to soothe her. In reality, she knew he was copping a feel, but she found she really didn’t mind when she’d always rebuffed anyone who tried to touch her. Without fail. Now this man comes along, manhandling her at every opportunity, and she… liked it? What the fuck?

  Chapter Three

  Each member of Bones had been given a suite of rooms to himself in the East wing of the mansion Shadow Demons called their home. As they’d found out when they got there, Shadow Demons weren’t an MC club, but more of a group of insanely rich men trying to set up a network of protection for their community. While Arkham respected what they were doing, he disliked being volunteered to help when there was obviously something more going on than simple protection.

  He carried Rain over his shoulder, her ass right next to his face. She’d wiggled more than once, and he’d swatted that ass more than once. Her age was still undetermined, so he had to keep a leash on his aggression. The fact was, he was becoming a little obsessed with her, and that wasn’t good. All those black, glossy curls and those amber-colored eyes were bad enough, but her compact body and slight, womanly curves were wreaking havoc on his mind. Especially if she was as young as she looked.

  The suite he’d chosen had only one wall of windows. Situated in the corner of the house, most of the room was surrounded the landscape. They’d built the fortress next to a mountain and made it part of the house. Just like Bones had done with their clubhouse. Arkham liked it because he could position himself easily out of the line of sight of those windows and not have to worry about someone watching his every move. Apparently, Shadow Demons felt the same way because they’d furnished the room to reflect that defensive posture. There had been very little Arkham had to do to be secure.

  Now, he set his prisoner on her feet. She stumbled away a little before standing her ground. When she looked up at him, Arkham could see she was furious. Which put really bad thoughts in his head.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Last name, girl. I want it.”

  “I told you. It’s just Rain.”

  He gave her his best “do not fuck with me” look. She just lifted her chin and repeated. “My name’s Rain. That’s it.”

  “That your real name or your street name?”

  “It’s my name. The only name I’ve ever had.”

  “Your family name?”

  For the first time since this started, she looked away, her lips thinning as she pressed them together. At first, Arkham thought she wouldn’t answer. She didn’t look stubborn so much as… ashamed?

  “Ain’t got no family.”

  “So, you have no family now. Who were --”

  “You ain’t listening!” she snapped, her face a furious mask. “I ain’t never had no family! Never. My first memory is a bunch of us kids fightin’ over food! I grew up on the streets with a gang of kids! Our only goal was to find something to eat and to stay away from adults! So, my name…” she raised her chin proudly, looking him straight in the eye, “is Rain. That’s it!”

  Arkham was silent, holding her gaze while he processed this. “Fuck,” he muttered. “Just… fuck.” He pulled out a knife from the small of his back. “Turn around.”

  She took a couple of steps back, crouching defensively, her hands still firmly behind her back. “The hell I will!”

  “Would you fuckin’ rela
x? I’m just going to cut the fuckin’ zip tie.”

  Slowly, eyeing him with suspicion, she did as he asked. She kept looking over her shoulder at him, watching every move he made. Once he’d freed her, she moved farther away from him, trying to angle herself to make a run for the door.

  “Even if you made it out the door, you wouldn’t get far. They keep this place locked down better’n Fort Knox.”

  “What do you want from me? Am I a prisoner?”

  Arkham started to deny she was a prisoner, then thought better of it. “Yeah. I suppose you’re a prisoner for now. How long it stays that way depends on you.” He let that sink in. When she didn’t react, he continued. “I need to know about these gangs. The boy. Everything you know.”

  “They’re a bunch of thugs,” she muttered, crossing her arms around her body. She took a deep breath, then sighed, sitting down on the nearest chair as she did. When she finally let down her guard, she looked older than she had previously. Like the weight of all she’d experienced had finally caught up with her. “As to who has the kid, I honestly don’t know. Some say it’s the Shaws. Others the Chinese. I can’t find out either way.”

  “You seem to have a pretty good handle on the things in your neighborhood.”

  She gave him a flat, cold look. Much like the look he saw when he looked in the mirror. “The slums are my home. When you live on the streets all your life, you learn that, if you don’t know everything going on around you, you don’t live very long. In this case, I do everything I can to avoid the pimps and the gangs.”

  “Yet you were aidin’ one.”

  “I was serving my own interest. I offered to help them because I knew they were going after your team.”

  Arkham took a step toward her. “Our team specifically?”

  “Yeah. Y’all can take care of yourselves, though. You took out part of the Shaws gang, too.”

  Arkham felt a grin tugging at his lips. This girl was priceless. “How old are you, Rain?”


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