Book Read Free

Man Crush Monday

Page 15

by Kirsty Moseley

  Dinner is awkward at first, but after a while (and a few glasses of vino), everyone loosens up, even Jared. He doesn’t talk much, and I get the distinct impression that he’s decidedly more reserved, shy even, than he is when it’s just the two of us. I don’t mind too much; I chat enough for both of us.

  There’s a total of twelve people on our table, ranging in ages and backgrounds. Some of them work for Jared’s company, some for the merger company, some are plus-ones like me, and some are clients. Dinner is punctuated with polite chitchat.

  Between courses, Jared holds my hand under the table as I laugh at their jokes, exchanging ridiculous banter with them and hearing their work stories. They devour the free wine, but I, smartly, switch to water while I eat because I don’t want to get drunk tonight and do or say something I shouldn’t.

  The food is scrumptious—though small! Even though I gorged on the appetisers and then proceed to eat all four of the tiny courses on offer (and Jared’s dessert as well as my own), I will likely need to eat again before bed.

  Almost as soon as dessert is done and it’s socially acceptable, Jared stands and holds down a hand to help me from my chair. “Amy, let’s go make the rounds. There are a few people I should say hello to.” He looks around the table. “Excuse us.”

  I place my hand in his and let him lead me away from the table, as eager to make my escape as he is. Jared’s first stop is to an older couple standing at the bar. The man turns as we approach and grins over at us, affectionately clapping Jared on the shoulder.

  Jared tugs me to his side. “Michael, I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Amy. Amy, my boss, Michael Briggs and his wife, Marnie.”

  Jared’s introductions are polite and very formal. He’s every inch the professional around these people; it’s actually a real turn-on for me.

  Michael’s eyes land on me, and his grin grows larger. “Amy!” His hand engulfs mine and gives it a hearty shake. “How wonderful to meet you.” He sends Jared a wink and then turns back to me. “Do you know what a genius you’re dating? This guy!” He claps his hand on Jared’s shoulder again. “Absolute whiz. Never seen anyone as hardworking and conscientious. Absolute gem he is.”

  “Easy, Michael. Have you had too much to drink already?” Jared jokes, raising both eyebrows at Marnie, who shrugs and nods, smiling guiltily.

  Michael waves him off and leans in closer to me. “Did he tell you how he got the job here?”

  I smile proudly at Jared, loving all these compliments being thrown around about him. “No, he hasn’t said.”

  Michael laughs. “Okay, so picture this. Two years ago, I was pitching for an ad account for a well-known condiment company who wanted to branch out of their market and into making tins of baked beans. All very highbrow,” he jokes, chuckling. “Anyway, I was pitching to them, my best and most well-laid-out plans. I thought I was a shoo-in. That account was practically in the bag. Trouble was, this arsehole was pitching from the company he was working for at the time.” He hikes a thumb at Jared and rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t worried; the other company was small and didn’t have much experience. Plus, Jared was barely out of nappies and only had small accounts under his belt. I figured the best guy would win in the end. Turns out, he did.” He winks at Jared. “I lost the pitch to him. Then, over the next five months, I watched in awe and fascination as this guy and his marketing plan singlehandedly turned that company into a household name. Spectacular vision and ingenuity. I went to the board of directors immediately and told them if they didn’t hire Jared Stone, I was resigning and setting up my own company, and I would hire him instead.”

  Jared is looking at his shoes, a frown lining his forehead, clearly uncomfortable with all the attention.

  I squeeze his hand and beam over at him. “I didn’t know that.”

  Michael nods. “Best hire of my life. The guy is a genius and has an aptitude for getting market trends exactly right. It’s a talent. He’ll be running this place soon.” He sends Jared another playful wink that makes my stomach clench with pride and happiness. “Anyway, don’t stand here talking to us old fogies. Go mingle and get some contacts.” He gives us a gentle push away and turns back to the bar, ordering more champagne.

  “Embarrassing,” Jared mutters, shaking his head as he leads me away.

  “Well, someone is a fan of yours here at least, Iceman,” I joke, which earns me a laugh.

  We slowly make our way around the room, engaging in polite chitchat with everyone but not lingering too long with any one person. I get the impression Jared is happier just to hover on the outskirts rather than really engaging properly with his colleagues and clients. I notice he doesn’t smile. He’s polite and friendly but a little stern-looking and totally professional. It’s interesting, watching him be work Jared. I can see now why Holly said she would burst into flames if she saw him smile. The knowledge that he is stingy with his smiles makes me even happier because it makes the ones I’ve garnered feel more special.

  The whole time we work the room, the amazing big band plays swing music. When a singer takes the mic, doing excellent renditions of Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and Dean Martin, my feet are itching to dance, and I can barely stand still as I sway to the beat and hum the melody.

  “Why is no one dancing?” I ask, frowning at the empty dance floor.

  Jared shrugs, playing with a lock of my hair. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s not that kind of party?”

  I sigh and pout, which makes him laugh and lean down to kiss my nose. On the way to speak to someone else, we pass a toilet, and my bladder gives another dangerous squeeze. I groan. I’ve been ignoring it, but I can’t put a toilet break off any longer. I’ve had too many glasses of wine and water. I’m going to have to brave the Spanx removal on my own after all.

  “I need to pee,” I whisper, stopping outside the toilet.

  He nods. “Actually, I’ll go, too, and meet you here.”

  I lean in, giving him a quick kiss before I head into the restroom. I’m immediately taken aback by how sleek and posh everything is in here too. It’s one thing, the ballroom being all polished marble and expensive gold leaf gilding, but I didn’t expect the luxury to continue into here. It’s exquisite.

  My full bladder forces me to abandon my examination of the swanky soaps and fluffy hand towels that are stacked on the countertops. I head into the toilet stall, groaning and swearing like a sailor, banging my head and elbows on the walls as I struggle to pull off my Spanx and pee. By the time I fight them back on again, I’m sweating and tired. Whoever said ‘beauty is pain’ was spot-on. When I finally manage to get my dress back into position and emerge from the stall, I spot a lady standing by the sinks, washing her hands.

  I feel the blush creep up my cheeks as she’s sure to have just heard the commotion I made during the struggle. “Sorry, Spanx,” I say in explanation as she looks at me weirdly.

  She nods in understanding. “Oh, in my day, we called them a girdle. Thankfully, I’m too old for that nonsense now.”

  I chuckle and smooth my dress as I head to the sinks, too, looking her over. She’s likely in her late sixties, early seventies maybe, but in that rich way where people still look fifty. Her dress is spectacular yet understated—a dark grey ballgown with stones that glitter as the light hits them. She looks fabulous.

  “You don’t need one anyway. You look gorgeous. The hair, the dress. Wow.” I let my gaze wander over her.

  She looks so elegant and classy, effortlessly so.

  The lady looks down at herself and laughs. “Thank you, dear. Do you work here?” She looks back up at me as I wash and dry my hands.

  “Oh no. I’m here with my boyfriend.” I can’t help but smile at the word boyfriend.

  She turns towards me, leaning her hip on the countertop. “And what do you think of the party?”

  My facial reaction betrays me, and I scrunch my nose up in distaste. “Honestly? It’s kinda boring and stuffy. Too many suits.” I pull my lipstick from my c
lutch purse and lean towards the mirror.

  The lady laughs and nods. “I have to agree.”

  Her agreement prompts me on, and our eyes meet in the mirror. “And why is it called a dinner dance? I was led here under false pretences. There’s that great band, and no one is dancing! What a waste.”

  “Ah, it’s always like that, I’m afraid.” The lady watches as I apply a slash of fire engine–red lipstick to my lips. I bought it specifically for tonight, and it’s decidedly raunchier than my usual nude gloss. “I used to be able to pull off a shade like that.”

  “What? You still can! Gorgeous face like that! Here.” I turn and thrust the lipstick towards her, giving her an encouraging nod.

  She hesitates for a second but then takes it, picks up a towel, and wipes off her own pink nude lipstick before applying mine. I shoot her a smug, knowing smile in the mirror as she nods in approval.

  “Thank you. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” She hands me back my lipstick, and I pop the lid on and push it back into my bag.


  “Very nice to meet you, Amy. I’m Gillian.”

  I step back and brush a couple of stray hairs back into place as I look myself over one final time. “Well, Gillian, I should probably get back to my boyfriend, or he’s going to think I’ve fallen in. Or that I’m trapped in my Spanx.” I motion my head back towards the stalls, and she laughs.

  She heads for the door, pulling it open, and waves for me to go through first. I spot Jared leaning against the pillar, one ankle crossed over the other. He looks up and smiles at me.

  I turn back to Gillian as we step out together. “There’s my boyfriend. I’m not sure if you’ve met. Jared, this is Gillian. Gillian, Jared,” I introduce them with a wave of the hand.

  Jared’s eyes widen, and his back stiffens as he stands up straight and stretches out his hand in greeting. “Ms Jenkins, it’s very nice to officially meet you.”

  Ms Jenkins? I frown and look between the two of them, confused at the sudden change in his demeanour.

  Gillian smiles and takes his offered hand, shaking it. “Jared …” She raises one eyebrow in prompt.

  “Jared Stone. I’m chief advertising strategist.”

  Gillian smiles warmly and nods. “Oh, that’s right. I’ve heard your name being bandied around. Didn’t we steal you from another company?”

  Jared nods. “You did. I joined the company about a year ago.”

  “That’s right. Well, I’ve heard some great things about you. I’ve even seen a couple of proposals of yours pass my desk, but there never seems to be the time to take anything further. You know what?” Gillian looks at me and smiles before turning back to Jared. “I’ll have my secretary schedule you some time for late next week. You can talk me through some of your ideas.”

  Jared’s eyes widen fractionally, and his whole body stiffens, but he nods. “Okay, great. That sounds great.”

  Gillian steps back and smiles politely. “It was nice to meet you both. Oh, and, Jared, I think your lady friend would like to dance.” She sends me a wink and a wave and turns, stalking confidently into the crowd that parts instantly for her as if she were Moses.

  “Bye, Gillian,” I call at the same time Jared says, “Good-bye, Ms Jenkins.”

  When she’s disappeared into the crowd, Jared turns to me and shakes his head. “Do you have any idea who that was?” I shrug in reply, and he laughs, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “That’s Ms Jenkins, the co-owner of Jenkins and Banner …”

  He raises one eyebrow, and I suddenly realise why he was so jumpy and nervous. She is his top, top boss.

  My mouth pops open in shock and horror. “Oh God. I just told her the party sucked. And I told her about my Spanx.”

  Jared barks a laugh, reaching out to cup my face in both his hands. He tilts my head, so my eyes meet his. “I can’t believe that just happened. I can’t believe you just schmoozed one of the hardest and richest women in advertising in the ladies’ loo. You’re incredible.”

  When he dips his head and kisses me, my horror subsides, and my hands grip his waist for support as the kiss deepens. My body is now on high alert, as the taste of him causes my skin to have goosebumps and tingle.

  When he pulls back, I let out a needy whimper and press closer to him. A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, and one of his eyebrows arches. “So, apparently, you want to dance?”

  I don’t get to answer before his hand closes over mine, and he suddenly turns, giving my hand a tug to get me moving as he leads me through the crowd towards the shiny, untouched dance floor.

  I gasp, my face burning with heat as I notice people’s eyes following our movements. Some people even stop talking as we step onto the dance floor.

  “No one else is dancing,” I protest in a hushed whisper.

  “Someone has to be the first.” Jared shrugs and leads me to the middle. He smiles at me as he guides me to do a little twirl before he pulls me closer to him, lifting my hand and looping my arm around his neck before his hands slide down my body teasingly, slowly, holding me securely against him as he begins to sway softly to the beat of “Mr Bojangles.”

  My teeth sink into my bottom lip as I unleash a happy grin. This is the first time Jared and I have danced together, and it’s in a place like this. I couldn’t have asked for a more romantic setting. When he dips his head and kisses me, I don’t even care that people are staring. Happiness consumes me, and my body softens against him, melding against him, savouring every second of it. Eventually, people follow our lead, and the dance floor fills up around us, but I’m lost in a bubble of bliss containing only him and me.

  After a good few songs, it’s almost midnight, and my feet begin to ache. I look up at him, and my heart thumps in my chest. This guy. I’m so in love with him that it’s both terrifying and electrifying in equal measure.

  I grip his tie and press against him. “Jared, take me home and fuck me until I pass out.” I don’t even care that people might have heard me. I’m done here, and I want to head to the after-party at my place.

  He leans down, brushing his nose against the side of mine as he stares into my eyes. It’s almost dizzying, my desire for him.

  “Now, that would be my pleasure.”

  As I smile and pull back, I see the crowd around me casting subtle glances at us. Holly, Gus, Camilla, Greg, and Paul are openly watching from the dinner table they’re still sitting at. The three guys seem shocked and impressed, and the girls are watching Jared with lustful eyes that make the hair on the back of my neck bristle. My guess is, they’ve seen a side to Jared they didn’t know existed.

  As Jared holds my hand tightly and we make our way out of the ballroom, I see Gillian off to one side, talking with a stuffy-looking gentleman. She raises her champagne flute in greeting and sends me a knowing smile. I wave, feeling the blush colour my cheeks as I press against Jared’s side.


  When I wake on Saturday, it’s already lunchtime, and I feel a little delicate, courtesy of the alcohol I consumed the night before. I’m alone in the bed, but I can hear the TV on quietly in the living room. Groaning, I push myself up and swing my legs out of bed, wincing as I realise my feet are still sore from the heels I wore the night before. My bedroom is in a bit of a state. My clothes are dotted around the floor, almost a perfect line from the door to the bed, discarded in a fit of passion. I step over my flesh-toned Spanx as I reach for my dressing gown. As he promised, Jared had no trouble whipping me out of them last night. I blush and grin at the memory. Not exactly my sexiest moment, but he didn’t seem perturbed.

  As I step out of my bedroom, I see Jared is sitting on the floor of my living room, his back leaning against the couch, as he works on his laptop at my coffee table. I can see spreadsheets and graphs and lots of numbers all in various columns on his screen. He’s frowning at it in concentration. I smile and try to tiptoe across the room, so I don’t disturb him, but he catches me.

  “Good morning,
sleeping beauty.”

  I grin and divert my course, heading to him instead as I lean down and kiss his lips. “Hi.”

  He smiles, one eye on the screen. “I just need to finish this, if you don’t mind. Then, we can go do something or get lunch?”

  “Sure.” I plant a soft kiss on the top of his head and head for the bathroom, deciding on a shower after I take a look in the mirror and realise I look like Medusa’s ugly sister. Sleeping in hair clips and full make-up is never a good look in the morning.

  Jared is still beavering away, scribbling notes and tapping furiously on his keyboard when I sneak back to my room, dressing in my Spice Girls fitted T-shirt and a denim dungaree dress with thick black tights underneath. I dry my hair down and swipe on some eyeliner and nude lip gloss. Then, I head into the kitchen, making us a cup of tea.

  When I set it down next to Jared’s laptop, he looks up, seeming a little startled to see me fully dressed and ready. “Oh, thank you. Sorry, I didn’t realise I’d been working that long. I thought I’d just be able to get these tweaks done, but the system has been glitching, so it’s taking forever. There was a surge of clicks on social media overnight, so it’s thrown my ROI off, and I’ve had to recalculate projections.”

  I grin, sitting on the sofa and pulling my legs up under me, having no idea what he’s even talking about. “God, it’s sexy when you get all nerdy,” I admit.

  He laughs and sets his laptop aside, running a hand through his messy hair as he uses one elbow to hoist himself up onto the sofa next to me. “If you think that’s sexy, just wait until I start talking about algorithms and data structures.”

  I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck, crushing myself against him. “Stop, stop, I can’t handle it!” I joke.

  “You’re so weird, Amy Clarke.” He laughs and brushes his nose up the side of mine.


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