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The Dragon Hunters' Temptation

Page 7

by Jasmine Wylder

  You have to live for her.

  The answer was faint, but very much there. But as he opened his mouth to tell Hazel, to reassure her that it was all going to work out, there came a jolt of fear and pain—but not from Watn. He gasped, his muscles tensing.

  Hazel jerked as well. “What was that?”

  “Jord.” He reached through the bond, but it suddenly cut off.

  His blood turned to ice. Vindr reached out further, trying to find Jord.


  Vindr’s fires went out. He was left gasping on the floor, rage and fear rising up in his chest. He clung to Hazel because there was nothing else to cling to. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. As he screwed his eyes tight against the grief welling inside of him, he heard Hazel’s voice again and again. He couldn’t understand her words, but the sound of her grounded him.


  He dropped his head to the floor, hands shaking.

  Jord, please! Please respond!

  A prod came through the bond. Not Jord, but Hyrr. Asking where he was. There was some sort of reassurance in that prod but how he could be reassured, Vindr didn’t know. Jord was gone… that bond was gone… And Watn was getting weaker. If the four became two…?

  Another prod, this one sharper. And finally, Vindr understood. He couldn’t let himself get lost. The grief, the pain, the anger. He couldn’t drown in it. No. He had to do what his brothers would want. He had to get Hazel to Byrelmore, to the King, where she would be safe.

  His fires reignited, hotter and burning with more intensity than ever before. He sprang to his feet, the wings already starting to sprout from his back. Hazel stared at him, the tears still running down her cheeks.

  He held out a hand toward her. “We have to leave.”

  “Is Jord…?”

  He couldn’t answer that. Not right now. “We have to leave.”

  Fresh tears spilled down Hazel’s cheeks, but she took his hand. Vindr clutched her to his chest as he moved back out to the alley, his strength renewed. He wasn’t going to lose her. He couldn’t.

  Chapter Eleven


  Hazel didn't know what to feel anymore. Watn… Jord… alive or dead? Vindr wouldn't tell her a thing. Not that they had had much of a chance. She knew something had happened to Jord, and the next thing she knew, she was whisked off again. He held her close to his stomach, the warmth of his fires burning through his scales to warm her as well. Despite that, the frigid wind whipped her hair about, and she had to squeeze her eyes shut to keep them from freezing.

  When they landed, her legs were so stiff that she stumbled the moment Vindr set her down. That was fine with her. Everything was crashing down on her, and all she wanted was to curl up into a ball and cry.

  Vindr helped her to her feet, his gaze concerned. She gave him a slight shake of her head, then glanced around. They were back at the house where she’d been living for the past few years. Her neighbor, Dominique, stood on her front porch, jaw hanging slack. Hazel ignored her and strode for her house, while several dragons came out of it.

  “Hazel!” Her friend and Indulf’s daughter, Princess Katrina, was among them. She raced to Hazel and pulled her into a tight hug. “We’ve been so worried.”

  Katrina’s mate, Thonis, moved past the two of them and faced Vindr. “I’m going to have to arrest you.”

  Hazel whipped around, pulling herself out of Katrina’s hug. “What?”

  “The last we heard, Jord and his Hunters attacked the guard meant to protect you,” Thonis explained, glancing back at her. “And I doubt that’s the full story, but since Antonio went to retrieve you, we have heard nothing from him. As such, I need to arrest Vindr—for appearance’s sake,” he added quickly, as Hazel opened her mouth to argue. “We won’t be handing him over until we have all the facts.”

  “Hang the facts!” Hazel exploded. She snarled as she glared at Thonis, her composure gone. “Watn and Jord are out there, and we don’t even know if they’re alive! The FBI attacked them, not the other way around. Where’s Indulf? I demand to speak with him at once!”

  A gentle hand touched her arm, but she shook it off. How dare they? She understood the need to keep the peace, but wasting time arresting Vindr? When he was the only one right now that could take them to Watn and Jord, to save them?

  “Where’s Hyrr?” she continued. “Have you heard from him?”

  The hand rested on her shoulder. She whirled to snap at whoever it was but swallowed down the protest when she saw it was Audiv. The mage was someone she’d worked quite closely with before.

  “Do you really think that finding them isn’t a priority?” Audiv asked, her voice even and cool as it always seemed to be. “Let’s go inside. You are in clear need of some medical care and rest. Thonis and the others will take care of Vindr and the other Hunters.”

  Hazel glared at her, but what she said made sense. Her legs were still stiff and now that she was here, exhaustion was creeping up on her. Maybe she hadn’t slept as well as she thought the previous night. In any case, she wasn’t going to be able to help Vindr and the others if she was a complete mess. Besides that, she needed to get her emotions under control. There was no faster way to be dismissed than to show too much emotion.

  “Go.” Vindr prodded her gently. “It’s going to be fine, I promise.”

  The grief in his voice was too much. Hazel’s eyes filled with tears. She couldn’t leave him, not now… Not when so much had already gone wrong. But he gave her another gentle nudge and she found herself stumbling after Audiv, crying freely as her heart clenched.

  It was too late… Jord and Watn… Maybe only one of them, she thought, but it was no comfort. Even one was too much.

  The loss was too much.


  She cried while Audiv looked over her and cried when she lay down to try to sleep. Eventually, Audiv gave her a sleeping potion. When Hazel woke, the ache was still biting in her chest, so strong she found it difficult to breathe. But that grief fueled her, and she got up and showered before putting her hair up and dressing in a suit.

  There was a record to be set straight, and whatever happened next, she was going to do her damnedest to make sure she didn’t lose another one of her boys.

  When she exited her bedroom, she found that Indulf and his son, Warmund, were in the living room, along with Anna and Penny. Their children were nowhere to be seen—probably stayed back in Byrelmore with Sylvia and Misty. Hazel took a deep breath and strode forward. Before she had gone very far, though, a strong set of arms wrapped around her tight and pulled her close into a strong, heavily muscled chest.

  Vindr’s scent washed over her and she relaxed into his embrace. When she looked up at him, though, she was shocked to see that his eyes were bright and a wide smile spread over his face.

  “They’re alive.”

  Hazel’s fingers clutched Vindr’s shirt as she stared up at him. The aching grief in her chest began to lighten; warmth filled it as she stared in hope and disbelief. “They’re alive?’

  “We have received a video message from an anonymous group,” Anna said, standing beside her husband. Her eyes flashed as she crossed her arms, looking every bit the queen she was. “They’re holding Watn and Jord prisoner. The video was sent in only a little bit ago, and with further examination, Vindr can confirm that they’re alive.”

  “The bond is weak, but it’s still there,” Vindr told her. He rocked on his feet, back and forth while his eyes remained alight.

  The happiness that they were alive was tempered, though. Captured. Hazel swallowed hard. More than that, both Jord and Watn were injured. There was no telling how bad they were. Maybe Jord had been recovering, but something had happened to him. And more than that, Hyrr wouldn’t have left Jord behind. Not without a damn good reason.

  “What about Hyrr?” she asked, not wanting to think about the state Watn and Jord could be in.

  “He’s heading here.” Vindr bobbed his head. “I don’t think h
e’s injured at all. He’ll have more information when he gets here.”

  She let out a shaky breath. Well aware that the others were staring at her and Vindr, she ignored them as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She needed to be close to him to ask this next question. “And Watn? He’s alive, but how long?”

  Vindr’s smile faded.

  It was Indulf who answered. “From the video, we can tell that he is in very bad shape.” He spoke gently as he came forward. “Watn’s wounds have stopped smoking, which means his fires have gone out. A dragon can only live a day at most without their fire… at least, in this situation. Jord is with him, though, and if they are permitted to share a cell it gives me hope that Jord will be able to help Watn.”

  If they were together. Hazel shuddered as her hands clenched. Part of her wanted to see the video they were talking about. But if they could see Watn’s wounds… she imagined him torn open and bleeding. Her stomach clenched. If this anonymous group was sending messages, that meant they wanted something. They wouldn’t take care of their prisoners, they’d have them in the worse shape possible to force Indulf into quick action.

  They can’t force action without hostages. Her hands clenched. They have Jord. They don’t need both of them.

  “What have they demanded?”

  Indulf’s expression twisted with anger. His nostrils flared as his jaw clenched. “They gave no demands. Not this time. It was just a message saying that they had the two of them and that they would get back to us with what they wanted.”

  Vindr’s arm snaked around her waist. “But we know they’re alive. Once Hyrr arrives, he and I will be able to trace our bond to where they’re being held.”

  “And what about the FBI?” She cocked a brow at Indulf. “Since they’re claiming that my boys attacked them, there have got to be some people making noise about that. What’s going on on that front?”

  “Congressman Zamir Bilal needs you to contact him right away,” Indulf told her. “And you are going to need to give an official statement. In the meantime, Vindr has to remain in custody. Which means that he won’t be let out of my sight.”

  Vindr’s eyes flashed. “Except when I go to save Jord and Watn.”

  The king turned toward him.

  “You can’t go with us,” Vindr continued, his expression fierce as he narrowed his eyes at Indulf. “Neither can Warmund. If these people are already attacking dragons, and attacking them well, then we can’t risk our actual royalty. But I’m not about to be left behind when my brothers are out there!”

  Hazel grabbed his hand. Indulf didn’t speak, only stared at him silently until Vindr dropped his head. His shoulders hunched and he kicked the floor.

  “My apologies, your Majesty. I didn’t mean to speak out of turn. I just—”

  “I know.” Indulf put a heavy hand on his shoulder. “But we need to proceed delicately. First, we find out what these kidnappers want. If it’s possible to have a peaceful solution, we need to pursue it.”

  Vindr’s head snapped up, a protest on his lips.

  A growl from Indulf stopped him. “We will pursue a peaceful solution if possible,” he repeated. “But as soon as Hyrr arrives, you and he will begin to plan an assault on the enemy’s location to rescue Jord and Watn. But you are not to make a move until I give the command.”

  Vindr reluctantly nodded.

  Hazel cleared her throat. “I have dealt with hostage situations before. I can work as a liaison in this case. They might be more willing to negotiate with a human.”

  Indulf nodded his thanks at her.

  What followed next was waiting. And waiting. And more waiting. She explained to Indulf and Anna what had happened, contacted the Congressman and told him what happened, and point-blank refused to leave the dragons. Not in this situation. She didn’t care if she was fired for this, she wasn’t going to go sort out politics when she could be here, helping her boys. At the very least, knowing that they were alive as she held Vindr in her arms.

  Several hours later, a large blue dragon landed outside, a figure in a suit and tie in his arms. Hazel and Vindr rushed out as Hyrr shifted back to his human form. She threw herself into his arms, ignoring Antonio as he sat on the ground and put his head between his legs.

  “You!” Hyrr thundered and slugged Vindr on the arm. “Idiot!”

  Hazel gaped. What had Vindr done?

  “You were freaking out so bad that you didn’t stop to check the bond properly.” Hyrr glared at Vindr. “I was trying to tell you, but would you listen? No… can’t listen to anybody but your own bloody self, can you? Typical! Jord withdrew the bond on purpose. He’s still alive!”

  “I know.” Vindr gripped his arm. “And he’s been taken prisoner.”

  Antonio’s head rose. “What? No, that’s not possible. I left him with my men.”

  All of them stared at him. He got to his feet shakily, his hands clenched. He opened his mouth, but whatever angry thing he had to say faded away. His muscles unclenched, his head bowed and he seemed to sag toward the ground.

  “They betrayed you,” Hazel said. It was harsh but true. “And your testimony is going to be vital to keep shit from hitting the fan.”

  Antonio glared at her for a minute but nodded. His jaw clenched as he brushed past her, leaving the three of them alone. Hazel clung to both Vindr and Hyrr, her heart swelling with relief. She had two of her boys—now she had to get the other two back as well.

  Chapter Twelve


  Watn had at least stopped bleeding. Jord licked his own split lip as he crouched over his fellow Hunter, inspecting the careless bandages. He wasn’t certain how they’d found Watn or what they had done to him, but when Jord had been thrust in here—by the FBI agents, the ones who claimed they were trying to help Hazel—he’d found Watn swathed in bloody bandages and on death’s door.

  It had taken every bit of strength he had in the past few hours to keep Watn alive. His fires had gone cold, his body like ice. He hadn’t regained consciousness, the bond between them, even so close together, was so faint it was almost not there. He was in bad shape and needed proper care. Not that he was going to receive that here.

  Watn’s heart stuttered. Jord’s own jumped and he bent over Watn, checking his pulse just to be sure. The beating was so weak he could hardly feel it. The bleeding may have stopped, but he had lost so much blood already…

  The beat faded. Jord pinched Watn’s nose closed and sealed his mouth over Watn’s as he called up his fires. He breathed gently, sending the warmth of his own fires through to Watn’s body. It was an agonizingly slow process, but Watn’s skin started to warm again. Before he could be fully recovered, though, Jord’s fires grew too low to continue. Between trying to heal his own wound and lending his fires to Watn, he didn’t have much left…

  Jord slumped against the wall, keeping a hand on Watn’s chest. His own chest ached and the reopened bullet wounds oozed blood through the bandages he wore. Various bruises and cuts made his entire body ache. What he needed was rest. A good, long sleep to refuel his fires.

  But these cowards weren’t going to give him time. They hadn’t even given him the chance to fight back. They’d brought him back to the cabin in the woods, and without warning, had attacked him. Baseball bats, tasers, everything but shooting him in the chest again. The sheer number of them and his already low fires had overwhelmed him. He hadn’t been able to shift, and with their beating on him?

  “We’re going to get out of this,” he murmured to Watn’s unconscious form. He longed to reach out through the bond to Vindr and Hyrr, but he’d seen enough when he was dragged into this cold, dark facility to know that he couldn’t do that.

  Whatever this place was, it was heavily armed. Guards with machine guns walked the corridors, and there were several other sorts of guns—anti-aircraft, bazookas, and he’d even seen a couple of fighter jets. No… he had to keep them at bay, otherwise, they’d just end up killed.

  The doors slammed open. Jo
rd looked up sharply, a snarl on his lips as the half-dozen familiar faces came in. Their leader, whose name Jord didn’t know, set down a chair in the center of the room and gestured to his men. A couple of them had cameras. The others seized Jord and dragged him to the chair, forcing him to sit. They chained him to it.

  Jord snarled as one of them kicked Watn. “He’s unconscious, are you such cowards that you beat on—”

  A nightstick whacking across his jaw cut him off. Jord sucked on the blood that welled between his teeth and spat it out again. True cowards, not even letting him speak. He glowered at their leader as Watn was left where he was, though one of the cameras focused on him.

  “Can you read English?” the leader asked, his tone superior and self-satisfied.

  Jord resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Of course, he could read English! What did these people take him for? “Our magic translates all languages. I can read anything you put in front of me.”

  The leader sneered. “Well aren’t you a Rosetta stone.”

  What sort of insult was that? Jord glared at him but didn’t let on that he had no idea what a Rosetta stone was. It didn’t matter. Right now, he had to find some way to gain the upper hand. He tested the chains around him as a music stand was put in front of him and a paper placed on that. The chains held tightly, but the wooden structure of the chair was weak. If he could snap off one of these arms, he could use it as a weapon. There were only six men. A couple had tasers, so they’d be the ones he took out first.

  “You are going to read that,” the leader said, tapping the paper before him. “And then you’re going to beg for your king to give us what we want, for your companion’s life.”

  Jord snorted. They all wore guns, which would be a problem. But if they did draw their weapons in this small space it would be easy enough to take out a few of them with friendly fire before they got the memo.


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