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Savvy Negotiator (Untraceable Succubus Book 2)

Page 8

by Erin R Flynn

  “Ha, ha, funny woman,” he drawled.

  We started, and I learned real fast that running at that elevation wasn’t a fucking joke and certainly much harder. I wanted to apologize to anyone who had ever complained about it and I’d thought they were a baby.

  I also understood why the USA team Olympic Training center was at a high elevation in Colorado. That had to prep them pretty well for any other country and terrain.

  When I saw the orange stake, I put on a burst of speed and kissed the damn thing before turning around, very ready for the downhill easier part. And the other bottle of water I’d brought. Damn. I was getting out of shape, which was stupid given my line of work. There was too much stress to ever be neglectful.

  The medic guy gave me a wink at the last mile and took off. I was hot on his heels and then burst past him at the last minute to win.

  “Oh fuck, give me mouth to mouth when my heart gives out,” I groaned as I walked around to cool down.

  “Yeah, I could suffer through that,” he drawled, doing the same. “Not bad for your first mountain run.”

  “Not my first ever, but it’s been a long time, and I’m not sure if it was as high as Denver,” I admitted. I glanced over to see Tomas and one other guy finish next, everyone teasing the one who came in last.

  “Yeah, yeah, I used a lot of energy last night, and she was totally worth buying lunch,” he threw right back, wiggling his eyebrows like we didn’t already get his drift.

  We caravanned it over to the club, and it was nice, not a fancy, rich one, but for people who were serious. Sure, there would still be the gym bunnies and studs, though mostly it was geared for those into CrossFit or with serious goals in mind.

  I swiped in and told them I’d meet them so they could show me the ropes before heading to the locker room.

  “So you’ve got dibs, right?” one of the guys asked Tomas.

  “She’s a one date only woman,” he muttered. “I get the feeling she’s been burned bad, and with as hot as she is, yeah, I could see the list of stalkers she probably has.”

  “I think I could die a happy man if I got one night with her,” the medic admitted.

  Men. It was flattering though.

  I put my hoodie, pants, and bag in the locker before tucking my membership card in my bra since that opened it. I headed back out with my lifting gloves in spandex shorts and a sports bra crop top.

  “Nice,” Tomas teased as he read what was on my shirt.

  I shrugged. “It’s very true.” It said “I Love Carbs, Swearing, Sex, Lifting, And Punch Anyone Who Objects.” It was one of my favorite workout shirts for obvious reasons. “I warned you I eat a lot.” I glanced around as we moved more into the gym area. “Does this place have sparring, or is there a good gym for that?”

  “Back corner, but if you’re really into it, there are better places for it,” he told me.

  We met up with their female friends, all of them standing around just waiting for them. Not my style, but they could be spotting partners or something.

  I was introduced around, nodding and trying to keep up with all the names.

  “I’m a vegan,” one of the women announced proudly.

  I was proud that I didn’t roll my eyes. Hey, if that was how someone wanted to roll, that was their choice, but people who wore it like a badge they were better than others annoyed me. They weren’t in the Peace Corp, they were weirdos who didn’t eat meat. They weren’t saving the planet by not eating livestock. There were a shit ton of pesticides and crap put into the ground and water from vegetable farming.

  If they really wanted to help, they’d support organic ranchers and farmers and buy the meat right from them to cut back on overhead or getting gypped by corporations. I would if I knew how to cook, but I knew Heavenly Entertainment was a firm proponent of it.

  “I eat out a lot,” I replied with a nod.

  “Tomas said you were a dancer?” one asked me, Jade, I think was her name, looking like she was trying not to laugh at what I said. “Where are you dancing at?”

  I told them and watched the range of reactions. I opened my mouth to get defensive but blew out a harsh breath. “Yeah, I can’t even say anything that you’re all turning up your noses. It’s just a week trial. I went to the place nearest where I’m staying that said they were hiring. We’ll see what happens.”

  “Just be careful,” Jade warned. “Not all of the stories about that place can be bull.”

  I pulled up my hair and nodded. “Yeah, I’d believe them after walking in on a dancer giving the owner a blow job so she didn’t have to pay the off stage fee. Apparently all the dancers are ‘his’ like that. I made it clear I wasn’t.”

  “Smart because I saw you just that one dance and you could get a gig anywhere,” Tomas complimented.

  I was actually impressed when everyone started. They had their acts together and did rotating stations with partners, and even if some seemed to be going more through the motions to hang with friends, they were doing something and good for them. Just moving was always better than sitting on your ass.

  But sitting on my ass was fun too, so it was hard to remember to move, and I moved for a living.

  “Heavenly Entertainment took over two clubs in Canada,” Jade told the others, and I swallowed a flinch.

  “You are obsessed with that company,” Greg drawled.

  “Yeah, well, it’s a fucking beast and awesome,” she defended. “They send in a dancer as a spy, get tons of dirt on the owner or people, and turn them all over to the cops. They don’t just take over, they make examples of sleezy places and practices because someone cares.”

  “Everyone’s heard that, but it never comes from people who work there,” I interjected. “It’s always someone who got fired and cries foul play of a spy. It sounds fishy when it comes from that kind of source.”

  “True, but I wish they’d take over a place here,” she muttered as she set down weights. “My friend works at their club in LA and keeps trying to talk me into going there. They get health care, a salary, and even if it’s tip share, she makes bank. Fuck, she’s part owner. A small part, but the dancers and entertainers are at the top, not the bottom and treated like whores like most clubs. They signed her up to learn about wine and get certified.”

  “That’s a hard certificate to get,” I replied, shaking my head. “I get knowing more and having a niche, but I’m just so not into wine. Knowing cigars, scotch, and whiskey has helped me land some whale regulars in the past. They like to enjoy their sparse free time.”

  “That’s smart,” Jade praised. “I really wish they’d open a club here.”

  “Me too,” Tomas and a few of the guys agreed, but he continued. “No one has a bad word to say about working there unless you’re not aboveboard or just expect people to throw money at you for showing tits. And it’s real security, not owners pissed at you when you make customers stop touching dancers or placating drunks not to brawl.”

  “Well, there’s some of that at any place with booze,” I teased. “There’s a lot of clubs in Denver though. I heard they’re not a fan of putting places out of business.”

  “Half the clubs here deserve to go out of business,” one of the other dancers argued.

  I spent the rest of the workout listening and getting dirt on the places they talked about, filing it away for later when I checked them out under the guise of maybe switching.

  “I’m debating taking a leave and going to visit my mom in Chicago,” Jade admitted. “Five murders in under a month and the cops just figured out it’s the same psycho weeks into it? Like shit, maybe it’s time for a vacation anywhere but here.”

  “You know any of them?” I asked gently.

  She shook her head. “No, but someone I work with did. She knew one of the hookers, and she wanted to talk to the police, but they gave her the run around, and then she was worried they’d treat her like a hooker too. You know how they lump us all together.”

  “It’s so stupid,”
I grumbled. “Porn is sex for money, who cares if it’s hooking? It’s legal in other countries. It’s one of the oldest professions. Just make it safer. It’s like pot, just fucking make it legal everywhere already. There’s no crazy rise in usage when it’s made legal. There’s less risk of getting bad shit, and now it’s taxable which the state needed. It’s legal all over Europe, and we act like we’re so ahead of the curve. On what? People in prison?”

  “Things are finally changing with all the women winning primaries and fighting for leadership roles instead of the old generation that thought women couldn’t do it. Including other women,” Jade comforted.

  I flinched, thinking of my mother. “It was drilled in their head from the moment they were born. Honestly, it’s like a form of brainwashing. You can only hold out against that for so long before I think anyone would cave.”

  “Yeah, my mom’s like that,” she admitted as we switched and she spotted me. “She honestly thinks she’s a feminist, says it all the time, and then in the same breath states women shouldn’t be cops because they can’t do what men do. What? Abuse minorities and take advantage of the badge? That’s not a bad thing. Women are just as capable if they want it. We are just as smart and adaptable. It’s all bullshit otherwise.”

  “Sign me up to help whatever campaign you’re running because I’d totally vote for you,” one of the guys called over.

  She flushed a bit but looked glad they were supportive instead of rolling their eyes at her.

  After the workout, we ended up going right down the street to Panera Bread, and I was so in the mood for that I was practically drooling. I went up to the counter first and looked over my shoulder. “I’m buying, so what do you all want?”

  “Hey, loser buys and just for us,” Tomas reminded me.

  I shrugged. “It’s hard to find a good group when you move somewhere new. I’m just saying thanks for including the new girl. I’m not letting you crash at my place or rack up a bill at the spa.”

  “Your place has a spa?” Jade asked.

  I shrugged, smirking at her. “I made a friend who wasn’t using it, so I can stay as long as I want. I might have worked some private parties and found out his VP was doing some very bad things with his wife.”

  “Good friend,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “Wow, yeah, people say too much in front of the entertainment and like assume we’re deaf and dumb or something.”

  I nodded and ordered a creamy tomato soup bread bowl, a chicken salad sandwich, and an iced green tea along with a bagel pack. “I haven’t even filled my fridge yet. Bagels freeze.”

  “Fine, but we’re doing movie night at your place,” Jade teased me.

  I shrugged, glancing around at the large group. “We might need to bring in some floor pillows or something, but sure. I think there’s a theater room in the building we can reserve? I haven’t checked it out yet.”

  Jade ordered and then asked me where I was staying. Her eyes went wide when I told her. “Damn, girl.”

  “He wasn’t using it and was very grateful he didn’t have to give it to his wife in the divorce now. He said I can use it as long as I want.” Obviously that was a total lie, but I thought it the best cover to tell them instead of acting like a mistress or high class call girl. “There are some hotties in the building I plan on getting to know.”

  She sighed. “I’ve had such a dry spell I could use some of that.”

  “I’m off Wednesday if you’re up for some fun?” I offered.

  “Yeah, I’m off then too. We can go bug Greg.” She named the club he worked security at, and it was perfect because that was on the list of ones to check out too.

  Wow, getting in with Tomas was really working out, and I already had something valuable to tell the police to maybe push them into giving me what they had.

  Which was the first call I made after I was done with lunch. I was surprised when Commander Hall actually answered, but it was his direct line.

  “I wanted to let you know I got word that a dancer tried to come speak to that lead guy but got the run around and she was afraid they’d start trouble for her like she was a hooker,” I told him, deciding to give him the whole truth. “I got in with some security and dancers and joined their workout group. She knew one of the hookers and tried to tell you what she knew.”

  He was quiet a moment. “I will inform the new lead. Off the record it looks like you’re going to be approved as consulting on the case, but I don’t want to say for sure until I get word.”

  “I understand. I also didn’t want to sit on this, and I can’t be the one who goes if I’m working the other side. She’s just a dancer who knew the hooker. They treat her like a hooker and she’ll clamp up.”

  “I agree. Do you have a name?”

  I didn’t, but I told him what club she worked at since Jade said she was at the same club. They had to have some sort of record of who they questioned or spoke with, right? They couldn’t be that inept at their jobs?

  I hoped not.

  I about fell over when Tomas and a whole bunch of his former military friends came into the club that night. A few were from the workout group I’d met, but he’d gotten a bunch more.

  And they were equally shocked when I came out and danced in the red catsuit to “Oops I Did It Again” and then “I’m A Slave 4U.” I had to adjust it given the size of the stage and pole, but it went over well like always. When I finished, I did my customer service and went right over to him with a smile. “You guys want me to dance on this pole, or you want to take that back corner and get lap dances?”

  “Will you still respect me in the morning if I get hard when you do?”

  “I’d be offended if you didn’t,” I threw right back, smiling when several of them laughed.

  “I’m just gonna call that Acadia’s party corner,” the bartender told me.

  “I’m gonna call this your home,” I muttered, giving him a look like he was crazy to be working again.

  “I was off yesterday, and I’m covering for someone else today since I owed them a favor,” he explained, handing over the drinks I’d ordered for the guys to get a break.

  Tomas and the others stayed until ten when I was off, and I found out the real reason he’d brought in such a large group of obviously kickass guys was to intimidate the security working there so they didn’t fuck with me. They were hugging on me as we walked out, staring down the guys as I paid out to the club for the lap dances, and clearly saying I was one of them.

  “Damn, I owe you way more than lunch for that, and you guys paid me for the lap dances,” I muttered, letting him see I knew what he was doing.

  He shrugged. “I might need the favor too sometime. Jade came in and played the role of jealous girlfriend when a few of the regulars got a bit overzealous with me. It’s just easier to handle it earlier than wait until there’s a problem.”

  “Fine, but I was going to give you a blow job,” I teased, several of his friends bursting out laughing. “Would you take a bubble bath selfie when I get home?”

  “Shit, don’t tease me,” he groaned, shaking his head as I slid into my car.

  I picked up food on the way home, and once I was there I changed and used the portal to get to our home base. Kyle was snoozing on the couch while one of the other guys took over the monitors for him, as no matter how good anyone was, no matter human or demon or supe, there was only so long someone could stare at monitors and camera feeds before their eyes started to cross.

  “I brought grease,” I told them as I dropped off several bags before heading to my setup. There were some more names, and I worked the next few hours pulling jackets and information. I also started my social media metadata searches when I saw the coordinates someone had already pulled for the first two murders. Both looked like dumps, but it was a place to start.

  It was after two in the morning when I crawled into bed. I had decided to get us backdoor access to Denver’s traffic cam system. It would give the team more to look through, as ther
e were cams near all the sites.

  But it had been another day full of progress, so that was all I could hope for. Now if the police would just let us help given I’d gotten on their radar, I would be a happy demon.


  The next morning I remembered to head back to home base and pull more information on the gossip I’d learned on other clubs. Also on the friends I’d made, as most of them would probably be people we wanted to hire after we took over the club.

  Especially since I didn’t seem to think anyone besides the bartender was worth keeping around.

  “Who are you that you’ve got a party fucking booked in the corner over there?” Kitty demanded when I arrived at work. She and several others cornered me in the bathroom, and none were happy.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I told her honestly. “Someone reserved me? Do we even do that?”

  “No, but apparently they called and said they’d come in with a party if you would give dances for them from eight to ten,” she sneered.

  “Okay, well, that leaves everyone else for you,” I said with a shrug as I turned back to the mirror. “I’m assuming that’s fine if the owner agreed.” She grabbed my arm, digging her fake nails into my skin, and tugged on me… Except I didn’t move. I gave her a bored look before glancing at her hand and then her eyes. “Remove your hand before I break it. I will absolutely do it to another woman just as I would a man.”

  She did, making sure to scratch me. “You’re not better than us. You still pay your off stage fee like we do, the guys were all saying so.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “I don’t actually. I made sure of that when I agreed to a week trial. I very clearly told the owner if he touches me, I’m calling the cops. So they can talk all they want.” I clicked my tongue at her when she opened her mouth to blast me. “And I’m not looking down on any of you except for pulling shit like this. Ganging up on the new girl and constantly accusing her of shit does no one any good.”

  “You are just—”

  “Not having this argument with you when I can smell the tequila coming out of your fucking pores,” I sneered. “You want to let everyone touch you and give strippers a bad name by being drunk and allowing whatever? I’ve not said a thing about it. But I’m a free agent and gave this club a trial. I know my value, and I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like anything I do. I can look at myself in the mirror. Do you drink so much because you can’t?”


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