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Page 7

by Reynolds, Aurora Rose


  Sitting on my front porch, with one of my thicker sweaters wrapped around me, I go back and forth between the notes I wrote this morning and the document I have open on my computer. Since I didn’t have a chance to work on my new series pitch this morning and spent the afternoon with Gia and Gino, who is way more adorable in person, I’m doing it now as I wait for Tide to get here. When I hear the rumble of his engine coming up the driveway, I look up, and my eyes lock with his through the windshield, causing a nervous smile to lift my lips.

  Today, he sent me a couple of texts just to check in, something I wasn’t expecting him to do, but really liked more than I probably should have. As he shuts down the engine, I see him reach over to the passenger seat to grab something, then a moment later, his door swings open, and he gets out. How a man can make boots, jeans, and a thermal look so good is a news to me, but on him, it looks better than even the most expensive suit hanging in my dad’s closet.

  I lick my lips as he comes up the steps and watch his eyes darken in a way that sends my pulse skittering. “I know I might have made a mistake not calling to ask what you wanted to eat for dinner, but I figured there aren’t many people who grow up in the south who don’t like fried chicken, corn, and mac and cheese.”

  “You’d be right about that.” I shut my laptop and hold my breath as he bends to kiss me.

  “What were you working on?” he asks, the question and the kiss both catching me off guard. “Aria.”

  “Sorry.” I clear my throat. “A new series.”

  “Yeah? You came up with something?”

  “Yes, in the shower this morning, actually,” I admit, and he smiles a smile that makes my heart flutter.

  “That’s great, babe. I’m sure your agent will be happy,” he says while we head into the house.

  “She was.” I get down plates while he unloads food from the bag he brought. “I sent her a text this morning and gave her a rough idea of the story. She wants to pitch it Tuesday, so I have to get the outline to her by tomorrow evening.”

  “I’m happy for you.” His hand rests against my back as his lips brush my temple.

  “Thanks,” I say quietly, knowing without a doubt that I’m in trouble, because with him, I don’t think casual is going to work. Not when I could get used to the way he makes me feel.

  Chapter 9


  WHEN THE DOORBELL rings, I look over to where Olivia is hanging half on, half off the chair in the living room, and sigh when she looks at me and pouts. I know she knows her mom’s here and that she isn’t any happier about it than I am.

  “I don’t want to leave, Daddy,” she tells me as I head for the door, and my chest aches when she flips off the chair and rushes to me, wrapping her arms around my hips.

  “I know, angel. I don’t want that either.” My hand slides over the top of her soft hair before I palm the back of her head. “But in a week, you’ll be with me again.” I never wanted a life where I only had her every other week. That’s why, when she was little, I was determined to make things work with her mom, regardless of our issues. But with Anna, it was never that easy. She wasn’t happy and made that clear with words, actions, and eventually leaving. Looking back, I’m glad she had the balls to pull the trigger and jump ship, because I know I never would have. I would’ve stayed with her, even if I was miserable. The doorbell rings again, and my jaw clenches before I force myself to relax. “Go pack your toys,” I tell her, knowing she has clothes at her mom’s, so she doesn’t need to take that stuff with her.

  “Okay, Daddy.” She ducks her head as she heads down the hall to her room.

  I pull my eyes off her and open the door, and Anna places her hand on her hip. I know most men look at her and think she’s beautiful, with her girl-next-door blonde hair and blue eyes, but I’m no longer fooled by the pretty package she’s wrapped in.

  “I was starting to think you weren’t here.”

  I don’t respond. I open the door fully for her to come inside and watch her look around like she’s searching for something.

  “I thought you might have company. Rumor around town is you’re seeing Aria Spencer,” she says casually, turning to face me and tipping her head to the side. “Is that true?”

  “It’s none of your business.” I’m not surprised that rumors are going around about Aria and me, not when we’ve spent pretty much every day together since the first time we slept together weeks ago, and some of those days we’ve been in town, going out to eat, the movies, or just the store. The only time I haven’t seen her is when I’ve had Olivia, and even then I stopped by her place a few times for lunch while Olivia’s been at school.

  “It is my business if she’s going to be around Olivia.”

  “Don’t start that shit, Anna. You don’t tell me about all the dudes you’re hooking up with, and don’t try to lie.” I hold up my hand when she opens her mouth. “Olivia’s told me that she’s had breakfast with more than one of your ‘friends’—” I make air quotes. “—when they’ve stayed over with you.”

  “Those guys were just friends.”

  “Right.” I shake my head, knowing she’s full of shit. “When I decide it’s time for Aria to meet Olivia, I’ll give you a heads-up, only because I don’t need you freaking Olivia out when she tells you about it.” And Anna would lose her shit if Olivia came home one day to tell her she met my girlfriend, because even if she doesn’t want me in her bed, I’m somehow still hers.

  “So you are going to introduce them?” I watch her brows shoot up in surprise and know it’s because I’ve never brought a woman I’m seeing around Olivia. Then again, none of them were women I could see a future with.

  “Eventually, yeah,” I agree, and she starts to open her mouth to say something but stops when Olivia hops her way into the living room.

  “Hi, Mommy.” She goes to Anna, and I watch the two of them embrace. I can’t say that Anna was good for me or that we get along, but I will admit she is a great mom to our daughter. Even with the drama that seems to constantly swirl around us, she puts Olivia first, and that’s something I’m grateful for.

  “Did you have a good time with your dad this week?” Anna asks her, taking the purple glitter backpack she’s holding.

  “I always have fun with Daddy.” Olivia looks at me and rolls her eyes, making me wonder what the hell I’m in for when she hits her teen years.

  “Did you see Grandma and Grandpa?”

  “Yes, and Grandma got me a new tea set for when I’m at her house.”

  “That’s fun.” If I didn’t know, I’d think her smile was fake, but it’s not. Anna doesn’t have any kind of relationship with her parents—something she hates but is too stubborn to change, so she has always pushed for Olivia to have a relationship with her grandparents. It doesn’t hurt that any time she needs something, my mom and dad are there, regardless of the fact that they don’t get along. “Are you ready to go? We need to stop at the grocery store on the way home.”

  Instead of answering, Olivia turns toward me, and the moment she’s close, I pick her up, and she wraps her arms around my neck, giving me a tight squeeze. “I love you, Daddy.” She leans back to look at me. “Will you come to my birthday party at school?”

  “Will you let me eat some of your cupcakes?”

  “You can have one.”

  “How about two?”

  “Okay, two.” She gives in as her cute little nose scrunches.

  Smiling, I kiss her cheek, then place her on her feet, meeting her mom’s gaze. “Let me know what I need to bring for that.”

  “I’ll send you a text.”

  Lifting my chin, I walk the two of them to the door, giving Olivia one more hug. I stand in the doorway as they load into Anna’s car and smile at Olivia when she makes a funny face at me through the back window. Once they back out of the driveway, I walk inside my small two-bedroom house and go through the living room, picking up the coloring books, toys, and other randomne
ss Olivia dragged out of her bedroom over the last week and put it all away. I do a sweep for dishes, shoving them in the dishwasher, then half-ass fold the laundry that’s piled up, not even bothering to put it away. When the house is somewhat back to normal, I pack a bag and head to the gym where I’m meeting Colton for a workout before I go to Aria’s place for dinner and to spend the night.

  When I arrive at the gym fifteen minutes later, I park next to Colton’s truck, shut down the engine, and get out, grabbing my water bottle. I head towards the building and scan the room when I get inside, noticing Colton at the weights, with his eyes on one of the smaller rooms in the back and a frown on his face.

  “What’s going on?” I greet him, taking off my hoodie, and he turns to me, shaking his head.

  “Gia’s got it in her head she needs to lose her baby weight, so she dragged Aria here to take one of the spin classes today.”

  “What?” I look at the room and spot Aria on a stationary bike, wearing a pair of tight leggings and a cut-off shirt that’s hanging off one shoulder, with Gia at her side and a few other men and women scattered around the room. My jaw twitches when I see the guy next to her turn and smile at her, saying something I can’t hear. The male instructor in front of the class encourages them to stand and squat as they spin like he is. Watching Aria’s ass as she follows along, I look around, noticing a few of the other guys working out are watching what’s going on as well.

  “You look how I feel,” Colton says, and I drag my eyes off Aria’s ass and glare at him. “Welcome to the world of jealousy.” He starts to lift the weights he’s holding, and I pick up two fifty-pound dumbbells and follow suit. I want to deny that I’m jealous, but fuck me he’s not wrong, and the emotion is completely foreign to me, making me feel itchy and on edge.

  “How do you deal with that shit all the time?”

  “Jealousy?” he asks, and I grunt. “Swallow it down and get over it. I also know Gia is oblivious to men when they are coming on to her, and she’s mine, so that helps,” he says, then raises a brow. “Is Aria yours?”

  “She’s mine, but I’m not sure she knows that.”

  “What?” His brows dart together in confusion.

  “I didn’t want to freak her out by moving too fast, so I told her that we could take things slow and keep things casual.”

  “You’re a fucking idiot.”

  “Thanks, motherfucker.” I sigh.

  “You need to talk to her. I know that’s not something you’re used to doing, but you need to actually have a conversation that includes real words so she knows what’s happening between you two before shit blows up in your face.”

  He’s right. I do need to talk to her about us. I just hope the last few weeks of us being together is proof enough for her that this can work.

  “Christ.” His eyes meet mine in the mirror in front of us. “You’re worried she won’t want to be with you.”

  “She just got out a fucked-up marriage, and her relationship with her parents is a mess,” I admit, something she’s opened up to me about recently. Her parents are the thing that makes her the most anxious, even if she won’t admit it.

  “Yeah, and your ex you have a kid with is not a Disney princess spreading joy all over the place. Everyone brings baggage into a relationship; it’s about how you two help each other deal with shit that’s important.” He sets down his weights and picks up his water, taking a swig before pinning me in place. “No one’s relationship is perfect. There is always going to be shit to work through and deal with. It’s coming out on the other side together that makes you stronger.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I know,” he agrees, glancing at the windows where the girls are. I do the same, noticing the guy next to Aria talking to her again while the instructor has gotten off his bike to stand next to Gia with his hand on her back. “Do you feel like crashing a spinning class?”

  “So you’re not going to swallow down the jealousy with the knowledge that Gia is yours?” I ask sarcastically.

  “Fuck no, not when there’s a man touching her,” he says, and I grin, setting down my weights.

  “Let’s go.” I motion for him to head into the class ahead of me, and when we walk through the door, no one notices our presence over the loud-as-fuck techno music playing.

  We both get on bikes cattycorner to both girls and start to spin while the instructor heads back up to the front of the class. When the guy in front of me tries to get Aria’s attention again, my first instinct is to get off my bike and make it clear that she’s not available. But I settle when I notice she’s trying hard to ignore his presence and seems irritated rather than happy about the distraction.

  By the time the class comes to an end, I’m surprised how fucking hard the workout was and wonder how the fuck I’m going to get off the bike without falling on my face. Judging by Colton’s expression, he’s feeling the same. Both Aria and Gia hop off their bikes with ease, and when they turn to grab their towels, both look surprised to see Colton and me behind them.

  “What are you doing in here?” I hear Gia asks as Aria walks toward me, smiling while putting a zip-up hoodie on over her shirt.

  “Colton said you were going to work out with him. I didn’t know you were going to do this class too.”

  “It wasn’t part of the plan.” I get off the bike, wincing. “And I’m not sure I’ll take this class again.”

  “That seat is killer.” She grins knowingly at me, then turns when the guy who was trying to talk to her earlier rests his hand on her shoulder.

  “I know this is kinda forward.” He glances nervously at me before focusing back on her. “But I was wondering if I could get your number, and maybe we could get dinner or something some time.”

  “Oh… well—” She fidgets with the zipper of her sweatshirt looking nervous.

  “She’s not available,” I cut her off, not even attempting to hide my annoyance.

  “Figures.” He walks off, and I glare at his back as he goes, then focus on Aria.

  “You’re not available,” I tell her, watching her cheeks darken. “Not even a little.”

  “Okay,” she agrees, looking unsure, and I shake my head, pretty sure that when Colton said I needed to have a talk with her about where I see our relationship going, he didn’t mean for me to tell her that she was mine like a fucking Neanderthal.

  “Hey,” Gia cuts in, giving me a one-armed hug. “We’ll meet you two outside.”

  Aria nods at her, then turns to me when she walks away. “So.” She clears her throat. “Gia, Colton, and I were talking on the way over here about all of us having dinner at their place tonight. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yeah.” I take her hand and twine our fingers together, catching Gia and Colton heading toward the exit. I grab my hoodie and water bottle never letting her go. When we get outside, they’re standing next to their truck waiting for us, so we head that way. “Aria told me about dinner. We’re going to stop at her place to shower, then we’ll be over.” At the mention of a shower, I feel Aria’s fingers flex against mine, so I give them a squeeze.

  “We’ll see you in a few.” Gia grins at Aria, and Colton lifts his chin at me before he walks Gia around to the passenger door, opening it for her to get in.

  I open the door for Aria, and once her ass is in the seat, I shut it and head around to the driver side and get in behind the wheel. “Did you have a good time with Olivia?” she asks while I back out of the spot.

  “Is that really what you want to talk about?” I glance at her, sure that’s the last thing on her mind, given that I talked to her off and on throughout the day today and every day for the last week. “You don’t want to talk about you and me being in a relationship?”

  “You didn’t exactly make it seem like that was up for debate.” My lips twitch at her snarky reply, and I reach over, taking her hand and dragging it to my thigh. “Why now? I thought you wanted things casual.”


ou’re the one who said we could keep things casual. I thought that’s what you wanted.”

  “No, I wanted you, so I told you what I thought you wanted to hear.” I squeeze her hand. “I knew you had reservations about being with me, but I hoped with time you’d see we could make this work.”

  “So you lied.”

  Fuck, I want to deny it, but it’s true. “I did, and as fucked up as it makes me, I’d lie again to be where we are right now.”

  “Where we are?” She tries to drag her hand out from under mine. “I didn’t think I was good enough to be with you.”

  “Tell me, Aria. When over the last few weeks have I ever made you feel like you were not good enough to be with me?” I meet her gaze when I stop at a red light. “Was it when I introduced you to my best friend and his wife? When we went to the movies, out to eat, and to the store? Or maybe it was last weekend when my mom called and you talked to her for twenty minutes after she found out I stayed the night with you and we were up having breakfast?”


  “The answer is never.” I shake my head and put my foot on the gas when the light turns green. “I know now I should have been honest about what I wanted, but can you tell me that you would have been open to that?” I see her out of the corner of my eye as she shifts in her seat, and I know when her fingers relax that she realizes she wouldn’t have been. She would have fought me the entire way, even if she wanted to give in. “I want to be with you, Aria. I might have gone about shit the wrong way, but I want to be with you.”


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